



Personal Bibliographies

Personal Bibliographies allow you to create different bibliography reports for authors whose data has been entered to the CONOR authority database and whose bibliographic units have been entered to the shared COBIB bibliographic database.

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Data is entered to the shared COBIB bibliographic database and to the CONOR authority database by qualified librarians in libraries and specialised information centres that are full members of the COBISS system. As a rule, authors can choose which library or specialised centre will manage their personal bibliography. In the library, authors will receive specific instructions on what they must submit so that their personal bibliography can be updated.

The default setting for sorting bibliographic units is according to the year of publication from oldest to newest within the same year after the title of the work. You can change the default sorting setting with the parameter sorting of bibliographic units.

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Searching for authors

In personal bibliographies you can search an author based on author's name and surname. You can search with any form of the name and surname used in the publications of author's works.

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For authors with an assigned researcher's code or registration code you can enter the code instead of the surname and name. If the code has less than 5 digits, you need to enter it with additional zeros in the front (e.g. 10786).

Instead of the name and surname you can also enter the CONOR-ID – unique identification number of the author from the CONOR authority database (e.g. 1805671 is a unique identification number for writer Predrag Crnković).

When entering the search request in the search form, the autocomplete function automatically suggests search terms that could be helpful for the search. If the software finds multiple authors with the same name and surname after you confirm the search term (e.g. name and surname), a table with detailed data on individual authors is displayed (e.g. other forms of the name, additions to the name, etc.). If the software does not find the search term, a notification is displayed.

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Bibliographies of Serials

Bibliographies of Serials enable bibliographic units to be displayed from the COBIB.AL shared bibliographic database.

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The display of bibliographic units from COBIB for a particular serial publication is possible only on the basis of the international standard serial number (ISSN) that you have to enter in the appropriate checkbox (if, for example, you enter the number 1451-2009, which is the ISSN of the journal named Natron: časopis za književnost i umetnost, the display will include all catalogued contributions from this journal).

The default setting for sorting bibliographic units is first by typology of documents/works, within individual types by year of publication from oldest to newest, and within the same year by title of the work. The default sorting setting can be changed with the parameter sorting of bibliographic units.

The correct sorting of units by typology is the responsibility of the authors of published articles and editors of serials.

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Reports parameters

These parameters will help you define the content and appearance of different bibliographies or reports (e.g. personal bibliographies, bibliographies of serials, research performance evaluation and citation reports). Some parameters appear in all bibliographies and reports, others only in certain bibliographies and reports.

  • From year more >>>

    Display of bibliographic units until the selected year of publication. If this field is empty, the bibliographic units are displayed until the newest publication year.

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  • To year more >>>

    Display of bibliographic units until the selected year of publication. If this field is empty, the bibliographic units are displayed until the newest publication year.

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  • Bibliographic item format more >>>

    You can choose one of the following bibliographic item report formats:

    ISO ISO 690 – A standard for bibliographic references and citations information resources. It is based on the standard ISO 690:2010 (Information and documentation – Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources).

    IEEE The format of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – most often used in the technical field, especially in IEEE publications.

    ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description.

    ISBD (compacted) ISBD in compressed form (displays all data that belongs to the ISBD standard, but in compressed form – individual data in the bibliographic record is not displayed in a new line but are continued in the same line).

    ISO (all authors) ISO 690 with all secondary authors displayed.

    ISO (no. of authors) ISO 690 with number of authors displayed.

    IEEE (no. of authors) IEEE with number of authors displayed.
    BibTeX Format for exporting bibliographic data into other systems (e.g. ORCID).

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  • Display format more >>>

    You can choose one of the following report formats:

    HTML HTML format (Hyper Text Markup Language) is intended for displaying the bibliography in a web browser. You can also use this format to present the bibliography on your own homepage.

    XML Structured report in the XML format (scheme, graphical description)contains a set of bibliographic data independent of the Bibliographic unit format parameter.

    LaTeX The format is intended for displaying a bibliography if the records are prepared using the LaTeX commands (for displaying mathematical formulas etc.).
    PDF Select the PDF format if you want to view the bibliography and print it.
    TXT Select the TXT format if you want to view the bibliography and print it in plain text.

    Bibliography reports can be modified but all bibliographic units must keep their COBISS-ID number.

