New version of Bibliographies V7.5 installed
The BIB051: List CIP report has been added to the Bibliographies, news, etc. (abc, UDC) reports group for the needs of libraries that create CIP records.
Applications for changes to the composition of programme/project groups for 2025 that have not yet been submitted to ARIS can be submitted through SICRIS.
Installed lists of databases with data on journals for 2024 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
New version of SICRIS, V3.3.2, installed
In the new SICRIS version, members of programme/project groups are entered as members of a certain participating research organization. Consequently, a member can be entered within one or more participating research organizations, which is considered also when changing membership in programme/project groups.
Changes in programme/project groups in SICRIS can be now edited also by persons in a research organisation who have the right of SICRIS Records Editors in Digital Forms.
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on journals' impact factors for 2023 was added to the JCR (Journal Citation Reports) database (Impact factor (1994–2023)). The data on journals' impact factors for 2023 was added to the SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) database and the data for previous years was updated (1999–2023)). In COBISS.SI, the structure of both databases is updated.
From 2022 onwards, the data on journals from the A&HCI in ESCI databases is shown. From 2023 onwards, the journals from the A&HCI in ESCI databases (ranked in categories covered by the SCIE and SSCI databases) are now ranked and categorised into quartieles. These changes will be shown when evaluating research performance if changes in the JCR database will be followed by changes of bibliographic performance indicators according to the ARIS methodology and changes of the criteria for the election to titles.
Via SICRIS, you can submit applications for changes in the composition of programme/project groups for 2024 that you have not yet sent to ARIS.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARIS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
New version of SICRIS, V3.3, installed
In case of changes in employment loads, organizations can now batch sign for several researchers at the same time.
History report related to changes in employment loads for the current and previous year is now available to organizations.
Corrections for editing programme/project groups installed.
The title dr. was removed if the doctorate was obtained abroad.
Registration for the COBISS 2024 Conference is now open.
New version of SICRIS V3.2 and Bibliographies V7.3.1 installed
In the SICRIS system, on the intrdocution pages of researchers and in the Services menu, a new report is added for Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles: Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care.
When logging in via DigitalForms portal, editing rights are saved in the JWT token.
History report related to changes in employment loads now possible.
Corrections for editing programme/project groups installed.
Published data for ARIS tenders (21 May 2024) within the SICRIS information system.
New version of SICRIS V3.1. installed
The ecris-api library has been updated which redirects REST calls between the Slovenian SICRIS system and other E-CRIS systems.
New version of SICRIS, V3.0, installed
From now on, you can change research organizations via the SICRIS portal or submit applications for:
New version of Bibliographies, V7.3 installed.
Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto added to the SICRIS system (only in the Slovenian version).
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARIS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
New version of Bibliographies, V7.2 installed.
New features and updates:
- the maximum number of points (80) applies to editorial offices of category F and G together
- editorial points are no longer awarded to all types of monographs
- link (dCOBISS) to display open access data in COBISS+
- links to publications in institutional digital repositories
- information on projects and financiers; if the data is not in dCOBISS, the data on the projects will continue to be displayed from fields 338
Corrections of impact factors and ranking of some journals in the database JCR for 2022 are added to the COBISS.SI system.
Published data for ARIS tenders (12 January 2024) within the SICRIS information system.
The list of international publishers that are taken into account when categorising research publications (BIBLIO-C) for the year 2024 was published. From 2024 onwards, the publishers WSEAS Press, InTechOpen, Nova Science Publishers and Dr. Kovač are no longer on the list based on decisions by ARIS.
After 15 January 2024, the link to E-CRIS will be disabled. Please change it from to
New version of Bibliographies, V7.1 installed
New features and updates:
As of 1 January 2024, access to the old SICRIS and Bibliographies applications will be disabled and links from them will no longer be active.
Instructions for access to bibliography reports:
Installed lists of databases with data on journals for 2023 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
A new version of the Bibliographies, V7.0, is installed
New version of SICRIS, V2.3, installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• Prometheus and Grafana metrics added
• Ford classification for organisations added
• Import of equipment from ARIS enabled
• Researchers' statuses harmonised between SICRIS and ARIS-AURA
• Option of selecting the country added to the contact details
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on journals' impact factors for 2022 was added to the SNIP database and the data for previous years has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2022)).
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on journals' impact factors for 2022 was added to the JCR (Journal Citation Reports) database (Impact factor (1994–2022)). As of 2022, impact factors only have one decimal place.
