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Goran Dražić

Osebna bibliografija za obdobje 1980-2025


1. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Termoluminiscenčni dozimetri CaSO[spodaj](4):Dy : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [G. Dražić], 1980. 55 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1034543]


2. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija. Sintered ▫$CaSO_4$▫. The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes. 1983, vol. 34, str. 1633-1637. ISSN 0020-708X. [COBISS.SI-ID 8616231]


3. KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLAR, Drago, KOSMAČ, Tomaž, MALIČ, Barbara, STOJANOVIĆ, Biljana, TRONTELJ, Marija, KRAŠEVEC, Viktor, PRODAN, Albert, HUDOMALJ, Marjan, SULČIČ, Slavko, ŠKRABA, Zora, PAHOR, Sergej, ŠNAJDER, Jože, LAVRENČIČ, Borut, CEVC, Pavel, POLANEC, Janko, KANDUŠER, Alenka. Profesionalizacija elementov s poudarkom na senzorjih, podajalnikih in pretvornikih : poročilo o opravljenem delu v okviru programskega sklopa. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 1984. 112 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 10651904]
4. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija. Properties of sintered ▫$CaSO_4-Dy$▫ dosemeters. Radiation protection dosimetry. 1984, vol. 6, str. 344-346. ISSN 0144-8420. [COBISS.SI-ID 14968359]
5. KOLAR, Drago, ŽEMVA, Boris, KOMAC, Miloš, HROVAT, Marko, MARSEL, Lada, TRONTELJ, Marija, SUVOROV, Danilo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSMAČ, Tomaž, JAGER, Anton, KOSEC, Marija, ČEH, Miran, BOLE, Anže, BUKOVEC, Peter, DRUŽINA, Branko, FRLEC, Boris, GANTAR, Darja, GLAVIČ, Peter, JESIH, Adolf, LUTAR, Karel, MILIĆEV, Svetozar, MILOJEVIĆ, Milenko, MAČEK, Jadran, RAHTEN, Ana, SEDEJ, Borka, SKAPIN, Tomaž, ŠIFTAR, Jože, ŠMALC, Andrej. Sinteza in karakterizacija anorganskih spojin. Del 1, Raziskave sintranja, reakcij pri visokih temperaturah in lastnosti anorganskih materialov, Anorganska kemija fluora in njegovih spojin. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 1984. 1 zv. (loč. pag.), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 10858752]
6. KOLAR, Drago, ŽEMVA, Boris, KOMAC, Miloš, HROVAT, Marko, MARSEL, Lada, TRONTELJ, Marija, SUVOROV, Danilo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSMAČ, Tomaž, JAGER, Anton, KOSEC, Marija, ČEH, Miran, BOLE, Anže, BUKOVEC, Peter, DRUŽINA, Branko, FRLEC, Boris, GANTAR, Darja, GLAVIČ, Peter, JESIH, Adolf, LUTAR, Karel, MILIĆEV, Svetozar, MILOJEVIĆ, Milenko, MAČEK, Jadran, RAHTEN, Ana, SEDEJ, Borka, SKAPIN, Tomaž, ŠIFTAR, Jože, ŠMALC, Andrej. Sinteza in karakterizacija anorganskih spojin. Del 2, Raziskave sintraja, reakcij pri visokih temperaturah in lastnosti anorganskih materialov, Anorganska kemija fluora in njegovih spojin. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 1984. 1 zv. (loč. pag.), ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 10858496]


7. RANOGAJEC-KOMOR, M., VEKIĆ, B., MIKLAVŽIČ, Uroš, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELIČ, Matjaž, DVORNIK, I. Effect of mathematical evaluation methods of thermoluminescence glow curves on the measured dose. Acta pharmaceutica technologica. 1986, vol. 59, str. 157-160. ISSN 0340-3157. [COBISS.SI-ID 14832935]
8. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija. Glow curve kinetics of sintered ▫$CaSO_4$▫-Dy TL dosimeters. The International journal of applied radiation and isotopes. 1986, str. 337-340. ISSN 0020-708X. [COBISS.SI-ID 8664103]
9. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIKLAVŽIČ, Uroš, MIHELIČ, Matjaž. The influence of TL glow curve evaluation algorithms on the reproducibility of dosemeter readings. Radiation protection dosimetry. 1986, vol. 17, str. 343-346. ISSN 0144-8420. [COBISS.SI-ID 14831655]


10. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija. Preparation and properties of ceramic sensor elements based on ▫$MgCr_2O_4$▫. Sensors and actuators. 1989, vol. 18, str. 407-414. ISSN 0250-6874. [COBISS.SI-ID 8775207]
11. SUŠNIK, Dimitrij, ILIĆ, Radomir, NOVAK, Saša, SUVOROV, Danilo, MALIČ, Barbara, ZUPANČIČ, Silvo, MARSEL, Lada, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZAJC, Igor, GEC, Medeja, KOSEC, Marija, KOS, Kristina, LOOSE, A., KRAŠEVEC, Viktor, MAKOVEC, Darko, RANT, Jože, ČERČEK, Milan, ŠUTEJ, Tomaž, ŠTUPAR, Janez, KOROŠIN, J., ŠPENKO, Marina, MILAČIČ, Radmila, FAJGELJ, Aleš, BYRNE, Anthony Robert, DERMELJ, Marjan, FRANKO, Mladen, STEGNAR, Peter. Priročnik postopkov za kontrolo kvalitete (revizija 1). Ljubljana: Inštitut "Jožef Stefan", 1989. IJS delovno poročilo, 5565. [COBISS.SI-ID 8079399]


12. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Dielektrična keramika na osnovi PFN-PFW-PZN : disertacija. Ljubljana: [G.Dražič], 1990. 135 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 20697344]
13. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija, KOLAR, Drago. Microstructure and chemical reactions in the PFN-PFW-PZN system. Journal of Materials Science. 1990, vol. 25, str. 2590-2594. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 14020903]


14. ŽNIDARŠIČ, Andrej, LIMPEL, M., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DROFENIK, Mihael. Influence of ▫$Ta_2O_5$▫ on the microstructure development in low loss power ferrites. V: AMON, Slavko (ur.), KOSEC, Marija (ur.). Proceedings. 20th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 92 [within the] 28th Symposium on Devices and Materials, SD 92, September 30 - October 2, 1992 Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, 1992. Str. 413-418. ISBN 961-90001-0-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 14040103]
15. KOBE, Spomenka, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAJE, Boris. The influence of ZrO2 addition on phase composition in the Nd-Dy-Fe-B system. V: AMON, Slavko (ur.), KOSEC, Marija (ur.). Proceedings. 20th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 92 [within the] 28th Symposium on Devices and Materials, SD 92, September 30 - October 2, 1992 Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, 1992. Str. 407-413. ISBN 961-90001-0-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 5663783]
16. KOBE, Spomenka, SAJE, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez. The influence of ZrO2 addition on the microstructure and the magnetic properties of Nd-Dy-Fe-B magnets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. [Print ed.]. 1992, vol. 104-107, str. 1175-1178. ISSN 0304-8853. [COBISS.SI-ID 5225511]


17. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FORTHMANN, R., NAOUMIDIS, Aristides. Basic studies of the corrosion of SiC by silicate melts. Journal of Materials Science. 1993, vol. 28, str. 2377-2384. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 5411111]
18. NOVAK, Saša, VIŽINTIN, Jože, SIROVINA, Emil, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ČEH, Miran, KOMAC, Miloš. Fretting wear of silicon nitride ceramics. V: 13th International Plansee Seminar '93 : refractory metals and hard materials - key to advanced technologies, May 24th to 28th, 1993, Reutte, Tirol, Austria. Reutte: Metallwerk Plansee GMBH, cop. 1993. Str. 589-602. [COBISS.SI-ID 1906715]
19. NOVAK, Saša, VIŽINTIN, Jože, SIROVINA, Emil, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ČEH, Miran, KOMAC, Miloš. Fretting wear of silicon nitride ceramics. V: Proceedings. Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy Parma, Italy, September 13-17, 1993. Parma: University, Faculty of Engineering, 1993. Str. 589-602. [COBISS.SI-ID 5721127]
20. ŽNIDARŠIČ, Andrej, LIMPEL, M., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DROFENIK, Mihael. Investigation of power ferrites. V: ZIEGLER, G. (ur.), HAUSNER, H. (ur.). Euro-ceramics II : [the proceedings of the European Ceramic Society conference held on 11-14 September, 1991 in Augsburg, FRG]. Volume 3, Electroceramics and ceramics for special applications. Köln: Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, 1991. Str. 2339-2343. ISBN 3-925543-11-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 5866535]
21. PANJAN, Peter, ŠMIT, Žiga, CVELBAR, Andrej, BATAGELJ, Vladimir, BUDNAR, Miloš, PELICON, Primož, NAVINŠEK, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REMŠKAR, Maja, ZALAR, Anton, PRAČEK, B. Spektroskopija tankih plasti z Rutherfordovim povratnim sipanjem (RBS). Vakuumist : glasilo Društva za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. oktober 1993, 13, št. 3, str. 7-11, ilustr. ISSN 0351-9716. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 63278848]
22. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija, KOLAR, Drago. TEM investigation in the PFN-PFW-PZN perovskite system. Journal of Materials Science. 1993, vol. 28, str. 4405-4411. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 5831463]
23. KOBE, Spomenka, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAJE, Boris. Vpliv dodatka ZrO2 na korozijsko obstojnost Nd-Dy-Fe-B magnetov. Kovine zlitine tehnologije. 1993, letn. 27, št. 1/2, str. 149-152, ilustr. ISSN 1318-0010. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 63767552]


24. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOMAC, Miloš. Analytical electron microscopy of the grain boundaries in Si3N4-Yb2O3 ceramics. V: Electron Microscopy 1994 = Actes du 13ème Congrès International de Microscopie Electroniques tenu à Paris (France), 17-22 Juillet 1994. Volume 1. Volume 3A, Interdisciplinary Developments and Tools. Les Ulis: Les Éditions de Physique, cop. 1994. Str. 685-686. ISBN 2-86883-225-3, ISBN 2-86883-228-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 13681447]
25. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TRONTELJ, Marija, KOLAR, Drago. Correlation between microstructure and electrical conductivity in Pb(Fe(1/2)Nb(1/2))O3-Pb(Fe(2/3)W(1/3))O3 relaxor ferroelectrics. Materials science & engineering. B, Solid-state materials for advanced technology. [Print ed.]. 1994, vol. 26, str. 189-196. ISSN 0921-5107. [COBISS.SI-ID 8793383]
26. KOBE, Spomenka, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAJE, Boris. The influence of ZrO2 addition on phase composition in the Nd-Dy-Fe-B system and improved corrosion resistance of the magnets. IEEE transactions on magnetics. 1994, vol. 30, str. 693-695. ISSN 0018-9464. [COBISS.SI-ID 8529703]
27. POPOVIĆ, Arkadije, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARSEL, Jože. Mass spectromscopic investigations of fullerenes : I. vapour pressure over the C60/C70 binary system. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry. 1994, vol. 8, str. 985-990. ISSN 0951-4198. [COBISS.SI-ID 9144871]
28. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELTRAM, Tatjana, KOSEC, Marija. Microstructural characterisation of sol-gel derived PLZT(9.5/65/35) thin films. Ferroelectrics. 1994, vol. 152, str. 49-54. ISSN 0015-0193. [COBISS.SI-ID 8791847]
29. HROVAT, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, BELAVIČ, Darko. Microstructural investigation of thick film resistors for strain sensor applications by TEM. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), KREN, Brane (ur.), LIMPEL, Marjeta (ur.). Proceedings. MIEL-SD 94, 22nd International Conference on Microelectronics & 30th Symposium on Devices and Materials, Rogla, Slovenia, September 28-30, 1994. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1994. Str. 319-324, ilustr. ISBN 961-90001-2-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 97307904]
30. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, SAJE, Boris. A TEM-EDXS study of zircona doped Nd-Dy-Fe-B magnets fabricated from the HDDR processed high coercitivity powders. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), KREN, Brane (ur.), LIMPEL, Marjeta (ur.). Proceedings. MIEL-SD 94, 22nd International Conference on Microelectronics & 30th Symposium on Devices and Materials, Rogla, Slovenia, September 28-30, 1994. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1994. Str. 233-237. ISBN 961-90001-2-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 8815655]
31. KOBE, Spomenka, SAJE, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Use of the HDDR process in preparation of Zirconia doped Nd-Dy-Fe-B high coercivity powder. V: MANWARING, C. A. F. (ur.), HARRIS, I. Rex (ur.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Rare-arth Magnets and their Applications : 11-14 September 1994, Birmingham. Birmingham: School of metallurgy and materials, 1994. Str. 543-552. [COBISS.SI-ID 9212199]
32. KOBE, Spomenka, SAJE, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Use of the HDDR process in preparation of zirconia doped Nd-Dy-Fe-B high coercivity powder. Kovine zlitine tehnologije. 1994, letn. 28, št. 4, str. 567-570. ISSN 1318-0010. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 12178983]


33. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analitska elektronska mikroskopija sodobnih keramičnih materialov. Vakuumist : glasilo Društva za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. oktober 1995, 15, št. 3, str. 12-19, ilustr. ISSN 0351-9716. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 72152832]
34. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Analytical electron microscopy of sol-gel derived lead (lanthanum) titanate-zirconate ferroelectric thin films. V: Multinational congress on electron microscopy, Stará Lesná, High Tatra Mountains, October 16 - 20, 1995 : proceedings. Bratislava, 1995. Str. 96-100. [COBISS.SI-ID 11667495]
35. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DELALUT, Uroš. Analytical electron microscopy study of sol-gel derived PLZT thin films and powders : Workshop on Ferroelectric thin films, Lausanne. 1995. Annual Report 1995, COST-514. [COBISS.SI-ID 11904551]
36. HROVAT, Marko, KUŠČER, Danjela, BERNIK, Slavko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, DACAR, Borut, KOLAR, Drago. CaO modified LaFeO3 as a possible SOFC cathode material. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), KREN, Brane (ur.), LIMPEL, Meta (ur.). Proceedings. 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL 95 [and] 31st Symposium on Devices and Materials - SD 95, September 27. - September 29.1995,Terme Zreče-Rogla, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1995. Str. 233-238. ISBN 961-90001-3-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 11684135]
37. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Ceramic materials for piezoelectric sensors and actuatrs under extreme conditions. European Union Commission, Ministry of Science and Technoogy of the Republic of Slovenia, 1995. Final Report Januar 92 - November 1995,, COST 503-Round III. [COBISS.SI-ID 9842983]
38. HROVAT, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, BELAVIČ, Darko. Correlation between microstructure and gauge factors of thick film resistors. Journal of materials science letters. 1995, vol. 14, str. 1048-1051. ISSN 0261-8028. [COBISS.SI-ID 10663975]
39. GEC, Medeja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Cross sectional TEM sample preparation of ceramic materials. V: Multinational congress on electron microscopy, Stará Lesná, High Tatra Mountains, October 16 - 20, 1995 : proceedings. Bratislava, 1995. Str. 203-204. [COBISS.SI-ID 13453095]
40. HROVAT, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELAVIČ, Darko, HOLC, Janez, ŠOBA, Stojan. Microstructural investigations of thick film resistors with high gauge factors. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), KREN, Brane (ur.), LIMPEL, Meta (ur.). Proceedings. 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL 95 [and] 31st Symposium on Devices and Materials - SD 95, September 27. - September 29.1995,Terme Zreče-Rogla, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1995. Str. 163-168. ISBN 961-90001-3-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 11682599]
41. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, ŠOBA, Stojan. Preiskave debeloplastnih uporov z visokimi faktorji gauge. Informacije MIDEM : časopis za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. [Tiskana izd.]. 1995, vol. 25, str. 108-114. ISSN 0352-9045. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 11688999]
42. KOSEC, Marija, HUANG, Y., SATO, E., BELL, A., SETTER, Nava, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNIK, Slavko, BELTRAM, Tatjana. Stoichiometry and phase structure of sol-gel derived PZT-based thin films. V: AUCIELLO, orlando (ur.), WASER, Rainer (ur.). Science and technology of electroceramic thin films : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science and Technology of Electroceramic Thin Films, Villa del Mare, Italy, June 20-24, 1994]. Dordrecht; Bostob; London: Kluwer Academic Press, 1995. Str. 177-186. NATO ASI series, Series E, Applied sciences, vol. 284. ISBN 0-7923-3332-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 10470951]
43. PANJAN, Peter, CVELBAR, Andrej, NAVINŠEK, Boris, PELICON, Primož, BUDNAR, Miloš, ZORKO, Benjamin, REMŠKAR, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZALAR, Anton. Študij reakcij v večplastnih strukturah : predstavljeno na 2. slovenski konferenci o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, 1994 = A Study of interfacial reactions in multilayer structures. Kovine zlitine tehnologije. 1995, letn. 29, št. 1/2, str. 309-312, ilustr. ISSN 1318-0010. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 12514]
44. KOBE, Spomenka, SAJE, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Use of the HDDR processs in preparation of zirconia doped Nd-Dy-Fe-B high coercivity powder. V: KOLAR, Drago (ur.), SUVOROV, Danilo (ur.). 1st Slovene-German seminar on joint projects in materials science and technology, Portorož, October 2-4, 1994 : German Slovenian cooperation in scientific research and technological development. Jülich: Forschungszentrum, Zentrallbibliothek, 1995. Str. 139-144. Bilateral seminars of the International Bureau, Vol. 20. ISBN 3-89336-155-3. ISSN 0938-7668. [COBISS.SI-ID 11682855]


45. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of advanced ceramic materials. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), AMON, Slavko (ur.), KOSEC, Marija (ur.). Proceedings. 24th International Conference on Microelectronics and 32nd Symposium on Devices and Materials, September 25.-27. 1996, Nova Gorica. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1996. Str. 111-124. ISBN 961-90001-4-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 12126503]
46. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of advanced ceramic materials. V: ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.), AMON, Slavko (ur.), KOSEC, Marija (ur.). Proceedings. 24th International Conference on Microelectronics and 32nd Symposium on Devices and Materials, September 25.-27. 1996, Nova Gorica. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1996. ISBN 961-90001-4-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 3829543]
47. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of advanced ceramic materials = Analitska elektronska mikroskopija sodobnih keramičnih materialov : invited paper from 24th International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL'96, 32nd Symposium on Devices and Materials, SD'96, September 25.-September 27., 1997, Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Informacije MIDEM : časopis za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. [Tiskana izd.]. dec. 1996, letn. 26, št. 4, str. 273-279. ISSN 0352-9045. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 12966951]
48. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Analytical electron microscopy of ferroelectric ceramic materials. V: DREVENŠEK OLENIK, Irena (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Institut J. Stefan: = J. Stefan Institute: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Oddelek za fiziko: = Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Physics Department, 1996. Str. 30. ISBN 86-80023-24-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 12098087]
49. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of PZT based ferroelectric materials : invited talk. Karlsruhe: Institute for Ceramics in Mechanical Engineering (IKM), 1996. . [COBISS.SI-ID 12340775]
50. VIŽINTIN, Jože, KALIN, Mitjan, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, IVES, L.K., PETERSON, M.B. Effect of slip amplitude on the fretting wear of silicon nitride against silicon nitride. Wear. [Print ed.]. 1996, 192, str. 11-20. ISSN 0043-1648. [COBISS.SI-ID 1908251]
51. HROVAT, Marko, HOLC, Janez, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The extent of solid solubility in the RuO2-TiO2 system. Journal of materials research. 1996, vol. 11, str. 727-732. ISSN 0884-2914. [COBISS.SI-ID 12039463]
52. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CILENŠEK, Jena, DRNOVŠEK, Silvo, MANDELJC, Mira. Ferroelectric multilayer structures and thin films for actuator and microactuator applications : 1st year progress report, Feb. 1995 - Dec. 1995, COPERNICUS, ERB CIPA & CT 940236. Ljubljana, 1996. [COBISS.SI-ID 12344103]
53. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DELALUT, Uroš, CILENŠEK, Jena, DRNOVŠEK, Silvo. Ferroelectric multilayer structures and thin films for actuator and microactuator applications : Progress report Jan.1966 - June 96, COPERNICUS, ERB CIPA & CT 940236. Ljubljana, 1996. [COBISS.SI-ID 12348455]
54. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Quantitative TEM-EDS analysis of lead zirconate-titanate and lead-lanthanum zirconate-titanate ceramic materials. V: LÁBÁR, J. L. (ur.), HEIKINHEIMO, E. (ur.), NICHOLSON, P. (ur.). Proceedings : EMAS'96. 2nd Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today - Practical Aspects, 19-22 May 1996, Balatonfüred, Hungary. Debrecen: European Microbeam Analysis Society, 1996. Str. p-15-p-16. ISBN 963-472-121-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 12057895]
55. DEMARTIN, M., KOSEC, Marija, CARRY, C., RIMLINGER, S., MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Sintering, grain growth and homogeneity of soft lead zirconate titanate prepared by different routes. V: GERMAN, Randall M. (ur.), MESSING, Gary L. (ur.), CORNWALL, Robert G. (ur.). Sintering technology. New York; Basel; Hong Kong: Marcel Dekker. Str. 399-406. ISBN 0-8247-9775-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 12173863]
56. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, CVELBAR, Andrej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PANJAN, Peter. Študij temperaturno obstojnih Al-Fe-X zlitin na osnovi meritev električne upornosti. V: Program in povzetki = [Program and abstracts]. 4. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenija, 1.-4. oktober 1996. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije], 1996. Str. 1. [COBISS.SI-ID 1291103]
57. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, KALIN, Mitjan, VIŽINTIN, Jože. Wear of silicon nitride ceramics under fretting conditions. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. [Print ed.]. 1996, a215, str. 125-133. ISSN 0921-5093. [COBISS.SI-ID 3920679]


58. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, BROOKS, Keith, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Acetic acid based sol-gel PLZT thin films : processing and characterisation. V: Abstracts : SOL-GEL'97. 9th International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites from Gels, 31 August - 5 September 1997, Sheffield, UK. [S.l.]: Society of Glass Technology, 1997. Str. 69. [COBISS.SI-ID 13100839]
59. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analitska elektronska mikroskopija keramičnih materialov - razvoj metod in njihova uporaba : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela na področju temeljnega raziskovanja v letu 1996. [COBISS.SI-ID 13124903]
60. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PANJAN, Peter, CVELBAR, Andrej. Analiza kinetike faznih transformacij hitro strjenih zlitin Al-Fe s pomočjo meritev električne upornosti. V: 35. skok čez kožo : povzetki predavanj: inženirska in gospodarska prihodnost materialov. Ljubljana, 1997. Str. 21. Rudarsko-metalurški zbornik, Let. 44, št. 1, 1997. ISSN 0035-9645. [COBISS.SI-ID 1295199]
61. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Analytical electron microscopy of ferroelectric ceramic materials. Ferroelectrics. 1997, vol. 201, str. 23-32. ISSN 0015-0193. [COBISS.SI-ID 12967463]
62. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Analytical electron microscopy of PZT based ferroelectric materials. V: REČNIK, Aleksander (ur.), ČEH, Miran (ur.), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (ur.). Proceedings. [3rd] Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Portorož, Slovenia, October 5-8, 1997 [also] MCEM '97. Ljubljana: "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Ceramics Department, 1997. Str. 215-218. [COBISS.SI-ID 12966439]
63. CABALLERO, A. C., NIETO, E., DURÁN, P., MOURE, C., KOSEC, Marija, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Ceramic-electrode interaction in PZT and PNN-PZT multilayer piezoelectric ceramics with AG/PD 70/30 inner electrode. Journal of Materials Science. 1997, vol. 32, str. 3257-3262. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 12609063]
64. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DELALUT, Uroš, CILENŠEK, Jena, DRNOVŠEK, Silvo, MANDELJC, Mira. COPERNICUS : Ferroelectric multilayer structures and thin films for actuator and microactuator applications : February 1995 - January 1997. Final report, ERB CIPACT 94-0236. [COBISS.SI-ID 12658727]
65. GEC, Medeja, MANDELJC, Mira, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Cross-sectional sample preparation of sol-gel derived PLZT thin films for SEM and TEM investigations. V: REČNIK, Aleksander (ur.), ČEH, Miran (ur.), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (ur.). Proceedings. [3rd] Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Portorož, Slovenia, October 5-8, 1997 [also] MCEM '97. Ljubljana: "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Ceramics Department, 1997. Str. 251-252. [COBISS.SI-ID 12965927]
66. BIZJAK, M., KOSEC, L., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PANJAN, Peter, CVELBAR, Andrej. Določitev kinetike sprememb v hitro strjenih zlitinah aluminij-železo na osnovi meritev električne upornosti = Electrical resistivity measurements of phase transformations kinetics in rapid solidificatin aluminium-iron alloys. Kovine zlitine tehnologije. 1997, letn. 31, št. 5, str. 337-340. ISSN 1318-0010. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 12916519]
67. KOSEC, Marija, DELALUT, Uroš, MALIČ, Barbara, BOBNAR, Vid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Influence of different lead precursors on the microstructure and properties of sol-gel PZT thin films. V: KULWICKI, Bernard M. (ur.), AMIN, Ahmed (ur.). Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics [also] ISAF'96, East Brunswick, NJ, USA, August 18-21, 1996. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Piscataway, 1997. Str. 443-445. IEEE catalog number, 96CH35948. ISBN 0-7803-3355-1, ISBN 0-7803-3356-X, ISBN 0-7803-3357-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 12536103]
68. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, BROOKS, Keith, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Influence of processing parameters on characteristics of sol-gel derived PLZT thin films. V: EMIF 2 : abstract of the 2nd European Meeting on Integrated Ferroeectrics, September 29-30, 1997, Jouy-en-Josas, France. [S.l.]: European Ceramic Society, 1997. [COBISS.SI-ID 13112615]
69. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, CVELBAR, Andrej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Microstructural stability of rapidly solidified Al-Fe-X alloy. V: SARTON, L.A.J.L. (ur.), ZEEDIJK, H.B. (ur.). Materials, functionality & design [also] EURO MAT 97 : proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes and Applications, Maastricht, 21-23 April, 1997. Vol. 1, Metals and composites. Zwijndrecht: Netherlands Society for Materials Science, cop. 1997. Str. 289-290. ISBN 90-803513-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 787807]
70. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, CVELBAR, Andrej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Mikrostrukturna stabilnost hitro strjenih Al-Fe-X zlitin. V: Program in knjiga povzetkov = [Program and abstract booklet]. 5. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenija, 1.-3. oktober 1997. [Ljubljana]: [s. n.], 1997. Str. 3. [COBISS.SI-ID 1292383]
71. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, KOSEC, Marija, BROOKS, Keith, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. PLZT 4/65/35 thin films prepared by acetic-acid based sol-gel route. V: LECCABUE, F. (ur.), WATTS, B.E. (ur.), BOCELLI, G. (ur.). Ferroelectric thin films : proceedings of the COST 514 European Concerted Action Workshop, Centro Santa Elisabetta, Campus Universitario, April 14-15th, 1997, Parma (Italy). Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 1997. Str. 4-10. [COBISS.SI-ID 12965415]
72. REČNIK, Aleksander (urednik), ČEH, Miran (urednik), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (urednik), [3rd] Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Portorož, Slovenia, October 5-8, 1997 [also] MCEM '97. Proceedings. Ljubljana: "Jožef Stefan" Institute, Ceramics Department, 1997. 306 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 80507]
73. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija. Quantitative TEM-EDXS of sol gel derived lead-(lanthanum) zirconate-titanate ceramics materials. V: Book of abstracts : EMAS'97. 5th European Workshop on Modern Developmnets and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, 11 to 15 May 1997 in Torquay, U. K. [S. l.]: European Microbeam Analysis Society, 1997. Str. 292. [COBISS.SI-ID 12731687]
74. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, MANDELJC, Mira, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Reliability of ferroelectric thin films. V: PARDO, Lorena (ur.). COST 514 : ferroelectric ceramic thin films : annual report 1996. [Luxembourg]: European Communities, 1997. Str. 21-25. EUR 17910 EN. ISBN 92-828-1803-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 13248551]
75. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. TEm - EDXS of nanometer objects with complicated geometry. V: KOSEC, Marija (ur.), AMON, Slavko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). MIDEM Conference'97 : proceedings. 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, September 24-26, 1997. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 1997. Str. 81-86. ISBN 961-90001-5-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 12966695]
76. KALIN, Mitjan, VIŽINTIN, Jože, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Wear mechanisms in oil-lubricated and dry fretting of silicon nitride against bearing steel contacts. V: RIGNEY, David (ur.), BAYER, R. G. (ur.). Wear of materials : proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Wear Materials, San Diego, California, April 20-23, 1997. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 1997. 12 str. ISBN 0-08-042841-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3025691]
77. KALIN, Mitjan, VIŽINTIN, Jože, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Wear mechanisms in oil-lubricated and dry fretting of silicon nitride against bearing steel contacts. Wear. [Print ed.]. 1997, vol. 210, str. 27-38. ISSN 0043-1648. [COBISS.SI-ID 12731431]


78. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, BROOKS, Keith, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Acetic acid based sol-gel PLZT thin films : processing and characterisation. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 1998, vol. 13, str. 833-836. ISSN 0928-0707. [COBISS.SI-ID 13817383]
79. LISJAK, Darja, DROFENIK, Mihael, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLAR, Drago. Ageing of ZnO-NiO ceramics. Journal of Materials Science. 1998, vol. 33, str. 4201-4206. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 13558055]
80. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analitska elektronska mikroskopija sodobnih anorganskih materialov = Analytical electron microscopy of modern inorganic materials : vabljeno predavanje. V: Program in knjiga povzetkov. 6. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, Portorož, Slovenija 3. - 5. november 1998. [Ljubljana: IMT, 1998]. Str. 52. [COBISS.SI-ID 13690407]
81. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of grain boundaries in advanced ceramic materials. V: HROVAT, Marko (ur.), KRIŽAJ, Dejan (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 34th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials with the Satellite Minisymposium on Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, September 23. - 25. 1998, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 1998. Str. 59-64. ISBN 961-90001-6-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 13450023]
82. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Analytical electron microscopy of PZT-based ferroelectric materials. Journal of computer-assisted microscopy. 1998, vol. 9, str. 25-28. ISSN 1040-7286. [COBISS.SI-ID 13277479]
83. FERNÁNDEZ, J. F., MOURE, C., VILLEGANS, M., DURÁN, P., KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Compositional fluctuations and properties of fine-grained acceptor-doped PZT ceramics = J.F. Fernández ... [et al.]. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 1998, vol. 18, str. 1695-1705. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 13428775]
84. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. COST 514 Ferroelectric Thin Films 1998 Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 20-21, 1998. 1998. [COBISS.SI-ID 14098215]
85. GEC, Medeja, MANDELJC, Mira, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Cross-sectional sample preparation of sol-gel derived PLZT thin films for SEM and TEM investigations. Journal of computer-assisted microscopy. 1998, vol. 9, str. 57-58. ISSN 1040-7286. [COBISS.SI-ID 13277735]
86. OREL, Boris, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, GROŠELJ, Neva, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REISFELD, Renata. Gasochromic behaviour of sol-gel derived Pd doped peroxopolytungstic acid (W-PTA) nano - composite films. V: KRAINER, Aleš (ur.), PERDAN, Rudi (ur.), KRISTL, Živa (ur.). EuroSun 98 : book of abstracts. The Second ISES-Europe Solar Congress, Portorož, Slovenia, September 14-17, 1998. Ljubljana: International Solar Energy Society, Slovenian Section, 1998. 1 str. (iv.1.12). [COBISS.SI-ID 1682714]
87. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, BROOKS, Keith, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Influence of processing parameters on characteristics of sol-gel derived PLZT thin films : presented at 2nd European Meeting on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Jouy-en-Josas, France, September 29-30, 1997. Journal de physique. IV. 1998, vol. 8, proc. , str. pr9-49-pr9-52. ISSN 1155-4339. [COBISS.SI-ID 13737255]
88. SLUNEČKO, Jaroslav, KOSEC, Marija, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OREL, Boris. Morphology and crystallization behaviour of sol-gel-derived titania. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 1998, vol. 81, str. 1121-1124. ISSN 0002-7820. [COBISS.SI-ID 13196583]
89. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Optimisation of analytical parameters for quantitative TEM-EDXS analyses of PZT ceramic materials. V: LLOVET, X. (ur.), MERLET, C. (ur.), SALVAT, F. (ur.). Proceedings. EMAS '98 3rd Regional Workshop Electron Probe Microanalisis Today, 13-16 May 1998, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 1998. Str. 340. [COBISS.SI-ID 13273639]
90. MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. ▫$Pb(Zr,TiO)O_3$▫ based ceramics prepared by solution processing. V: Book of abstracts. Fourth International Conference on Nanostructures Materials, NANO '98, June 14-19, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden. [S.l.: s.n.], 1998. Str. 238. ISBN 91-7170-282-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 13802791]
91. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija. Quantitative TEM-EDXS of sol-gel derived PZT ceramic materials. Microchimica acta : Micro and Trace Analysis. [Print ed.]. 1998, vol. 15, suppl. , str. 77-82. ISSN 0026-3672. [COBISS.SI-ID 13303591]
92. OREL, Boris, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, GROŠELJ, Neva, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structural, spectroscopic and electrical investigations of sol-gel derived Pd doped WO[sub]3 films with gasochromic properties. V: LAHAJNAR, Gojmir (ur.), ŠKRABA, Zora (ur.), BLINC, Robert (ur.). [Extended abstracts' book]. 9th International Conference on Solid State Protonic Conductors (SSPC-9), August 17-21, 1998, Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: J. Stefan Institute, 1998. Str. 116-117 (p3-5). ISBN 86-80023-29-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 1671450]
93. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SUVOROV, Danilo, VALANT, Matjaž. TEM investigations of CaTiO[sub]3 - NdAlO[sub]3 ceramics. V: CALDERÓN BENAVIDES, Héctor A. (ur.), YACAMÁN, Miguel José (ur.). Electron microscopy 1998 : proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Cancun (Mexico), 31 August to 4 September 1998. Bristol; Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1998. Vol. ii, str. 739-740. ISBN 0-7503-0568-1, ISBN 0-7503-0569-X, ISBN 0-7503-0564-9, ISBN 0-7503-0565-7, ISBN 0-7503-0566-5, ISBN 0-7503-0567-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 13410599]


94. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LISJAK, Darja. Analytical electron microscopy study of a ZnO-NiO solid solution. V: Book of abstracts : EMAS'99. 6th European Workshop on Modern Developmnets and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, 03 to 07 May 1999 in the Konzilgebäude, Konstanz, Germany. [S. l.]: European Microbeam Analysis Society, 1999. Str. 302. [COBISS.SI-ID 14099751]
95. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Azbestna vlakna v pitni vodi. V: KOMAC, Milica (ur.). Ogrožanje vodnih virov in nevarne snovi v pitni vodi : zbornik predavanj, [Ljubljana], 29. - 30. september 1999. Ljubljana: ZTI - Zavod za tehnično izobraževanje, 1999. Str. 95-105. ISBN 961-6135-30-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 14391079]
96. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DELALUT, Uroš, MANDELJC, Mira, SMOLEJ, K. Chemical solution deposition (CSD) processing of PZT based thin films. V: HOFFMANN, Susanne (ur.), SCHNELLER, Theodor (ur.), WASER, Rainer (ur.). COST 514 : ferroelectric ceramic thin films : final report 1999. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 1999. Str. 13-17. EUR 18901. ISBN 3-8265-4960-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 14348071]
97. VILLEGAS, M., FERNÁNDEZ, J. F., CABALLERO, A. C., SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Effects of PbO excess in ▫$Pb(Mg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})$▫-▫$PbTiO_3$▫ ceramics : part II. Microstructure development. Journal of materials research. 1999, vol. 14, str. 898-905. ISSN 0884-2914. [COBISS.SI-ID 14080551]
98. GROŠELJ, Neva, GABERŠČEK, Miran, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JUDEINSTEIN, Patrick. Electrical and IR spectroscopic studies of peroxopolytungstic acid / organic-inorganic hybrid gels. Solid state ionics. [Print ed.]. 1999, vol. 125, str. 125-133. ISSN 0167-2738. [COBISS.SI-ID 1975834]
99. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PIHLAR, Boris. Ex situ and in situ infrared spectroelectrochemical investigations of ▫$V_2O_5$▫ crystalline films. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. [Print ed.]. 1999, vol. 146, str. 232-242. ISSN 0013-4651. [COBISS.SI-ID 1817114]
100. OREL, Boris, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, GROŠELJ, Neva, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REISFELD, Renata. Gasochromic behaviour of sol-gel derived Pd doped peroxopolytungstic acid (W-PTA) nano - composite films. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 1999, vol. 14, str. 291-308. ISSN 0928-0707. [COBISS.SI-ID 1810714]
101. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KALIN, Mitjan, VIŽINTIN, Jože. Interactions in silicon nitride ceramics vs. steel contact under fretting conditions. Wear. [Print ed.]. 1999, vol. 225/229, part ii, str. 1276-1283. ISSN 0043-1648. [COBISS.SI-ID 3087643]
102. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Metode določanja kristalne modifikacije nastalega CACO3 ob prisotnosti magnetnega polja ter njihova praktična uporaba. V: KOMAC, Milica (ur.). Tehnološke napajalne vode '99 : zbornik predavanj, Ljubljana, 9. in 10. december 1999. Ljubljana: ZTI - Zavod za tehnično izobraževanje, 1999. Str. 79-93. ISBN 961-6135-33-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 14717479]
103. MALIČ, Barbara, SETTER, Nava, KOSEC, Marija, BROOKS, Keith, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. PLZT x/65/35 thin films prepared by acetic-acid based sol-gel route. V: COST 514 ferroelectric ceramic thin films, Aachen, Germany, April 16-17, 1999 : 1999 final workshop : abstract booklet. [S.l.: s.n.], 1999. [COBISS.SI-ID 14336039]
104. GEC, Medeja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation of power samples for analytical electron. V: KOVÁCS, Kristóf (ur.). Proceedings. 4th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy, Veszprém, Hungary, September 5-8, 1999. Veszprém: University of Veszprém, 1999. Str. 319-320. [COBISS.SI-ID 14317095]
105. KOSEC, Marija, MANDELJC, Mira, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Processing of lanthanum doped PZT thin films : influence of solvents. V: Abstracts : MRS FALL'99 meeting, November 29-December 3, Boston Massachusetts. [s.l.: s.n], 1999. Str. 442. [COBISS.SI-ID 14690087]
106. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Quantitative analytical electron microscopy of solid solutions. V: Book of abstracts. 11th International Symposium Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice, Bled, 11-15 April 1999. [Ljubljana]: Slovenian Chemical Society, Spectroscopic Section, [1999]. Str. 58, l-30. [COBISS.SI-ID 14100007]


107. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris. Analytical electron microscopy of Fe-V-O thin films : [lecture]. V: HROVAT, Marko (ur.), KOSEC, Marija (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 36th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Analytical Methods in Microelectronics and Electronic Materials, October 18. - 20. 2000, Postojna, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2000. Str. 185-190. ISBN 961-90001-8-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 2205466]
108. JANČAR, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SUVOROV, Danilo, VALANT, Matjaž. analytical electron microscopy of microwave ceramics based on ▫$CaTiO_3-NdAlO_3$▫ system. V: [Program & abstract book]. International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications, MMA2000, Aug. 30-Sep. 2, 2000, Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: "Jozef Stefan" Institute, 2000. Str. 86. [COBISS.SI-ID 15475239]
109. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, KOBE, Spomenka. Analytical electron microscopy of SmFeTaN-based permanent-magnet materials. V: WILLIAMS, David B. (ur.), SHIMIZU, Ryuichi (ur.). Microbeam analysis 2000 : proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies held in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-14 July 2000. London: Institute of Physics, 2000. Str. 157-158. Institute of physics conference series, no. 165. ISBN 0-7503-0685-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 15206439]
110. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LISJAK, Darja. Analytical electron microscopy study of a ZnO-NiO solid solution. Microchimica acta : Micro and Trace Analysis. [Print ed.]. 2000, vol. 132, str. 289-294. ISSN 0026-3672. [COBISS.SI-ID 14989351]
111. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TORKAR, Drago. Asbestos recognition from TEM-EDXS spectra using artificial neural networks. V: STARÝ, V. (ur.), MAŠEK, K. (ur.), HORÁK, K. Proceedings : EMAS 2000. 4th EMAS Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis today, Practical Aspects, 17-20 May 2000, Zámecký hotel Třešť, Czech Republic. Prague: Czech Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2000. Str. 199. ISBN 80-01-02176-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 15028007]
112. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Electrochromic and structural studies of nanocrystalline Fe/V (1:2) oxide and crystalline ▫$Fe_2V_4O_{13}$▫ films. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. [Print ed.]. 2000, vol. 147, no. 6, str. 2358-2370. ISSN 0013-4651. [COBISS.SI-ID 2170906]
113. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. The influence of impurity elements and magnetic fields on the crystallisation form of calcium carbonate. V: Boiling 2000 : phenomena & emerging applications : proceedings held at Westin Alyeska Prince Resort and Conference Center, Anchorage, Alaska, April 30 - May 5, 2000. Vol. 1. New York; Wallingford: Begell House, 2000. Str. 340-357. ISBN 1-56700-148-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 15070247]
114. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, MCGUINESS, Paul J. The influence of impurity elements and magnetic fields on the crystallisation form of calcium carbonate. V: MÜLLER-STEINHAGEN, Hans (ur.). Heat exchanger fouling - mitigation and cleaning technologies : Wärmetauscher-Fouling - Verminderung und Reinigungssysteme-) : handbook. [Essen]: Publico Publications, 2000. Str. 262-269. ISBN 3-934736-00-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 18926631]
115. OREL, Boris, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DECKER, Franco. IR spectroelectrochemical and structural studies of electrochromic sol-gel FeVO[sub]4, Fe[sub]2V[sub]4O[sub](13) and in VO[sub]4 films : presented at Joint Working Group Meeting of COST 518/523. Werfenweng, Salzburg, March 18, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 2075162]
116. KOBE, Spomenka, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. Magnetic treatment of water : magnetic field in presence of the impurity elements against scaling : [invited talk]. V: Book of abstracts. Magnetic Materials for 21st Century, 12-14 April 2000, Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, Wiltshire, UK. [S.l.: s.n.], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15440167]
117. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J. A magnetic water - treatment device : the influence of magnetic field on the crystallisation form of calcium carbonate. V: KANEKO, H. (ur.), HOMMA, M. (ur.), OKADA, M. (ur.). Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Rare-Earth Magnets and their Applications [and 11th International Symposium on Magnetic Anisotropy and Coercivity in Rare-Earth Transition Metal Alloys] : Sendai, Japan, 2000. Sendai: The Japan Institute of Metals, 2000. Vol. 2, str. 1093-1101. Proceedings, Vol. 14. ISBN 4-88903-403-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 15439399]
118. SUVOROV, Danilo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VALANT, Matjaž, JANČAR, Boštjan. Microstructural characterization of ▫$CaTiO_3$▫-▫$NdAlO_3$▫-based ceramics : Korean j. of crystal., Vol. 11, str. 195-199, 2000 : prestavljeno na Korean Crystallography Society Meeting, Seoul, 1999. 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15744807]
119. ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Processing and corrosion protection of Ta-doped Sm-Fe nitrides. V: Abstract book. 7th International Conference on Electronic Ceramics and their Applications, Electroceramics VII-2000, September 3-6, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia. [Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan], 2000. Str. 244. [COBISS.SI-ID 15477287]
120. OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Spektroskopska študija interkalacije litijevih ionov v amorfne in kristalinične plasti ▫$WO_3$▫ = Spectroscopic studies of intercalation of lithium ions into amorphous and crystalline ▫$WO_3$▫ films. V: [Program in knjiga povzetkov] = [Program and book of abstracts]. 8. Konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 10.-12. oktober 2000, Portorož, Slovenija. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2000]. Str. 130. [COBISS.SI-ID 2242586]
121. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DECKER, Franco. Structural and spectroscopic studies of ▫$Fe_2V_4O_{13}$▫, ▫$FeVO_4$▫ and ▫$Fe_{0.1}V_2O_5$▫ thin films obtained via the sol-gel synthesis. V: BEZDIČKA, Petr (ur.), BEZDIČKA, Grygar (ur.). Solid state chemistry 2000, September 3-8,2000, Prague : book of abstracts. Rež: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, cop. 2000. Str. 148. ISBN 80-238-5520-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 2178586]
122. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAČEK, Srečo. A study of ceramic suspensions solidification using complex impedance spectroscopy. V: Abstract book. 7th International Conference on Electronic Ceramics and their Applications, Electroceramics VII-2000, September 3-6, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia. [Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan], 2000. Str. 250. [COBISS.SI-ID 15700519]
123. JAVORIČ, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. A study of the crystallisation of sol-gel prepared ▫$La_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}CoO_3$▫ thin films using analytical electron microscopy. V: Abstract book. 7th International Conference on Electronic Ceramics and their Applications, Electroceramics VII-2000, September 3-6, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia. [Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15803687]
124. MCGUINESS, Paul J., ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Ta-doped SmFe nitrides. V: KANEKO, H. (ur.), HOMMA, M. (ur.), OKADA, M. (ur.). Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Rare-Earth Magnets and their Applications [and 11th International Symposium on Magnetic Anisotropy and Coercivity in Rare-Earth Transition Metal Alloys] : Sendai, Japan, 2000. Sendai: The Japan Institute of Metals, 2000. Vol. 2, str. 803-812. Proceedings, Vol. 14. ISBN 4-88903-403-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 15439143]
125. SUVOROV, Danilo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VALANT, Matjaž, JANČAR, Boštjan. TEM investigations of ▫$CaTiO_3▫$-▫$NdAlO_3$▫ ceramics : [invited talk] : Korean Crystallography Society Spring Meeting, KIST, May 19 to May 31, 2000. 2000. [str. 14-15]. [COBISS.SI-ID 15690023]


126. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TORKAR, Drago. Absestos recognition from TEM-EDXS spetra using artificial neural networks. V: SMOLE, Franc (ur.), TOPIČ, Marko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 37th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, October 10. - 12. 2001, Bohinj, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2001. Str. 323-328. ISBN 961-90001-9-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 16230695]
127. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analitska elektronska mikroskopija sodobnih anorganskih materialov. V: GLAVIČ, Peter (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.). Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2001, Maribor, 20. in 21. september 2001. Maribor: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2001. Str. 899-904. ISBN 86-435-0418-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 16255015]
128. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., KOBE, Spomenka. Analytical electron microscopy of HDDR processed Nd-Dy-Fe-B magnetic powders. V: Program & abstracts. ALC '01, 3rd International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '01, November 11-14, 2001, Nara-Ken, Japan. [S.l.: s.n.], 2001. Str. 114. [COBISS.SI-ID 16428583]
129. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, BENČAN, Andreja, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Characterisation of thick-film PTC resistors. V: SMOLE, Franc (ur.), TOPIČ, Marko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 37th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, October 10. - 12. 2001, Bohinj, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2001. Str. 255-260. ISBN 961-90001-9-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 16229415]
130. GEC, Medeja, BENČAN, Andreja, JANČAR, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Cross-sectional sample preparation of diffusion couples for TEM investigations. V: DINI, L. (ur.), CATALANO, M. (ur.). Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy : September 20-25, 2001, Lecce, Italy. Princeton: Rinton Press, cop. 2001. Str. 61-62. ISBN 1-58949-003-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 16163623]
131. ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. The effect of hydrogen absorption and desorption on Ta-doped SmFe nitrides : dedicated to professor Dr. Drago Kolar in memory of this brilliant scientist and teacher. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde : international journal of materials research. 2001, vol. 92, str. 167-171. ISSN 0044-3093. [COBISS.SI-ID 15920935]
132. OREL, Boris, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Electrochromic and structural investigations of ▫$InVO_4$▫ and some other vanadia-based oxide films. Electrochimica Acta. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 46, no. 13/14, str. 2059-2068. ISSN 0013-4686. [COBISS.SI-ID 2383386]
133. OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, JEŠE, Robi, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Gasochromic effect of Pt impregnated crystalline▫$ W_]3/ormosi$▫l films ade via sol-gel route. V: Nanomaterials : fundamentals and applications : [abstracts]. COST - action 523 mid term meeting and workshop, October 3-6, 2001, Limerick, Ireland. [S.l.: s.n.], 2001. Str. 39-40. COST action, 523. [COBISS.SI-ID 2515738]
134. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. The influence of the magnetic field on the crystallisation form of calcium carbonate and the testing of a magnetic water-treatment device. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 236, str. 71-76. ISSN 0304-8853. [COBISS.SI-ID 16256807]
135. KOSEC, Marija, MALIČ, Barbara, HOLC, Janez, HROVAT, Marko, MANDELJC, Mira, BENČAN, Andreja, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Interface reactions among electrodes, substrates and ▫$Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3$▫-based films. Acta chimica slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2001, vol. 48, str. 51-62. ISSN 1318-0207. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 15877927]
136. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. IR spectroelectrochemical studies of ▫$Fe_2V_4O_{13}$▫, ▫$FeVO_4$▫ and ▫$InVO_4$▫ thin films obtained via the sol-gel synthesis. Journal of solid state electrochemistry : current research and development in science and technology. 2001, vol. 5, no. 7/8, str. 437-449. ISSN 1432-8488. [COBISS.SI-ID 2474266]
137. BOLLERO, A., GEBEL, B., GUTFLEISCH, O., MÜLLER, K.-H., SCHULTY, L., MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. NdDyFeBZr high-coercivity powders preparde by intensive milling and the HDDR process. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 315, str.243-250. ISSN 0925-8388. [COBISS.SI-ID 15878695]
138. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, HROVAT, Marko, KOSEC, Marija. Sinteza lantanovega rutenata in njegova karakterizacija z analitsko elektronsko mikroskopijo = Synthesis of lanthanum ruthenate and its characterisation using analytical electron microscopy. V: [Program in knjiga povzetkov] = [Program and book of abstracts]. 9. Konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 14.-16. november 2001, Portorož, Slovenija. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2001]. Str. 35. [COBISS.SI-ID 16334375]
139. KALUŽA, Leon, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOHL, M... Sol-gel derived ▫$CuCoMnO_x$▫ spinel coatings for solar absorbers : structural and optical properties. Solar energy materials and solar cells. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 70, no. 2, str. 187-201. ISSN 0927-0248. [COBISS.SI-ID 2499354]
140. KALUŽA, Leon, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PELICON, Primož. Structural and IR spectroscopic analysis of sol-gel processed CuFeMnO[sub]4 spinel and CuFeMnO[sub]4/silica films for solar absorbers. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 2001, vol. 20, no. 1, str. 61-83. ISSN 0928-0707. [COBISS.SI-ID 2328858]
141. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAČEK, Srečo. A study of ceramic-suspension solidification using complex-impedance spectroscopy. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 21, str. 2081-2084. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 16184359]
142. JAVORIČ, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. A study of the crystallization of CSD-prepared ▫$La_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}CoCO_3$▫ thin films using analytical electron microscopy. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2001, vol. 21, str. 1543-1546. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 16255271]
143. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. TEM examination of the influence of magnetic field on the crystallisation form of calcium carbonate: a magnetic water-treatment device. Acta chimica slovenica. [Tiskana izd.]. 2001, vol. 48, [no.] 1, str. 77-86. ISSN 1318-0207. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 23499525]
144. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, COLOMBAN, Philippe. Vibrational spectroscopy and analytical electron microscopy studies of Fe-V-O and In-V-O thin films. V: Nanomaterials : fundamentals and applications : [abstracts]. COST - action 523 mid term meeting and workshop, October 3-6, 2001, Limerick, Ireland. [S.l.: s.n.], 2001. Str. 46-47. COST action, 523. [COBISS.SI-ID 2515994]
145. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez, HROVAT, Marko, KOSEC, Marija. X-ray powder-diffraction analysis and analytical electron microscopy of lanthanum ruthenates. V: SMOLE, Franc (ur.), TOPIČ, Marko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 37th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, October 10. - 12. 2001, Bohinj, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2001. Str. 329-334. ISBN 961-90001-9-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 16230951]
146. MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, KOSMAČ, Tomaž, CILENŠEK, Jena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FEIZPOUR, Darja. Zirconia based nanomaterials for applications using electrochemical and mechanical properties : NATO SfP 974054 Zirconia Nanomaterials : 1st year report (30.4.2000-30.4.2001). 2001. IJS delovno poročilo, 8405. [COBISS.SI-ID 15992103]


147. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, ARČON, Iztok, HOLC, Janez, HROVAT, Marko, KOSEC, Marija. A 2:1 compound in the La-Ru-O system. V: Program and abstract book. Annual Meeting, May 25-30, 2002, San Antonio, Texas [of the] American Crystallographic Association. Buffalo: American Crystallographic Association, 2002. Str. 132. ISBN 0-620-29294-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 16770087]
148. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZUPAN, Sergej, KOBE, Spomenka, MCGUINESS, Paul J., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. AEM study of the influence of high magnetic fields on calcium carbonate nucleation and crystallisation. V: KOSEC, Marija (ur.), BELAVIČ, Darko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok. Proceedings. 38th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Packaging and Interconnections in Electronics, October 09.-11. 2002, Lipica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2002. Str. 101-106. ISBN 961-91023-0-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 17258279]
149. SKOBIR BALANTIČ, Danijela Anica, VODOPIVEC, Franc, JENKO, Monika, KOSEC, Ladislav, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analiza precipitatov v jeklu X20CrMoV121 z metodo HR AES = An analysis of precipitates in X20CrMoV121 steel using the HR AES technique. Materiali in tehnologije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2002, letn. 36, št. 6, str. 355-360. ISSN 1580-2949. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 267690]
150. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy study of green ceramic formed from aqueous suspensions using the hydrolysis-assisted solidification process. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2002, vol. 85, str. 264-266. ISSN 0002-7820. [COBISS.SI-ID 16469031]
151. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, MCGUINESS, Paul J., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. Calcium carbonate nucleation and crystallization in high magnetic fields. V: Program and abstract book. Annual Meeting, May 25-30, 2002, San Antonio, Texas [of the] American Crystallographic Association. Buffalo: American Crystallographic Association, 2002. Str. 66-67. ISBN 0-620-29294-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 17258535]
152. MANDELJC, Mira, MALIČ, Barbara, CILENŠEK, Jena, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Crystallization of PZT and PLZT thin films below 500 °C. V: Piezoelectric materials for the end user : 24th-27th February 2002, Interlaken Congress Center, Switzerland : program & abstracts. [S.l.]: POLECER, 2002. [COBISS.SI-ID 16687655]
153. MANDELJC, Mira, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Crystallization of zirconium-rich PLZT thin fioms below 500 °C. Integrated ferroelectrics. 2002, vol. 46, str. 329-338. ISSN 1058-4587. [COBISS.SI-ID 17299751]
154. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J. Distribution of oxygen in HDDR processed Nd-Pr-Dy-Fe-Co-B magnetic powders. V: Proceedings. ICEM 15, 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Durban, South Africa, 1-6 September 2002. [S.l.]: Microscopy Society of Southern Africa, 2002. Zv. 1, str. 1031-1032. ISBN 0-620-29294-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 17258791]
155. ALGUERÓ, M., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija, CALZADA, M. L., PARDO, L. Evolución microestructral durante la transformación de la estructura pirocloro pirocloro en perovskita en láminas de (Pb,La)▫$TiO_3$▫. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio. 2002, vol. 41, str.98-101. ISSN 0366-3175. [COBISS.SI-ID 16692007]
156. ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., KOBE, Spomenka. High coercivity powders based on Sm-Fe-Ta-N prepared by a novel technique. Physics of the solid state. 2002, vol. 44, str. 1472-1474. ISSN 1063-7834. [COBISS.SI-ID 16820007]
157. BOLLERO, A., GUTFLEISCH, O., MÜLLER, K.-H., SCHULTZ, L., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. High-performance nanocrystalline PrFeB-based magnets produced by intensive milling. Journal of applied physics. 2002, vol. 91, str. 8159-8161. ISSN 0021-8979. [COBISS.SI-ID 17368871]
158. ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Hydrogen absorption and desorption in Ta-doped SmFe-based alloys. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. 2002, vol. 345, str. 214-220. ISSN 0925-8388. [COBISS.SI-ID 17085991]
159. BENČAN, Andreja, HOLC, Janez, HROVAT, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Interactions between PZT thick films and Ni substrates. V: Euro ceramics VII : Proceedings of the 7th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic society, Brugge, Belgium, September 9-13, 2001. Zürich: Trans Tech Publications, cop. 2002. Str. 1301-1304. Key engineering materials, Vol. 206-213. ISBN 0-87849-882-6. ISSN 1013-9826., DOI: 10.4028/ [COBISS.SI-ID 16333607]
160. BENČAN, Andreja, BOULAY, Phillipe, ARČON, Iztok, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOLC, Janez (pisar), HROVAT, Marko, KOSEC, Marija. ▫$La_2RuO_5$▫ : binarna spojina v sistemu La-Ru-O. V: Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 10. Konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 13.-15. november 2002, Portorož, Slovenija. [Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2002]. Str. 39. [COBISS.SI-ID 17148711]
161. MANDELJC, Mira, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Low-temperature crystallization of circonium-rich PLZT thin films. V: 8th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science (8th ICCPS) : September 2-5, 2002 Hamburg, Germany. [S.l.: s.n.], 2003. Str. 33. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 24, Issue 2. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 17302567]
162. KOBE, Spomenka, PODMILJŠAK, Benjamin, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOY, E., KOLLIA, Z., CEFALAS, A. C. The magnetic moment of trivalent rare-earth ions in ionic laser crystals. V: HADJIPANAYIS, G. C. (ur.), BONDER, M. J. (ur.). Rare earth magnets and their applications : proceedings of the Seventeenth International Workshop, August 18-22, 2002, Newark, Delaware, USA : supplement. Princeton: Rinton Press. Str. 228-234. ISBN 1-58949-028-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 16907303]
163. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VEDENIK-NOVAK, M., KNEZ, Sergej, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. Mikromehčanje sanitarne in hladilne vode. V: KOMAC, Milica (ur.). Tehnološke napajalne vode '02 : zbornik predavanja, 28.-29. november 2002, Podčetrtek. Ljubljana: ZTI - Zavod za tehnično izobraževanje, 2002. Str. 33-44. ISBN 961-6135-48-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 17310759]
164. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CEFALAS, A. C., SARANTOPOULOU, E., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez. Nucleation and crystallization of CACO[sub]3 in applied magnetic fields. Crystal engineering. [Print ed.]. 2002, vol. 5, str. 243-253. ISSN 1463-0184. [COBISS.SI-ID 17380391]
165. NOVAK, Saša, KOSMAČ, Tomaž, KRNEL, Kristoffer, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Principles of the hydrolysis assisted solidification (HAS) process for forming ceramic bodies from aqueous suspension. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2002, vol. 22, str. 289-295. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 16353063]
166. KOSMAČ, Tomaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Sintering and microstructure of HAS-formed Y-TZP bodies. V: Annual meetings abstracts : [Cruisin' to St. Louis]. 104th Annual Meeting & Exposition, April 28-May 1, 2002, St. Louis, Missouri. Westerville: The American Ceramic Society, 2002. Str. 245. [COBISS.SI-ID 17298471]
167. NOVAK, Saša, MAČEK, Srečo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Spremljanje strjevanja keramičnih in cementnih suspenzij z impedančno spektroskopijo = Use of impedance spectroscopy for a study of the solidification of ceramic andconcrete suspensions. Materiali in tehnologije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2002, letn. 36, št. 5, str. 227-231. ISSN 1580-2949. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 17097511]
168. BENČAN, Andreja, HROVAT, Marko, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. Structural and electrical characterization of PZT films fired on nickel substrates. V: KOSEC, Marija (ur.), BELAVIČ, Darko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok. Proceedings. 38th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Packaging and Interconnections in Electronics, October 09.-11. 2002, Lipica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2002. Str. 145-150. ISBN 961-91023-0-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 17284647]
169. OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, JEŠE, Robi, OREL, Boris, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structural, vibrational, and gasochromic properties of porous ▫$WO_3$▫ films templated with a sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrid. Monatshefte für Chemie. 2002, vol. 133, no. 8, str. 1115-1133. ISSN 0026-9247. [COBISS.SI-ID 2646298]
170. GUTFLEISCH, Oliver, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MISHIMA, Chisato, HONKURA, Yoshinobu. Texture inducement during HDDR processing of NdFeB. IEEE transactions on magnetics. 2002, vol. 38, str. 2958-2960. ISSN 0018-9464. [COBISS.SI-ID 17558823]
171. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DECKER, Franco, COLOMBAN, Philippe. UV-visible and IR spectroelectrochemical studies of ▫$FeVO_4$▫ sol-gel films for electrochromic applications. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 2002, vol. 23, no. 2, str. 165-181. ISSN 0928-0707. [COBISS.SI-ID 2548250]
172. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, COLOMBAN, Philippe. Vibrational spectroscopy and analytical electron microscopy studies of Fe-V-O and In-V-O thin films. V: HOFMANN, Heinrich (ur.). Nanostructured materials. Wien; New York: Springer, cop. 2002. Str. 153-172. ISBN 3-211-83779-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 6047514]
173. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, COLOMBAN, Philippe. Vibrational spectroscopy and analytical electron microscopy studies of Fe-V-O and In-V-O thin films. Monatshefte für Chemie. 2002, vol. 133, str. 889-908. ISSN 0026-9247. [COBISS.SI-ID 2632218]
174. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, E., KOBE, Spomenka, KOLLIA, Z., CEFALAS, A. C. X-ray microanalysis of optical materials for 157nm photolithography. Crystal engineering. [Print ed.]. 2002, vol. 5, str. 327-334. ISSN 1463-0184. [COBISS.SI-ID 17379111]
175. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, BENČAN, Andreja, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. XRD and microstructural evaluation of 1 kohm/sq.thick-film PTC resistors. V: MACH, Pavel (ur.), URBÁNEK, Jan (ur.). Conference proceedings : Quality management and diagnostics in electronic packaging. ISSE 2002, 25th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, May 11-14, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. Praha, IEEE. Str. 305-309. ISBN 0-7803-9824-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 16754471]


176. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, E., CEFALAS, A. C. Analytical electron microscopy of optical materials for 157 nm photolithography. V: Book of abstracts. EMAS 2003, 8th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, 18 to 22 May 2003, Chiclana de la Frontera (Cádiz), Spain. [S.l.]: European Microbeam Analysis Society, 2003. Str. 290. [COBISS.SI-ID 17814567]
177. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, E., CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Analytical electron microscopy of Tm clusters in optical grade ▫$CaF_2$▫. V: PIGNATEL, Giorgio (ur.), ŽEMVA, Andrej (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 39th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Embedded Systems, October 01.-03. 2003, Ptuj, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2003. Str. 393-398. ISBN 961-91023-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 17814823]
178. GUTFLEISCH, Oliver, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MISHIMA, Chisato, HONKURA, Yoshinobu. Anisotropy mechanism in HDDR processes NdFeB. V: HADJIPANAYIS, George C. (ur.). Bonded magnets : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Science and Technology of Bonded Magnets, Newark, USA, 22-25 August 2002]. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer, 2003. Str. 37-44. NATO sciences series, 2, Mathematics, physics and chemistry, 118. ISBN 1-4020-1534-8, ISBN 1-4020-1535-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 18024487]
179. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (urednik), BERNIK, Slavko (urednik), SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran (urednik), FIDLER, Sanja (urednik), EMAS 2004, 6th Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis Practical Aspects, 8-11 May, 2004, Bled, Slovenia. Book of tutorials & abstracts. [S.l.]: European Microbeam Analysis Society, 2004. [COBISS.SI-ID 18238503]
180. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, KOČEVAR, Klemen, MUŠEVIČ, Igor, KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOGOLIDES, Evangelos, ARGITIS, P., CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. The challenges of 157 nm nanolithography : surface morphology of silicon-based copolymers. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. Print ed. 2003, vol. 23, str. 995-999. ISSN 0928-4931. [COBISS.SI-ID 17933095]
181. JANČAR, Boštjan, SUVOROV, Danilo, VALANT, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Characterization of ▫$CaTiO_3-NdAlO_3$▫ dielectric ceramics. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2003, vol. 23, str. 1391-1400. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 17382695]
182. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MCGUINESS, Paul J., MEDEN, Anton, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Control over nanocrystalization in turbulent flow in the presence of magnetic fields. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. Print ed. 2003, vol. 23, str. 811-815. ISSN 0928-4931. [COBISS.SI-ID 17933351]
183. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HROVAT, Marko, HOLC, Janez, KOSEC, Marija. Electrical properties and chemical compatibility of PZT thick film on Ni substrates. Journal of Materials Science. 2003, vol. 38, str. 3769-3774. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 17831463]
184. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Exploring the world of microstructure - from bulk to atoms. V: KOSEC, Marija (ur.), KUŠČER, Danjela (ur.), MALIČ, Barbara (ur.). [Conference notes]. Processing of Electroceramics Symposium, August 31st - September 3rd, 2003 Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2003. Str. 69-81. [COBISS.SI-ID 17814311]
185. HROVAT, Marko, BENČAN, Andreja, BELAVIČ, Darko, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The influence of firing temperature on the electrical and microstructural characteristics of thick-film resistors for strain gauge applications. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical. 2003, vol. 103, str. 341-352. ISSN 0924-4247. [COBISS.SI-ID 17382439]
186. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOBE, Spomenka, KOLLIA, Zoe, PODMILJŠAK, Benjamin, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Magnetic and optical properties of single ▫$4f^n$▫ and mixed ▫$4f^{n-1}$▫5d electronic configurations of trivalent rare earth ions in wide band gap dielectric crystals. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. [Print ed.]. 2003, vol. 267, str. 182-190. ISSN 0304-8853. [COBISS.SI-ID 17831719]
187. GUTFLEISCH, Oliver, KHLOPKOV, K., TERESIAK, A., MÜLLER, Karl-Hartmut, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MISHIMA, Chisato, HONKURA, Yoshinobu. Memory of texture during HDDR processing of NdFeB. IEEE transactions on magnetics. 2003, vol. 39, str. 2926-2931. ISSN 0018-9464. [COBISS.SI-ID 17982759]
188. DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran (pisar), FIDLER, Sanja, ČEH, Miran, KOBE, Spomenka, Organizatorji konference. Mikroskopija in mikroanaliza materialov, 25 november 2003, Center za elektronsko mikroskopijo, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana. 2003. [COBISS.SI-ID 19960871]
189. OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, GEORG, Anneke, GEORG, Andreas, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TOPIČ, Marko. Nanokristalinične plasti ▫$WO_3$▫ in ▫$TiO_2$▫ za fotoelektrokromni sklop. V: SLONANO 2003 : II. simpozij o nanoznanosti in nanotehnologiji v Sloveniji, Ljubljana, 12.11.2003 : knjiga povzetkov. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2003. Str. 5. [COBISS.SI-ID 17881127]
190. NOVAK, Saša, MAČEK, Srečo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Postopek in naprava za nadzor strjevanja keramičnih vodnih suspenzij z zaprtih kalupih : patent št. SI 21150 A. Ljubljana: Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino, 2003. [COBISS.SI-ID 16641575]
191. KOBE, Spomenka, CEFALAS, A. C., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, E., MCGUINESS, Paul J., STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, MEDEN, Anton. A practical and theoretical study of the formation of ▫$CaCO_3$▫ in the presence of a magnetic field. V: INTERMAG 2003 : digest CD. International Magnetics Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 28-April 3, 2003. [S.l.]: Magnetic Society of the IEEE, 2003. 2 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 17440295]
192. CERC KOROŠEC, Romana, BUKOVEC, Peter, PIHLAR, Boris, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation and structural investigations of electrochromic nanosized ▫$NiO_x$▫ films made via the sol-gel route. Solid state ionics. [Print ed.]. 2003, vol. 165, no. 1/4, str. 191-200. ISSN 0167-2738. [COBISS.SI-ID 2944794]
193. BENČAN, Andreja, KOSEC, Marija, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HROVAT, Marko. Some characteristics of conductive lanthanum ruthenates. V: Grain boundary engineering of electronic ceramics : proceedings of a COST 525 meeting held in Aveiro, Portugal, October 2001. London: Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining, 2003. Str. 81-92. British ceramic proceedings, no. 63. ISBN 1-902653-77-7, ISBN 978-1-902653-77-8. ISSN 0268-4373. [COBISS.SI-ID 17901607]
194. DANEU, Nina, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Uporaba elektronske mikroskopije za analizo materialov. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", Odsek za nanostrukturne materiale, 2003. 69 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 19960615]
195. BOULLAY, Philippe, MERCURIO, D., BENČAN, Andreja, MEDEN, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. An XRPD ab-initio structural determination of ▫$La_2RuO_5$▫. Journal of solid state chemistry. 2003, vol. 170, str. 294-302. ISSN 0022-4596. [COBISS.SI-ID 17444391]


196. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (urednik), BERNIK, Slavko (urednik), SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran (urednik), FIDLER, Sanja (urednik). 6th Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis Today - Practical Aspects : book of tutorials & abstracts : EMAS 2004 : 8-11 May, 2004, Bled, Slovenia. [S. l.: s. n., 2004?]. XII, 164 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 228553984]
197. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, DANEU, Nina, KOENIG, Katja, VEKINIS, George. Analytical electron microscopy of SiC continuous-fibers/SiC-based matrix composite. V: TRONTELJ, Janez (ur.), CVIKL, Bruno (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 40th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Fields from Overvoltage, Overcurrent and Electrostatic Discharge Protection to Bioeffects, September 29. - October 01. 2004, Maribor, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2004. Str. 297-302. ISBN 961-91023-2-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 18763815]
198. KRNEL, Kristoffer, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSMAČ, Tomaž. Degradation of AlN powder in aqueous environments. Journal of materials research. 2004, vol. 19, str. 1157-1163. ISSN 0884-2914. [COBISS.SI-ID 18341415]
199. JEŠE, Robi, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MUŠEVIČ, Igor. The effect of surface hydroxyl groups on the adsoprtion properties of nanocrystalline ▫$TiO_2$▫ films. V: SLONANO 2004 : programme and book of abstracts. 3rd Slovenian workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology, Ljubljana, 21-22 October, 2004. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2004. Str. 30. [COBISS.SI-ID 3141146]
200. LIBERATORE, Massimiliano, DECKER, Franco, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Effect of the organic-inorganic template ICS-PPG on sol gel deposited ▫$V_2O_5$▫ electrochromic thin film. V: VONDRÁK, Jiří (ur.), NOVÁK, Vitězslav (ur.), REITER, Jakub (ur.). 6th International Meeting on Electrochromism, August 29th - September 2nd 2004. [Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Department of Electrotechnology, 2004]. Str. 173-179. ISBN 80-214-2622-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 3087386]
201. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIDLER, Sanja, BERNIK, Slavko, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, Members of the International scientific committee. EMAS 2004, 6th Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis Today - Practical Aspects, 8-11 May, 2004, Bled, Slovenia. 2004. [COBISS.SI-ID 20119335]
202. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOBE, Spomenka, ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, KOLLIA, Zoe, MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Fabrication of magnetic films by pulsed laser deposition at 157nm. V: Abstracts. 9th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference, January 5-9,2004, Anaheim, California. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004. Str. 445. [COBISS.SI-ID 18164263]
203. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOBE, Spomenka, ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, KOLLIA, Zoe, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Fabrication of magnetic SmFe films by pulsed laser deposition at 157 nm. IEEE transactions on magnetics. 2004, vol. 40, str. 2943-2945. ISSN 0018-9464. [COBISS.SI-ID 18447911]
204. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, DANEU, Nina, KOBE, Spomenka. Gas impermeable coatings for SiC/SiC : final 12-month report. 2004. IJS delovno poročilo, 9085, zaupno. [COBISS.SI-ID 18815015]
205. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, VEKINIS, George. A gas-impermeable coating of SiCf/SiC for the first wall of a fusion reactor. V: Book of abstracts. International Conference Nuclear Energy for new Europe 2004, Portorož, Slovenia, September 6-9. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004. Str. 57. [COBISS.SI-ID 18449703]
206. MCGUINESS, Paul J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, BROWN, D. N., MA, B. M. Magnetic properties and microstructures of Nd-Dy-Fe-Co-B-Ga hot-deformed magnets. IEEE transactions on magnetics. 2004, vol. 40, str. 2892-2894. ISSN 0018-9464. [COBISS.SI-ID 18447399]
207. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, DANEU, Nina, KOBE, Spomenka. Novel processing of SiC/SiC by slip-infiltration of SiC fibre pre-forms with SiC under vacuum : final 12-month report. 2004. IJS delovno poročilo, 9084, zaupno. [COBISS.SI-ID 18814759]
208. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Observation of cluster formation of rare earth ions in wide band gap fluorine diectric crystals using transmission electron microscopy. V: PEREZ, Alain (ur.), PUGLISI, Orazio (ur.). EMRS 2003 Symposium F, Nanostructures from clusters : Strasbourg, June 2003. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2004. Issues 1-3, vol. 226, str. 120-124. Applied surface science, Vol. 226, Issues 1-3. ISSN 0169-4332. [COBISS.SI-ID 20547623]
209. MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. ▫$Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3$▫ based ceramics prepared by solution processing : presented at 8th International Conference on Electronic Ceramics and their Applications, August 25-28 2002, Rome, Italy. V: 8th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science (8th ICCPS) : September 2-5, 2002 Hamburg, Germany. [S.l.: s.n.], 2003. Vol. 24, str. 475-478. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 24, Issue 2. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 17912615]
210. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, DANEU, Nina, KOENIG, Katja. Preparation and analytical electron microscopy of SiC continuous fiber ceramic composite (CFCC). V: Materials solutions : conference and exposition : October 18-20, 2004, Columbus, Ohio, USA. [S.l.]: The Materials Information Society, 2004. [COBISS.SI-ID 18764839]
211. NOVAK, Saša, VIKINIS, Georges, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja. Processing of SiC/SiC composites by slip-infiltration of SiC fiber performs : presented at ISASC-2004, International Symposium on New Frontier of Advanced Si-Based Ceramics and Composites, June 20-23, 2004, Gyeongju, Korea. 2004. [COBISS.SI-ID 18399271]
212. NOVAK, Saša, VEKINIS, George, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina, KOENIG, Katja. Slip infiltration and densification of porous SICF/SIC performs using SiC nanopowders : invited talk. V: Invited contributions. 23rd Symposium on Fusion Technology, 20-24 September 2004, Venice, Italy. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004. Str. 422. [COBISS.SI-ID 18603303]
213. NOVAK, Saša, DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, KOBE, Spomenka, VEKINIS, George. Slip-infiltration of SiC fiber performs for the first wall in a fusion reactor. V: Book of abstracts. International Conference Nuclear Energy for new Europe 2004, Portorož, Slovenia, September 6-9. [S.l.: s.n.], 2004. Str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 18449447]
214. CERC KOROŠEC, Romana, BUKOVEC, Peter, PIHLAR, Boris, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MUŠEVIČ, Igor, PADEŽNIK GOMILŠEK, Jana. Thermogravimetric analysis of nickel-oxide thin films: useful tool in optimisation of the electrochromic response : [poster] : Romana Cerc Korošec ... [et al.]. V: SLONANO 2004 : programme and book of abstracts. 3rd Slovenian workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology, Ljubljana, 21-22 October, 2004. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2004. Str. 42. [COBISS.SI-ID 3139610]
215. KALIN, Mitjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, VIŽINTIN, Jože. Wear debris analyses of zirconia ceramics slided in various aqueous solutions. V: EUROCORR 2004 : book of abstracts : long term prediction & modelling of corrosion. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2004. Str. 458. [COBISS.SI-ID 7506203]
216. KALIN, Mitjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, VIŽINTIN, Jože. Wear debris analyses of zirconia ceramics slided in various aqueous solutions. V: EUROCORR 2004 : proceedings : long term prediction & modelling of corrosion. European Corrosion Conference, 12-16 September 2004, Nice, France. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2004. 10 str. ISBN 2-9516844-1-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 7506715]


217. ČEH, Miran, ROMIH, Rok, FIDLER, Sanja, MERZEL, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GEC, Medeja, JANČAR, Boštjan, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, ERDANI-KREFT, Mateja, MALENŠEK, Luka, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, ŠROT, Vesna, ŠTURM, Sašo, Members of the Organizing committee. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 26-30, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia. [COBISS.SI-ID 20119079]
218. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy in the characterization of nanostructures materials : where are the practical limits? : invited talk. V: ŠANDERA, Pavel (ur.). NENAMAT international conference : NANO'05, November 8-10,2005, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: University of Technology, 2005. Strž 28. ISBN 80-214-3085-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 19441959]
219. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of PZT based materials : presented at Winter-School on Piezoelectrics, 2nd-5th February, 2005, Chateau-d'Oex, Switzerland. 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 18952743]
220. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽUŽEK ROŽMAN, Kristina, MCGUINESS, Paul J., KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Analytical electron microscopy of thin nano-crystalline magnetic films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition with a 157 nm fluorine laser. V: Book of abstracts. EMAS 2005, 9th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis [and] IUMAS-3, 3rd Meeting of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Society, 22 to 26 May 2005, Florence, Italy. [S.l.]: Socità Italiana di Scienze Microscopie, 2005. Str. 264. [COBISS.SI-ID 19441447]
221. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe. Analytical electron microscopy of Tm cluster in ▫$CaF_2$▫ monocrystals. V: 8th Inter American Congress on Electron Microscopy, CIASEM 2005 : September 25-30, 2005, La Habana, Cuba : proceedings. [S.l.]: CIASEM, 2005. 2 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 19440423]
222. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, BENČAN, Andreja, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. A characterization of thick-film PTC resistors. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical. 2005, vol. 117, str. 256-266. ISSN 0924-4247. [COBISS.SI-ID 18510887]
223. JEŠE, Robi, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MUŠEVIČ, Igor. The effect of surface hydroxyl groups on the adsoprtion properties of nanocrystalline ▫$TiO_2$▫ films. V: ABDEL-MOTTALEB, Sabry (ur.). Changes with rays of light : book of abstracts. 8th International conference on Solar energy and applied photochemistry [Solar '05] combined with 5th International workshop on environmental photochemistry [Enpho '05], Luxor, Egypt 20-25 February 2005. Cairo: Photoenergy center, Faculty of science Ain Shams university, 2005. Str. 39. [COBISS.SI-ID 3215898]
224. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, JEŠE, Robi, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The effect of surface hydroxyl groups on the adsorption properties of nanocrystalline TiO[sub]2 films. International journal of photoenergy. 2005, vol. 7, no. 4, str. 163-168. ISSN 1110-662X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3402522]
225. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OREL, Boris. Electron diffraction of Fe-V-O and In-V-O thin films with nanometer sized grains. V: ČEH, Miran (ur.), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (ur.), FIDLER, Sanja (ur.). Proceedings. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 26-30, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Slovene Society for Microscopy: Department for Nanostructured Materials, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, 2005. Str. 337. ISBN 961-6303-69-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 19440935]
226. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja. Electrophoretic deposition of SiC based matrix material on SiC fibres. V: MALIČ, Barbara (ur.), BELAVIČ, Darko (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 41th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Green electronics, September, 14. - September 16. 2005, Ribno, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2005. Str. 101-106. ISBN 961-91023-3-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 19284519]
227. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAČEK, Srečo, KOENIG, Katja. Electrophoretic deposition of silicon carbide. V: 2nd International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Application : May 29 - June 2, 2005, Castelvecchio Pascoli (near Barga), Italy. Brooklyn: ECI, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 19065127]
228. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, DANEU, Nina, KOENIG, Katja. Preparation and analytical electron microscopy of SiC continuous fiber ceramic composite. Journal of materials engineering and performance. 2005, vol. 14, str. 424-429. ISSN 1059-9495. [COBISS.SI-ID 19263783]
229. OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, TOPIČ, Marko, GEORG, Anneke, GEORG, Andreas, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation and characterisation of nano-structured WO3-TiO2 layers for photoelectrochromic devices. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. 2005, vol. 36, str. 45-52. ISSN 0928-0707. [COBISS.SI-ID 4925524]
230. BENČAN, Andreja, HROVAT, Marko, HOLC, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija. The preparation and properties of ▫$La_{3.5}Ru_4O_{13}$▫ and ▫$La_2RuO_5$▫. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2005, vol. 25, str. 943-948. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 18882343]
231. KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Preparation of a nanostructured ▫$SiC_f/SiC$▫ composite for fusion applications. V: SLONANO 2005 : programme and book of abstracts. 4th Symposium of science and technology of nanomaterials in Slovenia, October 24th -25th, 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jozef Stefan Institute: National Institute of Chemistry, 2005. Str. 55. [COBISS.SI-ID 19396903]
232. KAPUN, Tea, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Priprava in karakterizacija kontinuirnih vlaken SiC za infiltriranje s suspenzijo nanometrskih delcev = The preparation and characterization of continuous SiC fibers for infiltration with nanoparticle suspensions. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 13. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 10.-12. oktober 2005, Portorož, Slovenija = 13th Conference on Materials and Technology, 10-12 October, 2005 Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2005. Str. 40. ISBN 961-91448-4-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 427690]
233. ČEH, Miran (urednik), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (urednik), FIDLER, Sanja (urednik), 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 26-30, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia. Proceedings. Ljubljana: Slovene Society for Microscopy: Department for Nanostructured Materials, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, 2005. 546 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6303-69-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 220774144]
234. ČEH, Miran (urednik), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (urednik), FIDLER, Sanja (urednik), 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 26-30, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia. Proceedings on CD. Ljubljana: Slovene Society for Microscopy: Department for Nanostructured Materials, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, 2005. 1 optični disk (CD-ROM). [COBISS.SI-ID 241742848]
235. DANEU, Nina, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja. SiC continuous-fibres / SiC-based matrix composites. V: Materials 2005 : program and abstract book. XII. Portuguese Materials Society Meeting [and] III. International Materials Symposium, March 20th to 23rd, 2005, Aveiro, Portugal. Aveiro: University of Aveiro, 2005. Str. 200. [COBISS.SI-ID 18958119]
236. JEŠE, Robi, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, GABERŠČEK, Miran, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structural and electrochemical characterisation of nanocrystalline ▫$TiO_2$▫ films. V: 4th Baltic conference on electrochemistry : Greifswald (Germany), 13-16 March 2005 : book of abstracts. [S. l.: s. n.], 2005. Str. 26. [COBISS.SI-ID 3233306]
237. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KALIN, Mitjan. Structural changes in ZrO2 ceramics during sliding under various environments. V: WOM : delegate manual. 13th International Conference on Wear of Materials, San Diego, USA, April 24-28, 2005. [Oxford]: Elsevier Science, [2005]. 17b.4. [COBISS.SI-ID 8170779]
238. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KALIN, Mitjan. Structural changes in ZrO[sub]2 ceramics during sliding under various environments. Wear. [Print ed.]. 2005, vol. 259, str. 562-568. ISSN 0043-1648. [COBISS.SI-ID 19064615]
239. KRNEL, Kristoffer, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSMAČ, Tomaž. TEM investigation of SiC nano-precipitates in the carbon matrix of C/C-SiC composites. V: ČEH, Miran (ur.), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (ur.), FIDLER, Sanja (ur.). Proceedings. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 26-30, 2005, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Slovene Society for Microscopy: Department for Nanostructured Materials, "Jožef Stefan" Institute, 2005. Str. 325. ISBN 961-6303-69-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 19441191]
240. HONKURA, Yoshinobu, MISHIMA, Chisato, HAMADA, N., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GUTFLEISCH, Oliver. Texture memory effect of Nd-fe-B during hydrogen tretment. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. [Print ed.]. 2005, vol. 290-291, str. 1282-1285. ISSN 0304-8853. [COBISS.SI-ID 19007527]
241. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. The The fabrication of single magnetic nano-dots by pulsed-laser deposition. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 13. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 10.-12. oktober 2005, Portorož, Slovenija = 13th Conference on Materials and Technology, 10-12 October, 2005 Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2005. Str. 79. ISBN 961-91448-4-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 19366695]
242. KALIN, Mitjan, JAHANMIR, Said, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Wear mechanisms of glass-infiltrated alumina sliding against alumina in water. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2005, vol. 88, str. 346-352. ISSN 0002-7820. [COBISS.SI-ID 19007783]


243. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOVAČ, Janez. AEM and XPS of coated SiC particles : development of a material for a fusion-reactor application. Imaging & microscopy. 2006, vol. 8, no. 3, str. 36-37. ISSN 1439-4243. [COBISS.SI-ID 20270375]
244. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja. AEM investigation of SiC continuous-fiber reinforced SiC-based matrix composite material for fusion reactor application. V: Proceedings. IMC16, 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September 2006. [S. l.: s. n.], 2006. Str. 1713. [COBISS.SI-ID 20271143]
245. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja. Analytical electron microscopy of SiC continuous-fiber ceramic composite material for fusion reactor application : [presented at SCANNING 2006 April 25-27,2006, Washington, D.C., USA]. Scanning. [Print ed.]. 2006, vol. 28, str. 123-124. ISSN 0161-0457. [COBISS.SI-ID 19892519]
246. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽAGAR, Tomaž, RICCARDI, Bruno. Ceramic riutes to SiC/SiC composites : [invited talk]. V: Abstracts. Composites for Advanced Fission, Petten, [The Netherlands], September 18-20,2006. Petten: NRG, 2006. Str. 9. [COBISS.SI-ID 20241191]
247. LIBERATORE, Massimiliano, DECKER, Franco, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Effect of the organic-inorganic template ICS-PPG on sol-gel deposited V[sub]2O[sub]5 electrochromic thin film. Solar energy materials and solar cells. [Print ed.]. 2006, vol. 90, no. 4, str. 434-443. ISSN 0927-0248. [COBISS.SI-ID 3312410]
248. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja. Electrophoretic deposition of green parts for LPS SiC-based ceramics. V: BOCCACCINI, Aldo R. (ur.). Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on clectrophoretic deposition: fundamentals and applications : May 29 - June 2, 2005, Castelvecchio Pascoli (near Barga), Italy. Aedermansdorf: Trans Tech Publications, 2006. Vol. 314, str. 45-50. Key engineering materials, Vol. 314, 2006. ISSN 1013-9826. [COBISS.SI-ID 19758631]
249. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, KAPUN, Tea, ŽAGAR, Tomaž. Gas impermeable coating for SiCf/SIC : progress report 2005. [S.l.: s.n.], 2006. IJS delovno poročilo, 9288, confidential. [COBISS.SI-ID 19731751]
250. MANDELJC, Mira, KOSEC, Marija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Influence of the lead-compounds on PZT 30/70 thin film orientation. Materials Research Society symposia proceedings. 2006, vol. 902e, str. 0902-t03-37-1-0902-t03-37-6. ISSN 0272-9172. [COBISS.SI-ID 20107303]
251. KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Magnetic water treatment device. V: ENDE, D. (ur.). Physikalische und Energetische Wasserbehandlungsverfahren für Wärmeübertrager und Rohrleitungen in der industriellen und gewerblichen Andwendung : Handbuch. Essen: Publico Publications, 2006. Str. 94-100. ISBN 3-934736-11-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 20269095]
252. KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Magnetism from intermetallic alloy nano-droplets. V: ARČON, Denis (ur.). SLONANO 2006 : Organic, inorganic and biomolecular nanostructures: from fundamental science to applications : program and abstracts. 5th Symposium of Science and Technology of Nanomaterials in Slovenia, September 20-21, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2006]. Str. [15]. [COBISS.SI-ID 20146727]
253. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, ŽAGAR, Tomaž. Materiali za bodoči fuzijski reaktor : [invited talk]. V: GLAVIČ, Peter (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2006, Maribor, 21. in 22. september 2006. Maribor: FKKT, 2006. ISBN 86-435-0793-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 20241959]
254. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, ŽAGAR, Tomaž. Novel processing of SiC/SiC by slip-infiltration of SiC fibre pre-forms with SiC under vacuum : končno poročilo (1.1.2003 - 31.12.2005). [S.l.: s.n.], 2006. IJS delovno poročilo, 9289, confidential. [COBISS.SI-ID 19732007]
255. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, KAPUN, Tea, OVTAR, Simona. Poročilo o opravljenih analizah (Kolpa, Proizvodnja in predelava plastičnih mas, d.d., Metlika : preliminarne preiskave. [S.l.: s.n.], 2006. IJS delovno poročilo, 9356. [COBISS.SI-ID 19806247]
256. NOVAK, Saša, KOENIG, Katja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The preparation of LPS SiC-fibre-reinforced SiC ceramics using electrophoretic deposition. V: BOCCACCINI, Aldo R. (ur.). 2nd International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Application : June 2005, Barga, Italy. London: Chapman and Hall, 2006. Vol. 41, no. 24, str. 8093-8100. Journal of Materials Science, vol. 41, no. 24, 2006. ISSN 0022-2461. [COBISS.SI-ID 20331047]
257. NOVAK, Saša, KOENIG, Katja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽAGAR, Tomaž. Preparation of SiCf/SIC composites by electro-phoretic deposition. V: Abstracts. CIMTEC 2006, 11th International Ceramics Congress [and] 4th Forum on New Materials, Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 4-9,2006. [S. l.]: CIMTEC, 2006. Str. 91. [COBISS.SI-ID 20022823]
258. KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Priprava debelih plasti z elektroforetsko depozicijo (EPD). V: GLAVIČ, Peter (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2006, Maribor, 21. in 22. september 2006. Maribor: FKKT, 2006. ISBN 86-435-0793-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 20242215]
259. OVTAR, Simona, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez. Priprava hidrofobnega keramičnega prahu z Mg-stearatom. 2006. IJS delovno poročilo, 9408. [COBISS.SI-ID 20018727]
260. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, ŽAGAR, Tomaž. Razvoj keramičnega kompozita za osnovi SiC za uporabo v fuzijskem reaktorju. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 14. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah = 14th Conference on Materials and Technology, 16-18 October, 2006, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2006. Str. 73. ISBN 961-91448-6-4, ISBN 978-961-91448-6-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 20433447]
261. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Slip-infiltration of SiC-fiber performs for production of SiC/SIC composites. V: Abstracts. ICFRM -12, 12th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, December December 4-9,2005, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. [S. l.: s. n.], 2006. Str. 88. [COBISS.SI-ID 20023079]
262. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, JEŠE, Robi, GABERŠČEK, Miran, OREL, Boris, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structural and spectroelectrochemical (UV-vis and IR) studies of nanocrystalline sol-gel derived ▫$TiO_2$▫ films. Solar energy materials and solar cells. [Print ed.]. 2006, vol. 90, no. 4, str. 452-468. ISSN 0927-0248. [COBISS.SI-ID 3312666]
263. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Study of SiCf/SIC composite and the nanoscale fiber/matrix interfaces. V: ARČON, Denis (ur.). SLONANO 2006 : Organic, inorganic and biomolecular nanostructures: from fundamental science to applications : program and abstracts. 5th Symposium of Science and Technology of Nanomaterials in Slovenia, September 20-21, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2006]. Str. [40]. [COBISS.SI-ID 20168743]
264. KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. A study of the electrophoretic deposition of oxide ceramics. V: Abstracts. CIMTEC 2006, 11th International Ceramics Congress [and] 4th Forum on New Materials, Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 4-9,2006. [S. l.]: CIMTEC, 2006. Str. 33. [COBISS.SI-ID 20249127]
265. KOSANOVIĆ, Cleo, BOSNAR, Sanja, SUBOTIĆ, Boris, SVETLIČIČ, Vesna, MIŠIĆ, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GODEC, Matjaž. A study of the zeolite crystallization from gels. V: LAH, Nina (ur.), LEBAN, Ivan (ur.). [Book of abstracts [and] programme]. Fifteenth Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting = [Petnajsto srečanje slovenskih in hrvaških kristalografov], 15-18 June, 2006, Jezersko, Slovenia. Ljubljana: [Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology], 2006. Str. 30. [COBISS.SI-ID 19982631]
266. NOVAK, Saša, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Surface chemistry of submicron and nano-sized silicon carbide powders. V: Delegate manual. Fifth International Conference on Inorganic Materials, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23-26 September 2006. [S.l. ]: Elsevier, 2006. Str. 48. [COBISS.SI-ID 20164903]
267. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Surface treatment of SiC fibers for nano-SiC based composite material used for first wall in fusion reactor. V: NANOVED 2006 - NENAMAT : book of abstracts. International Conference [on] Advances in nanostructured materials, processing - microstructure - properties, May 14-17, 2006, Stará Lesná, The High Tatras. [S. l.: s. n.], 2006. Str. 130. [COBISS.SI-ID 20381479]
268. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Študij kompozita SiC na osnovi vlaken Hi-nicalon Sic (SiCf/SiC) = Study of a SiC composite based on Hi-nicalon SiC fibers (SiCf/SiC). V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 14. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah = 14th Conference on Materials and Technology, 16-18 October, 2006, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2006. Str. 58. ISBN 961-91448-6-4, ISBN 978-961-91448-6-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 20381735]
269. KALIN, Mitjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, VIŽINTIN, Jože. Wear mechanisms associated with the lubrication of zirconia ceramics in various aqueous solutions. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2006, vol. 26, str. 223-232. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 19440679]


270. KOSANOVIĆ, Cleo, BOSNAR, Sanja, SUBOTIĆ, Boris, SVETLIČIĆ, Vesna, MIŠIĆ, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HAVENŠČAK, Karoly. AFM study of the microstructure of amorphous aluminosilicate precursors (gel) during its hydrothermal transformation. V: LIU, Yunling (ur.). From zeolites to porous MOF materials. Recent research reports = IZC. 15th International zeolite conference, Beijing, China, August 12-17, 2007. [S.l.: s.n.], 2007. Str. 81-82. [COBISS.SI-ID 21747239]
271. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Analitska elektronska mikroskopija prevlek za SiC-vlaknih in opazovanje razpok v keramičnem kompozitu SiC-f/SiC za možno uporabo v prihodnjem fuzijskem reaktorju = Analytical electron microscopy of coated Sic-fiber and crack observation in SiC-f/SiC ceramic composite material for potential fusion reactor application. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 15. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah = 15th Conference on Materials and Technology, 8-10 October, 2007 Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije], 2007. Str. 58. ISBN 978-961-91448-7-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 21132583]
272. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Analytical electron microscopy of fiber - matrix interface in SiC-based ceramic composite. V: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, ICFRM-13 : 10-14 December 2007, Nice, France. [S. l.: s. n.], 2007. Str. 3165. [COBISS.SI-ID 21521703]
273. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of nanoparticles : [invited talk]. V: SLONANO 2007 : 10-12 October, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia : programme & abstracts. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2007. [COBISS.SI-ID 21163303]
274. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Tea, ORTONA, A., GAIA, D. Ceramic routes to SiC/SiC composites for fusion aplications. V: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, ICFRM-13 : 10-14 December 2007, Nice, France. [S. l.: s. n.], 2007. Str. 3153. [COBISS.SI-ID 21521447]
275. POLJŠAK, Borut, JEREB, Gregor, MARZI, Boris, CEPAK, Franka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Characteristics of particulate matter deposition from Port of Koper. V: European Aerosol Conference 2007, September 9-14, 2007, Salzburg, Austria : [book of abstracts]. [S.l.: s.n.], 2007. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 2883947]
276. BENČAN, Andreja, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VUKADINOVIĆ, Mišo, KOSEC, Marija. Characterization of lead zirconate titanate - lanthanum ruthenate thin film structures preperade by chemical solution deposition. Scanning. [Print ed.]. 2007, vol. 29, no. 6, str. 287-293. ISSN 0161-0457. [COBISS.SI-ID 21324839]
277. IVANDA, Mile, BULJAN, Maja, DESNICA, Uroš, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RADIĆ, Nikola, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, FERRARI, Maurizio. Coherent Raman scattering of acoustical vibrations of three-dimensional Ge quantum dot supracrystalls. V: BILJANOVIĆ, Petar (ur.), SKALA, Karolj (ur.). MIPRO 2007 : 30th jubilee international convention, May 21-25, 2007, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. [Vol. I], Microelectronics, electronics and electronic technologies, Hypermedia and grid systems. Rijeka: MIPRO, 2007. Str. 36-39. ISBN 978-953-233-032-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 21746983]
278. CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽIGON, Majda. Cuprous oxide nanowires prepared by an additive-free polyol process. Crystal growth & design. 2007, vol. 7, no. 2, str. 453-458. ISSN 1528-7483. [COBISS.SI-ID 3645978]
279. CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, MEDEN, Anton. Effect of external magnetic field on nano-crystallization of solutes on flow surfaces. V: Book of abstracts and final programme. 12th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, September 9-14, 2007, Brussels, Flagey. Brussels: ECASSIA, 2007. Str. 109. [COBISS.SI-ID 21024295]
280. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, KOENIG, Katja, KAPUN, Tea, ŽAGAR, Tomaž, RICCARDI, Bruno. Gas impermeable coating for SiC[sub]f/SiC. Annual report ... Nov. 2007, str. 43-52, ilustr. ISSN 1855-2072. [COBISS.SI-ID 21613863]
281. KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, JANEVA AZDEJKOVIĆ, Mersida, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Grown of crystalline/amorphous biphase Sm-Fe-Ta-N magnetic nanodroplets. V: Laser synthesis and processing of advanced materials : E-MRS 2007 symposium, Strasbourg, France, May 28th - June 1st, 2007. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. Vol. 254, no. 4, 1027-1031. Applied surface science, vol. 254, no. 4, 2007. ISSN 0169-4332., DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.07.163. [COBISS.SI-ID 20941607]
282. KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Growth of bi-phase crystalline/amorphous Sm-Fe-Ta-N magnetic nano-droplets fabricated by PLD. V: Program & abstracts. LPM2007, 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, April 24-28,2007, Vienna, Austria. Vienna: University of Vienna. Str. 97. [COBISS.SI-ID 20898855]
283. KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Growth of bi-phase crystalline/amorphous Sm-Fe-Ta-N magnetic nano-droplets on Ta surface. V: Book of abstracts and final programme. 12th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, September 9-14, 2007, Brussels, Flagey. Brussels: ECASSIA, 2007. Str. 107. [COBISS.SI-ID 21024039]
284. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Microanalysis of SiC/SiC composite material. V: NEBESÁŘOVÁ, Jana (ur.), HOZÁK, Pavel (ur.). Proceedings. 8th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, June 17-21, 2007, Prague Czech Republic. [Prague]: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, cop. 2007. Str. 317. ISBN 978-80-239-9397-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 20843559]
285. PODMILJŠAK, Benjamin, MCGUINESS, Paul J., ŠKULJ, Irena, MARKOLI, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. A microstructural invetsigation of ▫$Gd_5(SI_xGe_{1-x})_4$▫ alloys produced. V: POREDOŠ, Alojz (ur.), ŠARLAH, Alen (ur.). 2nd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature : proceedings, commissions B2, A1 with E2 = 2ème Conférence internationale sur le froid magnétique à température ambiante : comptes rendus, commissions B2, A1 with E2, Portorož, Slovenia, 11-13, 2007. Paris: Institut International du Froid, 2007. Str. 145-153. Science et technique du froid, 2007-1. ISBN 978-2-913149-56-4. ISSN 0151-1637. [COBISS.SI-ID 20702759]
286. ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Microstructure of nanoscale zinc oxide crystallites. Materials letters. 2007, vol. 61, no. 13, str. 2783-2788. ISSN 0167-577X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3635226]
287. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (umetnik), NOVAK, Saša, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, KOENIG, Katja, KAPUN, Tea, ŽAGAR, Tomaž, RICCARDI, Bruno, BOCCACCINI, Aldo R. Novel processing of SiC/SiC by slip-infiltration of SiC fibre pre-forms with SiC under vacuum. Annual report ... Nov. 2007, str. 53-62, ilustr. ISSN 1855-2072. [COBISS.SI-ID 21617191]
288. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Tea, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Preparation and electron microscopy study of SiC continuous-fibre reinforced /SiC-based matrix composite material aimed for fusion reactor application : [presented at 9th CIASEM, 9th Inter-American Congress of Electron Microscopy,23-28 September 2007, Cusco, Peru]. Microscopica acta. Supplement. 2007, vol. 16, no. 1/2, str. 93-94. ISSN 0342-958X. [COBISS.SI-ID 21498919]
289. NOVAK, Saša, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FONTE FERREIRA, José Marija, QUARESMA, S. Surface characterisation and modification of submicron and nanosized silicon carbide powders. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2007, vol. 27, str. 3545-3550. ISSN 0955-2219. [COBISS.SI-ID 20769831]


290. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy as a powerful tool in the development of new nanomaterials : [invited talk]. V: FARIA, Joaquim Luís (ur.), FIGUEIREDO, José Luís (ur.), FERNANDES MACHADO, Bruno (ur.). Química e inovação : livro de resumos. XXI Encontro National da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 11, 12 e 13 de Junho de 2008, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto. [S. l.]: Sociedade portuguesa de Química, 2008. Str. 33. ISBN 978-989-8124-03-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 21985319]
291. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka. Analytical electron microscopy of InN thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. V: MARKO, Mike (ur.). Microscopy and Microanalysis 2008 : proceedings. 66th Annual Meeting of Microscopy Society [of] America, 42nd Annual Meeting [of] Microbeam Analysis Society, 41st Annual Meeting [of] International Metallographic Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, August 3-7, 2008. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Vol. 14, suppl. 2, str. 254-255. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 14, suppl. 2, 2008. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 21977639]
292. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of nanostructured materials : where are the limits? : [invited talk]. V: KOBE, Spomenka (ur.), et al. WomenInNano winter school : 7-9 February 2008, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia : abstract book. [S.l.: s.n.], 2008. Str. 19. [COBISS.SI-ID 22418215]
293. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOCJAN, Andraž, MCGUINESS, Paul J., SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka. Analytical electron microscopy of Ti-Zr-Ni based quasi-crystals repared with melt-spinning and pulsed laser deposition. V: GRIFFIN, Brendan J. (ur.). Proceedings. ACMM-20 & IUMAS-IV, 20th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis and 4th Congress of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societis, Sunday 10 - Friday 15 February 2008, Perth, Western Australia. Parkville: Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society, 2008. Str. 421-422. ISBN 978-1-74052-160-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 21526311]
294. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, HOLC, Janez, CILENŠEK, Jena, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Contemporary thick-film resistors - conductive phases and interactions during firing. V: AMON, Slavko (ur.), MOZETIČ, Miran (ur.), ŠORLI, Iztok (ur.). Proceedings. 44th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Advanced Plasma Technologies, September 17. - September 19. 2008, Fiesa, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2008. Str. 165-170. ISBN 978-961-91023-8-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 22022695]
295. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, KAPUN, Tea, OVTAR, Simona, SNOJ, Luka, RAVNIK, Matjaž, LENGAR, Igor, URŠNIK, Petra. Development of a functional material for insulating flow channel inserts (ceramic processing of SiC-composites for functional applications). Annual report ... Oct. 2008, str. 53-64, ilustr. ISSN 1855-2072. [COBISS.SI-ID 25606951]
296. KOBE, Spomenka, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, MEDEN, Anton, VEDENIK NOVAK, Meta. The development of a magnetic anti-scaling treatment and its influence on the the crystal phase of ▫$CaCo_3$▫ produced - industrial applications. V: NIARCHOS, Dimitrios (ur.). REPM'08 : proceedings of 20th International Workshop on Rare Earth Permanent Magnets & their Applications, September 8-10, Knossos, Crete. [S. l.: s. n.], 2008. Str. 178-182. ISBN 978-960-86733-6-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 21991207]
297. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, OVTAR, Simona, URŠNIK, Petra. Development of composites with advanced/alternative manufacturing concepts : annual report 2007. 2008. IJS delovno poročilo, 9862, confidential. [COBISS.SI-ID 21473831]
298. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, OVTAR, Simona, SNOJ, Luka, RAVNIK, Matjaž, LENGAR, Igor, URŠNIK, Petra. Development of composites with advanced/alternative manufacturing concepts : vacuum slip infiltration of SiC/SiC. Annual report ... Oct. 2008, str. 65-76, ilustr. ISSN 1855-2072. [COBISS.SI-ID 25609255]
299. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, OVTAR, Simona, URŠNIK, Petra. Development of functional material for insulating flow channel inserts : annual report 2007. 2008. IJS delovno poročilo, 9861, confidential. [COBISS.SI-ID 21473319]
300. HROVAT, Marko, BELAVIČ, Darko, HOLC, Janez, CILENŠEK, Jena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Development of the conductive phase in thick-film resistors : two case studies. V: Reliability and life-time prediction : conference proceedings. ISSE 2008, 31st International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, 7-11 May, 2008, Budapest, Hungary. Piscataway: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2008. Str. 218-223. ISBN 978-963-06-4915-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 21728295]
301. HOČEVAR, Mateja, OPARA KRAŠOVEC, Urša, BERGINC, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HAUPTMAN, Nina, TOPIČ, Marko. Development of ▫$TiO_2$▫ pastes modified with Pechini sol-gel method for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cell. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. Nov. 2008, vol. 48, no. 1/2, str. 156-162, ilustr., Dec. 2008, vol. 48, no. 3, str. 384. ISSN 0928-0707., DOI: 10.1007/s10971-008-1763-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6501972]
302. CERC KOROŠEC, Romana, ŠAUTA OGOREVC, Jerneja, DRAŠKOVIČ, Petra, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BUKOVEC, Peter. Electrochromic nickel oxide/hydroxide thin films prepared by alternately dipping deposition. Thin solid films. [Print ed.]. 2008, vol. 516, no. 23, str. 8264-8271. ISSN 0040-6090. [COBISS.SI-ID 3943706]
303. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Electron microscopy and microanalysis of the fiber-matrix interface in monolithic silicone carbide-based ceramic composite material for use in a fusion reactor application. Scanning. [Print ed.]. 2008, vol. 30, no. 1, str. 35-40. ISSN 0161-0457. [COBISS.SI-ID 21520167]
304. LENGAR, Igor, SNOJ, Luka, ROGAN, Petra, RAVNIK, Matjaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Evaluation of activation characteristics of silicon carbide in a fusion spectrum. V: ROŽMAN, Stanislav (ur.), ŽEFRAN, Bojan (ur.), ŽAGAR, Tomaž (ur.). Proceedings. International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2008, Portorož, Slovenia, September 8-11. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2008. 9 str. ISBN 978-961-6207-29-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 22271015]
305. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Fusion reactor : hot challenge for new materials. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), et al. Hot nano topics 2008 : incorporating SLONANO 2008, 3 overlapping workshops on current hot subjects in nanoscience, 23-30 May, Portorož, Slovenia : abstract book. Ljubljana: [s. n.], 2008. Str. 123. [COBISS.SI-ID 21977895]
306. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Gold nanoparticles on ceria supports for the oxidation of carbon monoxide. V: FARIA, Joaquim Luís (ur.), FIGUEIREDO, José Luís (ur.), FERNANDES MACHADO, Bruno (ur.). Química e inovação : livro de resumos. XXI Encontro National da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 11, 12 e 13 de Junho de 2008, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto. [S. l.]: Sociedade portuguesa de Química, 2008. Str. 92. ISBN 978-989-8124-03-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 21985575]
307. CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOVAČ, Janez, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLLIA, Zoe, KOBE, Spomenka. Growth and adhesion of biphasic crystalline-amorphous Sm/Fe-Ta-N magnetic nanospheroids on a Ta surface. V: The 12th European conference on applications of surface and interface analysis : Brussels, Belgium, 9-14 September 2007 : ECASIA`07. Wiley; Heyden & Son, 2008. Vol. 40, no. 3/4, str. 364-367. Surface and interface analysis, Vol. 40, Issues 3-4. ISSN 0142-2421. [COBISS.SI-ID 21487655]
308. CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, JANEVA AZDEJKOVIĆ, Mersida, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLLIA, Zoe. Growth, clustering and morphology of intermetallic alloy core-shell nanodroplets. Physica status solidi, A. Applied research. 2008, vol. 206, no. 6, str. 1465-1471. ISSN 0031-8965. [COBISS.SI-ID 21667879]
309. KAPUN, Tea, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, NOVAK, Saša. An investigation of SiC-fiber coatings. V: RICHTER, Silvia (ur.), SCHWEDT, Alexander (ur.). EMC 2008. 14th European Microscopy Congress, 1-5 September 2008, Aachen, Germany. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. Zv. 2, str. 713-714. ISBN 978-3-540-85154-7, ISBN 978-3-540-85225-4, ISBN 978-3-540-85227-8, ISBN 978-3-540-85226-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 21962535]
310. CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, MEDEN, Anton. Nanocrystallization of ▫$CaCO_3$▫ at solid/liquid interfaces. Applied Surface Science. [Print ed.]. 2008, vol. 254, no. 21, str. 6715-6724. ISSN 0169-4332. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.04.056. [COBISS.SI-ID 21695783]
311. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe. Observation of nanostructured cluster formation of Tm ions in ▫$CaF_2$▫ crystals. V: Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, (NN07) 16-18 July 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece. Lausanne: Elsevier Sequoia, 2008. Vol. 152, no. 1/3, str. 119-124. Materials science & engineering, B, Solid-state materials for advanced technology, vol. 152, no. 1/3, 2008. ISSN 0921-5107. [COBISS.SI-ID 21976359]
312. HORVAT, Barbara, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, RADE, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation of nano-anatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ = Priprava nano-anataza ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 1. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah pod pokroviteljstvom FEMS in IUVSTA, 13.-15. oktober 2008, Portorož = 1st International Conference on Materials and Technology sponsored by FEMS and IUVSTA, 13-15 October 2008, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2008. 1 str. ISBN 978-961-92518-0-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 22132263]
313. GEC, Medeja, KAPUN, Tea, ŠROT, Vesna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, AKEN, Peter van, ČEH, Miran. Preparation of SiC/SiC thin foils for TEM observations by wedge polishing method. V: RICHTER, Silvia (ur.), SCHWEDT, Alexander (ur.). EMC 2008. 14th European Microscopy Congress, 1-5 September 2008, Aachen, Germany. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. Zv. 1, str. 817-818. ISBN 978-3-540-85154-7, ISBN 978-3-540-85225-4, ISBN 978-3-540-85227-8, ISBN 978-3-540-85226-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 22164519]
314. MALIČ, Barbara, MANDELJC, Mira, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKARABOT, Miha, MUŠEVIČ, Igor, KOSEC, Marija. Strategy for low-temperature crystallization of titanium-rich PZT thin films by chemical solution deposition. Integrated ferroelectrics. 2008, vol. 100, no. 1, str. 285-296. ISSN 1058-4587. [COBISS.SI-ID 22306087]
315. KOSANOVIĆ, Cleo, BOSNAR, Sanja, SUBOTIĆ, Boris, SVETLIČIĆ, Vesna, MIŠIĆ, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HAVANCSÁK, Károly. Study of the microstructure of amorphous aluminosilicate gel before and after its hydrothermal treatment. Microporous and mesoporous materials : zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials. [Print ed.]. 2008, vol. 110, no. 2/3, str. 177-185. ISSN 1387-1811. [COBISS.SI-ID 21497895]
316. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka. TEM study of InN thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition at 157 nm. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), et al. Hot nano topics 2008 : incorporating SLONANO 2008, 3 overlapping workshops on current hot subjects in nanoscience, 23-30 May, Portorož, Slovenia : abstract book. Ljubljana: [s. n.], 2008. Str. 127. [COBISS.SI-ID 21977383]
317. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Thin layers on the surface of the SiC fibers. V: KOBE, Spomenka (ur.), et al. WomenInNano winter school : 7-9 February 2008, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia : abstract book. [S.l.: s.n.], 2008. Str. 112. [COBISS.SI-ID 21500199]


318. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka. AEM study of InN thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition at 157nm. V: LEÓSSON, Kristján (ur.). Book of abstracts. SCADEM 2009, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 8-10. Reykjavík: University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2009. Str. 31. ISBN 978-9979-9935-0-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 22824231]
319. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Alternative concepts involving SiC in combination with other. 2009. IJS delovno poročilo, 10255. [COBISS.SI-ID 22805543]
320. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of nanostructured materials. V: 3rd Slovenia-Korea workshop on advanced materials : Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 11-14, 2009. [S.l.: s.n.], 2009. Str. 4. [COBISS.SI-ID 22620199]
321. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Assessment of all the parameters controlling the properties of SiCf/SiC based on MHEST and EU experts of the field. 2009. IJS delovno poročilo, 10256. [COBISS.SI-ID 22805799]
322. SILVA, Adrián M. T., SILVA, Cláudia G., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Ce-doped ▫$TiO_2$▫ for photocatalytic degradation of chlorophenol. V: Proceedings of the 5th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental applications, Sicilia, Italy, 4-8 October 2008. Amsterdam; Oxford; New York: Elsevier, 2009. Vol. 144, no. 1/2, str. 13-18. Catalysis today, vol. 144, no. 1/2, 2009. ISSN 0920-5861. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2009.02.022. [COBISS.SI-ID 22643239]
323. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Ceramic processing in production of SiC-based composites for fusion applications. V: Abstracts book. 33rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 18-23, 2009, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2009. Str. 121. ISBN 0-470-11702-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 22790695]
324. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Ceramic processing in production of SiC-based composites for fusion applications. V: Abstracts book. 33rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 18-23, 2009, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2009. Str. 121. ISBN 0-470-11702-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 22469415]
325. BULJAN, Maja, DESNICA, Uroš, RADIĆ, Nikola, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MATĚJ, Zdeněk, VALEŠ, Václav, HOLÝ, Václav. Crystal structure of defect-containing semiconductor nanocrystals - an X-ray diffraction study. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2009, part =4, vol. 42, str. 660-672. ISSN 0021-8898. DOI: 10.1107/S0021889809017476. [COBISS.SI-ID 22753319]
326. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, KOBE, Spomenka. Determination of oxygen content in pulsed laser deposited InN thin films with analytical electron microscopy. V: BREWER, L. N. (ur.). Microscopy and Microanalysis 2009 : proceedings. 67th Annual Meeting of Microscopy Society [of] America, 43rd Annual Meeting [of] Microbeam Analysis Society, 42nd Annual Meeting [of] International Metallographic Society, Richmond, Virginia, USA, July 26-30, 2009. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Vol. 15, suppl. 2, str. 1316-1317. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 15, suppl. 2, 2009. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 22815271]
327. JEREB, Gregor, POLJŠAK, Borut, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OGRINC, Nives, KATZ, Sidney A. Determination of particulate matter deposition sources. V: Interdisciplinary tropospheric research : from the laboratory to global change. Tropospheric chemistry. INTROP Conference, April 14th - 17th 2009, Portorož. [S. l.: s. n.], 2009. Str. 64. [COBISS.SI-ID 3674219]
328. BULJAN, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Formation of long-range ordered quantum dots arrays in amorphous matrix by ion beam irradiation. Applied physics letters. [Print ed.]. 2009, vol. 95, no. 6, str. 063104-1-063104-3. ISSN 0003-6951. [COBISS.SI-ID 22798887]
329. BULJAN, Maja, DESNICA, Uroš, IVANDA, Mile, RADIĆ, Nikola, DUBČEK, Pavo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SALAMON, Krešimir, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, HOLÝ, Václav. Formation of three-dimensional quantum-dot superlattices in amorphous systems : experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 2009, vol. 79, no. 3, str. 035310-1-035310-11. ISSN 1098-0121. [COBISS.SI-ID 22374183]
330. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hydrothermal synthesis of different shapes of nanoanatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ = Hidrotermalna sinteza nanoatanaza ▫$TiO_2$▫ različnih oblik. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija = 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2009. Str. 54. ISBN 978-961-92518-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 23127335]
331. BULJAN, Maja, DESNICA, Uroš, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, IVANDA, Mile, RADIĆ, Nikola, DUBČEK, Pavo, SALAMON, Krešimir, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, HOLÝ, Václav. The influence of deposition temperature on the correlation of Ge quantum dot positions in amorphous silica matrix. Nanotechnology. 2009, vol. 20, no. 8, str. 085612-1-085612-6. ISSN 0957-4484. [COBISS.SI-ID 22414887]
332. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Investigation of thermal conductivity in ▫$SiC_f/SiC$▫ composites for fusion application. V: CIZELJ, Leon (ur.), KONČAR, Boštjan (ur.), LESKOVAR, Matjaž (ur.). Proceedings. International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2009, Bled, Slovenia, September 14-17. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2009. 8 str. ISBN 978-961-6207-30-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 23392295]
333. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, KOENIG, Katja, JAGODIČ, Marko, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Investigation of thermal conductivity in SiCf/SiC composites for fusion application. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija = 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2009. Str. 30. ISBN 978-961-92518-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 23126567]
334. HORVAT, Barbara, SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRNOVŠEK, Nataša, NOVAK, Saša. Meritve fotokatalitične aktivnosti ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: ISKRA, Jernej (ur.), MILOŠEV, Ingrid (ur.). Dan mladih raziskovalcev 2009. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2009. 1 str. ISBN 978-961-264-009-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 22429479]
335. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Microstructural investigation of ▫$TiO_2$▫ nano-atanase grown under hydrothermal conditions. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), DOMINKO, Robert (ur.), VILFAN, Mojca (ur.). Book of abstracts : SLONANO 2009, 19-21 October 2009, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2009. Str. 95. [COBISS.SI-ID 23043623]
336. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, KOSEC, Borut, ŠULER, Marko, KARPE, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Microstructures of rapidly solidified Cu-Fe-Ti-C alloys = Mikrostrukture naglo skrutnutih Cu-Fe-Ti-C legura. V: UNKIĆ, Faruk (ur.). Innovative materials and advanced concepts of metal casting production : proceedings book. 9th International Foundrymen Conference, Opatija, June 18-19, 2009. Sisak: Faculty of Metallurgy, 2009. 4 str. ISBN 978-953-7082-08-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 941151]
337. JEREB, Gregor, POLJŠAK, Borut, MARZI, Boris, CEPAK, Franka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OGRINC, Nives, BIZJAK, Mirko, KATZ, Sidney A. Particulate matter deposition monitoring in the surroundings of the port of Koper. V: EAC 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 6-11, 2009 : program and abstracts]. [S.l.: s.n.], 2009. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 3754091]
338. BITENC, Marko, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, MARINŠEK, Marjan. Preparation and characterization of zinc oxide : [presented at] NOVAPOL workshop. Ljubljana: National institute of Chemistry, 2-8 September 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 4249626]
339. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž. Preparation of SiCf/SiC composites for fusion applications using ceramic routes. V: Abstracts : MRS fall meeting 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1-5, 2008. [S. l.: s. n.], 2008. [COBISS.SI-ID 22824487]
340. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Properties and microstructural investigation of ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanoparticles, prepared by hydrothermal synthesis : preseted at EUROMAT 2009, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 7-10 September 2009, Glasgow, United Kingdom. 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 22968615]
341. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Rast fraktalov z DLA in fotokatalizo ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: ŠETINA, Barbara (ur.), et al. Zbornik prispevkov = Proceedings. 1. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana, 19.-20. maj 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenija = 1st Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Student's Conference, 19th-20th May 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2009. Str. 22-23. ISBN 978-961-269-063-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 22638375]
342. SIMČIČ, Tina, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Raziskave možnosti recikliranja odpadnega materiala v proizvodnji COMET Zreče : karbotermična redukcija SiC-a iz steklenih niti impregnirane s fenol formaldehidno smolo. 2009. IJS delovno poročilo, 10097. [COBISS.SI-ID 22405927]
343. PODBRŠČEK, Peter, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The role of residence time, temperature, medium and concentration of reagents on continuous precipitation of ZnO : [presented at] NOVAPOL workshop. Ljubljana: National institute of Chemistry, 2-8 September 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 4252698]
344. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, SNOJ, Luka, LENGAR, Igor, RAVNIK, Matjaž. SiC/SiC composite development : annual report. 2009. IJS delovno poročilo, 10176. [COBISS.SI-ID 22550311]
345. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, SNOJ, Luka, LENGAR, Igor, RAVNIK, Matjaž. SiC[sub]f/SiC composite development. Annual report ... Oct. 2009, str. 63-72, ilustr. ISSN 1855-2072. [COBISS.SI-ID 25637927]
346. BITENC, Marko, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARINŠEK, Marjan. Zinc oxide: morphology and growth. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija = 17. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 16.-18. november 2009, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2009. Str. 37. ISBN 978-961-92518-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 4315418]


347. CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, BITENC, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analyses of defects in zinc oxide biopods particles : [invited lecture at] 18th International Conference on Composites/nano Engineering (ICCE-18) : july 4-10, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Anchorage, 8. jul. 2010. [COBISS.SI-ID 4449306]
348. CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, BITENC, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analyses of deffects in zinc oxide bipod particles : [Elektronski vir]. V: HUI, David (ur.). ICCE-18 : [proceedings]. The Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, July 4-10, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska. New Orleans: International Community for Composites Engineering, 2010. 2 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 4473882]
349. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy - a powerful tool for the development of new materials : [invited talk]. V: BENČAN, Andreja (ur.), et al. Workshop on structural characterisation : Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28 January 2010 : [program and abstract book]. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, Electronic Ceramic Department, 2010. Str. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 23382567]
350. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITENC, Marko, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Analytical electron microscopy of ZnO bipods. V: Revealing the nanoworld in life and materials science : proceedings. IMC 17, 17th International Microscopy Congress, Sepetember 19-24, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [S. l.]: SBMM: = Sociedade Brasileria de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2010. 2 str. ISBN 978-85-63273-06-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 24084263]
351. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITENC, Marko, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Analytical electron microscopy of ZnO bipods grown from solutions. V: Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America ... [et al.] : August 1-5, 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010. Vol. 16, suppl. 1, str. 1356-1357. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 16, suppl. 1/2. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 23894567]
352. JEREB, Gregor, POLJŠAK, Borut, BIZJAK, Mirko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KATZ, Sidney A. Application of alternative technique of particulate matter collection to air quality monitoring. V: IAC 2010. International Aerosol Confence, August 29-September 3, Helsinki, Finland. [Helsinki]: Finnish association for aerosol research, 2010. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 4006251]
353. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž. Assessment of the current status and outline for the future research and development in the field of silicon carbide based materials for fusion application. 2010. IJS delovno poročilo, 10519. [COBISS.SI-ID 23789095]
354. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., MACHADO, Bruno, BACSA, R. R., SERP, Philippe, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Catalytic performance of Au/ZnO nanocatalysts for CO oxidation. Journal of catalysis. 2010, vol. 273, issue 2, str. 191-198. ISSN 0021-9517. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2010.05.011. [COBISS.SI-ID 23755303]
355. BITENC, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Characterization of crystalline zinc oxide in the form of hexagonal bipods. Crystal growth & design. 2010, vol. 10, no. 2, str. 830-837. ISSN 1528-7483. DOI: 10.1021/cg901193g. [COBISS.SI-ID 4332570]
356. HORVAT, Barbara, KRIVEC, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Comparison of hydrothermal and sol-gel synthesis of nanoanatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ = Primerjava hidrotermalne ter sol-gel sinteze nano-anataza ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 18. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 15.-17. november 2010, Portorož, Slovenija = 18th Conference on Materials and Technology, 15-17 November 2010, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2010. Str. 47. ISBN 978-961-92518-2-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 24174119]
357. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Tea, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša. Compatibility of W-core ▫$\beta-SIC$▫ fibers with SiC based composite material for fusion application. V: Book of abstracts. International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2010. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2010. Str. 104. [COBISS.SI-ID 24354343]
358. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Consolidation of SiC deposition by polymer infiltration and pyrolysis method. V: Abstracts. CIMTEC 2010, 12th International Ceramics Congress, International Conferences on Modern Materials & Technologies, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, June 6-11, 2010. Faenza: Techna Group, 2010. Str. 67. [COBISS.SI-ID 24354599]
359. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Crystalisation and shaping of ▫$TiO_2$▫ anatase. V: Program, abstract book, notebook, list of participants. International School of Crystallization 2010, ISC Granada, Granada (Spain), May 24-28, 2010. [S. l.: s. n.], 2010. Str. 96. [COBISS.SI-ID 23709479]
360. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, JAGODIČ, Marko, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Densification of SiC matrix in SiC-based composites. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts : SLONANO 2010, 20-22 October 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2010. Str. 97. [COBISS.SI-ID 24099111]
361. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, JAGODIČ, Marko, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Densification of SiC matrix in SiCf/SiC composites for fusion application. V: VARENDAS, C. (ur.), GONÇALVES, B. (ur.), VARELA, P. (ur.). Abstracts. 26th SOFT 2010, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, September 27 - October 1, 2010, Porto, Portugal. [S. l.: s. n.], 2010. [COBISS.SI-ID 24357671]
362. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAVARES, P. B., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Effect of chloride on the sinterization of ▫$Au/CeO_2$▫ catalysts. V: GASCON, Jorge (ur.). Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Catalyst Deactivation, October 25-28, Delft, Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010. Vol. 154, no. 3/4, str. 293-302. Catalysis today, Vol. 154, no. 3/4, 2010. ISSN 0920-5861. [COBISS.SI-ID 23869991]
363. KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BUKOŠEK, Vili, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka. Electron microscopy and microanalysis of the fiber, matrix and fiber/matrix interface in SiC based ceramic composite material for use in a fusion reactor application. V: WUNDERLICH, Wilfried (ur.). Ceramic materials. Rijeka: Sciyo, 2010. Str. 99-114. ISBN 978-953-307-145-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 24058407]
364. BULJAN, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Generation of an ordered Ge quantum dot array in an amorphous silica matrix byion beam irradiation : modeling and structural characterization. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 2010, vol. 81, no. 8, str. 085321-1-085321-8. ISSN 1098-0121. [COBISS.SI-ID 23443239]
365. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAVARES, P. B., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Gold nanoparticles on ceria supports for the oxidation of carbon monoxide. Catalysis today. [Print ed.]. 2010, issue 1-2, vol. 154, str. 21-30. ISSN 0920-5861. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2010.01.036. [COBISS.SI-ID 23442983]
366. PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PARAMO, Jorge Antonio, STRZHEMECHNY, Yuri M., MAČEK, Jadran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Growth of zinc oxide particles in the presence of silicon. CrystEngComm. 2010, vol.12, issue 10, str. 3071-3079. ISSN 1466-8033. DOI: 10.1039/c003292a. [COBISS.SI-ID 23749159]
367. BITENC, Marko, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OREL, Bojan, PEJOVNIK, Stane, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. In and ex situ studies of the formation of layered microspherical hydrozinciteas precursor for ZnO. Chemistry : a European journal. [Print ed.]. 2010, vol.16, issue 37, str. 11481-11488. ISSN 0947-6539. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201001411. [COBISS.SI-ID 23869479]
368. PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Influence of silicon on the formation of ZnO particles. V: Program and abstracts. Zurich: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2010. Str. 288. [COBISS.SI-ID 4457754]
369. CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, RIZIOTIS, C., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, STRAŽIŠAR, Janez, MEDEN, Anton. Magnetic field trapping in coherent antisymmetric states of liquid water molecular rotors. V: CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos (ur.). Special issue on Technology Trends and Theory of Nanoscale Devices for Quantum Applications, 2009. Stevenson Ranch: American Scientific, 2010. Vol. 7, no. 9, str. 1800-1805. Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience, vol. 7, no. 9, 2010. ISSN 1546-1955. DOI: 10.1166/jctn.2010.1544. [COBISS.SI-ID 23692583]
370. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Microstructural investigation of hydrothermally prepared ▫$TiO_2$▫ anatase. V: SU, D. S. (ur.), WRABETZ, S. (ur.), ZHU, B. (ur.). Booklet of abstracts. International Symposium on Advanced Electron Microscopy for Catalysis and Energy Storage Materials, January 17th-20th, 2010, Berlin, Germany. [S. l.: s. n.], 2010. Str. 4. [COBISS.SI-ID 23383847]
371. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Mikrostrukturna raziskava hidrotermalno sintetiziranega ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: KUŠČER, Danjela (ur.), PERC, Branka (ur.). [Program in povzetki]. 4. Dan Mladih Raziskovalcev KMBO, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 11.2.2010. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2010. Str. 40. ISBN 978-961-264-009-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 23418919]
372. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. A novel route for preparation of SiCf/SIC composites. V: Book of abstracts. International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2010. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2010. Str. 103-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 24354087]
373. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, ŠULER, Marko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Phase transformations of amorphous/nanocrystalline Cu-Fe-Ti-C alloy. V: PM 2010. Proceedings volume 1. Powder metallurgy world congress & exhibition, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010. Shrewsbury: European Powder Metallurgy Association, cop. 2010. Str. 309-314. ISBN 978-1-899072-10-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 1082207]
374. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., MACHADO, Bruno, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BACSA, R. R., SERP, Philippe, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Photodeposition of Au and Pt on ZnO and ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: GAIGNEAUX, E. M. (ur.). Scientific bases for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts : proceedings of the 10th international symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 11-15, 2010. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 2010. Str. 629-633. Studies in surface science and catalysis, vol. 175. ISBN 978-0-444-53601-3. ISSN 0167-2991. [COBISS.SI-ID 24057127]
375. BIZJAK, Milan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Ladislav, KARPE, Blaž. Precipitation kinetics of aluminium based rapidly solidified alloys. Metalurgija. srpanj/rujan 2010, vol. 49, br. 3, str. 204. ISSN 0543-5846. [COBISS.SI-ID 1048927]
376. BIZJAK, Milan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Ladislav, KARPE, Blaž. The precipitation kinetics of rapidly solidified Al-based alloys. V: Metalni i nemetalni materijali : proizvodnja, osobine, primjena : zbornik radova = Metallic and nonmetalic materials : production, properties, application : proceedings. Zenica: Fakultet za metalurgiju i materijale: = Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2010. Str. 62-67. ISBN 978-9958-785-18-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 1027679]
377. KRIVEC, Matic, HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation and photocatalytic properties of ▫$TiO_2$▫ based microreactors = Priprava in fotokatalitične lastnosti mikroreaktorjev na osnovi ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: JENKO, Monika (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 18. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 15.-17. november 2010, Portorož, Slovenija = 18th Conference on Materials and Technology, 15-17 November 2010, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2010. Str. 49. ISBN 978-961-92518-2-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 24174375]
378. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Preparation of Au nanoparticles on Ce-Ti-O supports. V: GAIGNEAUX, E. M. (ur.). Scientific bases for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts : proceedings of the 10th international symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 11-15, 2010. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 2010. Str. 457-461. Studies in surface science and catalysis, vol. 175. ISBN 978-0-444-53601-3. ISSN 0167-2991. [COBISS.SI-ID 24056871]
379. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOENIG, Katja, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž. Preparation of SiCf/SiC composites by the slip infiltration and transient eutectoid (SITE) process. Journal of nuclear materials. [Print ed.]. 2010, vol. 399, no. 2/3, str. 167-174. ISSN 0022-3115. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.01.014. [COBISS.SI-ID 23440679]
380. SILVA, Adrián M. T., MACHADO, Bruno, GOMES, Helder T., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Pt nanoparticles supported over Ce-Ti-O : the solvothermal and photochemical approaches for the preparation of catalytic materials. Journal of nanoparticle research. 2010, issue 1, vol. 12, str. 121-133. ISSN 1388-0764. DOI: 0.1007/s11051-009-9584-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 22436391]
381. MACHADO, Bruno, CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Selective hydrogenatio of ▫$\alpha, \beta$▫-unsaturated aldehydes using titania supported gold catalysts. V: Abstracts. CAFC 9, 9th Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals, September 13-16, 2010, Zaragoza, Spain. [S. l.: s. n.], 2010. Str. 136. [COBISS.SI-ID 24061991]
382. NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, KAPUN, Tea, KOENIG, Katja, BELE, Jaro, FORD, Aleksander. ▫$SiC_f$▫ composites for structural application in fusion reactor. 2010. IJS delovno poročilo, 10521. [COBISS.SI-ID 23788839]
383. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, JAGODIČ, Marko, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Uporaba infiltracije in pirolize polimera za zgoščevanje matrice iz silicijevega karbida = Polymer infiltration and pyrolysis of silicon carbide matrix. V: GLAVIČ, Peter (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2010, Maribor, 23. in 24. september 2010. Maribor: FKKT, 2010. 1 str. ISBN 978-961-248-241-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 24354855]
384. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, KOENIG, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Zgoščevanje matrice iz silicijevega karbida z metodo infiltracije in pirolize polimera. V: KUŠČER, Danjela (ur.), PERC, Branka (ur.). [Program in povzetki]. 4. Dan Mladih Raziskovalcev KMBO, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 11.2.2010. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2010. Str. 41. ISBN 978-961-264-009-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 23418151]


385. HORVAT, Barbara, KRIVEC, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Comparison of hydrothermal and sol-gel synthesis of nano-anatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ with additives. V: Book of tutorial and abstracts. EMAS 2011, 12th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, 15 to 19 May 2011, Angers, France. [S. l.: s. n.], 2011. Str. 354. [COBISS.SI-ID 24785703]
386. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Densification of a SiC-matrix by electrophoretic deposition and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis process. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2011, vol. 31, no. 5, str. 833-840, ilustr. ISSN 0955-2219. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2010.11.021. [COBISS.SI-ID 24324391]
387. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Densification of SiC-matrix by hybrid process of EPD-PIP. V: Abstracts book. 35th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2011, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 25294119]
388. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Densification of SiC-matrix in SiC based composites by SITE-P. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 19. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 22. - 23.november 2011, Portorož = 19th Conference on Materials and Technology, 22-23 November 2011, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2011. Str. 79. ISBN 978-961-92518-4-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 25344551]
389. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Densification of SiC-matrix in SiCf/SiC composites by SITE-P process. V: Nuclear energy for new Europe 2011 : 20th international conference : Bovec, Slovenia, September 12-15 : book of abstracts. 20th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2011, Bovec, Slovenia, September 12-15. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2011. Str. 44. [COBISS.SI-ID 25067559]
390. BULJAN, Maja, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, KARLUŠIĆ, M., DESNICA, Uroš, RADIĆ, Nikola, JAKŠIĆ, Milko, SALOMON, K., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, HOLÝ, Václav. Design of quantum dot lattices in amorphous matrices by ion beam irradiation. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 2011, vol. 84, no. 15, str. 155312-1-155312-8. ISSN 1098-0121. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.155312. [COBISS.SI-ID 25172263]
391. NOVAK, Saša, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Development of dense ▫$\beta-SiC$▫ matrix in 3D perform : Annual report on EFDA task activities in 2010. 2011. IJS delovno poročilo, 11277. [COBISS.SI-ID 26677031]
392. BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain structure of ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramics determined by the transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. 2011, vol. 17, suppl. 2, str. 1892-1893. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 25002279]
393. RADE, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Electrophoretic co-deposition and densification of SiC with MgO for biomedical applications. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 19. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 22. - 23.november 2011, Portorož = 19th Conference on Materials and Technology, 22-23 November 2011, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2011. Str. 82. ISBN 978-961-92518-4-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 25345575]
394. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAVARES, P. B., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Gold nanoparticles supported on Ce-Mn-O composite materials for CO oxidation. V: TIWARI, Ashutosh (ur.), SAHARE, P. D. (ur.). Nanomaterials and nanotechnology : abstracts of International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, ICNANO 2011, 18-21 December 2011, Delhi, India. [S. l.]: VBRI Press, 2011. Str. 130. [COBISS.SI-ID 25549863]
395. GOTIĆ, Marijan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MUSIĆ, Svetozar. Hydrothermal synthesis of [alpha]-Fe[sub]2O[sub]3 nanorings with the help of divalent metal cations, ▫$Mn^{2+}$▫, ▫$Cu^{2+}$▫, ▫$Zn^{2+}$▫ and ▫$Ni^{2+}$▫. V: Proceedings of the EUCMOS 2010, 30th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 29 August - 3 September 2010, Florence, Italy. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011. 6 str. Journal of molecular structure, vol. 993, no. 1/3, 2011. ISSN 0022-2860. DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2010.12.063. [COBISS.SI-ID 24592423]
396. SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka, SPYROPOULOS ANTONAKAKIS, Nikolaos. Long-term oxidization and phase transition of InN nanotextures. V: CARTOIXÀ, Xavier (ur.), CORREIA, Antonio (ur.), SÁENZ, José (ur.). Proceedings of the 11th Trends in NanoTechnology International Conference, TNT2010, September 06- 10, 2010, Braga, Portugal. New York: Springer, 2011. Vol. 6, no. 1, str. 387-1-387-8. Nanoscale research letters, vol. 6, no. 1, 2011. ISSN 1931-7573. DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-6-387. [COBISS.SI-ID 24753959]
397. JEREB, Gregor, MARZI, Boris, CEPAK, Franka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, POLJŠAK, Borut. Monitoring of the particulate matter deposition around Port of Koper. V: EAC 2011 : Manchester, 4-9 September 2011. Manchester: European Aerosol Society, 2011. 1 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 4234603]
398. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Nanoparticles synthesis through the eyes of an analytical electron microscopy. V: MCM 2011 : [proceedings]. 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, September 4-9, 2011, Urbino, Italy. [S. l.]: Società Italiana Scienze Micriscopiche, 2011. Str. 31-32. [COBISS.SI-ID 25123367]
399. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija, SETTER, Nava, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Nonlinearity and frequency dependance of direct piezoelectric response in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramics. V: E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting, November 28 - December 2, 2011, Boston, MA. Warrendale: Materials Research Society, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 25401895]
400. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž. Optimizatioin of beta-SiC-coated W fibres : annual report on EFDA task activities in 2010. 2011. IJS delovno poročilo, 11278. [COBISS.SI-ID 26677287]
401. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic activity of sol-gel and hydrothermally prepared anatase. V: Abstracts : PAOT, Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces : July 4-8, 2011, Gdansk, Poland. Gdansk: University of Technology, 2011. Str. 149. [COBISS.SI-ID 25073959]
402. KRIVEC, Matic, SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic characterisation of rutile nanoparticles prepared via low-temperature synthesis. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 19. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 22. - 23.november 2011, Portorož = 19th Conference on Materials and Technology, 22-23 November 2011, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2011. Str. 76. ISBN 978-961-92518-4-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 25344295]
403. KRIVEC, Matic, SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., MARQUES, Rita R. N., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic characterisation of rutile nanoparticles prepared via low-temperature synthesis. V: Abstracts. TiO[sub]2-16, The 16th International Conference on TiO[sub]2 Photocatalysis: fundamentals and applications, November 7-10, 2011, San Diego, California. [S.l.: s. n.], 2011. Str. 178. [COBISS.SI-ID 25328679]
404. GOMES, Helder T., MACHADO, Bruno, SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Photodeposition of Pt nanoparticles on ▫$TiO_2$▫-carbon xerogel composites. Materials letters. 2011, vol. 65, no. 6, str. 966-969. ISSN 0167-577X. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2010.12.028. [COBISS.SI-ID 24592167]
405. PRAH, J., MAČEK, Jadran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Precipitation of calcium carbonate from a calcium acetate and ammonium carbamate batch system. Journal of crystal growth. [Print ed.]. 2011, vol. 324, issue 1, str. 229-234. ISSN 0022-0248. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.03.020. [COBISS.SI-ID 24708391]
406. KEMPERL, Jana, MAČEK, Jadran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Precipitation of calcium carbonate from a calcium acetate and ammonium carbamate batch system. Journal of crystal growth. [Print ed.]. Jun. 2011, vol. 324, iss. 1, str. 229-234. ISSN 0022-0248., DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.03.020. [COBISS.SI-ID 42233603]
407. NOVAK, Saša, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation of SiCf/SiC composites by SITE process. V: Abstracts book. 35th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 23-28, 2011, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 25293863]
408. GEC, Medeja, KAPUN, Tea, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation of SigmaTM SiC fibers for TEM by tripod polishing and conventional ion milling. V: MCM 2011 : [proceedings]. 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, September 4-9, 2011, Urbino, Italy. [S. l.]: Società Italiana Scienze Micriscopiche, 2011. Str. 107-108. [COBISS.SI-ID 25022503]
409. PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. The preparation of zinc silicate/ZnO particles and their use as an efficient UV absorber. Materials research bulletin. [Print ed.]. 2011, vol. 46, issue 11, str. 2105-2111, ilustr. ISSN 0025-5408., DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2011.06.037. [COBISS.SI-ID 4738074]
410. HORVAT, Barbara, KRIVEC, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Primerjava hidrotermalne ter sol-gel sinteze nanoanataza ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: PRIBOŠIČ, Irena (ur.), KRNEL, Kristoffer (ur.). [Program in povzetki]. 5. dan mladih raziskovalcev, Ljubljana, Februar 2011. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2011. Str. 55. [COBISS.SI-ID 24475431]
411. SPYROPOULOS ANTONAKAKIS, Nikolaos, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, KOLLIA, Zoe, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Schottky and charge memory effects in InN nanodomains. Applied physics letters. [Print ed.]. 2011, vol. 99, no. 15, str. 153110-1-153110-3. ISSN 0003-6951. DOI: 10.1063/1.3651327. [COBISS.SI-ID 25343271]
412. KRIVEC, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Sinteza in karakterizacija nano-▫$TiO_2$▫ delcev z različnimi tehnikami. V: PRIBOŠIČ, Irena (ur.), KRNEL, Kristoffer (ur.). [Program in povzetki]. 5. dan mladih raziskovalcev, Ljubljana, Februar 2011. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2011. Str. 57. [COBISS.SI-ID 24475943]
413. ROCHA, Raquel P., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEREIRA, Manuel F. R. Pereira, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Supported Pt-particles on multi-walled carbon nanotubes with controlled surface chemistry. Materials letters. 2011, vol. 66, no. 1, str. 64-67. ISSN 0167-577X. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2011.08.078. [COBISS.SI-ID 25054759]
414. GOMES, Cidália, VEIGA, Luís, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SILVA, Adrián M. T., GOMES, Helder T. Synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. V: Japan-Portugal Nano-Biomedical Engineering Symposium 2011 : 3-6 June 2011, Porto, Portugal. [S. l.: s. n.], 2011. Str. 41-42. [COBISS.SI-ID 24837159]
415. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Transmission electron microscopy study of TiO[sub]2 anatase crystal morphology prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. str. 1700-1701. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 25053735]
416. KOVAČ, Janez, MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, PERUŠKO, Dalibor, MILINOVIĆ, Velimir, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JEYNES, Chris. XPS, TEM and RBS characterization of nanocrystaline AlN/TiN multilayers irradiated by Ar ions. V: MOZETIČ, Miran (ur.), VESEL, Alenka (ur.). Program in knjiga povzetkov = Programme and book of abstracts. 18. mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Vakuumska znanost in tehnika, Bohinjsko Jezero, 2.-3. junij 2011 = 18th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Techniques, Bohinjsko Jezero, 2-3 June 2011. Ljubljana: Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije: = Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique, 2011. Str. 53. ISBN 978-961-92989-2-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 24813351]
417. KRIVEC, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. XRD and TEM characterization of rutile nano-rods synthesized from a peroxotitanium complex precursor. V: MCM 2011 : [proceedings]. 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, September 4-9, 2011, Urbino, Italy. [S. l.]: Società Italiana Scienze Micriscopiche, 2011. Str. 543-544. [COBISS.SI-ID 25022759]
418. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž (pisar), JAGODIČ, Marko, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Zgoščevanje SiC matrice v SiCf/SiC kompozitu za fuzijsko aplikacijo. V: PRIBOŠIČ, Irena (ur.), KRNEL, Kristoffer (ur.). [Program in povzetki]. 5. dan mladih raziskovalcev, Ljubljana, Februar 2011. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2011. Str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 24477735]
419. BITENC, Marko, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Zinc oxide: morphology and growth or how to prepare sphere- and rod-like particles?. V: 1st International Workshop of CoE PoliMat, 1st-2nd December, 2011, Ljubljana : contributions to the working session with the international scientific council. Ljubljana: PoliMat, 2011. Str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 4859418]
420. PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Zinc silicate/ZnO particles as efficient UV absorbers. V: 1st International Workshop of CoE PoliMat, 1st-2nd December, 2011, Ljubljana : contributions to the working session with the international scientific council. Ljubljana: PoliMat, 2011. Str. 60-61. [COBISS.SI-ID 4859930]
421. BITENC, Marko, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. ZnO : morphology and growth. V: EUROMAT 2011. European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 12-15 September 2011, Montpellier, France. [S. l.: s. n.], 2011. [COBISS.SI-ID 4901658]


422. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. All three naturally existing ▫$TiO_2$▫ crystals synthesized solvothermally. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 20. jubilejna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 17.-19. oktober 2012, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2012. Str. 68. ISBN 978-961-92518-5-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 26196007]
423. BOHINC, Klemen, NIPIČ, Damijan, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, ODER, Martina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RASPOR, Peter. Bacterial adhesion to glass surface : influence of surface roughness. V: ECIS 2012 : poster presentations. 26th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, 2-7 September 2012, Malmö & Lund, Sweden. Lund: ECIS, 2012. Str. 30. [COBISS.SI-ID 4431211]
424. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAVARES, P. B., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. CO oxidation using gold supported on Ce-Mn-O composite materials. V: DILORETO, Dante (ur.), CORCORAN, Idina (ur.). Carbon monoxide : sources, uses and hazards. New York: Nova Science, 2012. Str. 61-84. Environmental health. ISBN 978-1-61942-055-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 25926183]
425. RADE, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Co-deposition and densification of SiC with MgO for biomedical applications. Journal of Materials Science. 2012, vol. 47, no. 7, str. 3400-3406. ISSN 0022-2461. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-011-6187-z. [COBISS.SI-ID 25448487]
426. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, GRCE, Ana, PERUŠKO, Davor, STOJANOVIĆ, Marko, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DIDYK, Alexander Yu., SKURATOV, Vladimir A. A comparison of Ar ion implantation and swift heavy Xe ion irradiation effects on immiscible AlN/TiN multilayered nanostructures. Materials chemistry and physics. [Print ed.]. 2012, vol. 133, issue 2-3, str. 884-892. ISSN 0254-0584. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.01.112. [COBISS.SI-ID 25676839]
427. KLEUT, D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Comparison of structural properties of pristine and gamma irradiated single-wall carbon nanotubes : effects of medium and irradiation dose. Materials characterization. [Print ed.]. 2012, vol. 72, str. 37-45. ISSN 1044-5803. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2012.07.002. [COBISS.SI-ID 26050855]
428. BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, BULJAN, Maja, KARLUŠIĆ, M., SKUKAN, Natko, BOŽIČEVIĆ, Iva, JAKŠIĆ, Milko, RADIĆ, Nikola, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid. Conditions for formation of germanium quantum dots in amorphous matrices by MeV ions : comparison with standard thermal annealing. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 2012, vol. 86, no. 16, str. 165316-1-165316-8. ISSN 1098-0121. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.165316. [COBISS.SI-ID 26177063]
429. PETROVIĆ, Suzana, PERUŠKO, Davor, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GAKOVIĆ, Biljana, HOMEWOOD, K. P. Formation of intermetallic phase in Ni/Ti multilayer structure by ion implantation and thermal annealing. Intermetallics. [Print ed.]. 2012, vol. 25, no. 1, str. 27-33. ISSN 0966-9795. DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2012.02.007. [COBISS.SI-ID 25678887]
430. BULJAN, Maja, RADIĆ, Nataša, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, HOLÝ, Václav. Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering : application to the study of quantum dot lattices. Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography. 2012, vol. 68, no. 1, str. 124-138. ISSN 0108-7673. DOI: 10.1107/S0108767311040104. [COBISS.SI-ID 25425703]
431. BITENC, Marko, PODBRŠČEK, Peter, DUBČEK, Pavo, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OREL, Bojan, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. The growth mechanism of zinc oxide and hydrozincite : a study using electron microscopies and in situ SAXS. CrystEngComm. 2012, vol. 14, issue 9, str. 3080-3088. ISSN 1466-8033., DOI: 10.1039/C2CE06134A. [COBISS.SI-ID 4922650]
432. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The growth of anatase bipyramidal crystals during hydrothermal synthesis. Journal of crystal growth. [Print ed.]. 2012, vol. 347, issue 1, str. 19-24. ISSN 0022-0248. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.03.027,. [COBISS.SI-ID 25695015]
433. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The growth of ▫$TiO_2$▫ anatase during hydrothermal synthesis. V: ŽAGAR, Kristina (ur.), LENART, Alenka (ur.), PEČKO, Darja (ur.). [Program and abstract book]. 6th Young Researchers' Day 2012, 27 and 28 Febraury, 2012, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Nanostructured Materials, 2012. Str. 32. [COBISS.SI-ID 25624871]
434. ABRAM, Anže. Hidrotermalna sinteza fotokatalitične prevleke iz TiO2 na aluminiju = Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2 photocatalytic coating on aluminium : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [A. Abram], 2012. 46 f., ilustr., graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 1235039]
435. HORVAT, Barbara, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hydrothermal growth of anatase. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts. SLONANO 2012, 24-26 October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2012. Str. 27. [COBISS.SI-ID 26409511]
436. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, STOJANOVIĆ, Nikola, PERUŠKO, Dalibor, TIMOTIJEVIĆ, B., TOPREK, D., KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JEYNES, Chris. Ion irradiation induced Al-Ti interaction in nano-scaled Al/Ti multilayers. V: Proceedings of the 18th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-18), International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T 2010), 14th International Conference on Solid Surface (ICSS-14), Vacuum and Surface Science Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-5), August 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China. Amsterdan: North-Holland, 2012. Vol. 258, no. 6, str. 2043-2046. Applied surface science, vol. 258, no. 6, 2012. ISSN 0169-4332. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2011.04.107. [COBISS.SI-ID 24708903]
437. BIZJAK, Milan, KOSEC, Ladislav, KARPE, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Microstructural evolution and thermal stability in rapidly solidified copper alloy. V: Materials and metallurgy : summaries of lecture = Materiali i metalurgija : sažeci predavanja. Šibenik: Croatian Metallurgical Society: = Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 2012. Str. 402. Metalurgija, vol. 51, no. 3. ISSN 0543-5846. [COBISS.SI-ID 1221471]
438. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša, KAPUN, Tea, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž. Optimization of thermal concuctivity of SiC-based composite : annual report on EFDA task activities in 2011. 2012. IJS delovno poročilo, 11280. [COBISS.SI-ID 26678055]
439. JEREB, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, POLJŠAK, Borut. Particulate matter deposition monitoring : neglected importance of titanium?. V: European Aerosol Conference : Granada, 2-7 Sept 2012. Granada: [s. n.]. 2012, str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 4434283]
440. KRIVEC, Matic, SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., MARQUES, Rita R. N., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic characterisation of rutile nanoparticles prepared via a low-temperature synthesis. V: Book of graphical abstracts. 7th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: environmental applications, 17-20 June 2012, Porto, Portuga. Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Quimica, 2012. Str. 19. [COBISS.SI-ID 25914407]
441. KRIVEC, Matic, SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., MARQUES, Rita R. N., SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic characterisation of rutile nanoparticles prepared via low-temperature synthesis. V: ŽAGAR, Kristina (ur.), LENART, Alenka (ur.), PEČKO, Darja (ur.). [Program and abstract book]. 6th Young Researchers' Day 2012, 27 and 28 Febraury, 2012, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Nanostructured Materials, 2012. Str. 33. [COBISS.SI-ID 25626663]
442. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOSEC, Marija, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Piezoelectric nonlinearity and frequency dispersion of the direct piezoelectric response of ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramics. Journal of applied physics. 2012, vol. 112, no. 6, str. 064114-1-064114-12. ISSN 0021-8979. DOI: 10.1063/1.4754315. [COBISS.SI-ID 26122791]
443. ROJAC, Tadej, KOSEC, Marija, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SETTER, Nava, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Piezoelectric response of ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramics : nonlinearity and frequency dependence. V: Abstract book. ISAF ECAPD PFM 2012, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, 11th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics,4th Conference Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, 9-13 July, Aveiro, Portugal. [S. l.]: IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, 2012. Str. 398. [COBISS.SI-ID 25977639]
444. BULJAN, Maja, DESNICA, Uroš, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, RADIĆ, Nikola, IVANDA, Mile, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, HOLÝ, Václav. Preparation of regularly ordered Ge quantum dot lattices in amorphous matrices. V: VESELÝ, Marian (ur.), VINCZE, Andrej (ur.), VÁVRA, Ivo (ur.). Proceedings of the 13th Joint Vacuum Conference, June 20-24, 2010, Štrbské Pleso High Tatras, Slovakia. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press, 2011. Vol. 86, no. 6, str. 733-736. Vacuum, vol. 86, no. 6, 2012. ISSN 0042-207X. DOI: 10.10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.032. [COBISS.SI-ID 25481767]
445. GOLJA, Viviana, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Presence of nanoparticles in some food contact materials from Slovenian market. V: 5th International Symposium on Food Packaging, 'Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation', 14-16 November 2012, Berlin, Germany. [Berlin: International Life Sciences Institute Europe], 2008. Str. 130. [COBISS.SI-ID 3696357]
446. NOVAK, Saša, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Production of a dense SiC based composite with closed porosity using elements with low neutron acticvation and potential irradiation effects : annual report on EFDA task activities in 2011 : S. Novak, A. Iveković, G. Dražić. 2012. IJS delovno poročilo, 11279. [COBISS.SI-ID 26677543]
447. RADE, Katja, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOBE, Spomenka. Shaping and densification of the silicon carbide using sintering additives. V: ŽAGAR, Kristina (ur.), LENART, Alenka (ur.), PEČKO, Darja (ur.). [Program and abstract book]. 6th Young Researchers' Day 2012, 27 and 28 Febraury, 2012, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Nanostructured Materials, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25627943]
448. GEC, Medeja, KAPUN, Tea, FENK, B., ŠROT, Vesna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, AKEN, Peter van, ČEH, Miran. TEM specimen preparation of a SiC/SiC composite by conventional ionmilling, tripod polishing and focused ion beam (FIB) : a comparative study. V: EMC 2012 : proceedings of the 15th European Microscopy Congress, 16th-21st September 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom. [S. l.]: Royal Microscopical Cosiety, 2012. 2 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 26123559]
449. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Transmission electron microscopy : sophisticated and expensive magnifying glass or something more?. V: URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana (ur.), BENČAN, Andreja (ur.), MALIČ, Barbara (ur.). Characterization of materials : [program and lecture notes] : COST Winter School, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28th and 29th January 2013. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2013. 24 str. (prosojnice). [COBISS.SI-ID 26517799]


450. KAPUN, Tea, GEC, Medeja, IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, KOBE, Spomenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy of W-core ▫$\beta-SiC$▫ fibers for use in SiC in based composite material for fusion application. V: Special issue of IUMAS-V & ALC'11, 5th International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies, 8th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices'11, 22-27 May 2011, Seoul, Korea. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2013. Vol. 19, spec. issues5, str. 136-139. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 19, suppl. S5, 2013. ISSN 1431-9276. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613012506. [COBISS.SI-ID 24860711]
451. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Anatase, brookite, rulite. V: LISJAK, Darja (ur.), DUŠAK, Peter (ur.), KRALJ, Slavko (ur.). [Program and abstract book]. 7th Young Researchersʼ Day, 19 February, 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2013. Str. 34. [COBISS.SI-ID 26994471]
452. HORVAT, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Anatase, brookite, rutile. V: LISJAK, Darja (ur.), DUŠAK, Peter (ur.), KRALJ, Slavko (ur.). [Program and abstract book]. 7th Young Researchersʼ Day, 19 February, 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2013. Str. 34. [COBISS.SI-ID 26615591]
453. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscope - first results and impressions. V: MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts. SLONANO 2013, 23-25 October 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2013. Str. 48, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5367578]
454. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., MACHANDO, B. F., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís. Catalytic potential of gold nanoparticles supported over anatase and rutile ▫$Ti_2$▫ for CO oxidation. V: SINHA, Shismir (ur.). Nanotechnology. Vol. 3, Properties of nanomaterials. [Sl. l.]: Studium Press, 2013. Str. 125-140. ISBN 1-62699-003-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 26539047]
455. SPYROPOULOS ANTONAKAKIS, Nikolaos, SARANTOPOULOU, Evangelia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOLLIA, Zoe, CHRISTOFILOS, Dimitrios, KOUROUKLIS, Gerasimos, PALLES, Dimitrios, CEFALAS, Alciviadis-Constantinos. Charge transport mechanisms and memory effects in amorphous ▫$TaN_x$▫ thin films. Nanoscale research letters. [Print ed.]. Oct. 2013, vol. 8, str. [1-18], ilustr. ISSN 1931-7573., DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-432. [COBISS.SI-ID 5358618]
456. KRIVEC, Matic, DILLERT, Ralph, BAHNEMANN, Detlef W., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Chlorine-inhibition of photocatalytic degradation of dichloroacetic acid in a ▫$TiO_2$▫-based microreactor. V: FRESNO, Fernando (ur.). Book of abstracts. 3rd European Symposium on Photocatalysis, September 25 27 2013, Portorož, Slovenia. Nova Gorica: University, 2013. Str. p2-6. ISBN 978-961-6311-78-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 27105831]
457. BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, HOLÝ, Václav, ENDRES, Jan, VALEŠ, Václav, SOBOTA, Jaroslav, SIKETIĆ, Zdravko, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, BULJAN, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Co nanocrystals in amorphous multilayers - a structure study. Journal of Applied Crystallography. Dec. 2013, vol. 46, no. 6, str. 1711-1721. ISSN 0021-8898., DOI: 10.1107/S0021889813026836. [COBISS.SI-ID 5379354]
458. DAPČEVIĆ, Aleksandra, POLETI, Dejan, KARANOVIĆ, Ljiljana, ROGAN, Jelena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Coexistence of several sillenite-like phases in pseudo-binary and pseudo-ternary systems based on ▫$Bi_2O_3$▫. Solid State Sciences. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 25, str. 93-102. ISSN 1293-2558. DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2013.08.010. [COBISS.SI-ID 27021863]
459. GEC, Medeja, KRIVEC, Matic, ŽAGAR, Kristina, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, FEIZPOUR, Darja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ČEH, Miran. Comparison of TEM lamella preparation techniques on titania nanotube-arrays/metal Ti interface. V: MC 2013 : Microscopy Conference 2013, August 25-30, Regenburg, Germany. [S. l.: s. n.], 2013. Str. 301-302. [COBISS.SI-ID 1008810]
460. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BLAGOEVA, Darina, GONZALEZ DE VICENTE, Sehila. Current status and prospects of ▫$SiC_f/SiC$▫ for fusion structural applications. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 33, no. 10, str. 1577-1589. ISSN 0955-2219. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2013.02.013. [COBISS.SI-ID 26595111]
461. IVEKOVIĆ, Aljaž, NOVAK, Saša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Definition of a fabrication route for an optimised SiC-based composite : annual report on EFDA task activities in 2011. 2013. IJS delovno poročilo, 11281. [COBISS.SI-ID 26678311]
462. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Do we need to see atoms? : [plenary lecture]. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 21. Mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 13.-15. november 2013, Portorož = 21st International Conference on Materials and Technology, 13-15 November 2013, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2013. Str. 65. [COBISS.SI-ID 27243047]
463. KOSEC, Ladislav, GOJIĆ, Mirko, KOŽUH, Stjepan, KOSEC, Borut, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠAVLI, Štefan. The effect of long-term annealing at elevated temperature on microstructure and hardness of heat-resistant steel. V: LONGAUEROVÁ, Margita (ur.). Metallography' 013 : abstract booklet. Košice: Technical university, Faculty of metallurgy, Department of materials science, 2013. Str. 94. [COBISS.SI-ID 1271391]
464. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Electrical and electro-mechanical properties of rhombohedral ▫$Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3$▫ ceramics : influence of oxygen octahedra tilting and defects. V: Book of abstracts. 13th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, ECERS XIII, June 23-27, 2013, Limoges, France. [S. l.]: ECERS, 2013. Str. 53. [COBISS.SI-ID 26845479]
465. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BUH, Jože. Focused ion beam : nanoseminar : YouTube, Sam Bruno, 5. feb. 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 29280807]
466. BULJAN, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Ge quantum dot lattices in ▫$Al_2O_3$▫ multilayers. Journal of nanoparticle research. 2013, vol. 15, no. 3, str. 1485-1-1484-13. ISSN 1388-0764. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-013-1485-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 26694439]
467. PANJAN, Peter, GSELMAN, Peter, KEK-MERL, Darja, ČEKADA, Miha, PANJAN, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BONČINA, Tonica, ZUPANIČ, Franc. Growth defect density in PVD hard coatings prepared by different deposition techniques. V: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, 29 April 3 - May 2013, San Diego, California. Lausanne: Elsevier Sequoia, 2013. Vol. 237, str. 349-356. Surface & coatings technology, vol. 237, 2013. ISSN 0257-8972. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.020. [COBISS.SI-ID 27288615]
468. GOTIĆ, Marijan, JURKIN, Tanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hematite nanotubes and nanorings. V: MOREL, Deniz (ur.). Hematite : sources, properties and applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., [2013]. Str. 85-108. Geology and mineralogy research developments. ISBN 978-1-62808-501-3, ISBN 1-62808-501-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 27013671]
469. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hidrotermalna sinteza fotokatalitične prevleke it ▫$TiO_2$▫ na aluminiju. V: TRDIN, Nejc (ur.), et al. Zbornik = Proceedings. 5. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 5th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference, 23. maj 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2013. Str. 232-238. ISBN 978-961-92871-5-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 26776359]
470. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, OBRADOVIĆ, Marko, GRCE, Ana, PERUŠKO, Davor, PJEVIĆ, Dejan, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JEYNES, Chris. High dose ion irradiation effects on immiscible AlN/TiN nano-scaled multilayers. V: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, July 14-17, 2012, Singapore. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2013. Vol. 544, str. 562-566. Thin solid films, vol. 544, 2013. ISSN 0040-6090. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2012.12.068. [COBISS.SI-ID 26485543]
471. KRIVEC, Matic, ŽAGAR, Kristina, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, ČEH, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. A highly efficient ▫$TiO_2$▫-based microreactor for photocatalytic applications. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2013, vol. 5, issue 18, str. 9088-9094. ISSN 1944-8244. DOI: 10.1021/am402389t. [COBISS.SI-ID 26981415]
472. NADRAH, Peter, MAVER, Uroš, JEMEC KOKALJ, Anita, TIŠLER, Tatjana, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČINA, Mojca, PINTAR, Albin, PLANINŠEK, Odon, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Hindered disulfide bonds to regulate release rate of model drug from mesoporous silica. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2013, vol. 5, issue 9, str. 3908-3915. ISSN 1944-8244. DOI: 10.1021/am400604d. [COBISS.SI-ID 26701351]
473. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hydrothermal passivation of zinc substrates. V: Final programme and book of abstracts. PSS2013, Photocatalytic and Superhydrophilic Surface Workshop, 12th/13th December 2013, Manchester, UK. Manchester: Metropolitan University, 2013. Str. 14. [COBISS.SI-ID 27335207]
474. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hydrothermal synthesis of TiO[sub]2 photocatalytic coatings on aluminium. V: Abstracts. The 2nd International Conference on Photocatalytic and Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air, Soil and Surfaces, (PAOT-2), September 9-12, 2013, Gdansk, Poland. Gdansk: University of Technology, 2013. Str. 43. [COBISS.SI-ID 27060007]
475. BITENC, Marko, HORVAT, Barbara, LIKOZAR, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. The impact of ZnO load, stability and morphology on the kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of caffeine and resazurin. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 136/137, str. 202-209. ISSN 0926-3373. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2013.02.016. [COBISS.SI-ID 5188890]
476. BULJAN, Maja, RADIĆ, Nikola, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, SIKETIĆ, Zdravko, SALAMON, Krešimir, JERČINOVIĆ, M., IVANDA, Mile, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid. Influence of annealing conditions on the structural and photoluminescence properties of Ge quantum dot lattices in a continuous ▫$Ge+Al_2O_3$▫ film. Physica status solidi. A, Applications and materials science. [Tiskana izd.]. 2013, vol. 210, issue 8, str. 1516-1521. ISSN 1862-6300. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201200961. [COBISS.SI-ID 26827559]
477. ČIZMOVIĆ, M., KOVAČ, Janez, MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, PETROVIĆ, Suzana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, OBRADOVIĆ, Marko, SCHAAF, Peter, PERUŠKO, Davor. Intermixing in Al/Ti multilayer structures induced by nanosecond laser pulses. V: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, 26 September 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. Stockholm: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2013. Vol. 157, str. 014008-1-014008-6. Physica scripta, Vol. T157, 2013. ISSN 0031-8949. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T157/014008. [COBISS.SI-ID 27239463]
478. MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, TOPREK, Dragan, OBRADOVIĆ, Marko, GRCE, Ana, PERUŠKO, Davor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, HOMEWOOD, Kevin P. Ion irradiation induced solid-state amorphous reaction in Ni/Ti multilayers. Applied Surface Science. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 268, 8 str.ustr. 516-523. ISSN 0169-4332. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.12.158. [COBISS.SI-ID 26490151]
479. PERUŠKO, Davor, ČIZMOVIĆ, M., PETROVIĆ, Suzana, SIKETIĆ, Zdravko, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, PELICON, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, MILINOVIĆ, Velimir, MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir. Laser irradiation of nano-metric Al/Ti multilayers. Laser physics. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 23, no. 3, str. 036005-1-036005-7. ISSN 1054-660X. DOI: 10.1088/1054-660X/23/3/036005. [COBISS.SI-ID 26521127]
480. KRIVEC, Matic, SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Adrián M. T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Low-temperature synthesis and characterization of rutile nanoparticles with amorphous surface layer for photocatalytic degradation of caffeine. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 140-141, str. 9-15. ISSN 0926-3373. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2013.03.045. [COBISS.SI-ID 26672423]
481. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic activity of hydrothermal prepared ▫$TiO_2$▫ coatings on aluminum. V: FRESNO, Fernando (ur.). Book of abstracts. 3rd European Symposium on Photocatalysis, September 25 27 2013, Portorož, Slovenia. Nova Gorica: University, 2013. Str. p2-16. ISBN 978-961-6311-78-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 27106087]
482. MARQUES, Rita R. N., SAMPAIO, Marija J., CARRAPIÇO, Pedro M., SILVA, Cláudia G., MORALES-TORRES, Sergio, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Adrián M. T. Photocatalytic degradation of caffeine : developing solutions for emerging pollutants. V: Proceedings of the SPEA 7, 7th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: environmental Applications, 17-20 June 2012, Porto, Portugal. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013. Vol. 209, str. 108-115. Catalysis today, vol. 209, 2013. ISSN 0920-5861. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2012.10.008. [COBISS.SI-ID 26271015]
483. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HORVAT, Barbara, KRIVEC, Matic, ABRAM, Anže. Photocatalytic ▫$TiO_2$▫ - from hierarchical structures to a microreactor. V: Book of abstracts. 4rd IC4N - 2013, 4rd International Conference from Nanoparticles & Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems and NanoTechnology Transfer Workshop on: from the Lab to the Marketplace, June 16-20, 2013, Corfu, Greece. [S. l.: s. n.], 2013. Str. 32. [COBISS.SI-ID 26850087]
484. KRIVEC, Matic, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, ŽAGAR, Kristina, ČEH, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Photocatalytic water treatment with ▫$TiO_2$▫ : slurry reactor vs. microreactor. V: TRDIN, Nejc (ur.), et al. Zbornik = Proceedings. 5. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 5th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference, 23. maj 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2013. Str. 313-322. ISBN 978-961-92871-5-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 26776615]
485. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Rhombohedral ▫$Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3$▫ ceramics : how oxygen octahedra tilts and charged defects affect electrical and electromechanical behavior?. V: Workshop of all working groups: "Advances in Ferroelectric and Multiferroics" of the MP0904 COST action: Single-and multiphase ferroeics and multiferoics with restricted geometries : July 20-21, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague: Institut of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2013. Str. 19. [COBISS.SI-ID 26928679]
486. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, KOSEC, Marija, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Role of oxygen octahedral tilting and defects on the electrical and electro-mechanical response of rhombohedral ▫$Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3$▫ ceramics. V: Piezo 2013 : book of abstracts. Electroceramics for End-Users VII, 17th March to 20th March 2013, Les Arcs, France. [S. l.: s. n], 2013. Str. 58. [COBISS.SI-ID 26689575]
487. HODNIK, Nejc, MARTINS, Milena, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOČEVAR, Stanko, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Severe accelerated degradation of a thin film platinum based catalysts. V: MILOŠEV, Ingrid (ur.), GABERŠČEK, Miran (ur.). Program & book of abstracts. Fourth Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, South-East Europe - RSE-SEE, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 26-30, 2013. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry: Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2013. Str. 127. ISBN 978-961-6104-23-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 5266202]
488. HODNIK, Nejc, MARTINS, Milena, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOČEVAR, Stanko, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Severe accelerated degradation of PEMFC platinum catalyst : a thin film IL-SEM study. Electrochemistry communications. 2013, vol. 30, str. 75-78. ISSN 1388-2481. DOI: 10.1016/j.elecom.2013.02.012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26576935]
489. HORVAT, Barbara. Synthesis, growth, self-assembly and photocatalytc properties of ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanoparticles prepared with a hydrothermal route. Ljubljana: [B. Horvat], 2013. XVI, 95 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 269004544]
490. KRIVEC, Matic, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, ŽAGAR, Kristina, ČEH, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. ▫$TiO_2$▫-based microreactor for photocatalytic applications. V: EAAOP-3. 3rd European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Process, 27-30 October, Almería, Spain. [S. l.: s. n.], 2013. Str. 7. ISBN 978-84-15487-99-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 27203879]
491. KOSEC, Ladislav, ŠAVLI, Štefan, KOŽUH, Stjepan, HOLJEVAC-GRGURIĆ, Tamara, NAGODE, Aleš, KOSEC, Gorazd, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOJIĆ, Mirko. Transformation of austenite during isothermal annealing at 600-900°C for heat resistant stainless steel. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. avg. 2013, vol. 567, str. 59-64. ISSN 0925-8388. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.03.102. [COBISS.SI-ID 26633511]
492. BULJAN, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Tuning the growth properties of Ge quantum dot lattices in amorphous oxides by matrix type. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2013, vol. 46, no. 5, str. 1490-1500. ISSN 0021-8898. DOI: 10.1107/S002188981302164X. [COBISS.SI-ID 27039527]
493. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (intervjuvanec). Videti atome in kaj bi s tem. : exchange ideas & share knowledge. 13. mar. 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 27554343]