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  • Abstract more >>>

    By using this parameter you can define whether you want abstracts to be displayed in the bibliography (provided that the bibliographic unit has an abstract) or not. You can choose one of the following:

    no Abstracts for the selected bibliographic units will not be displayed.
    Serbian Only abstracts in Serbian will be displayed.
    English Only abstracts in English will be displayed.
    all All abstracts will be displayed.

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  • Sorting of bibliographic records more >>>

    You can choose one of the following options of sorting bibliographic records:

    typology, year - descending, title Sorting first by the typology of documents/works, within each type by the publication year from newest to oldest; within the same year by the resource title (journal, proceedings, monograph title) and at the end by the work title.

    typology, year - ascending, title Sorting first by the typology of documents/works, within each type by the publication year from oldest to newest, within the same year by the resource title (journal, proceedings, monograph title) and at the end by the work title.

    typology, authors, year - descending, title Sorting first by thetypology of documents/works, within the same authors by the year of publication from newest to oldest, within the same year by the title of the resource (title of the journal, proceedings or monograph) and at the end by the work title.

    title Bibliographic units are sorted by the work title.

    authorship, title Bibliographic units are sorted by type of authorship (e.g. author, editor, translator, director, etc.) and within the type of authorship by the work title.

    material type, title Bibliographic units are sorted by the type of material (e.g. book, poetry, scientific monograph, etc.) and within the type of material by the work title.

    year - descending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by the publication year from newest to oldest and within the same year by the work title.

    year, ascending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by the publication year from oldest to newest and within the same year by the work title.

    language, year - ascending, title Bibliographic units are sorted by language in which the work was published; within the same language by the publication year from oldest to newest and within the same year by the work title.

    The default value of the parameter is year – ascending, title.

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  • Altmetrics more >>>

    Altmetrics include the impact and reach of research on the Internet and anabled automated updating of new mentions and events. It includes data from social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.), blogs, public access documents, news portals, journals, reference tools (Mendeley, etc.) and other information resources, e. g. Wikipedia, Youtube, Reddit, etc.

    Altmetrics, as a non-traditional method of measuring impact, can supplement classical measuring methods, e.g. the number of citations and h-index. This method is not included in the automated evaluation of scientific research work.

    You can choose from the following options:

    no Altmetrics display is not active.
    Altmetric and PlumX   For bibliographic units with identifier DOI or ISBN, the open access visibility display provided by Altmetric and PlumX is active.

    Altmetric and PlumX  
    For bibliographic units with identifier DOI or ISBN, the open access visibility display in condensed form provided by Altmetric and PlumX is active.

    Altmetric display is possible only in the HTML display format, in the ISO bibliographic unit format or IEEE.

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  • Bibliography language more >>>

    You can select from the following languages to display your bibliography:

    Serbian (Cyrillic script)
    Serbian (Latin script)

    The main title and the subtitles are displayed in the selected language. The bibliographic units are displayed as they are entered in the COBIB database regardless of which language is selected for the bibliography.

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  • Send to email address more >>>

    Enter the email address where you want to receive the bibliography (e.g.

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Exclusion of single bibliographic units

A standard report includes all bibliographic units of the author in the selected period. If you want to include only specific bibliographic units in the report, click the Exclusion of single bibliographic units.

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If you selected sorting by typology, a list of bibliographic units sorted by typology is displayed. You can exclude an entire type or a single bibliographic unit. If you did not select sorting by typology, a list of bibliographic units sorted by title is displayed.

The creation of a list can take a long time, depending on the number of included bibliographic units.

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Creating a report

A click on the CREATE REPORT button activates the process for creating a report of a bibliography according to the given input parameters.

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If the parameter Send to email address is empty, the bibliography will automatically be displayed at the web address. If the parameter Send to email address is specified, the bibliography will be sent to the indicated email address.

The creation of the report may take a while, depending on the number of bibliographic items included.

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Direct Links

To prepare a direct URL link to personal bibliographies, enter the following settings into the URL address.

You can enter several parameters at once.


Personal Bibliographies - FAQ

  • How to enter or edit data for personal bibliographies? Answer

    Data is entered to the COBIB bibliographic database and to the CONOR authority database by qualified librarians in libraries and specialised information centres that are full members of the COBISS system.

    As a rule, authors can choose a library that will manage their personal bibliography. In the library, authors will receive specific instructions on what they must provide so that their personal bibliography can be updated.

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Bibliographies of Serials - FAQ

  • Is it possible to display the bibliography of any serial publication? Answer

    No, you can only display the bibliography of the serial the contributions of which have bibliographic records in the COBIB shared bibliographic database.

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