At the moment, the JCR database still only displays journals from the SCIE and SSCI databases, even though the impact factor was also given to journals in the AHCI and ESCI databases for the first time in 2022. However, these journals have not been ranked in categories yet and are not categorised into quartiles in the first year. With regards of the evaluation of articles in journals that are part of AHCI and ESCI, there are no changes in researchers' bibliographies for now.
New version of SICRIS, V2.1, installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• When registering the researcher and contact person of the organization, a redirection is made to updating the record
• Connection to REST interfaces is enabled via the izum-http library
• When displaying projects and programmes in the researcher presentation, the period during which the researcher participated is listed (previously the entire period of the project or programme)
• When updating the data, accessibility for the visually impaired is improved
• E-CRIS.MK supports searching for researchers in Latin script, in E-CRIS.SR, E-CRIS.CG, E-CRIS.BH in Cyrillic script
• For researchers, we have made it possible to update personal data, education, mentoring and frascati classifications in E-CRIS systems
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Published data for ARIS tenders (14 June 2023) within the SICRIS information system.
New version of SICRIS, V2.1, installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• When registering the researcher and contact person of the organization, a redirection is made to updating the record
• Connection to REST interfaces is enabled via the izum-http library
• When displaying projects and programmes in the researcher presentation, the period during which the researcher participated is listed (previously the entire period of the project or programme)
• When updating the data, accessibility for the visually impaired is improved
• E-CRIS.MK supports searching for researchers in Latin script, in E-CRIS.SR, E-CRIS.CG, E-CRIS.BH in Cyrillic script
• For researchers, we have made it possible to update personal data, education, mentoring and frascati classifications in E-CRIS systems
Published data for ARRS tenders (28 Feb 2023) within the SICRIS information system.
A new version of the Bibliographies, V6.6, is installed
New features and updates
As of yet, the evaluation of groups on the count of technological updates remains according to the old bibliographic criteria and the old ARRS methodology.
New version of SICRIS V2.0 installed with which the E-CRIS systems in the network were updated
New version of Bibliographies V6.5 software is installed
New features when displaying citations in SICRIS (citations in WoS and Scopus)
• option of selecting the period of work publication added
• option of selecting a citation database added
• new reports added: by year of publication, by journal and report with linked records
• when selecting the report format, the JSON format was added
The SciMet portal was discontinued (most functionalities were transferred to SICRIS)
New version of SICRIS2 V1.5 installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• We enabled searching for international projects
• The researchers can register in a group of an international project
• Contact persons of organisations can add new and change all international projects
• The option FORD classification is added to the ARRS projects and programmes
Corrections of impact factors and ranking of some journals in the database JCR are added to the COBISS.SI system.
Installed lists of databases with data on journals for 2022 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
New version of SICRIS2 V1.4 installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• ARRS projects transfer enabled
• Search adaptation for administrators
• Daily data export for calls for tender
• Monthly data export for GDPR purposes
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on impact factors for 2021 has been added to the JCR database (Impact factor (1994–2021)). In the SNIP database, the data on impact factors for 2021 has been added and the data for previous years has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2021)).
New version of SICRIS2 V1.3 installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• daily transfer of evaluation data updated
• data transfer from ARRS overhauled
• automatic logout after login expiry added
• improved operation when changing researcher data
• improved display of publication titles
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues in evaluation of scientific monographies.
New version of SICRIS2 V1.2 installed
New features, bug fixes and updates
• renewed daily data transfer of number of publications and citations
• faster operation when editing data
• REST API enabled for access to SICRIS data
• improved hacking protection
• support to Google indexing for researchers and organisations
• migration of app to Wildfly 26
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
In the past few days the establishing of links with Web of Science and updating of citations for the purposes of creating reports in SICRIS and COBISS has not been performed due to technical changes made to the procedures.
Published data for ARRS tenders (23 May 2022) within the SICRIS information system.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
We would like to inform you that as of 1 September 2022, access to the SciMet services and the old SICRIS services will no longer be possible as these services are no longer updated. Most of the data and services are already available or will be in the new version of SICRIS. For more details, please send an e-mail to
Published data for ARRS tenders (19 Apr 2022) within the SICRIS information system.
New version of SICRIS2 (V1.1) installed
New features, bug fixes and supplements
• bug fixes when transferring data from ARRS
• validations when changing researchers' data added
• modules for administrators added to the changing of the data on researchers (entering researchers, changing status data, etc.)
