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Matea Bezić

Personal bibliography for the period 2019-2022


1. FARČNIK, Daša, BEZIĆ, Matea, DRVARIČ, Iva, NORD, Thyme. Trends in the US. In: DOMADENIK MUREN, Polona (ed.), KOMAN, Matjaž (ed.), REDEK, Tjaša (ed.). Innovation governance : leading the winners. 1st printing. Ljubljana: Časnik Finance, 2019. Str. 57-71. ISBN 978-961-6541-59-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 25401574]


2. BEZIĆ, Matea. Profitability of a real estate development project for the Croatian market : master's thesis. Ljubljana: [M. Bezić], 2022. IV, 69, 13 str., ilustr., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL. [COBISS.SI-ID 105530883]