

Via SICRIS, you can submit applications for changes in the composition of programme/project groups for 2024 that you have not yet sent to ARIS.


Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARIS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.


New version of SICRIS, V3.3, installed

In case of changes in employment loads, organizations can now batch sign for several researchers at the same time.

History report related to changes in employment loads for the current and previous year is now available to organizations.

Corrections for editing programme/project groups installed.

The title dr. was removed if the doctorate was obtained abroad.


Registration for the COBISS 2024 Conference is now open. 


New version of SICRIS V3.2 and Bibliographies V7.3.1 installed

In the SICRIS system, on the intrdocution pages of researchers and in the Services menu, a new report is added for Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles: Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care.

When logging in via DigitalForms portal, editing rights are saved in the JWT token.

History report related to changes in employment loads now possible.
Corrections for editing programme/project groups installed.


Published data for ARIS tenders (21 May 2024) within the SICRIS information system.


New version of SICRIS V3.1. installed 

The ecris-api library has been updated which redirects REST calls between the Slovenian SICRIS system and other E-CRIS systems.


New version of SICRIS, V3.0, installed

From now on, you can change research organizations via the SICRIS portal or submit applications for:

  • RECORDS (changes in employment loads as well as employment loads for research work for researchers and expert or technical associates). You can edit the data for the year 2023 until the end of the PRU call. You can also make ongoing changes. The functionality replaces submitting the application ARIS-EV-ZAPOSL-2023.
  • PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS (submission of applications for changes to programme/project groups). You can edit the data for 2023 until the end of the PRU call, no later than 15 June 2024.


New version of Bibliographies, V7.3 installed.

Bibliographic performance indicators for the appointment to titles at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto added to the SICRIS system (only in the Slovenian version).



Published minutes of the meeting of CSICs and ARIS held to discuss the issues of cataloguing, classification, verification and categorization of bibliographic units, which are taken into account in the evaluation of research performance.

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