COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS

Arijana Filipić

Personal bibliography for the period 2016-2025


1.01 Original scientific article

1. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, ŽEL, Jana, DOBNIK, David. Cold atmospheric plasma as a novel method for inactivation of potato virus Y in water samples. Food and environmental virology. 2019, vol. 11, iss. 3, str. 220-228. ISSN 1867-0334. DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1007/s12560-019-09388-y. [COBISS.SI-ID 5060943]
2. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, ŽEGURA, Bojana, ŠTERN, Alja, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Inactivation of pepper mild mottle virus in water by cold atmospheric plasma. Frontiers in microbiology. 2021, vol. 12, str. 1-12. ISSN 1664-302X., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.618209. [COBISS.SI-ID 49725955]
3. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, FRIC, Katja, RAVNIKAR, Maja, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Assessment of different experimental setups to determineviral filtration efficiency of face masks. International journal of environmental research and public health. [Online ed.]. Nov. 2022, vol. 19, iss. 22, str. [1]-13, ilustr. ISSN 1660-4601., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192215353. [COBISS.SI-ID 131313155]
4. PLOHL, Olivija, FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija. First insights into the antiviral activity of chitosan-based bioactive polymers towards the bacteriophage Phi6: physicochemical characterization, inactivation potential, and inhibitory mechanisms. Polymers. Aug. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 16 (3357), str. 1-19. ISSN 2073-4360. DOI: 10.3390/polym14163357. [COBISS.SI-ID 119204867]
project: P2-0118 Tekstilna kemija in napredni tekstilni materiali; funder: ARRS
project: P4-0407 Okoljska in aplikativna virologija: virusi, prijatelji in sovražniki; funder: ARRS
project: P4-0165 Biotehnologija in sistemska biologija rastlin; funder: ARRS
5. KOŠIR, Tamara, FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Bacterial filtration efficiency of different masks. Strojniški vestnik. Apr. 2022, vol. 68, no. 4, spec. iss.: sars-cov-2, str. 225-232. ISSN 0039-2480., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2022.34. [COBISS.SI-ID 105952259]
6. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, BAČNIK, Katarina, RAVNIKAR, Maja, JEŠELNIK, Meta, KOŠIR, Tamara, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ZUPANC, Mojca, DULAR, Matevž, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Hydrodynamic cavitation efficiently inactivates potato virus Y in water. Ultrasonics sonochemistry. Jan. 2022, vol. 82, [art. no.] 105898, str. 1-9, ilustr. ISSN 1350-4177.,, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105898. [COBISS.SI-ID 92812035]
award: Nagrada ARIS, Odlični v znanosti 2022
project: P4-0407 Environmental and applied virology: viruses, friends and foes; funder: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
project: P2-0401 Energy engineering; funder: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
project: L4-9325 Development of new, environment-friendly approaches for plant and human virus inactivation in waters; funder: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
project: J7-1814 Cavitation - a solution for microplastics degradation?; funder: Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
project: This work was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Domžale- Kamnik Wastewater Treatment Plant and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Framework Program for research and innovation, Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No. 771567 — CABUM).
7. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, KOŠIR, Tamara, BAEBLER, Špela, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, DULAR, Matevž, MOZETIČ, Miran, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PRIMC, Gregor. Cold plasma within a stable supercavitation bubble - a breakthrough technology for efficient inactivation of viruses in water. Environment international. [Print ed.]. Dec. 2023, vol. 182, [art. no] 108285, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 0160-4120.,, Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.108285. [COBISS.SI-ID 170521347]
award: Nagrada ARIS, Odlični v znanosti 2024
8. ŠTULAR, Danaja, VAN DE VELDE, Nigel Willy, DRINČIĆ, Ana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, FRIC, Katja, SIMONČIČ, Barbara, TOMŠIČ, Brigita, CHOUHAN, Raghuraj S., BOHM, Sivasambu, VERMA, Suresh Kr., PANDA, P.K., JERMAN, Ivan. Boosting copper biocidal activity by silver decoration and few-layer graphene in coatings on textile fibers. Global challenges. Oct. 2023, vol. 7, iss. 10, [article no.] 2300113, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2056-6646., DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202300113. [COBISS.SI-ID 164656899]
9. PLOHL, Olivija, KOKOL, Vanja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, FRIC, Katja, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, PERŠIN FRATNIK, Zdenka, VESEL, Alenka, KUREČIČ, Manja, ROBIČ, Jure, GRADIŠNIK, Lidija, MAVER, Uroš, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija. Screen-printing of chitosan and cationised cellulose nanofibril coatings for integration into functional face masks with potential antiviral activity. International journal of biological macromolecules. [Online ed.]. 1 May 2023, vol. 236, [article no.] 123951, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 1879-0003. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123951. [COBISS.SI-ID 145805059]
project: P2-0118 Tekstilna kemija in napredni tekstilni materiali; funder: ARRS
project: P4-0407 Okoljska in aplikativna virologija: virusi, prijatelji in sovražniki; funder: ARRS
project: P4-0165 Biotehnologija in sistemska biologija rastlin; funder: ARRS
project: P2-0424 Dizajn novih lastnosti (nano)materialov & aplikacije; funder: ARRS
project: P3-0036 Bio-psiho-socialni model kvalitete življenja; funder: ARRS
project: J3-1762 Nov inovativen pristop k zdravljenju pleničnega izpuščaja z uporabo plenic z vgrajenimi probiotičnimi bakterijami; funder: ARRS
project: J1-4416 Razvoj visokoobčutljive elektrokemijske metode na osnovi magnetnih polimernih nanokompozitov za določanje spojin antibiotikov v sledovih v okolijskih sistemih; funder: ARRS
project: L7-4494 Kompleksen in vitro model kože z vključeno plastjo kosti za testiranje ne-invazivnega glukoznega senzorja; funder: ARRS
10. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Non-thermal plasma inactivation of viruses in water solutions. Journal of water process engineering. 2023, vol. 53, str. 103839-1-103839-12. ISSN 2214-7144. DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103839. [COBISS.SI-ID 153361155]
11. ZUPANC, Mojca, ZEVNIK, Jure, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, JEŠELNIK, Meta, KOŠIR, Tamara, ORTAR, Jernej, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin. Inactivation of the enveloped virus phi6 with hydrodynamic cavitation. Ultrasonics sonochemistry. May 2023, vol. 95, str. 1-8, ilustr. ISSN 1350-4177., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2023.106400. [COBISS.SI-ID 148619523]
12. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, FRIC, Katja, ŠTERN, Alja, PRIMC, Gregor. Antiviral respiratory masks with plasma-functionalized polypropylene textiles for optimal adsorption of antiviral substance. Progress in organic coatings. [Online ed.]. Dec. 2024, vol. 197, [article no.] 108827, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 1873-331X., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2024.108827. [COBISS.SI-ID 208988163]
13. ZVER, Mark, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, PRIMC, Gregor. Characterization of low-pressure gaseous plasma radiation and its usage for inactivation of waterborne viruses. Separation and purification technology. Jan. 2025, vol. 354, pt. 1, [article no.] 128691, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 1873-3794., DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.128691. [COBISS.SI-ID 200632067]