• search supplemented: support to searching by several surnames, support to searching for English keyboards
• export of data to txt and csv formats enabled for the services Top performers and Top groups
• link to the new version of citations of groups of researchers
• project and programme reports for the period 2017–2021 imported to database
• links to the new COBISS+ version updated
• REST services for the needs of web bibliographies supplemented
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
The documents Typology of documents/works for bibliography management in COBISS and Additional instructions for cataloguing bibliographic units that are taken into account when evaluating research performance have been updated.
Data from annual, interim and final reports for over a thousand projects and programmes were imported to the SICRIS database. Basic data of over 7000 publications representing the most important scientific results and the most significant socially, economically and culturally relevant results was imported.
Published data for ARRS tenders (28 Feb 2022) within the SICRIS information system.
The previous SICRIS software version is still available at It includes the data last updated on 31 December 2021.
Web services of transferring the data changed at ARRS to SICRIS are among the information system updates at ARRS.
The new SICRIS software version ensures daily updated data from ARRS records of researchers, research organisations, research groups and young researchers.
SICRIS2, V1.0 installed
Basic data for 343 projects starting in 2021 and for 130 programmes or their new programming periods starting in 2022 was imported to the SICRIS database.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
SICRIS (BETA V0.9) installed
Corrections of impact factors and classifications of some journals in the database JCR are added to the COBISS.SI system.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Installation of lists of databases with data on journals for 2021 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on impact factors for 2020 has been added to the JCR database (Impact factor (1994–2020)). In the SNIP database, the data on impact factors for 2020 has been added and the data for previous years has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2020)).
Published data for ARRS tenders (28 Jun 2021) within the SICRIS information system.
Academic digital collection of Slovenia (ADZ) portal available at
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Published data for ARRS tenders (6 May 2021) within the SICRIS information system.
Published data for ARRS tenders (22 Apr 2021) within the SICRIS information system.
Web of Science webinars in March
Published data for ARRS tenders (12 Feb 2021) within the SICRIS information system.
Corrections of impact factors of some journals in the JCR database for 2019 added to the COBISS.SI system.
Published data for ARRS tenders (25 Jan 2021) within the SICRIS information system.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
In the last few days, creating links and updating citations for the purposes of reports in SICRIS and COBISS is not performed because of unexpected technical difficulties with the access to the Web of Science service.
Installation of a new version of the Bibliographies V5.12 software
Upon the request from Commission for Habilitation at the University of Ljubljana a new version of the report Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Ljubljana was introduced with one new (1.8) and one changed category (4.6).
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on impact factors for 2019 has been added to the JCR database (Impact factor (1994–2019)). In the SNIP database, the data on impact factors for 2019 has been added and the data for previous years has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2019)).
Published data for ARRS tenders (28 Jul 2020).
Published data for ARRS tenders (21 Jul 2020).
Published data for ARRS tenders (9 Jun 2020) within the SICRIS information system. Facebook Page launched (
COBISS+ V7.11 installed
Specialised university portals DiKUL, UM:NIK, NUK mEga search engine and Digital Portal of the University of Primorska implemented on the COBISS+ common software platform as a part of the Academic Digital Collection of Slovenia project.
ExLibris offers free access to news related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the relevant financing options for research related to the pandemic ( and
Web of Science webinars in March
Web of Science webinars in February
Published data for ARRS tenders (29 Jan 2020) within the SICRIS information system.
Web of Science webinars in January
COBISS+ V7.9 installed. A new Researchers search engine theme was added in COBISS+. It is intended for searching in electronic resources (beta version). More
Web of Science webinars in December
Corrections of impact factors of some journals in the JCR database for 2018 added to the COBISS.SI system.
Web of Science webinars in November
Installation of a new version of the Bibliographies V6.0 software
• Graphical and technological upgrade.
• New features in personal bibliographies:
- BibTex added to the bibliographic unit formats;
- PDF added to the report formats;
- classification option typology, authors, year – descending, title added in the classification of bibliographic units;
- option for excluding individual bibliographic units in all reports added;
- parameters in direct links changed.
• New features in serial bibliographies:
- option for searching by title or keywords added;
- option for selecting the same bibliographic unit formats and report formats as in personal bibliographies added;
- option for selecting the method of bibliographic units classification, displaying altmetrics, abstracts, and bibliography language added;
- options for selecting links with JCR/SNIP and WoS/Scopus;
- option for excluding individual bibliographic units added.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Web of Science webinars in October
Installation of lists of databases with data on journals for 2019 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
Bibliographies V5.11
On Wednesday, 18. Sep. 2019, a new version of the report Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Ljubljana will be installed. Upon the request from Commission for Habilitation at the University of Ljubljana changes of reports for some faculties (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Veterinary Faculty, Biotechnical Faculty) were carried out, which also affected the renumbering of some categories of the other faculties in the summary tables.
