Report of bibliographic units from the selected publication year onwards. The default value is the start year of the last five-year period, which can be changed manually. If the field is empty, bibliographic units from the oldest publication year onwards are displayed.
Report of bibliographic units to the selected publication year. Current year is entered by default, which can be changed manually. If the field is empty, bibliographic units to the most current publication year are displayed.
Select the field in which the displayed bibliographic units will be evaluated. The default field is natural sciences, which can be changed. You can select from the following fields: natural sciences, engineering sciences, medicine, bioengineering, social sciences, humanities, interdisciplinary research.
Alternative method of measuring impact in scientific publications. It includes the visibility of the research in the internet (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, etc.)
List of all group members appears in a separate table in the printout.
Seznam članov skupine (lahko ga poljubno spreminjamo, po vsaki spremembi je treba klikniti gumb "Osveži seznam avtorjev"). Šifre raziskovalcev lahko vnesemo zaporedno v eni vrstici (ločimo jih z vejico ali podpičjem) ali pa vsako šifro vnesemo v svojo vrstico.
Vpišemo e-naslov, na katerega želimo prejeti bibliografijo (npr.