1.02 Review article

14. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David. Cold plasma, a new hope in the field of virus inactivation. Trends in biotechnology. [Print ed.]. 2020, vol. 38, iss. 11, str. 1278-1291. ISSN 0167-7799. DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2020.04.003. [COBISS.SI-ID 33308199]

1.03 Other scientific articles

15. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Inaktivacija virusov v vodi s hladno atmosfersko plazmo. avg. 2021, letn. 1, št. 2, str. 29-30, ilustr. ISSN 2784-4463. [COBISS.SI-ID 78280963]

1.04 Professional article

16. ŠTERN, Alja (author, photographer), KOGOVŠEK, Polona, FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ŽABKAR, Sonja, ŽEGURA, Bojana. Koliko nas ščitijo?. Gea : poljudnoznanstvena revija. [Tiskana izd.]. dec. 2021, letn. 31, str. 18-22, ilustr. ISSN 0353-782X. [COBISS.SI-ID 87632643]
17. FRIC, Katja, KOŠIR, Tamara, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Širjenje virusa SARS-CoV-2 in pomen preskušanja zaščitnih mask. avg. 2021, letn. 1, št. 2, str. 45-51, ilustr. ISSN 2784-4463. [COBISS.SI-ID 78079747]
18. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Inaktivacija virusov v vodi s hladno atmosfersko plazmo. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. sep. 2023, št. 206, str. 5-8, ilustr. ISSN 1581-2707. [COBISS.SI-ID 168744707]
19. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Hladna plinska plazma v mehurju vodne pare ali kako uspešno inaktivirati viruse v vodi. Alternator : misliti znanost. 1. feb. 2024, št. 2, [5] str., ilustr. ISSN 2712-3510., DOI: 10.3986/alternator.2024.02. [COBISS.SI-ID 183772163]

1.05 Popular article

20. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Koliko agregatnih stanj poznamo v naravi? : štiri, seveda!. Pisani list. dec. 2023, letn. 76, št. 4, str. 20, ilustr. ISSN 0353-7625. [COBISS.SI-ID 175000835]