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on impact factors for 2018 has been added to the JCR database (Impact factor (1994–2018)). In the SNIP database, the data on impact factors for 2018 has been added and the data for previous years has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2018)).
Web of Science webinars in September
Published data for ARRS tenders (2 Jul 2019).
New application for the public lending right.
The ProQuest One Academic trial access is available until 4 July 2018
Web of Science webinars in Jun
Web of Science webinars in May
Published data for ARRS tenders (25 Apr 2019).
Web of Science webinars in April
Published data for ARRS tenders (4 Apr 2019) within the SICRIS information system
SICRIS V3.4.3, Bibliographies V5.10
Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School service added to the SICRIS system.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
25 January 2019: Prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič, Rector of the University of Maribor, has expressed the University of Maribor’s support to IZUM to continue with the project of expanding the network.
Corrections of impact factors and classifications of some journals in the database JCR are added to the COBISS.SI system.
Web of Science webinars in January
Published data for ARRS tenders (11 Dec 2018).
Web of Science webinars in December
Installation of lists of databases with data on journals for 2018 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
Additional instructions for cataloguing bibliographic units, considered for research performance evaluation were updated.
Removal of an old version in COBISS3: Reports – Bibliographies, subject headings … between 10 and 11 November 2018.
The new version was installed in June 2018.
Removal of an old version in COBISS3: Reports – Bibliographies, subject headings … between 10 and 11 November 2018. The new version was installed in June 2018.
Published data for ARRS tenders (2 Oct 2018) within the SICRIS information system.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on impact factors for 2017 has been added to the JCR database (Impact factor (1994–2017)). In the SNIP database, the data on impact factors for 2017 has been added and the data for 2015 and 2016 has been updated (Impact factor (1999–2017)).
SICRIS, V3.4.2, Bibliographies , V5.9, July 2018
• Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the New University service, which makes it possible to assess a candidate's bibliography according to the criteria for the election to titles of the New University, added to the SICRIS system. The instructions for using the bibliography display are available in the document Pomoč.
• Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Maribor service supplemented as follows:
− The option of excluding individual bibliographic units from the point awarding system added.
− Since 2017 papers of the type 1.06 or 1.07 are classified in group 5 (Original Scientific Conference Contribution Published as a Whole) and no longer in group 3 (Peer-Reviewed Original Scientific Paper).
• Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Primorska service supplemented:
− In the point awarding system also type 3.11 (Radio or Television Event) is taken into consideration for performed works.
SICRIS, V3.4.1, July 2018<
• SICRIS upgraded to run in the .NET Framework 4.6.
• Faster display of the introduction pages of researchers, organizations, research groups, projects and programmes due to the fact that the data on citation is now calculated once a day. For projects and programmes, the calculations are only performed for those currently active.
Published data for ARRS tenders (22 May 2018).
SICRIS, V3.4, may 2018
Researchers are now able to log into SICRIS via authorised access, which lets them change their data that was not obtained from the ARRS records (e.g. phone and fax number, web address, CERIF classification, keywords, representative bibliography, foreign language proficiency, audio-visual resources, biographical data, ORCID).
Published data for ARRS tenders (14 Feb 2018).
Installed new lists of journals included in international bibliographic databases in 2017 and taken into consideration when evaluating research performance.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARRS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
SICRIS, V3.3.3, december 2017
• The SICRIS system includes basic information on more than 8000 international projects (source: CORDIS, ERASMUS, COST). You can perform basic search and print the list of international projects of research organisations (where it was possible to establish link).
Published data for ARRS tenders (13 Nov 2017).
Corrections of impact factors and classifications of some journals in the databases JCR and SNIP are added to the COBISS.SI system.
Published data for ARRS tenders (4 Sep 2017).
Data on Impact Factor 2016 added to the JCR database, data on Impact Factor 2016 added and data for previous years updated in the SNIP database in the COBISS.SI system.
Bibliographies V5.8, 25 July 2017
• For patents (type 2.24) data on the patent family from field 301 is displayed.
• In the HTML format, mathematical and other special signs entered into records according to the LaTeX rules are displayed.
• The funding information note (field 338) is displayed.
