Citations of project group

Applied and Basic Physiology and Pathophysiology in Medicine [P3-0019]

Izpis od izbranega leta citiranja dalje. Privzeta vrednost je začetno leto zadnjega desetletnega obdobja, ki ga je možno ročno spremeniti.

Izpis do izbranega leta citiranja. Privzeta vrednost je tekoče leto, ki ga je možno ročno spremeniti.

Izpis od izbranega leta objave dalje.

Izpis do izbranega leta objave.

znanstvena in strokovna dela (Z, S) Upoštevajo se dela, ki se glede na ARIS-ov pravilnik uvrščajo med znanstvena in strokovna dela.
znanstvena dela (Z) Upoštevajo se dela, ki se glede na ARIS-ov pravilnik uvrščajo med znanstvena dela.
WoS in Scopus Izpišejo se podatki o citiranosti iz baz podatkov Web of Science in Scopus.
WoS Izpišejo se podatki o citiranosti iz baze podatkov Web of Science.
Scopus Izpišejo se podatki o citiranosti iz baze podatkov Scopus.
h-index The h-index and the number of pure citations (CI) of individual bibliographic units in the selected period is included in the report.
h-index with overview of pure citations by years The h-index and the number of pure citations (CI) of individual bibliographic units in the selected period is included in the report (in total and by individual year).
by citation years Data about the citations in the selected period is included in the report. The year column represents the year when the citations first appeared (regardless of the year when the cited articles were published).
by publication years Data about the citations according to the year of publication (descending order) is included in the report.
by journals Data about the citations of publications in individual journals is included in the report (for the selected period of citations).
linked records All works related to the corresponding records in Web of Science and/or Scopus (including the works without citations if the fields From year of citation and To year of citation are empty) in the selected period are included in the report.
HTML The HTML format is intended for displaying data about citations in a web browser.
XML The structured report in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format includes a set of data about citations intended for saving and transferring data.
JSON The structured report in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format includes a set of data about citations intended for saving and transferring data.

Members of the group.