1.10 Published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

21. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PRIMC, Gregor, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana. Safer water with plasma. In: MIČETIĆ, Maja (ed.), KARLUŠIĆ, Marko (ed.). 26. međunarodni znanstveni sastanak Vakuumska znanost i tehnika : Njivice, 16-17. svibanj 2019 = 26. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje vakuumska znanost in tehnika : Njivice, 16-17. maj 2019 = 26th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique : Njivice, 16-17. May 2019 : book of abstracts. Zagreb: Hrvatsko vakuumsko društvo = Croatian Vacuum Society, 2019. Str. 26-27. ISBN 978-953-7941-31-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 5071695]
22. RAVNIKAR, Maja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, ŽEL, Jana, KUTNJAK, Denis, MEHLE, Nataša, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Combination of different analytical methods can identify the effects of water purification/disinfection treatments. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 26th to 30th may 2019, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2019. Str. 39-40. ISBN 978-961-94716-0-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 5083215]
23. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, ŽEL, Jana, DOBNIK, David. Effective virus inactivation in water by cold atmospheric plasma. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 26th to 30th may 2019, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2019. Str. 25-26. ISBN 978-961-94716-0-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 5082959]
24. DOBNIK, David, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, DULAR, Matevž, ŽEL, Jana, PRIMC, Gregor. New approaches to viral inactivation in water. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.), VESEL, Alenka (ed.). 27. mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Vakuumska znanost in tehnika : 9.-10. september 2021, Gozd Martuljek : program in knjiga povzetkov = 27th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Techniques : 9-10 September 2021, Gozd Martuljek : program and book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije: = Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique, 2021. Str. 12. ISBN 978-961-94431-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 76553987]
25. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, MOZETIČ, Miran, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. Inactivation of viruses in irrigation water by combining advanced oxidation techniques. In: 9th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC-9) joint with COST action CA19110 Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture (PIAgri), September 4-9, Vyisoké Tatry, Slovakia : book of abstracts including general information and program. Str. 26. [COBISS.SI-ID 121155843]
26. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Waterborne virus inactivation using various low-pressure plasma radiation wavelengths and ambient gases. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 8th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies ; 3rd Workshop on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture : 14th to 18th May, 2023, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2023. Str. 63. ISBN 978-961-94716-2-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 190846211]
27. ZVER, Mark, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, UMEK, Polona, PRIMC, Gregor. Inductively coupled low pressure plasma radiation for water purification. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 97th IUVSTA Workshop on plasma-assisted conversion of gases for a sustainable future : 17th to 21st December 2023, Cerklje, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique, 2023. Str. 38. ISBN 978-961-94431-4-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 183528707]
28. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, MOZETIČ, Miran, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. Inactivation of water-transmissible viruses by combining advanced oxidation techniques. In: Technical Meeting on Emergency Applications of Plasma Science and Technology, 19-22 Sep. 2023, IAEA. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 165507075]
29. RAVNIKAR, Maja, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, BAČNIK, Katarina, MAKSIMOVIĆ, Olivera, PREZELJ, Nina, BOGOŽALEC KOŠIR, Alexandra, VUČUROVIĆ, Ana, MILAVEC, Mojca, ŽUPANIČ, Anže, MEHLE, Nataša, KUTNJAK, Denis. Vode - vir informacij o naravi in družbi. In: KUŠAR, Darja (ed.), JAMNIKAR CIGLENEČKI, Urška (ed.). 9. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva : knjiga povzetkov : 14.–16. februar 2024. Ljubljana: Slovensko mikrobiološko društvo, 2024. Str. 21. ISBN 978-961-96562-0-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 186498563]
30. PRIMC, Gregor, ZVER, Mark, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, MOZETIČ, Miran. Inactivation of viruses in water by plasma treatment. In: OBRADOVIĆ, Bratislav M. (ed.), et al. Contributed papers & abstracts of invited lectures, topical invited lectures and progress reports : 32nd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Serbia, August 26 – 30, 2024. Belgrade: Astronomical Observatory, 2024. Str. 107. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade. ISBN 978-86-82296-08-9. ISSN 0373-3742. [COBISS.SI-ID 206182403]
31. PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, ROŠKAR, Robert, TRONTELJ, Jurij, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, DULAR, Matevž, ZUPANC, Mojca. A combination of advanced oxidation processes to tackle the degradation of organic matter. In: ICREM 2024 : abstract book : The 6th International Conference on Radiation and Emission in Materials : 27-29 November 2024[,] Khon Kaen, Thailand. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 31. [COBISS.SI-ID 220948739]
32. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, MOZETIČ, Miran, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. Combining advanced oxidation techniques for disinfection of water for (closed) irrigation. In: BAUER, Leonard (ed.). Japan-Croatia Joint Symposium on Chemical Engineering & Plasma Agriculture for Young Scientists Global Networking (JC-JSChEPA) : book of abstracts : Zagreb, Croatia, October 15 – 17, 2024. Zagreb: [University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology], 2024. Str. 8, ilustr. ISBN 978-953-8521-06-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 213768963]
33. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PRIMC, Gregor. Novel technology for clean water. In: UJEVIĆ ANDRIJIĆ, Željka (ed.), VIDAK, Andrej (ed.). XV. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka : Zagreb, 22. i 23. veljače 2024 = XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts : Zagreb, 22nd and 23rd February 2024. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa: = Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, 2024. Str. 9, ilustr. Knjiga sažetaka (Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera. Online). ISSN 2718-2177. [COBISS.SI-ID 187404547]