• In accordance with the SRA decision, for the evaluation and verification of bibliographic records by discipline, UDC codes were moved from engineering to social sciences:
− in group 71* (Physical planning. Regional, town and country planning. Landscapes, parks, gardens),
− in group 72* (Architecture) with the exception of the following UDC codes:
… 725 (Public, civil, commercial, industrial buildings. Secular architecture), which remains in engineering;
… 727 (Buildings for educational, scientific, cultural purposes), which remains in engineering;
… 728 (Domestic architecture. Housing. Residential buildings), which remains in engineering;
… 72.03 (Periods and phases of architecture. Schools, styles, influences), which was moved from engineering to humanities;
… 72.04 (Architectural details and finishes), which was moved from engineering to humanities;
… 726 (Religious, ecclesiastical architecture. Sacred and funerary buildings), which remains in humanities;
… 728.8 (Isolated large domestic buildings. Castles. Mansions. Manor houses), which remains in humanities.
• Other minor modifications.
The Journal Citation Reports 2016 database now available via the Web of Science portal. Once Thomson Reuters provides the JCR 2016 database in the required format, it will be included in COBISS+ and will also be taken into account in researchers' bibliographies evaluation.
Published data for ARRS tenders (15 May 2017).
The service Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Ljubljana, which initially enables a test display of a candidate's bibliography evaluation according to the criteria for the election to titles of the University of Ljubljana, added to the SICRIS system (Bibliographies, V5.7 & SICRIS, V3.3.2).
Published data for ARRS tenders (31 Mar 2017).
Installation of SICRIS V3.3.1 software – the introduction pages of the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor and the University of Primorska include a table with points and citations for the whole university. The points are calculated on the basis of bibliographic data of all researchers of the university, registered in SICRIS, taking into account their research area. The evaluation taking into account each researcher’s research area is now displayed on the introduction pages of all groups (programmes, projects, organisations), while the online evaluation still takes into account the research area of the group. Online evaluation is not possible for University of Ljubljana due to the list of researchers being too extensive.
Installation of SICRIS V3.3 software – updated lists of EU projects (source: CORDIS, COST, EUREKA, UNILJ) published on the introduction pages of the University of Ljubljana faculties on the SICRIS portal, and new lists with researchers and projects of all university members included on the introduction pages of the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor and the University of Primorska on the SICRIS portal.
Update of the COBISS/SciMet, V1.6 portal, which includes the display of the number of pure citations per author (CIAu) as well as basic and advanced searching for entity codes.
Installation of lists of international bibliographic databases with data on journals for 2016.
A new version of the E_CRIS.SR, E-CRIS.CG, E-CRIS.BH, E-CRIS.RS, E-CRIS.MK, E-CRIS.AL, E-CRIS.KO V 3.2 software has been installed in which the display of search results in the JSON format was added. At the same time, the web presentations of researchers, organisations, groups, projects, programmes and research equipment now also include the display of all publicly accessible data in the JSON format. This enables standardised access to data in a format, adapted to communication between computers.
Impact factors of certain journals for 2015 corrected by Thomson Reuters also included in the COBISS.SI system (Impact factor (1994 to 2015)).
Announcement of installation of Bibliographies V5.6 software and updates of the document Typology of Documents/Works for Bibliography Management in COBISS and of the document on additional guidelines for cataloguing bibliographic units to be considered when evaluating research performance.
Meeting of CSICs and ARRS to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Data on Impact Factor 2015 added to the JCR database in the COBISS.SI system, data on Impact Factor 2015 added to and data for previous years updated in the SNIP database.
Updated list of CORDIS projects.
New Rules on the Procedures of the (Co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation published (see ARRS news). Evaluation of bibliographic indicators of the research efficiency using the methodology of the ARRS in SICRIS will be coordinated with the new rules expected in September.
{JSON} report of all publicly accessible data added to online presentations.
Installation of a new version of Bibliographies V5.5 sowtware with altmetrics, a new input parameter, which includes open access altmetrics display of the company Altmetric for bibliographic units with identifier DOI, URL, URN or ISBN.
Published data for ARRS tenders(11 Jul 2016).
The Journal Citation Reports 2015 database now available via the Web of Science portal. Once Thomson Reuters provides the JCR 2015 database in the required format, it will be included in COBISS/OPAC and will also be taken into account in researchers' bibliographies evaluation.
Announcement of installation of a new version of Bibliographies V5.4 software on 25 and 26 June 2016, and updates of the document on additional guidelines for cataloguing bibliographic units to be considered when evaluating research performance.
