New version of Bibliographies V7.5 installed
The BIB051: List CIP report has been added to the Bibliographies, news, etc. (abc, UDC) reports group for the needs of libraries that create CIP records.
Applications for changes to the composition of programme/project groups for 2025 that have not yet been submitted to ARIS can be submitted through SICRIS.
Installed lists of databases with data on journals for 2024 (BIBLIO-A, BIBLIO-B).
New version of SICRIS, V3.3.2, installed
In the new SICRIS version, members of programme/project groups are entered as members of a certain participating research organization. Consequently, a member can be entered within one or more participating research organizations, which is considered also when changing membership in programme/project groups.
Changes in programme/project groups in SICRIS can be now edited also by persons in a research organisation who have the right of SICRIS Records Editors in Digital Forms.
In the COBISS.SI system, the data on journals' impact factors for 2023 was added to the JCR (Journal Citation Reports) database (Impact factor (1994–2023)). The data on journals' impact factors for 2023 was added to the SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) database and the data for previous years was updated (1999–2023)). In COBISS.SI, the structure of both databases is updated.
From 2022 onwards, the data on journals from the A&HCI in ESCI databases is shown. From 2023 onwards, the journals from the A&HCI in ESCI databases (ranked in categories covered by the SCIE and SSCI databases) are now ranked and categorised into quartieles. These changes will be shown when evaluating research performance if changes in the JCR database will be followed by changes of bibliographic performance indicators according to the ARIS methodology and changes of the criteria for the election to titles.
Via SICRIS, you can submit applications for changes in the composition of programme/project groups for 2024 that you have not yet sent to ARIS.
Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARIS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.
New version of SICRIS, V3.3, installed
In case of changes in employment loads, organizations can now batch sign for several researchers at the same time.
History report related to changes in employment loads for the current and previous year is now available to organizations.
Corrections for editing programme/project groups installed.
The title dr. was removed if the doctorate was obtained abroad.
Registration for the COBISS 2024 Conference is now open.