1.12 Published scientific conference contribution abstract

34. DOBNIK, David, JUNKAR, Ita, PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Treatment of PVYNTN infected potato plants and plant extracts with low pressure plasma. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 6th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies [and] Workshop on Industrial Application of Plasma Solutions, 11th to 18th December 2016, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2016. Str. 13. [COBISS.SI-ID 4158543]
35. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, JUNKAR, Ita, MOZETIČ, Miran, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of plant viruses. In: KLJUN, Jakob (ed.), GABER, Aljaž (ed.). Book of abstracts. Scientific Conference for Young Researchers, 19. 9. 2017. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2017. Str. 17, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-83-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 4439887]
award: Best oral presentation award technologies for the earth and environment
36. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, KOSEL, Janez, DULAR, Matevž, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Nove ne-kemične metode za eliminacijo virusov. In: VODOVNIK, Maša (ed.), KUŠAR, Darja (ed.), MARINŠEK-LOGAR, Romana (ed.). Knjiga povzetkov. 7. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva, 20.-22. september 2017, Bled, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko mikrobiološko društvo, 2017. Str. 63. ISBN 978-961-90346-6-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 4437327]
37. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, JUNKAR, Ita, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Potential use of atmospheric plasma in agriculture. In: MILOŠEVIĆ, Slobodan (ed.), KRSTULOVIĆ, Nikša (ed.). Scientific program & book of abstracts. 7th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 3rd to 7th September 2017, Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia. Zagreb: Institute of Physics, 2017. Str. 94. ISBN 978-953-7666-16-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 4450639]
award: Best Poster Award
38. LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ŽEL, Jana, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, KOSEL, Janez, DREO, Tanja, RAVNIKAR, Maja, DULAR, Matevž, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Hidrodynamic cavitation, a powerful tool for waterborne virus inactivation. In: Book of abstracts, oral and poster presentations. 6th Food and Environmental Virology Conference, October 7-10, Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, USA. [S. l.: s. n., 2018]. [COBISS.SI-ID 4874063]
39. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Inactivating viruses in water with cold atmospheric plasma. In: FEIERABEND, Maryna (ed.). New technologies in water sector : book of abstracts. 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 7-12 May 2018 Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb: University, 2018. Str. 47-48. ISBN 978-953-8168-23-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 4694095]
award: The International Water Association award for the best platform presentation
40. RAVNIKAR, Maja, KUTNJAK, Denis, MEHLE, Nataša, PECMAN, Anja, BAČNIK, Katarina, KOSEL, Janez, DULAR, Matevž, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Water mediated virus transmission: sources, detection and inactivation. In: Plant health in a global economy. [S. l.: s. n., 2018]. Vol. 108, no. 10s, str. 205. Phytopathology (Online), vol. 108, no. 10S. ISSN 1943-7684., [COBISS.SI-ID 4793935]
41. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, MEHLE, Nataša, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Water decontamination with cold atmospheric plasma. In: Scientific program & book of abstracts. Padova: Padova University Press, 2018. Str. 131. ISBN 978-88-6938-129-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 4745039]
42. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana. Inactivation of MS2 bacteriophage with cold atmospheric plasma. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 26th to 30th may 2019, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2019. Str. 58-59. ISBN 978-961-94716-0-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 5083471]
43. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana. Fourth state of matter for virus inactivation in water. In: Abstracts book, oral presentations. 9th International Young Water Professionals Conference, 23-27 June 2019, Toronto, Canada. [Toronto?: s. n., 2019]. Str. 65-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 5140815]
award: The International Water Association award for the best platform presentation
44. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana. Virus inactivation in water by plasma. In: TOPOLE, Martin (ed.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov : science of the future how to stay up-to-date with your research! = Book of abstracts. 11. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana in 13. dneva mladih raziskovalcev (Konferenca KMBO), 15. in 16. april 2019, Planica, Slovenija = 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference and 13th Young Researchers' Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana: = Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Inštitut Jožef Stefan: = Jožef Stefan Institute, 2019. Str. 36-37. [COBISS.SI-ID 5071951]
award: Audience award
45. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, LUKEŽIČ, Tadeja, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ŽEL, Jana. Removal of different viruses in water by plasma. In: FEIERABEND, Maryna (ed.). Water for all - water for nature, reliable water supply, wastewater treatment and reuse : book of abstracts. 11th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 1-5 October 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. 1st ed. Prague: University of Chemistry and Technology, 2019. Str. 33-34. ISBN 978-80-7592-054-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 5190223]
46. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, MOZETIČ, Miran. A scalable method for eco-benign destruction of waterborne microorganisms. In: STRES, Špela (ed.), BLATNIK, Robert (ed.). 13. Mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij - 13. ITTC = 13th International Technology Transfer Conference - 13 ITTC : 8. oktober 2020, 8 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2020 = Information Society - IS 2020 : zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference : proceedings of the 23rd innternational multiconference : zvezek E = volume E. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2020. Str. 86, ilustr. Informacijska družba. ISBN 978-961-264-205-1, ISBN 978-961-264-206-8. ISSN 2630-371X. [COBISS.SI-ID 34434051]
award: The best inventive / innovative project within public research organizations for the economy in 2020