Published data for ARRS tenders - Programmes (20 May 2016).
Published data for ARRS tenders (13 Jun 2016).
Published data for ARRS tenders (24 May 2016).
Published data for ARRS tenders (20 May 2016).
Published data for ARRS tenders (9 May 2016).
Published data for ARRS tenders (26 Apr 2016).
Published new lists of international publishers (by years), taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
The lists of journals, included in international databases and considered for research performance evaluation, were updated with links to data on the open access policy for journals via the SHERPA/RoMEO information service.
Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the University of Maribor service, which initially enables a test display of a candidate's bibliography evaluation according to the criteria for the election to titles of the University of Maribor, added to the SICRIS system (Bibliographies V5.3).
Impact factors of certain journals for 2014 corrected by Thomson Reuters also included in the COBISS.SI system (Impact factor (1994 to 2014)).
New lists of journals included in international bibliographic databases in 2015 and taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Under researchers, doctoral dissertations and theses are added to data on education (source: COBISS).
Published data for ARRS tenders (10 Sep 2015).
Data on Impact Factor 2014 added to the JCR database in the COBISS.SI system.
Published data for ARRS tenders (28 Aug 2015).
Meeting of CSICs and ARRS to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Data on Impact Factor 2014 added and data for previous years updated in the SNIP database in the COBISS.SI system.
Bibliographic performance indicators in accordance with the Rules for the appointment to titles at the University of Ljubljana service, which initially enables the display of a candidate's bibliography evaluation according to the interpretation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, added to the SICRIS system (Bibliographies V5.2)
Published data for ARRS tenders (25 May 2015).
Additional lists of journals with scientific publications the scientific performance of which is, in compliance with the Rules on the procedures of the (co)financing, assessing and monitoring of research activities implementation, above average (A'', A', A1/2). Journals are sorted based on the categories in JCR and SNIP databases.
Published new lists of journals included in international bibliographic databases and taken into account in the evaluation of research performance by SRA.
Published data for ARRS tenders (12 Feb 2015).
Installation of a new version of Bibliographies V5.1 software, including research performance evaluation (using SRA methodology) according to the new Rules on the Procedures of the (Co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation.
Updated SNIP database for all years (1999-2013) and corrections of the JCR database for 2013 installed.
Installation of new version of Bibliographies (V5.0) software, which includes creating personal bibliographies via the CONOR.SI authority database (the researcher's code or registration code 9xxxx is no longer a precondition for creating a personal bibliography via the COBISS system) and changes of report parameters (name and surname, abstracts, bibliographic unit format, sorting bibliographic units, display of bibliographic units, report format).
Data on Impact Factor 2013 added and data for previous years updated in the SNIP database in the COBISS.SI system.
Data on Impact Factor 2013 added to the JCR database in the COBISS.SI system.
Meeting of CSICs and ARRS to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
SICRIS V3.1 software ( with changed graphic design, adapted to touch screens, prepared. If you have any comments or wishes please send them to
Installation of revised and updated SNIP database (journals with impact factor 0 deleted, impact factors for 2010-2012 updated).
Published data for ARRS tenders (21 May 2014).
Issue 2 of the HORIZON 2020: PORTAL published.
Published data for ARRS tenders (8 Apr 2014).
Announcement of installation of a new version of Bibliographies V4.5 software, of updates of the SICRIS information system, of changes in the document Typology of Documents/Works for Bibliography Management in COBISS and in the document on additional guidelines for cataloguing bibliographic units to be considered when evaluating research performance.
Trial access to databases Conference Proceedings, Book Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions & Index Chemicus, etc. provided by Thomson Reuters made possible to Web of Science consortium users. Trial access is available from 5 November to 10 December 2013 at
Free access to the 2013 Nobel Laureates most-cited articles.
Impact factors of certain journals for 2012 corrected by Thomson Reuters also included in COBISS.SI
(Impact factor (1994 to 2012))
Published data for ARRS tenders (30 Sep 2013).
Updates of the SICRIS information system and Bibliographies V4.4 software.
COBISS software update based on the meetings with CSIC and ARRS representatives and the initiatives of cataloguers.
Installed a new version of Bibliographies V4.3, which includes revised web pages Personal bibliographies and Serials.
Meeting of CSICs and ARRS to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
Data on Impact Factor 2012 added to the COBISS.SI system.
Data on mentors and young researchers included in the database. To access the data, click Mentorships in the presentation of an organisation or a researcher.