COBISS Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi COBISS
Richard J. C. Brown
Osebna bibliografija za obdobje 2010-2024
BROWN, Richard J. C., HORVAT, Milena, KOTNIK, Jože, et al. Standardisation of a European
measurement method for the determination of mercury in deposition : results of the
field trial campaign and determination of a measurement uncertainty and working range.
Accreditation and quality assurance : journal for quality, comparability and reliability
in chemical measurement. 2010, issue 6, vol. 15, str. 359-366. ISSN 0949-1775. DOI: 10.1007/s00769-010-0636-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 23357223]
QUETEL, Christophe R., ZAMPELLA, Mariavittoria, BROWN, Richard J. C., ENT, Hugo, HORVAT,
Milena, PAREDES, Eduardo, TUNC, Murat, VAHČIČ, Mitja. Towards SI traceability for
measurements of Hg vapour. V: ICMGP 2013. The 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 28th July -
2nd August 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland. [S. l.: s. n.], 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 26940967]
ENT, Hugo, ANDEL, Inge van, HEEMSKERK, Maurice, OTTERLOO, Peter van, BAVIUS, Wijnand,
BALDAN, Annarita, HORVAT, Milena, BROWN, Richard J. C., QUETEL, Christophe R. A gravimetric
approach to providing SI traceability for concentration measurement results of mercury
vapor at ambient air levels. V: Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, APOS 2013, October
2013, Wuhan, China. bristol: IOP Publishing, 2014. Vol. 25, no. 11, str. 115801-1-115801-11. Measurement
science & technology, vol. 25, no.11, 2014. ISSN 0957-0233. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/25/11/115801. [COBISS.SI-ID 28010279]
QUETEL, Christophe R., ZAMPELLA, Mariavittoria, BROWN, Richard J. C., ENT, Hugo, HORVAT,
Milena, PAREDES, Eduardo, TUNC, Murat. International system of units traceable results
of hg mass concentration at saturation in air from a newly developed measurement procedure.
Analytical chemistry. [Print ed.]. 2014, vol. 86, no. 15, str. 7819-7827. ISSN 0003-2700. DOI: 10.1021/ac5018875. [COBISS.SI-ID 27875367]
BROWN, Richard J. C., BREWER, Paul J., ENT, Hugo, FISICARO, Paola, HORVAT, Milena,
KIM, Ki-Hyun, QUETEL, Christophe R. Who should take responsibility for decisions on
internationally recommended datasets?. The case of the mass concentration of mercury
in air at saturation. Metrologia. 2015, vol. 52, no. 5, str. l25-l30. ISSN 0026-1394. DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/52/5/L25. [COBISS.SI-ID 28816935]
COSTA GARRIDO, Oriol, KONČAR, Boštjan, BROWN, Richard J. C., BACHMANN, Christian.
Effect of DEMO load cases on rectangular bellows design. V: CIZELJ, Leon (ur.), HOLLER,
Tadej (ur.). Proceedings. 26th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe - NENE 2017, Bled, Slovenia,
September 11-14. Ljubljana: Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije: = Nuclear Society
of Slovenia, 2017. Str. 718-1-718-8. ISBN 978-961-6207-42-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 31099175]
TWIGG, Marsailidh M., DI MARCO, Chiara F., MCGHEE, Elizabeth A., BRABAN, Christine
F., NEMITZ, Eiko, BROWN, Richard J. C., BLAKLEY, Kevin C., LEESON, Sarah R., SANOCKA,
Agnieszka, VIA, Marta, et al. The potential of high temporal resolution automatic
measurements of ▫$PM_2.5$▫ composition as an alternative to the filter-based manual method used in routine monitoring.
Atmospheric environment. [Print ed.]. 2023, vol. 315, [article no.] 120148, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 1352-2310.
Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120148. [COBISS.SI-ID 195042051]
DE KROM, Iris, MCGHEE, Elizabeth A., BROWN, Richard J. C., ŽIVKOVIĆ, Igor, GAČNIK,
Jan, FAJON, Vesna, KOTNIK, Jože, HORVAT, Milena, ENT, Hugo. Comparability of calibration
strategies for measuring mercury concentrations in gas emission sources and the atmosphere.
V: ICMGP 2024 : abstract & poster book : Cape Town, South Africa, 21 - 26 July. [S. l.: s. n., 2024]. Str. 160. [COBISS.SI-ID 210262275]