47. FRIC, Katja, JANC, Mojca, SAVODNIK, Nika, KOŠIR, Tamara, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ZAKOTNIK, Miha, HAFNER, Primož, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Vzpostavitev postopka preskušanja medicinskih mask : učinkovitost bakterijske filtracije. In: JAMNIKAR CIGLENEČKI, Urška (ed.), KUŠAR, Darja (ed.). 8. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva : knjiga povzetkov : 23.-25. september 2020 : kongres SMD, 23.-25. 9. 2020 : virtualni kongres. Ljubljana: Slovensko mikrobiološko društvo, 2020. Str. 83. ISBN 978-961-90346-8-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 31732483]
48. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, ŽEL, Jana, DOBNIK, David. Cold atmospheric plasma for virus inactivation. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.), VESEL, Alenka (ed.). 27. mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Vakuumska znanost in tehnika : 9.-10. september 2021, Gozd Martuljek : program in knjiga povzetkov = 27th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Techniques : 9-10 September 2021, Gozd Martuljek : program and book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije: = Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique, 2021. Str. 55. ISBN 978-961-94431-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 76558083]
49. PLOHL, Olivija, FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija. Influence of physicochemical properties of chitosan-based polymers on antiviral activity against a model surrogate for SARS-CoV-2. In: 7th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference : 11-15 October, 2021, Nantes, France : book of abstracts. [S. l.: s. n., 2021]. Str. 57. [COBISS.SI-ID 81391619]
50. FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, PLOHL, Olivija, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija. Studying antiviral potential of different organic compounds used for face mask materials. In: MÁRIALIGETI, Károly (ed.), DOBAY, Orsolya (ed.). Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology and the XIVth Fermentation Colloquium, October 14-16, 2020, Kecskemét, Hungary [and] 6th Central European Forum for Microbiology, October 13-15, 2021, Kecskemét, Hungary. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2021. Str. 67. Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica (Print), Vol. 68, Suppl. 1. ISSN 1217-8950. [COBISS.SI-ID 92032259]
51. SKINNER, Jeff, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DULAR, Matevž, PRIMC, Gregor. Developing a strategy. In: Marketing and Business Development, 1st, 3rd & 5th March, 21 : online training course. ASTP, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 53349635]
52. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana. Inactivation of pepper mild motile virus by cold atmospheric plasma. In: FEIERABEND, Maryna (ed.). Water research and innovations in digital era : book of abstracts : 12th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 31 March to 2 April 2021, Riga, Latvia. 12th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 31 March to 2 April 2021, Riga, Latvija. 1st ed. Riga: Technical University, 2021. Str. 34. ISBN 978-9934-22-618-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 60233475]
53. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, PRIMC, Gregor. Creating antimicrobial surfaces via advanced functionalization techniques. In: NOVAK, Rok (ed.), et al. 14. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 14th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference : knjiga povzetkov = book of abstracts : 1. - 3. junij 2022, Kamnik, Slovenia = 1st - 3rd June, 2022, Kamnik, Slovenia. 14. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana, 1. - 3. junij 2022, Kamnik, Slovenia = 14th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference, 1st - 3rd June, 2022, Kamnik, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, 2022. Str. 91. [COBISS.SI-ID 139116291]
award: Mark Zver dobil Nagrado za najboljšo predstavitev na znanstveni konferenci
54. ZVER, Mark, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, RAVNIKAR, Maja, PRIMC, Gregor. Antiviral surgical masks, gowns and drapes. In: STRES, Špela (ed.), BLATNIK, Robert (ed.). 15. mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij = 15th International Technology Transfer Conference : Informacijska družba - IS 2022 = Information Society - IS 2022 : zbornik 25. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 25th international multiconference : zvezek E = volume E : 10.-14. oktober 2022, 10-14 October 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2022. Str. 78-79, ilustr. Informacijska družba. ISBN 978-961-264-252-5. ISSN 2630-371X. [COBISS.SI-ID 137617923]
55. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, PRIMC, Gregor. Gaseous plasma functionalization for producing antimicrobial textiles. In: PRIMC, Gregor (ed.). 94th IUVSTA Workshop on reliable sensing and control of reactive plasmas : 29th May to 2nd June 2022, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2022. Str. 33. ISBN 978-961-94716-1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 119561219]
56. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, PRIMC, Gregor. Functional modification of medical textiles using lowpressure gaseous plasma treatment. In: MIČETIĆ, Maja (ed.), SALAMON, Krešimir (ed.). Book of abstracts. 28. Međunarodni znanstveni sastanak Vakumska znanost i tehnika, Njivice, Crikvenica, 18-20. Svibanj 2022 = 24. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Vakuumska Znanost in tehnika, Zadar, Crikvenica, 18.-20. maj 2022 = 26th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technology, Crikvenica, 18-20 May 2022. Zagreb: Hrvatsko Vakuumsko Društvo = Croatian Vacuum Society, 2022. Str. 49. ISBN 978-953-7941-42-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 108868611]
57. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PETKOVŠEK, Marko, DULAR, Matevž, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, RAVNIKAR, Maja, DOBNIK, David. Inactivation of viruses in irrigation waters. In: HENSEL, Karol (ed.). Book of abstracts. 9th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC-9), Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, September 4-9, 2022. Bratislava: FMFI UK, 2022. Str. 104. ISBN 978-80-8147-115-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 122562051]
58. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, RAVNIKAR, Maja, MOZETIČ, Miran, DOBNIK, David, ZUPANC, Mojca, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, DULAR, Matevž, ŽEL, Jana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Cold atmospheric plasma and hidrodynamic cavitation, novel methods for inactivation of waterborne viruses. In: ISFEV 2022. The Seventh International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology, May 16-20, 2022, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade, [2022]. Str. 34. [COBISS.SI-ID 109774595]
59. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Inactivation of viruses in water via low-pressure plasma irradiation. In: KUZMIĆ, Nina (ed.), et al. 15th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference, 31st May - 2nd June 2023, Kamnik, Slovenia : Book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, 2023. Str. 65, graf. prikaza. [COBISS.SI-ID 156359939]
60. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, MOZETIČ, Miran, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. Inactivating water-transmissible viruses through the synergy of advanced oxidation techniques. In: Global Cleaner Production Conference, 9-12 November 2023, Shanghai, China. [S. l.]: Elsevier. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 172313859]
61. PRIMC, Gregor, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, MOZETIČ, Miran, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ŠTERN, Alja, ŽEGURA, Bojana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. Inactivating water-transmissible viruses through the synergy of advanced oxidation techniques. In: Global Cleaner Production Conference, 9-12 November 2023, Shanghai, China. [S. l.]: Elsevier. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 172288771]
62. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, RAVNIKAR, Maja, KOŠIR, Tamara, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, ZUPANC, Mojca, ZEVNIK, Jure, ORTAR, Jernej, DULAR, Matevž, MOZETIČ, Miran, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, PRIMC, Gregor, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion. Cavitation alone or in combination with plasma for waterborne virus inactivation. In: DULAR, Matevž (ed.). Workshop on Cavitation Exploitation 2023 : 20th – 22nd of September 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo: = Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2023. Str. [21-22], ilustr. ISBN 978-961-7187-06-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 167612931]
63. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, KOŠIR, Tamara, PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok. The effect of different parameters on inactivation of viruses in water with novel plasma-supercavitation technology. In: 8th ISFEV Conference, International Society for Food and Environmental Virology : Tokyo, Japan, June 9-14, 2024. ISFEV 2024, 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology Conference, June 9-14, 2024, Tokyo, Japan. [S. l.: s. n., 2024]. Str. 30. [COBISS.SI-ID 204082435]
64. KOŠIR, Tamara, FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, RAVNIKAR, Maja, PLOHL, Olivija, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija, JERMAN, Ivan, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. COVID-19 : razvoj materialov s protivirusnim delovanjem in testiranje učinkovitosti filtracije zaščitnih mask. In: KUŠAR, Darja (ed.), JAMNIKAR CIGLENEČKI, Urška (ed.). 9. kongres Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva : knjiga povzetkov : 14.–16. februar 2024. Ljubljana: Slovensko mikrobiološko društvo, 2024. Str. 93. ISBN 978-961-96562-0-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 186639875]
65. ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, DOBNIK, David, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PETKOVŠEK, Martin, DULAR, Matevž, MOZETIČ, Miran, PRIMC, Gregor. Novel plasma-supercavitation technology for water cleaning. In: KRSTULOVIĆ, Nikša (ed.). Book of abstracts : 19th Joint Vacuum Conference & 30th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique : 29. 9. - 4. 10. 2024, Podstrana, Croatia. Zagreb: Croatian Vacuum Society, cop. 2024. Str. 44. ISBN 978-953-98154-5-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 211139587]
66. ZVER, Mark, DOBNIK, David, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor. Plasma-generated vacuum-UV radiation for inactivation of viruses in water. In: KRSTULOVIĆ, Nikša (ed.). Book of abstracts : 19th Joint Vacuum Conference & 30th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique : 29. 9. - 4. 10. 2024, Podstrana, Croatia. Zagreb: Croatian Vacuum Society, cop. 2024. Str. 57. ISBN 978-953-98154-5-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 211181827]
67. KALOPER, Saša, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PLOHL, Olivija. A battle against hospital-acquired infections with antiviral polysaccharide-based coatings as strategic protective textile development: a detailed physicochemical characterisation of liquid media. In: KREŽE, Tatjana (ed.), FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija (ed.). Book of Scientific Research Achievements of Program Group Textile Chemistry and Advanced Textile Materials : P2-0118 : 1st Annual Meeting 2024. Maribor: University of Maribor, University Press: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2024. Str. 10-11. ISBN 978-961-286-858-1. DOI: 10.18690/um.fs.3.2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 195284483]
project: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (Young Researchers Programme, Grant number: P2-0082).
68. KALOPER, Saša, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PLOHL, Olivija. Antiviral polysaccharide-based coatings for strategic textile PPE development as a route against pandemic outbreaks: Liquid media physicochemical characterization. In: EPNOE junior 2024 : 6th International EPNOE Junior scientist meeting 2024, September 4-6 2024, : book of abstracts. Vienna (Austria): BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 2024. Str. 68. ISBN 978-3-200-10008-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 209313539]
69. KALOPER, Saša, FRAS ZEMLJIČ, Lidija, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PLOHL, Olivija. Combating Hospital-Acquired Infections with Antiviral Polysaccharide Coatings for Personal Protective Equipment: A Physicochemical Analysis of Liquid Media. In: LOBNIK, Aleksandra (ed.), et al. NANOAPP 2024 : nanomaterials & applications : book of abstracts : 5th International Scientific Conference NANOAPP 2024 - Nanomaterials & Applications : Ptuj, 18-24 June, 2024, Slovenia. 5th International scientific conference NANOAPP 2024 of nanomaterials & applications,18-21 June 2024, Ptuj. Ptuj: IOS, inštitut za okoljevarstvo in senzorje, proizvodnja, trgovina in storitve, 2024. Str. [61]. ISBN 978-961-92863-6-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 203359235]
70. KOBE, Nina, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, JUKIČ, Marko, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Evaluation of antiviral activity of natural products on model bacteriophages and mammalian viruses. In: TABAIN, Irena (ed.). Power of Viruses : programme and abstracts : September 25–28, 2024 Zadar, Croatia. Zagreb: Croatian Microbiological Society, 2024. Str. 93. [COBISS.SI-ID 212539651]

