Personal Bibliographies

T. Barton. Carter

Display of bibliographic units from the selected year onwards. If this field is empty, the bibliographic units are displayed from oldest to newest year of publication.

Display of bibliographic units until the selected year of publication. If this field is empty, the bibliographic units are displayed until the newest publication year.

ISO 690 ISO 690 – Standard for bibliographic references and citations to information resources
IEEE Format of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – most often used in the technical field
ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description
ISBD (compacted) ISBD in compressed form (the data is displayed in a new line)
ISO 690 (all authors) ISO 690 with all secondary authors displayed
ISO 690 (no. of authors) ISO 690 with number of authors displayed
IEEE (no. of authors) IEEE with number of authors displayed
BibTex Format for exporting bibliographic data into other systems (e.g. ORCID)
HTML The HTML format is intended for displaying the bibliography in a web browser.
XML Structured report in the XML format (scheme, graphical description of the scheme) contains a set of bibliographic data independent of the Bibliographic unit format parameter.
LaTeX The format is intended for displaying a bibliography if the records are prepared using the LaTeX commands (for displaying mathematical formulas etc.).
PDF Select the PDF format if you want to view the bibliography and print it.
TXT Select the TXT format if you want to view the bibliography and print it in plain text.
none Abstracts for the selected bibliographic units will not be displayed.
Local Only abstracts in local language will be displayed.
English Only abstracts in English will be displayed.
all All abstracts will be displayed.
You can sort the data by selected combinations of expressions below (for more information see Help):

typology Sorting by the typology of documents/works.
Typology of documents/works for bibliographies management in the COBISS system
Journal impact factor Sorting by impact factor of the journals from the JCR and SNIP databases from the highest to the lowest value (if the journal is in both databases, the highest value of the impact factor will be taken into account).
Journal impact factors: JCR | SNIP
pure citations Sorting by the number of pure citations from the WoS/Scopus databases from highest to lowest (if the citations of an article are in both databases, the higher number of pure citations is taken into account).
Title Sorting by the work title.
type of authorship Sorting by the type of authorship (e.g. author, editor, translator, director, etc.).
type of material Sorting by the type of material (e.g. book, poetry, scientific monograph, etc.).
year – ascending Sorting by the publication year from oldest to newest.
year – descending Sorting by the publication year from newest to oldest.
language Sorting by the publication language of the work.

For bibliographic published in journals with impact factor, links to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) databases will be displayed. For bibliographic units connected with the related records in WoS/Scopus, the citation data is displayed.

Data on projects and financiers entered into the dCOBISS digital repository is included in the report.

Alternative method of measuring impact in scientific publications. It includes the visibility of the research in the internet (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, etc.)

You can select the display of the bibliography in domestic language or English.

Enter the email address where you want to receive the bibliography (e.g.