1.22 Interview

71. SENICA, Saša (interviewer), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). Uničevanje virusov v vodi. Delo. [Tiskana izd.]. 4. maj 2023, str. 15, ilustr. ISSN 0350-7521. [COBISS.SI-ID 152244227]


2.08 Doctoral dissertation

72. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Inactivation of viruses in water by cold atmospheric plasma : doctoral dissertation = Inaktivacija virusov v vodi s hladno atmosfersko plazmo : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [A. Filipić], 2021. XVII, 83 str., ilustr., [COBISS.SI-ID 71471875]
award: Nagrada za izjemno doktorsko delo na področju dejavnosti Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo za leto 2021; Zlati znak Instituta "Jožef Stefan" za leto 2023

2.09 Master's thesis

73. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Vpliv mirovanja na mikrobioto prebavnega trakta ljudi : magistrsko delo = Impact of stationary lifestyle on human gut microbiota : M. Sc. Thesis. Ljubljana: [A. Filipić], 2016. XI, 59 str., [4] str. pril., ilustr. Biotehniška fakulteta, Magistrski študijski program 2. stopnje Mikrobiologija, 70., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL. [COBISS.SI-ID 4677240]

2.13 Treatise, preliminary study, study

74. JANC, Mojca, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Inaktivacija baketriofaga MS2 s pomočjo vodikovega peroksida : elaborat. Ljubljana: [Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo], 2020. 18 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41948931]
75. FRIC, Katja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, KOGOVŠEK, Polona. Raziskava učinkovitosti UV svetlobe za inaktivacijo bakteriofaga MS2 : elaborat. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, 2020. [11] f. [COBISS.SI-ID 38585603]

2.19 Radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

76. HVALC, Luka, RATEJ, Maja, CEVZAR, Mišel (discussant), GORŠAK, Tanja (discussant), LEBAN, Ivan (discussant), STEPIŠNIK PERDIH, Tadej (discussant), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (discussant), ŠMUC, Andrej (discussant). Reportaža: Znanstveni slam 2018. Ljubljana: Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod, Val 202, 2018. Frekvenca X. [COBISS.SI-ID 4902735]
77. JUTERŠEK, Mojca, GORŠAK, Tanja, GERŠAK, Gregor, MIRTIČ, Janja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, CEVZAR, Mišel, GORNIK, Tjaša, LEBAN, Ivan, STEPIŠNIK PERDIH, Tadej, ŠMUC, Andrej. Znanstveni slam 2018., [COBISS.SI-ID 4644977]
78. BRECELJ, Marija (interviewer), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). Mlada raziskovalka Arijana Filipić (NIB) - možnosti uporabe hladne plinske plazme za inaktivacijo virusov. Trst: Rai Furlanija Julijska krajina, 2020. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (34 min, 19 sek)). Hevreka: iz sveta znanosti. [COBISS.SI-ID 38354435]
79. FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). Možnosti uporabe hladne plinske plazme za inaktivacijo virusov. [Trst]: RAI Furlanija Julijska krajina, 2020. Hevreka. [COBISS.SI-ID 19161859]
80. FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee), PRIMC, Gregor (interviewee), DOLJAK, Poljanka (interviewer). Hladna plinska plazma v mehurju vodne pare ali kako uspešno inaktivirati viruse v vodi. Roma: Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana, cop. 2024. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (34 min, 45 sek)). Hevreka. [COBISS.SI-ID 201224963]
81. FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). S hladno plazmo nad trdožive viruse. Ljubljana: RTV Slovenija, javni zavod, 2024. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (30 min 42 sek)). Podobe znanja., [COBISS.SI-ID 201216003]
82. KRANJC HORVAT, Anja (interviewee), NOVAK, Aleš (interviewee), KUZMAN, Uroš (interviewee), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee), RATEJ, Maja (interviewer). Zabavna znanost: The Big Bang Theory po slovensko : 32. dnevi Jožefa Stefana, okrogla miza, 18. 3. 2024. Ljubljana: Arnes [distributer], 2024. 1 spletni vir (1 videodatoteka (ca. 84 min)), barve, zvok. [COBISS.SI-ID 193952771]

2.23 Patent application

83. PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, ZVER, Mark, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, VESEL, Alenka, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David, KOGOVŠEK, Polona, RAVNIKAR, Maja. A method for preparation of virucidal polymer textile materials and virucidal face masks made from said materials : patentna prijava EP 22182070.7. München: European Patent Office, 2022. 19 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 117204995]

2.24 Patent

84. PRIMC, Gregor, MOZETIČ, Miran, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, VESEL, Alenka, RAVNIKAR, Maja, ŽEL, Jana, MEHLE, Nataša, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, DOBNIK, David. Postopek za deaktivacijo virusa v vodi : patent SI 25811 A, 2020-09-30. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 2020. [25] str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 4955215]
patent family: P-201900255, 2019-12-20; GB 1821107.8, 2018-12-21
85. PRIMC, Gregor, ZAPLOTNIK, Rok, MOZETIČ, Miran, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, GUTIÉRREZ-AGUIRRE, Ion, DOBNIK, David, DULAR, Matevž, PETKOVŠEK, Martin. Method and device for disinfection of liquid : United States Patent US 11,807,555 B2, 2023-11-07. Alexandria: United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2023. [15] str., ilustr., [COBISS.SI-ID 45799939]
award: Nagrada ARIS, Odlični v znanosti 2024
patent family: US2022106206A1, 2022-04-07; EP20200482A, 2020-10-07; EP3981743A1, 2022-04-13

2.33 Professional film, videorecordings or sound recordings

86. RAVNIKAR, Maja, GRIGALIONYTE-BEMBIČ, Ernesta, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, ŽUPANIČ, Anže, POHAR, Jelka, BREZNIK, Barbara, ROTTER, Ana, HLASTEC, Bojan. Perspectives on women in biotechnology. [S. l.: Science and more; San Bruno: YouTube [distributer]], 2022. 1 spletni vir (1 videodatoteka (6 min 3 sek)). [COBISS.SI-ID 133428227]


3.11 Radio or television event

87. FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). 32. dnevi Jožefa Stefana : RTV SLO, Prvi dnevnik, 22. 3. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 193242115]
88. FILIPIĆ, Arijana (interviewee). Pomen znanosti : Radio Slovenija 2, Val 202, 21. 3. 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 193616387]

3.12 Exhibition

89. VUJINOVIĆ, Tanja, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor, PETROVIĆ, Zoran Lj. Fontana : installation (3D prints, steel, water, glassware, custom-made atmospheric pressure plasma generating device, Argon, custom-made ultrasonic air humidifier), 11. - 29. 6. 2019, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 5139279]
90. VUJINOVIĆ, Tanja, PODPEČAN, Vid, KUŠEJ VUJINOVIĆ, Jan, BOC, Ana Gaja, BERTONCELJ ČADEŽ, Sara, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, PRIMC, Gregor, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, KOBLAR, Maja, KRPIČ, Gregor, SNYDER, Derek, ANDRULONIS, Dariusz, BEVC, Roman. MetaVrt Sfera2 : razstava v galeriji Loža Koper, 23. avgust - 20. oktober 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 5153615]

3.14 Invited lecture at foreign university

91. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Unique combination of cold plasma and hydrodynamic cavitation for water decontamination : Seminario de la semana, Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Salón de Actos del IATA, viernes, 2 de junio 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 154332931]

3.15 Unpublished conference contribution

92. BOGOŽALEC KOŠIR, Alexandra, DEMŠAR, Tina, ŠTEBIH, Dejan, DOBNIK, David, FILIPIĆ, Arijana, JAKOMIN, Tjaša. Hands-on QX100/QX200 : Training Workshop on the use of digital PCR for GMO analysis, 23-25 January 2018, National Institute of Biology (NIB), Ljubljana, Slovenia. [COBISS.SI-ID 4593487]
93. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Inactivation of viruses in water : 1st work group 4 online meeting (18-19 January 2021) : Plasma treatment of agricultural wastewater, growth media, manure and production of plasma activated water (PAW). [COBISS.SI-ID 87346179]
94. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Plazma vs. virusi : kdo bo zmagal? : predavanje na dogodku TEDxUniversityofLjubljana, Začimbe življenja, SiTi Teater BTC, 14. 4. 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 105524227]
95. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Innovative technology for water decontamination : The First Slovenian-Indian Day of Science and Innovations (a pilot project), Ljubljana, February 6, 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 185794051]

3.16 Unpublished invited conference lecture

96. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Present in style : vabljeno predavanje na spletni konferenci DIFENEW International Student Conference - DISC2021, December 16th, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 90683651]
97. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. WaterClean : EQUALS-EU Summer School, 12-30 June 2023, Riga (Latvia), Geneva (Switzerland) and Valencia (Spain). [COBISS.SI-ID 176334339]
award: nagrada za najboljši Pitch Off

3.25 Other performed works

98. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Plazma, moderna čistilka : prispevek na Znastvenem slamu 2018, Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana, 19. 11. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4896335]
award: Druga nagrada na Znanstvenem slamu 2018
99. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. Problem: čista voda. Rešitev: četrto agregatno stanje? : Znanstveni ekspreso, EU kotiček, Ljubljana, 28. 9. 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4834895]
100. BAKOS, Vince, FILIPIĆ, Arijana. How to present : 11th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 1-5 October 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. [COBISS.SI-ID 5190479]
101. FILIPIĆ, Arijana, BAKOS, Vince. How to present? : on-line workshop on 19th January 2021, as part of a web conference, The 12th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, 31st March - 2nd April 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 50243075]
102. VINDIŠAR, Jure (interviewer), HORVAT, Milena (discussant), KATRAŠNIK, Tomaž (discussant), KRISTAN, Matej (discussant), PRIMC, Gregor (discussant), FILIPIĆ, Arijana (discussant). Okrogla miza Naravoslovje in tehnika : Odlični v znanosti 2024, 18. november 2024, Narodna galerija, Ljubljana., [COBISS.SI-ID 216867075]



103. Na okrogli mizi poudarili pomembno vlogo humorja pri komuniciranju znanosti širši javnosti. Slovenska tiskovna agencija. 18. mar. 2024, 1 spletni vir. ISSN 1854-214X. [COBISS.SI-ID 193902595]


104. Arijana’s academy for presenting : AAP. FILIPIĆ, Arijana. [S. l.]: [samozal.] A. Filipić, [2023]-. [COBISS.SI-ID 223421443]