494. RANGUS, Mojca, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, POPOVA, Margarita, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Active iron sites of disordered mesoporous silica catalyst FeKIL-2 in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Materials. Jun. 2014, vol. 7, no. 6, str. 4243-4257. ISSN 1996-1944., DOI: 10.3390/ma7064243. [COBISS.SI-ID 5490714]
495. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, WALKER, Julian, ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara. Anti-polar ordering in polycrystalline samarium doped ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2014 : proceedings. [S. l.: s. n.], 2014. Str. 1928. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 20, suppl. 3, 2014. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 27978279]
496. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MARTINS, Milena, HODNIK, Nejc, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Atomic-resolution STEM study of Cu [sub] 3Pt nanoparticles used as highly active PEM fuel-cells catalyst. V: Abstract book : abstracts. 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014. [S. l.: s. n., 2014]. Str. [1-2]. [COBISS.SI-ID 5638938]
497. BOHINC, Klemen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FINK, Rok, ODER, Martina, JEVŠNIK PODLESNIK, Mojca, NIPIČ, Damijan, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, RASPOR, Peter. Available surface dictates microbial adhesion capacity. International journal of adhesion and adhesives. [Print ed.]. Apr. 2014, vol. 50, str. 265-272, ilustr. ISSN 0143-7496. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2014.01.027. [COBISS.SI-ID 4669803]
498. BOHINC, Klemen, KIRBIŠ, Andrej, PINTARIČ, Štefan, GREBENC, Stanka, BIASIZZO, Majda, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SMOLE MOŽINA, Sonja, RASPOR, Peter. Bacterial adhesion to material surfaces : influence of disinfection. V: MAJDIČ, Gregor (ur.). 5. slovenski veterinarski kongres 2014 = 5th Slovenian Veterinary Congress 2014, Portorož, 14.-15. November 2014. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta, 2014. Str. 222-223. Slovenian veterinary research, 2014, suppl. 16. ISSN 1580-4003. [COBISS.SI-ID 4477048]
499. SILVA, Cláudia G., TAVARES, Ana P. M., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SILVA, Adrián M. T., LOUREIRO, José M., FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Controlling the surface chemistry of multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the production of highly efficient and stable laccase-based biocatalysts. ChemPlusChem. 2014, vol. 79, issue 8, str. 1116-1122. ISSN 2192-6506. DOI: 10.1002/cplu.201402054. [COBISS.SI-ID 27712039]
500. MAUČEC, Darja, RANGUS, Mojca, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Development of sustainable manganese-based Fenton-type catalyst for removal of organic pollutants from wastewater. V: 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition : August 10-14, 2014, San Francisco, CA. [S. l.]: American Chemical Society, 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 5542426]
501. KOSEC, Ladislav, GOJIĆ, Mirko, KOŽUH, Stjepan, KOSEC, Borut, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠAVLI, Štefan. The effect of long-term annealing at elevated temperature on microstructure and hardness of heat-resistant steel. V: LONGAUEROVÁ, Margita (ur.), ZUBKO, Pavol (ur.). Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 15th International Symposium on Metallography, Metallography 2013, April 24-26, 2013, Stará Lesná, Slovak Republic. Uetikon-Zuerich [etc.]: Trans Tech Publications, 2014. Vol. 782, str. 209-214. Materials science forum, vol. 782, 2014. ISBN 978-3-03835-072-9. ISSN 0255-5476. DOI: 10.4028/ [COBISS.SI-ID 27612199]
502. WALKER, Julian, KHOLKIN, Andrei L., KARPRINSKI, D., BENČAN, Andreja, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, VALANOOR, Nagarajan, ROJAC, Tadej. Electrical, electromechanical properties and domain structure of Sm modified BiFeO[sub]3 ceramics prepared by mechanochemical activation. V: Abstract book : International Conference Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, PFM-14, July 14-17, 2014, Ekaterinburg, Russia. Str. 61. [COBISS.SI-ID 27854375]
nagrada: Excellence award for the best oral presentation of young scientist Julian Walker
503. REČNIK, Aleksander, DREV, Sandra, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOMELJ, Matej, DANEU, Nina. HAADF-STEM, EELS and DFT study of (111) twins in ▫$MgAl_2O_4$▫ spinel. V: Microscopy for global challenges : touching atoms, molecules, nanostructures and cells by multidimensional microscopy. 18th International Microscopy Congress, 7-12 September 2014, Prague Czech Republic. [S. l.: s. n.], 2014. 2 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-80-260-6720-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 28021543]
504. ABRAM, Anže, KEVORKIJAN, Varužan, CVAHTE, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hidrotermalna priprava fotokatalitičnih prevlek na aluminiju. 2014. IJS delovno poročilo, 11719. [COBISS.SI-ID 28092967]
505. ABRAM, Anže, BOROTA, Boris, VREČKO, Vladimir, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hidrotermalna priprava funkcionalnih prevlek na cinku. 2014. IJS delovno poročilo, 11720. [COBISS.SI-ID 28092711]
506. PASTRANA-MARTINEZ, L. M., GOMES, Helder T., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Adrián M. T. Hydrothermal synthesis of iron oxide photo-fenton catalysts : the effect of parameters on morphology, particle size and catalytic efficiency. Global NEST journal. 2014, vol. 16, no. 3, str. 474-484. ISSN 1790-7632. [COBISS.SI-ID 27730727]
507. LUKIĆ, Miodrag, VESELINOVIĆ, Ljiljana, STEVANOVIĆ, Magdalena, NUNIĆ, Jana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARKOVIĆ, Smilja, USKOKOVIĆ, Dragan. Hydroxyapatite nanopowders prepared in the presence of zirconium ions. Materials letters. 2014, vol. 122, str. 296-300. ISSN 0167-577X., DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2014.02.072. [COBISS.SI-ID 5433114]
508. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MARTINS, Milena, HODNIK, Nejc, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, GABERŠČEK, Miran. In-situ TEM and atomic-resolution STEM study of highly active partially ordered ▫$Cu_3Pt$▫ nanoparticles used as PEM-fuel cells catalyst. V: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2014 : proceedings. [S. l.: s. n.], 2014. Str. 476-477. Microscopy and microanalysis, vol. 20, suppl. 3, 2014. ISSN 1431-9276. [COBISS.SI-ID 5638682]
509. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠESTAN, Andreja, SUVOROV, Danilo. Integrown thermoelectric layered cobaltates. V: USKOKOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.). Programme and the book of abstracts. Sixteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2014, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 1-5, 2014. Belgrade: Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2014. Str. 12. [COBISS.SI-ID 27924775]
510. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠESTAN, Andreja, SUVOROV, Danilo. Integrown thermoelectric layered cobaltates. V: Book of abstracts & souvenir. Delhi: Janvani Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2014. Str. 39-40. [COBISS.SI-ID 27921959]
511. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠESTAN, Andreja, SUVOROV, Danilo. Intergrow structures of thermoelectrics cobaltates. V: Program and abstracts book. 9th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, AMF-AMEC-2014, Octopber 26-30, 2014, Shanghai, China. [S. l.: S. n.], 2014. Str. 116. [COBISS.SI-ID 28126759]
512. FEIZPOUR, Darja, ŠOLIĆ, Sanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LESKOVŠEK, Vojteh, JENKO, Monika. Microstructural evaluation of PM S390 MC high-spped steel using Transmission Electron Microscopy. V: Microscopy for global challenges : touching atoms, molecules, nanostructures and cells by multidimensional microscopy : final program. [Prague: CSMS], 2014. Str. 209. [COBISS.SI-ID 1069738]
513. MILETIĆ, Aleksandar, PANJAN, Peter, ŠKORIĆ, Branko, ČEKADA, Miha, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez. Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured TiAlSiN coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering. V: Selected papers from the 56th Annual Technical Conference - SVC TechCon of Surface and Coatings Technology, April 20-25, 2013, Providence, Road Island. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2014. Vol. 241, str. 105-111. Surface & coating technology, Vol. 241, 2014. ISSN 0257-8972. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.10.050. [COBISS.SI-ID 27291943]
514. KRIVEC, Matic, DILLERT, Ralph, BAHNEMANN, Detlef W., MEHLE, Alma, ŠTRANCAR, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The nature of chlorine-inhibition of photocatalytic degradation of dichloroacetic acid in a ▫$TiO_2$▫-based microreactor. PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics : a journal of European Chemical Societies. 2014, vol. 16, issue 28, str. 14867-14873. ISSN 1463-9076. DOI: 10.1039/C4CP01043D. [COBISS.SI-ID 27660327]
515. PIVKO, Maja, BELE, Marjan, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JERMAN, Ivan, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, MARTINS, Milena, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DOMINKO, Robert. Post mortem analysis of ▫$LiMnPO_4$▫ after several hundred cycles. V: Ubiquitous electrochemistry : program & book of abstracts. 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 31 August - 5 September, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne: [s. n.], 2014. Str. [785]. [COBISS.SI-ID 5557274]
516. BROVČ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KARPE, Blaž, LOJEN, Gorazd, KOSEC, Borut, BIZJAK, Milan. Precipitation strengthened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy for electrical contacts. V: MAMUZIĆ, Ilija (ur.). Materials and metallurgy : summaries of abstract = Materiali i metalurgija : zbornik sažetaka. Šibenik: Croatian Metallurgical Society: = Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 2014. Str. 403. Metalurgija, vol. 53, no. 3. ISSN 0543-5846. [COBISS.SI-ID 1465183]
517. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Preparation of hydrophobic zinc substrates by solvothermal route. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 22. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 20.-22. oktober 2014, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2014. Str. 33. ISBN 978-961-92518-7-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 28056615]
518. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, KRIVEC, Matic, ČEH, Miran, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Reactor : patentna prijava PCT/EP2014/069011. München: European Patent Office, 5. sep. 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 28389159]
519. MOZETIČ, Miran, VESEL, Alenka, CVELBAR, Uroš, PRIMC, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, STANA-KLEINSCHEK, Karin, DRMOTA, Ana, et al. Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications. Journal of physics. D, Applied physics. 2014, vol. 47, no. 15, str. 153001-1-153001-23. ISSN 0022-3727. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/47/15/153001. [COBISS.SI-ID 27589671]
520. BENČAN, Andreja, WALKER, Julian, HREŠČAK, Jitka, TREFALT, Gregor, JOUIN, Jenny, PAVLIČ, Janez Ivan, SEO, Yohan, WEBBER, Kyle Grant, RÖDEL, Jürgen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara. The role of characterization in processing of electro-ceramics from precursor powders to final products : invited talk. Tokyo: Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1. nov. 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 28097575]
521. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. SEM basics and fundamentals : lecture at the FIB-SEM-AFM Training School on Advanced Imaging Techniques for Nanocomposite Ceramic materials, 29.9.-3.10.2014, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey. [COBISS.SI-ID 5638426]
522. BROVČ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KARPE, Blaž, LOJEN, Gorazd, KOSEC, Borut, BIZJAK, Milan. Synthesis and characterization of hardened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy. V: MAMUZIĆ, Ilija (ur.). Materials and metallurgy : summaries of abstract = Materiali i metalurgija : zbornik sažetaka. Šibenik: Croatian Metallurgical Society: = Hrvatsko metalurško društvo, 2014. Str. 407. Metalurgija, vol. 53, no. 3. ISSN 0543-5846. [COBISS.SI-ID 1466207]
523. KRIVEC, Matic. Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles, nanostructures and micro-devices based on photocatalytic TiO [sub] 2 : doctoral dissertation = Sinteza in karakterizacija nanodelcev, nanostruktur in mikrosistemov na osnovi fotokatalitičnega TiO [sub] 2 : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [M. Krivec], 2014. X, 104 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 274190848]
524. ŠTEFANIČ, Martin, MILAČIČ, Radmila, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKARABOT, Miha, BUDIČ, Bojan, KRNEL, Kristoffer, KOSMAČ, Tomaž. Synthesis of bioactive ▫$\beta-TCP$▫ coating with tailored physico-chemical properties on circonia bioc. V: Selected papers from the 1st MiMe - materails in medicine, October 8-11, Faenza, Italy. London: Chapman and Hall, 2014. Vol. 25, no. 10, str. 2333-2345. Journal of materials science., Materials in medicine, vol. 25, 2014. ISSN 0957-4530. DOI: 10.1007/s10856-014-5246-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 27796775]
525. SILVA, Cláudia G., CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., LIMA, Maria J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Titanium dioxide-based photocatalysts for the conversion of water pollutants. Chemical physics research journal. 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, str. 21-35, ilustr. ISSN 1935-2492. [COBISS.SI-ID 5799450]
526. FEIZPOUR, Darja, ŠOLIĆ, Sanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LESKOVŠEK, Vojteh, JENKO, Monika. Transmission electron microscopy characterization of PM S390 MC high-speed steel. V: WERNER, Wolfgang S.M. (ur.), BELLISSIMO, Alessandra (ur.). Programme schedule and book of abstracts. 15th Joint Vacuum Conference, JVC15, Vienna, June 15-20, 2014. [S. l.: s. n.], 2014. Str. 176. [COBISS.SI-ID 1064618]
527. FEIZPOUR, Darja, FERČEC, Janko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Transmission electron microscopy study of NiTi orthodontic wires. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 22. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 20.-22. oktober 2014, Portorož, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2014. Str. 102. ISBN 978-961-92518-7-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 1081258]


528. PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. 3-D atomistic modeling : dealloying of bimetallic alloys : (oral presentation). V: VLADIKOVA, Daria (ur.), RAIKOVA, Georgana (ur.). Program & book of abstracts : [traditions, crossing border, into teh future]. f5th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, South-East Europe - [RSE-SEE5], June 7-11 2015, Pravets, Bulgaria. Sofia: Academician Evgeni Budevski Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2015. Str. 66. ISBN 978-954-9248-34-0. DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije. [COBISS.SI-ID 5817626]
529. PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. 3-D atomistično modeliranje : korozija zlitin. V: KAUČIČ, Venčeslav (ur.), et al. Zbornik referatov in povzetkov. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2015, Ljubljana, 24. - 25. september 2015 = Slovenian Chemical Days 2015, Ljubljana, September 24 - 25, 2015. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2015. Str. [1]. ISBN 978-961-93849-1-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 5781786]
530. ROJAC, Tadej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Atomic structure and dynamics of conductive domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: EMF 2015. 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, 28 June - 3 July 2015, Porto, Portugal. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. Str. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 28714279]
531. REČNIK, Aleksander, DREV, Sandra, ŠROT, Vesna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina. Atomic-scale aspects of twinning in minerals. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, August 23-28, 2015. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. Str. 135-137. [COBISS.SI-ID 28819751]
532. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, WAKIYA, Naoki, SUZUKI, Hisao, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomic-scale structure and conductivity of domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: MALIČ, Barbara (ur.), et al. Piezo 2015 : Electroceramics for End-Users VIII, 25-28 January 2015, Maribor, Slovenia : program. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 28355623]
533. ZABUKOVEC JEZOVŠEK, Tina, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Black titania as alternative catalyst material for fuel cells. V: KLJUN, Jakob (ur.), KLEMENČIČ, Marina (ur.), DRVARIČ TALIAN, Sara (ur.). Cutting edge 2015 : scientific conference, Ljubljana, September 2015 : book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2015. Str. 25, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-62-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 5791770]
534. ZABUKOVEC JEZOVŠEK, Tina, BELE, Marjan, ABRAM, Anže, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Characterisation of solvothermally synthesised fibrous ▫$TiO_2/Au$▫. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, 23-28 August 2015. [S. l.: S. n.], 2015. Str. 483-484. [COBISS.SI-ID 5809690]
535. PETROVIĆ, Suzana, MILOVANOVIĆ, D., SALATIĆ, Branislav, PERUŠKO, Davor, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, TRTICA, Milan, JELENKOVIĆ, Branislav. Composition and structure of NiAu nanoparticles formed by laser ablation of Ni target in Au colloidal solution. Materials chemistry and physics. [Print ed.]. vol. 166, 2015, str. 223-232. ISSN 0254-0584. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.10.007. [COBISS.SI-ID 29031463]
536. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Conductive domain walls in polycrystalline BiFeO[sub]3 : local structure and dynamics. V: Electronic Materials and Applications 2016, [EMA 2016] : January 20-22, 2016 Orlando, FL : conference program. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2016. Str. 71. [COBISS.SI-ID 29212711]
537. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Cs-corrected stem of silicon-induced inversion domain boundaries in ZnO bipods grown from solutions. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, 23-28 August 2015. [S. l.: S. n.], 2015. Str. 450-452. [COBISS.SI-ID 5809434]
538. MEDIĆ, Mina M., BRIK, Mikhail G., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ANTIĆ, Željka M., LOJPUR, Vesna M., DRAMIĆANIN, Miroslav D. Deep-red emitting ▫$Mn^{4+}$▫ doped ▫$Mg_2TiO_4$▫ nanoparticles. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces. [Print ed.]. Jan. 2015, vol. 119, iss. 1, str. 724-730, ilustr. ISSN 1932-7447., DOI: 10.1021/jp5095646. [COBISS.SI-ID 5626906]
539. HREŠČAK, Jitka, WALKER, Julian, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ALIKIN, D. O., TURYGIN, A. P., ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara, SHUR, V. Ya., KHOLKIN, Andrei L., BENČAN, Andreja. Domain structure investigation in Sr-doped potassium sodium niobate lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. V: 2015 joint ISAF-ISIF-PFM conference. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF), International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF), and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, (PMP), 24-27 May 2015, Singapore. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 28619815]
540. TURYGIN, A. P., ALIKIN, D. O., CHEZGANOV, D. S., ZAYATS, D. V., HREŠČAK, Jitka, WALKER, Julian, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara, SHUR, V. Ya., KHOLKIN, Andrei L., BENČAN, Andreja. Domain structures and local switching in Sr-doped potassium sodium niobate lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. V: EMF 2015. 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, 28 June - 3 July 2015, Porto, Portugal. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. Str. 35. [COBISS.SI-ID 28706343]
541. NOVAK, Sara, DROBNE, Damjana, ERMAN, Andreja, PAVLIN, Mojca, STROJAN, Klemen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. FIB/SEM EDX study of mouse urinary bladder tumorigenesis and internalisation of metal-based nanoparticles by MB49 cells. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, August 23-28, 2015. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. Str. 235-237. [COBISS.SI-ID 3558735]
542. VIŽINTIN, Alen, LOZINŠEK, Matic, KUMAR CHELLAPPAN, Rajesh, FOIX, Dominique, KRAJNC, Andraž, MALI, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GENORIO, Boštjan, DEDRYVÈRE, Rémi, DOMINKO, Robert. Fluorinated reduced graphene oxide as an interlayer in Li-S batteries. Chemistry of materials. [Print ed.]. Oct. 2015, vol. 27, no. 20, str. 7070-7081. ISSN 0897-4756., DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b02906. [COBISS.SI-ID 29021479]
543. BELE, Marjan, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MARTINS, Milena, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HOČEVAR, Stanko. A highly active and stable Pt-skin over ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ intermetallic shell ORR electrocatalyst. V: Proceedings of the 6th European Fuel Cell, Piero Lunghi Conference, Naples, 16-18 December, 2015. Naples: [s. n.], 2015. Str. 199-200. ISBN 978-88-8286-324-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 5834778]
544. KRIVEC, Matic, POHAR, Andrej, LIKOZAR, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Hydrodynamics, mass transfer, and photocatalytic phenol selective oxidation reaction kinetics in a fixed ▫$TiO_2$▫ microreactor. AIChE journal. [Print ed.]. Feb. 2015, vol. 61, iss. 2, str. 572-581. ISSN 0001-1541., DOI: 10.1002/aic.14648. [COBISS.SI-ID 5567258]
545. JORDAN, Vanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. Hydrothermal synthesis of highly branched rutile-type ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, August 23-28, 2015. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. Str. 142-144. [COBISS.SI-ID 28820007]
546. JORDAN, Vanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. Hydrothermal synthesis of TWINNED rutile-type ▫$TiO_2$▫. V: ŠESTAN, Andreja (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov = Book of abstracts. 1. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov = 1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium, 18. in 19. maj 2015, Piran, Slovenija. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. [COBISS.SI-ID 28583207]
547. BENČAN, Andreja, HREŠČAK, Jitka, ROJAC, Tadej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, WALKER, Julian, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara. Insights into the structure of lead-free piezoelectrics ina tomic scale : Sastanak ekcije za keramiku Sprskog hemijskoh društva, 17. december 2015, Beograd, Srbija. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 29116455]
548. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LOGAR, Manca, PETOUSIS, Ioannis, SUVOROV, Danilo. Intergrowth structures of ▫$NaxCoO_2$▫ and ▫$Ca_3Co_4O_9$▫ thermoelectrics. V: ICE 2015. 7th International Conference on Electroceramics, 13-16 May 2015, Pennsylvania, USA. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 28595239]
549. PERUŠKO, Davor, KOVAČ, Janez, PETROVIĆ, Suzana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MITRIĆ, Miodrag, MILOSAVLJEVIĆ, Momir, CIGANOVIĆ, J. Intermixing and phase transformations in Al/Ti multilayer system induced by picosecond laser beam. Thin solid films. [Print ed.]. 2015, vol. 591, part b, str. 357-362. ISSN 0040-6090. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.03.030. [COBISS.SI-ID 28670247]
550. TAVARES, Ana P. M., SILVA, Cláudia G., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SILVA, Adrián M. T., LOUREIRO, José M., FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Laccase immobilization over multi-walled carbon nanotubes : kinetic, thermodynamic and stability studies. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2015, vol. 454, str. 52-60. ISSN 0021-9797. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.04.054. [COBISS.SI-ID 28593447]
551. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, WAKIYA, Naoki, SUZUKI, Hisao, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Local domain wall structure in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: Microscopy and Microanalysis, M & M, 2015 : proceedings. [S. l.]: s. n.], 2015. Str. 783-784. [COBISS.SI-ID 28828711]
552. GOLJA, Viviana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LORENZETTI, Martina, ZALAZNIK, Maša, KALIN, Mitjan, NOVAK, Saša, et al. Matrix degradation as a mechanism for nanoparticles release from food contact materials. V: REŠETIČ, Andraž (ur.), et al. Zbornik : 2. del = Proceedings : part 2. 7. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 7th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference, 20.-22. 5. 2015, Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2015. Zv. 1, str. 198-206. ISBN 978-961-92871-9-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 28609063]
553. ABRAM, Anže, DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Morphology and surface properties of hydrothermally prepared ▫$boehmite/TiO_2$▫ coating on aluminium. V: Abstracts. fSPASEC-20, The 20th International Conference on Semiconductor Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion, November 16-19, San Diego, California 210% a[S. l. cs. n.] d2015. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. Str. 22. [COBISS.SI-ID 29078055]
554. AW, Moom Sinn, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARTINS, Milena, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. Multifunctional bimetallic transition metal catalysts for stable and selective methane dry reforming. V: Catalysis : balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources : abstracts. XII European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan (Russia), 30th August - 4th September, 2015. Novosibirsk: Boreslov Institute of Catalysis, 2015. Str. 549-550. ISBN 978-5-906376-10-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5769498]
555. PUCKO, Danijela. New analytical methods for determination of ▫$TiO_2$▫-based thin film photoactivity emaster thesis : master thesis = Nove analizne metode za določanje fotoaktivnosti tankih filmov na osnovi ▫$TiO_2$▫ : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [D. Pucko Mencinger], 2015. XI, 55 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 29166375]
556. PINTAR, Albin, KAPLAN, Renata, ERJAVEC, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože. Novel anatase/rutile/brookite ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanocomposite with superior mineralization potential for photocatalytic degradation of water pollutants. V: Book of proceedings. Athens: [s. n.], 2015. Str. 1-3, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5809178]
557. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, KRIVEC, Matic, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ČEH, Miran. Optimization of photocatalytic reactor based on ▫$TO_2$▫ photoactive nanotube. V: KAVČIČ, Nežka (ur.), et al. 9th Young researchers' day, April 7, 2015, Ljubljana : program and abstract book. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2015. Str. 36. [COBISS.SI-ID 28497703]
558. PRESEČNIK, Mojca, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNIK, Slavko. Preliminary study of the stability of thermoelectric ▫$Ca_3Co_4O_9$▫-based ceramics. V: TRONTELJ, Janez (ur.), TOPIČ, Marko (ur.), SEŠEK, Aleksander (ur.). Conference proceedings 2015. 51th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Terahertz and Microwave Systems, September 23 - 25 2015, Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015. Str. 215-220. ISBN 978-961-92933-5-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 28890407]
559. REČNIK, Aleksander, MÖBUS, Günter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Real-time correction of stochastic STEM image distortions employing polynomial dewarping method. V: Program. Third Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy, PICO 2015, and Colloquium Honouring Harald Rose, 19-23 April 2105, Kasteel Vaalsbroek. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 28544039]
560. AMISSE, Robin, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, STIEVANO, Lorenzo, DAVOISNE, C., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BUDIČ, Bojan, DOMINKO, Robert, MASQUELIER, Christian. Singular structural and electrochemical properties in highly defective ▫$LiFePO_4$▫ powders. Chemistry of materials. [Print ed.]. Jun. 2015, vol. 27, iss. 12, str. 4261-4273, ilustr. ISSN 0897-4756., DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00470. [COBISS.SI-ID 5728026]
561. ZABILSKY, Maxim, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, ERJAVEC, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin. Small CuO clusters on ▫$CeO_2$▫ nanospheres as active species for catalytic ▫$N_2O$▫ decomposition. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. Feb. 2015, vol. 163, str. 113-122, ilustr. ISSN 0926-3373., DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2014.07.057. [COBISS.SI-ID 5531930]
562. ŠARIĆ, Ankica, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Solvothermal synthesis of zinc oxide microspheres. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. Dec. 2015, vol. 652, str. 91-99. ISSN 0925-8388., DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.08.200. [COBISS.SI-ID 5762330]
563. DREV, Sandra, REČNIK, Aleksander, ŠROT, Vesna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, AKEN, Peter van, DANEU, Nina. Structural and spectroscopic investigation of taaffeite ▫$Be_xMg_yAl_{2(x+y)}O([sub]_{4(x+y})$▫ modulated structures. V: Abstracts. 12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, Eger, Hungary, August 23-28, 2015. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. Str. 527-528. [COBISS.SI-ID 28820519]
564. URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ESTEVES, Giovanni, JONES, Jacob L., ROJAC, Tadej, DELUCA, M., BOBNAR, Vid, JOUIN, Jenny, MALIČ, Barbara. Structural disorder behaviour of ▫$Pb(Sc_{0.5}Nb_{0.5})O_3$▫ ceramics prepared from mechanochemically activated powder. V: EMF 2015. 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields, 28 June - 3 July 2015, Porto, Portugal. [S. l.: s. n.], 2015. Str. 46. [COBISS.SI-ID 28706855]
565. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GEC, Medeja, SUVOROV, Danilo. Structural diversity of thermoelectric cobaltates. V: ŠESTAN, Andreja (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov = Book of abstracts. 1. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov = 1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium, 18. in 19. maj 2015, Piran, Slovenija. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. [COBISS.SI-ID 28576551]
566. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GEC, Medeja, LOGAR, Manca, PETOUSIS, Ioannis, SUVOROV, Danilo. Structural diversity of thermoelectric cobaltates. V: Proceedings. 3rd Croatian Congress on Microscopy with international participation, April 26-29, Zadar, Croati. [Zagreb]: Ruđer Bošković Institution: Croatian Miroscopy Society, 2015. Str. 51-52. [COBISS.SI-ID 28549159]
567. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PETEK, Urša, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Peter, GALATO, M., BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structure and composition of ▫$Cu_3Pt$▫ catalytic nanoparticles. V: ŠESTAN, Andreja (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov = Book of abstracts. 1. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov = 1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium, 18. in 19. maj 2015, Piran, Slovenija. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. [COBISS.SI-ID 28580391]
568. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (intervjuvanec). Super-microscope puts Slovenia on the map in materials development. Slovenska tiskovna agencija. ISSN 1854-214X. [COBISS.SI-ID 6062618]
569. BROVČ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KARPE, Blaž, ĐORĐEVIĆ, Igor, LOJEN, Gorazd, KOSEC, Borut, BIZJAK, Milan. Synthesis and characterization of hardened Cu-Fe-Ni-P alloy. Metalurgija. 2015, vol. 54, no. 1, str. 51-54. ISSN 0543-5846. Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru – DKUM. [COBISS.SI-ID 1507167]
570. WALKER, Julian, BRYANT, Peter, KURUSINGAL, Valsala, SORRELL, Charles C., KUŠČER, Danjela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, VALANOOR, Nagarajan, ROJAC, Tadej. Synthesis-phase-composition relationship and high electric-field-induced electromechanical behavior of samarium-modified ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramic. Acta materialia. [Print ed.]. 2015, str. 149-159. ISSN 1359-6454. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2014.09.058. [COBISS.SI-ID 28038439]
571. JANČAR, Boštjan, VENGUST, Damjan, SEVER, Tilen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PETOUSIS, Ioannis. Tailoring microstructure of thermoelectric oxides. V: USKOKOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.). Programme and the book of abstracts : [20th Anniversary YUCOMAT Conference]. Seventeenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2015, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, August 31 - September 4, 2015. Belgrade: Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2015. Str. 9. [COBISS.SI-ID 29285159]
572. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MARTINS, Milena, JOZINOVIĆ, Barbara, GABERŠČEK, Miran. TEM study of heavily twinned ▫$Cu_3Pt$▫ nanoparticles. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. Aug. 2015, vol. 21, supp. s3, str. 1545-1546. ISSN 1431-9276., DOI: 10.1017/S1431927615008508. [COBISS.SI-ID 5803034]
573. CARABINEIRO, S. A. C., SILVA, Adrián M. T., SILVA, Cláudia G., SEGUNDO, Ricardo A., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Titanium dioxide nanoparticle based materials for photocatalytic conversion of water pollutants. V: MISHRA, Amit Kumar (ur.). Nanocomposites in wastewater treatment. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press: Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015. Str. 247-269. ISBN 978-9-81446-354-6, ISBN 9-81446-354-X. [COBISS.SI-ID 28593959]
574. FEIZPOUR, Darja, FERČEC, Janko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Transmission electron microscopy studies on NiTi orthodontic wires in stress free conditions. V: Abstracts. Eger, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó: =AKCongress, 2015. Usb ključ, barve. [COBISS.SI-ID 1183402]
575. URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ESTEVES, Giovanni, JONES, Jacob L., USHER, Tedi-Marie, ROJAC, Tadej, DRNOVŠEK, Silvo, DELUCA, M., JOUIN, Jenny, BOBNAR, Vid, TREFALT, Gregor, HOLC, Janez, MALIČ, Barbara. Unusual structural-disorder stability of mechanochemically derived-▫$Pb(Sc_{0.5}Nb_{0.5})O_3$▫. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices. [Print ed.]. 2015, vol. 3, no. 39, str. 10309-10315. ISSN 2050-7526. DOI: 10.1039/C5TC02205C. [COBISS.SI-ID 28843815]
576. NOVAK, Sara, DROBNE, Damjana, ERMAN, Andreja, PAVLIN, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Uporaba FIB/SEM EDX za detekcijo kovinskih nanodelcev v rakavih celicah. V: ŠESTAN, Andreja (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov = Book of abstracts. 1. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov = 1st Slovene Microscopy Symposium, 18. in 19. maj 2015, Piran, Slovenija. [S. l.: s. n., 2015]. Str. [35-36], ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 3464015]
577. VIŽINTIN, Alen, LOZINŠEK, Matic, UBRANI M., Manu Patel, MALI, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KUMAR CHELLAPPAN, Rajesh, DEDRYVÈRE, Rémi, GENORIO, Boštjan, DOMINKO, Robert. Use of fluorinated graphene based separator interlayer in lithium-sulfur battery : lecture at the 11th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications, June 14-19, 2015, Vancouver, Canada. [COBISS.SI-ID 5747226]


578. PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Iztok, HOČEVAR, Samo B., KOKALJ, Anton, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Atomically resolved dealloying of structurally ordered Pt nanoalloy as an oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst. ACS catalysis. Aug. 2016, vol. 6, iss. 8, str. 5530-5534. ISSN 2155-5435., DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.6b00557. [COBISS.SI-ID 5951258]
579. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomically resolved local structure of conductive domain walls in ferroelectric ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: Microscopy and Microanalysis, M & M, 2016 : July 24-28, 2016, Columbus, Ohio. [S. l.]: s. n.], 2016. Str. 1828-1829. [COBISS.SI-ID 29674023]
580. BOHINC, Klemen, DEÁK, Ágota, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, JANOVÁK, László, DÉKÁNY, Imre. Bacterial adhesion to material surfaces covered by thin films. V: EURADH 2016 [and] Adhesion '16. 11th European Adhesion Conference and 13th International Triennial Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, 21 - 23 September 2016, Glasgow, UK. London: IOM Communications, 2016. Str. 54-57, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5107819]
581. CAR, Tihomir, NEKIĆ, Nikolina, JERČINOVIĆ, Marko, SALAMON, Krešimir, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, DELAČ MARION, Ida, DASOVIĆ, Jasna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, IVANDA, Mile, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, PIVAC, Branko, KRALJ, Marko, RADIĆ, Nikola, BULJAN, Maja. Closely packed Ge quantum dots in ITO matrix : influence of Ge crystallization on optical and electrical properties. Materials research express. Jun. 2016, vol. 3, no. 6, 065003-1-065003-10. ISSN 2053-1591., DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/3/6/065003. [COBISS.SI-ID 5920794]
582. BOŽIČ ABRAM, Sabina, AUPIČ, Jana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRADIŠAR, Helena, JERALA, Roman. Coiled-coil forming peptides for the induction of silver nanoparticles. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 8. Apr. 2016, vol. 472, iss. 3, str. 566-571, ilustr. ISSN 0006-291X., DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.03.042. [COBISS.SI-ID 5888026]
583. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Direct imaging and quantification of crystal structures at the atomic level using Cs corrected scanning transmission electron microscope. V: BIJELIĆ, Mirjana (ur.). Book of abstracts. Twenty-fourth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Bol, Croatia, September 21-25, 2016. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Croatian Crystallographic Association, 2016. Str. 3. [COBISS.SI-ID 6062362]
584. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain walls in polycrystalline BiFeO[sub]3 : local conductivity, defect accumulation and dynamic. V: 2016 joint IEEE ISAF-ECAPD-PMF 2016. International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD), Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PMF), August 21-25, 2016, Darmstadt, Germany. Darmstadt: Technische Univetität, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 29696551]
585. KURINČIČ, Marija, JERŠEK, Barbara, KLANČNIK, Anja, SMOLE MOŽINA, Sonja, FINK, Rok, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RASPOR, Peter, BOHINC, Klemen. Effects of natural antimicrobials on bacterial cell hydrophobicity, adhesion, and zeta potential = Vpliv naravnih protimikrobnih snovi na bakterijsko hidrofobnost, adhezijo in zeta potencial. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. [Print ed.]. 2016, vol. 67, str. 39-45, ilustr. ISSN 0004-1254., DOI: 10.1515/aiht-2016-67-2720. [COBISS.SI-ID 4640632]
586. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Electrical conduction at domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ : from atomic to macroscopic view. V: Energy materials nanotechnology : program & abstracts : EMN Croatia Meeting 2016, May 4-7, 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia. [S. l.: s. n.], 2016. Str. 107. [COBISS.SI-ID 29483559]
587. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HOČEVAR, Samo B., BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Electrocatalysts stability investigation by electrochemical flow cell analytics. V: SKORODUMOVA, Natalia V. (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.). Book of Abstracts. Physical Chemistry 2016, 13th International Conference of Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry [and] 2nd International Meeting Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, September 29-30, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2016. Str. 79. ISBN 978-86-82139-62-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6024730]
588. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, HOČEVAR, Samo B., BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Electrocatalysts stability investigation by electrochemical flow cell analytics : lecture at the 2nd International Meeting on Materials science for energy related applications, Belgrade, September 29th-30th, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 6000154]
589. MEDIĆ, Mina M., VASIĆ, Marija, ZARUBICA, Aleksandra R., TRANDAFILOVIĆ, Lidija V., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRAMIĆANIN, Miroslav D., NEDELJKOVIĆ, Jovan. Enhanced photoredox chemistry in surface-modified ▫$Mg_2TiO_4$▫ nano-powders with bidentate benzene derivatives. RSC advances. 2016, vol. 6, iss. 97, str. 94780-94786. ISSN 2046-2069., DOI: 10.1039/C6RA16284C. [COBISS.SI-ID 6015514]
590. VIŽINTIN, Alen, LOZINŠEK, Matic, KUMAR CHELLAPPAN, Rajesh, FOIX, Dominique, KRAJNC, Andraž, MALI, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GENORIO, Boštjan, DEDRYVÈRE, Rémi, DOMINKO, Robert. Fluorinated reduced graphene oxide and its application in Li-S batteries. V: IBA2016, March 20-25, Nantes, France. Nantes: [s. n.], 2016. Str. 185, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5900058]
591. DREV, Sandra, REČNIK, Aleksander, KOMELJ, Matej, GSPAN, Christian, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠROT, Vesna, HOFER, Ferdinand, AKEN, Peter van, DANEU, Nina. HAADF and ABF-STEM investigations of taaffeite ▫$Be_xMg_yAl_{2(x+y)}O_{4(x+y)}$▫ structure. V: PRPAR MIHEVC, Sonja (ur.), PRUNK, Mateja (ur.), PUNGERČAR, Jože (ur.). 10th Young researchers' day, 31 March, 2016, Ljubljana : program and abstract book. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2016. Str. 19. [COBISS.SI-ID 29403431]
592. PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Iztok, HOČEVAR, Samo B., KOKALJ, Anton, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. How to improve the stability of platinum-based electrocatalysts?. V: SKORODUMOVA, Natalia V. (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.). Book of Abstracts. Physical Chemistry 2016, 13th International Conference of Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry [and] 2nd International Meeting Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, September 29-30, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2016. Str. 77. ISBN 978-86-82139-62-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6024218]
593. PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, ŠALA, Martin, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Iztok, HOČEVAR, Samo B., KOKALJ, Anton, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. How to improve the stability of platinum-based electrocatalysts? : lecture at the 2nd International Meeting on Materials science for energy related applications, Belgrade, September 29th-30th, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 5999898]
594. MALIČ, Barbara, KORUZA, Jurij, HREŠČAK, Jitka, BERNARD, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. How to understand sintering of sodium potassium niobate ceramics?. V: Electronic Materials and Applications 2016, [EMA 2016] : January 20-22, 2016 Orlando, FL : conference program. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2016. Str. 66. [COBISS.SI-ID 29212455]
595. DAVOISNE, C., HASSINE, Mohamed Ben, TESSIER, Cécile, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DUPONT, Löic. HRSTEM and EELS study of NMC aging mechanisms for renewable energy application. V: The 16th European microscopy congress 2016 August 28 - September 2, 2016 in Lyon, France. [S. l.]: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6063130]
596. GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, POLYMEROS, George, GROTE, Jan-Phillip, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, MAYRHOFER, Karl, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Increasing the stability of ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ electrocatalyst by surface gold doping and CO annealing. V: Electrochemistry : from sense to sustainability. The 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 21-26 August, 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands. Hague: [s. n.], 2016. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 5975322]
597. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. The influence of gold on corrosion resistance of PtCu3/C nanoparticles composite. V: The 16th European microscopy congress 2016 August 28 - September 2, 2016 in Lyon, France. [S. l.]: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6059546]
598. KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor, PRATNEKAR, Rok, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, SALOPEK, Jasmina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, BOHINC, Klemen. Influence of polyelectrolyte multilayer properties on bacterial adhesion capacity. Polymers. 2016, vol. 8, no. 10, str. 345-1-345-12. ISSN 2073-4360., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.3390/polym8100345. [COBISS.SI-ID 29783591]
599. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Insights into domain wall structure in polycrystalline bismuth ferrite. V: Program and abstracts : energy materials nanotechnology. 2016 EMN Meeting on Perovskite, Solar Cells and Hydrogen 2016, December 1st to December 5th, Xiamen, China. [S. l.: s. n.], 2016. Str. 19. [COBISS.SI-ID 30080551]
600. REMŠKAR, Maja, VARLEC, Ana, JELENC, Janez, PIRKER, Luka, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko. Kvazi dvo - dimenzionalni superprevodni kristali Mo - S-I. V: OSTERMAN, Natan (ur.), ŠKARABOT, Miha (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov. 10. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Otočec, 16. november 2016. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, 2016. Str. 66. ISBN 978-961-6619-20-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 29962791]
601. BOHINC, Klemen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, JEVŠNIK PODLESNIK, Mojca, JERŠEK, Barbara, NIPIČ, Damijan, KURINČIČ, Marija, RASPOR, Peter. Metal surface characteristics dictate bacterial adhesion capacity. International journal of adhesion and adhesives. [Print ed.]. July 2016, vol. 68, str. 39-46, ilustr. ISSN 0143-7496., DOI: 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.01.008. [COBISS.SI-ID 4983403]
602. AW, Moom Sinn, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. ▫$Methane-CO_2$▫ reforming over transition metal pairs deposited over CeZr promoted ordered mesoporous alumina. V: 16th International Congress on Catalysis, July 5th & 7th, 2016, Beijing, China. Beijing: [s. n.], 2016. Str. [1-2]. [COBISS.SI-ID 5947162]
603. TOMINC, Sara, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERNIK, Slavko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina, REČNIK, Aleksander. Microstructural and electrical properties in (Co,Nb)-doped SnO[sub]2 varistor ceramics : a novel solid - state cooler. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 24. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 28.-30. september 2016, Portorož, Slovenija = 24th International Conference on Materials and Technology, 28-30 September 2016, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije. 2016, str. 47. ISBN 978-961-94088-0-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 32455463]
604. ROSAL, Blanca del, PÉREZ-DELGADO, Alberto, CARRASCO, Elisa, JOVANOVIĆ, Dragana J., DRAMIĆANIN, Miroslav D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FUENTE, Ángeles Juarranz de la, SANZ-RODRIGUEZ, Francisco, JAQUE, Daniel. Neodymium-based stoichiometric ultrasmall nanoparticles for multifunctional deep-tissue photothermal therapy. Advanced optical materials. [Online ed.]. May 2016, vol. 4, iss. 5, str. 782-789. ISSN 2195-1071., DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500726. [COBISS.SI-ID 5886234]
605. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara. Odkrili manjkajoči člen električne prevodnosti. Delo, Znanost : štirinajstdnevna znanstvena priloga časnika Delo. [Tiskana izd.]. 8. dec. 2016, letn. 58, št. 285, str. 15. ISSN 0350-7521, ISSN 1580-7584. [COBISS.SI-ID 30037543]
606. GIANNINI, Mattia, MASTOURI, Afef, DEMORTIÈRE, Arnaud, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DAVOISNE, C. On the morphology of Li2S deposits in Li-S batteries. V: The 16th European microscopy congress 2016 August 28 - September 2, 2016 in Lyon, France. [S. l.]: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6063386]
607. ŠEST, Ervin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JERMAN, Ivan, GENORIO, Boštjan. Platelets graphene as material for solar absorber coatings. V: Technical programme. The 8th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, 12th-15th July, 2016, Singapore. Singapore: [s. n.], 2016. Str. 164-165. [COBISS.SI-ID 5961754]
608. GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GROTE, Jan-Phillip, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Povečanje stabilnosti ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ ORR elektrokatalizatorja z dekoracijo ali dopiranjem z zlatom. V: KLJUN, Jakob (ur.). Kemijske znanosti 2016. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2016. Str. 1-2, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-70-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 5993498]
609. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Poznavanje strukture in kemijske sestave na atomskem nivoju je zelo pomembno tudi v industriji : predavanje na delavnici Uporaba sodobnih metod elektronske mikroskopije in mikroanalize v industriji, Kemijski inštitut, 23. 11. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 6054426]
610. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Quantitative approach to twin boundaries in Cu3Pt nanoparticles. V: The 16th European microscopy congress 2016 August 28 - September 2, 2016 in Lyon, France. [S. l.]: John Wiley & Sons, 2016. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6063642]
611. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Quantitative HAADF study of twin boundaries in ▫$Cu_3Pt$▫ nanoparticles. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. Jul. 2016, vol. 22, iss. s3, str. 1338-1339. ISSN 1431-9276., DOI: 10.1017/S1431927616007534. [COBISS.SI-ID 6062874]
612. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, KRIVEC, Matic, ČEH, Miran, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Reaktor : patent SI 24802 A. Ljubljana: Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, 31. mar. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 30350119]
613. GOLJA, Viviana, ZORIČ, Andreja, ROTTER, Ester, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Release of aluminium from non-stick food contact materials. V: 6th International Symposium on Food Packaging - Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation', 16-18 November 2016, Barcelona, Spain. [Barcelona: International Life Sciences Institute Europe], 2016. Str. 167. [COBISS.SI-ID 3795173]
614. KAPLAN, Renata, ERJAVEC, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, PINTAR, Albin. Simple synthesis of anatase/rutile/brookite ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanocomposite with superior mineralization potential for photocatalytic degradation of water pollutant. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. Feb. 2016, vol. 181, str. 465-474, ilustr. ISSN 0926-3373., DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.08.027. [COBISS.SI-ID 5753626]
615. DANEU, Nina, TOMINC, Sara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, KAWASAKI, Masahiro, REČNIK, Aleksander, et al. STEM study of (101) twins in natural and synthetic cassiterite. V: 2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, March 28-April 1, 2016 Phoenix, Arizona. Warrendale: Materials Research Society, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 29470759]
616. ABRAM, Anže, ERŠTE, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BOBNAR, Vid. Structural and dielectric properties of hydrothermally prepared boehmite coatings on an aluminium foil. Journal of materials science. Materials in electronics. [Print ed.]. 2016, vol. 27, no. 10, str. 10221-10225. ISSN 0957-4522. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-016-5100-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 29566759]
617. URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ESTEVES, Giovanni, JONES, Jacob L., USHER, Tedi-Marie, ROJAC, Tadej, DELUCA, M., BOBNAR, Vid, DRNOVŠEK, Silvo, TREFALT, Gregor, JOUIN, Jenny, MALIČ, Barbara. Structural disorder stability of mechanochemically derived ▫$Pb(Sc_{0.5}Nb_{0.5})O_3$▫ ceramics. V: Energy materials nanotechnology : program & abstracts : EMN Meeting on Ceramics, January 25-28, 2016, Hong Kong. [S. l.: s. n.], 2016. Str. 52. [COBISS.SI-ID 29253159]
618. BENČAN, Andreja, HREŠČAK, Jitka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DELUCA, M., ARČON, Iztok, KODRE, Alojz, DAPIAGGI, M., ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara. Structural investigation of strontium-doped potassium sodium niobate lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. V: 2016 joint IEEE ISAF-ECAPD-PMF 2016. International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD), Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PMF), August 21-25, 2016, Darmstadt, Germany. Darmstadt: Technische Univetität, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 29697575]
619. KAPLAN, Renata, ERJAVEC, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, PINTAR, Albin. Superior mineralization potential of anatase/rutile/brookite ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanocomposite for photocatalytic degradation of water pollutants. V: 9th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Newcastle, Australia, 10th-13th July 2016. Newcastle: [s. n.], 2016. Str. [1-2], ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5960730]
620. BOHINC, Klemen, JEVŠNIK PODLESNIK, Mojca, FINK, Rok, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RASPOR, Peter. Surface characteristics dictate microbial adhesion ability. V: PROKOPOVICH, Polina (ur.). Biological and pharmaceutical applications of nanomaterials. Boca Raton: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis, 2016. Str. 193-213, ilustr., graf. prikazi. ISBN 978-1-4822-5016-9, ISBN 978-1-4822-5017-6., DOI: 10.1201/b18654-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 4880235]
621. JURKIN, Tanja, GULIŠ, Martina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Synthesis of gold nanoparticles under highly oxidizing conditions. Gold bulletin. [Online ed.]. Sep. 2016, vol. 49, iss. 1, str. 21-33. ISSN 2190-7579., DOI: 10.1007/s13404-016-0179-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 5885978]
622. JURKIN, Tanja, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Synthesis route to ▫$\delta-FeOOH$▫ nanodiscs. Materials letters. 15. Jun. 2016, vol. 173, str. 55-59. ISSN 0167-577X., DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2016.03.009. [COBISS.SI-ID 5885722]
623. AW, Moom Sinn, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, PINTAR, Albin. Transition metal pairs on ceria-promoted, ordered mesoporous alumina as catalysts for the ▫$CO_2$▫ reforming reaction of methane. Catalysis science & technology. Jun. 2016, vol. 6, iss. 11, str. 3797-3805. ISSN 2044-4753., DOI: 10.1039/C5CY02082D. [COBISS.SI-ID 5837594]
624. GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GROTE, Jan-Phillip, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, MAYRHOFER, Karl, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Tuning the stability of PtCu [sub] 3/C ORR electrocatalyst with gold decoration and gold doping. V: SKORODUMOVA, Natalia V. (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.). Book of Abstracts. Physical Chemistry 2016, 13th International Conference of Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry [and] 2nd International Meeting Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, September 29-30, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2016. Str. 80. ISBN 978-86-82139-62-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6024986]
625. GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, GROTE, Jan-Phillip, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, MAYRHOFER, Karl, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Tuning the stability of ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ ORR electrocatalyst with gold decoration and gold doping : lecture at the 2nd International Meeting on Materials science for energy related applications, Belgrade, September 29th-30th, 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 5996314]
626. PORI, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LIKOZAR, Blaž, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, MARINŠEK, Marjan. Vpliv sinteznih parametrov na učinkovitost katalizatorja na osnovi cinkovega oksida za reakcijo sinteze metanola. V: KLJUN, Jakob (ur.). Kemijske znanosti 2016. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2016. Str. 29-30, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-70-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 5993754]


627. ČEH, Miran, ŠTURM, Sašo, JANČAR, Boštjan, REČNIK, Aleksander, DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JERIČ, Marja, KOŠIR, Mateja, PRESEČNIK, Mojca, BERNIK, Slavko, OW-YANG, Cleva, GÜLGÜN, Mehmet Ali, BOOR, Johannes de. (S)TEM investigations of oxide thermoelectric materials : presented at XIV. Interamerican Congress of Microscopy, CIASEM 2017, September 25-29, Meliá, Cuba. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Vol. 26, supp. a, 2 str. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 31443751]
628. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Accumulation of charged deffects at domains walls and its implication to local and bulk properties of pollycristalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: KIROVA, Natacha (ur.). International Research School and Workshop on Electronic Crystals, ECRYS 2017, August 21 - September 2, 2017, Cargése, France. Orsay: University Paris-Saclay, 2017. Str. 113. [COBISS.SI-ID 30742055]
629. TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco. Advanced transmission electron microscopy at NIC. V: ANDERLUH, Gregor (ur.), PODOBNIK, Marjetka (ur.). Advances in structural biology : mini simpozij 2017 : [26th October 2017, Ljubljana]. Ljubljana: Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology D11, National Institute of Chemistry, 2017. Str. 14. ISBN 978-961-6104-37-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6271514]
630. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, JAMNIK, Maja, CASERMAN, Simon, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Analytical electron microscopy in medical mineralogy : the interaction between amphiboles and epithelial cells. V: ZAVAŠNIK, Janez (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 2. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 11. in 12. maj 2017, Piran, Slovenija. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2017. Str. 72. ISBN 978-961-285-685-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 4354127]
631. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Aspects of vibrational spectroscopy in investigation of low-temperature pigmented V-Oxide films. V: 231st ECS Meeting, May 28 - June 1, 2017, Hilton New Orleans Riverside. New Orleans: [s. n.], 2017. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6163738]
632. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, KRIVEC, Matic. Atomic level structural characterisation of titania based immobilised photocatalytic materials. V: Abstracts. 2nd International Conference on New Photocatalytic Materials for Environment Energy and Sustainability, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 2-6, 2017. [Ljubljana: s. n.], 2017. Str. 9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6431258]
633. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, JAMNIK, Maja, CASERMAN, Simon, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Atomic Resolution Microscopy-EELS/EDS in combination with ultrastructural localization of amphiboles in epithelial cell models : a chance to foresee the biological effect of nano/micro-minerals?. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. 273-274. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 6311450]
634. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomic-scale characterisation of accumulated charged defects at domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. 630-631. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 6256410]
635. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej, Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017. Atomic-scale investigations of domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. Jul. 2017, vol. 23, iss. s1, str. 1618-1619. ISSN 1431-9276., DOI: 10.1017/S1431927617008753. [COBISS.SI-ID 6430746]
636. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomic-scale structural and chemical analysis of domain walls in bismuth ferrite. V: 2017 joint IEEE ISAF-IWATMD-PFM. [S. l.: s. n.], 2017.,%20Andreja.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 30543399]
637. KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor, PRATNEKAR, Rok, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, SALOPEK, Jasmina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, BOHINC, Klemen. Bacterial adhesion capacity influenced by polyelectrolyte multilayer coatings. V: ZAVAŠNIK, Janez (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 2. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 11. in 12. maj 2017, Piran, Slovenija. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2017. Str. 45. ISBN 978-961-285-685-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 30496807]
638. FINK, Rok, OKANOVIČ, Denis, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, ODER, Martina, JEVŠNIK PODLESNIK, Mojca, BOHINC, Klemen. Bacterial adhesion capacity on food service contact surfaces. International journal of environmental health research. 2017, vol. 27, no. 3, str. 169-178, ilustr. ISSN 0960-3123. DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2017.1310188. [COBISS.SI-ID 5235819]
639. BOHINC, Klemen, PRATNEKAR, Rok, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, SALOPEK, Jasmina, ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor. Bacterial adhesion on polyelectrolyte multilayers = Adhezija bakterija na polielektrolitne višeslojeve. V: ŠANTIĆ, Ana (ur.), ĐAKOVIĆ, Marijana (ur.). Knjiga sažetaka = Book of abstracts. 25. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem [i] 3. simpozij "Vladimir Prelog", 19. - 22. travnja 2017, Poreč = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers with international participation [and] 3rd symposium "Vladimir Prelogʺ, 19 - 22 April 2017, Poreč. Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2017. Str. 191. [COBISS.SI-ID 5245547]
640. HAJDUK, Špela, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERGLUND, Sean P., ABDI, Fatwa F. Abdi, SHALOM, Menny. Carbon nitride growth on ZnO architectures for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting application : lecture at the EUROMAT 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, 17 - 22 September, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 6253338]
641. GOLJA, Viviana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LORENZETTI, Martina, VIDMAR, Janja, ŠČANČAR, Janez, ZALAZNIK, Maša, KALIN, Mitjan, NOVAK, Saša. Characterisation of food contact non-stick coatings containing ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanoparticles and study of their possible release into food. Food additives & contaminants. Part A., Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment. 2017, no. 3, vol. 34, str. 421-433. ISSN 1944-0049. DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2016.1269954. [COBISS.SI-ID 30190631]
642. HAJDUK, Špela, BERGLUND, Sean P., PODLOGAR, Matejka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABDI, Fatwa F. Abdi, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, SHALOM, Menny. Conformal carbon nitride coating as an efficient hole extraction layer for ZnO nanowires-based photoelectrochemical cells. Advanced materials interfaces. Dec. 2017, vol. 4, iss. 24, str. 1700924-1-1700924-9. ISSN 2196-7350., DOI: 10.1002/admi.201700924. [COBISS.SI-ID 6270746]
643. HAJDUK, Špela, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., LIKOZAR, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. COx-free hydrogen production via decomposition of ammonia over Cu-Zn-based heterogeneous catalysts and their activity/stability. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. 15 Aug. 2017, vol. 211, str. 57-67, ilustr. ISSN 0926-3373., DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.04.031. [COBISS.SI-ID 6138906]
644. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Direct observation of crystal point defects using Cs corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. V: BULJAN, Maja (ur.), KARLUŠIĆ, Marko (ur.). Book of abstracts. 24. Međunarodni znanstveni sastanak Vakumska znanost i tehnika, Zadar, 18-19 svibanj, 2017 = 24. Mednarodno znanstveno srečanje Vakuumska Znanost in tehnika, Zadar, 18-19 maj 201 = 24th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technology, Zadar, 18-19 May 2017. Zagreb: Hrvatsko Vakuumsko Društvo = Croatian Vacuum Society, 2017. Str. 15. ISBN 978-953-7941-17-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 6431514]
645. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej. Domain wall conduction in bismuth ferrite. : exchange ideas & share knowledge. 16. Jan. 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 131216643]
646. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain wall conduction in bismuth ferrite : predavanje 19. 1. 2017. : exchange ideas & share knowledge. [COBISS.SI-ID 30180135]
647. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain-wall conduction in ferroelectric ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ controlled by accumulation of charged defects. Nature materials. 2017, vol. 16, no. 3, str. 322-327. ISSN 1476-1122. DOI: 10.1038/nmat4799. [COBISS.SI-ID 29936679]
648. HREŠČAK, Jitka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DELUCA, M., ARČON, Iztok, KODRE, Alojz, DAPIAGGI, Monica, ROJAC, Tadej, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Donor doping of ▫$ K_{0.5}Na_{0.5}NbO_3 $▫ceramics with strontium and its implications to grain size, phase composition and crystal structure. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2017, vol. 37, iss. 5, str. 2073-2082, ilustr. ISSN 0955-2219. Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.12.053. [COBISS.SI-ID 4638715]
649. ĐORĐEVIĆ, Vesna, MILIĆEVIĆ, Bojana, PAPAN, Jelena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRAMIĆANIN, Miroslav D. Effects of ▫$Li^+$▫ co-doping on ▫$Eu^3+$▫ activated ▫$TiO_2$▫ anatase nanoparticles. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. 661. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 6311194]
650. MILIĆEVIĆ, Bojana, ĐORĐEVIĆ, Vesna, VUKOVIĆ, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DRAMIĆANIN, Miroslav D. Effects of ▫$Li^+$▫ co-doping on properties of ▫$Eu^3+$▫ activated ▫$TiO_2$▫ anatase nanoparticles : Bojana Milićević ... [et al.]. Optical materials. Oct. 2017, vol. 72, str. 316-322, ilustr. ISSN 0925-3467., DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2017.06.029. [COBISS.SI-ID 6193178]
651. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara. Električna prevodnost domenskih sten bizmutovega ferita. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. mar. 2017, št. 180, str. 8-9, ilustr. ISSN 1581-2707. [COBISS.SI-ID 30344999]
652. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, SAGHI, Zineb, MIDGLEY, Paul A., OTONIČAR, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. Encapsulation of organic pigment particles via multilayer approach using in situ sol-gel synthesis. V: Book of abstracts : Innovations in encapsulation 2017, London, December 8, 2017. London: Formulation Science and Technology Group (FSTG), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017. Str. 30, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2341735]
653. ŠEST, Ervin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GENORIO, Boštjan, JERMAN, Ivan. Enhanced characteristics of solar absorber coating based on platelets graphene. V: International Conference on Graphene and Semiconductors, July 17-18, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Illinois: [s. n.], 2017. Str. [1], ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 6256922]
654. BOHINC, Klemen, ODER, Martina, FINK, Rok, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RASPOR, Peter. Factors affecting microbial adhesion. V: MITTAL, Kashmiri Lal (ur.), ETZLER, Frank M. (ur.). Adhesion in pharmaceutical, biomedical and dental fields. Beverly: Scrivener Publishing; Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2017. Str. 169-184, ilustr., tabele, graf. prikazi. Adhesion and adhesives. ISBN 978-1-119-32350-1, ISBN 978-1-119-32371-6. DOI: 10.1002/9781119323716.ch8. [COBISS.SI-ID 5520747]
655. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Following the atomic nanostructure of Pt skin ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ nanoparticles with IL-TEM after electrochemical activation. V: MC 2017, Microscopy Conference 2017, 21-25 August 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland : proceedings. [S. l.: s. n.], 2017. Str. 373. [COBISS.SI-ID 6217242]
656. ČEH, Miran, ŠTURM, Sašo, JANČAR, Boštjan, REČNIK, Aleksander, DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JERIČ, Marja, KOŠIR, Mateja, PRESEČNIK, Matej, BERNIK, Slavko, OW-YANG, Cleva, GÜLGÜN, Mehmet Ali, BOOR, Johannes de. HRTEM and HRSTEM Investigations of oxide thermoelectric materials. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. viii-x. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 30810151]
657. GYERGYEK, Sašo, MAKOVEC, Darko, JAGODIČ, Marko, DROFENIK, Mihael, SCHENK, Kurt, JORDAN, Olivier, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOFMANN, Heinrich. Hydrothermal growth of iron oxide NPs with a uniform size distribution for magnetically induced hyperthermia : structural, colloidal and magnetic properties. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. 2017, vol. 694, str. 261-271. ISSN 0925-8388. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.09.238. [COBISS.SI-ID 29840423]
658. GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Imaging the formation of ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ electrocatalyst by in-situ annealing transmission electron microscopy. V: HOHOL, Robert (ur.). Book of abstracts. RSE-SEE, 6th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, 11-15 June, 2017, Balatonkenese, Hungary. [S. l.: s. n., 2017]. Str. 39-40. [COBISS.SI-ID 6179610]
659. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, JURKIN, Tanja, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Impact of cadmium and phosphate ions on the hematite nanorings formation. Journal of molecular structure. [Print ed.]. Jul. 2017, vol. 1140, str. 113-121. ISSN 0022-2860., DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2016.12.089. [COBISS.SI-ID 6102810]
660. ŠARIĆ, Ankica, DESPOTOVIĆ, Ines, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The influence of ethanolamines on the solvothermal synthesis of zinc oxide : a combined experimental and theoretical study. ChemistrySelect. Oct. 2017, vol. 2, iss. 31, str. 10038-10049. ISSN 2365-6549., DOI: 10.1002/slct.201701692. [COBISS.SI-ID 6269978]
661. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Inside illustration. Nature materials. 2017, vol. 16, no. 3, 1 str. ISSN 1476-1122. [COBISS.SI-ID 30335015]
662. HODNIK, Nejc, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Insights into electrochemical dealloying of Pt-based nanoparticles at the sub-nano-scale. V: HOHOL, Robert (ur.). Book of abstracts. RSE-SEE, 6th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, 11-15 June, 2017, Balatonkenese, Hungary. [S. l.: s. n., 2017]. Str. 51. [COBISS.SI-ID 6179866]
663. ERDANI-KREFT, Mateja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Life science microscopy for materials scientists and materials science microscopy for life scientists. V: ZAVAŠNIK, Janez (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 2. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 11. in 12. maj 2017, Piran, Slovenija. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2017. Str. 15. ISBN 978-961-285-685-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 33234137]
664. THOMAS, Victor G., DANEU, Nina, REČNIK, Aleksander, MASHKOVTSEV, Rudolf I., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DREV, Sandra, DEMIN, Sergey P., GAVRYUSHKIN, Pavel N., FURSENKO, Dmitry A. Micro-sectoriality in hydrothermally grown ruby crystals : the internal structure of the boundaries of the growth sectors. CrystEngComm. 2017, vol. 19, no. 44, str. 6594-6601. ISSN 1466-8033. DOI: 10.1039/C7CE01520H. [COBISS.SI-ID 30820647]
665. GOLJA, Viviana. Migration of nanoparticles from food contact materials : doctoral dissertation = Migracija nanodelcev iz materialov v stiku z živili : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [V. Golja], 2017. XXIV, 103 str., ilustr., preglednice. [COBISS.SI-ID 293294848]
666. ŠEST, Ervin. Modification and characterization of graphene nanoplatelets and its application in spectrally selective : master thesis = Sinteza in uporaba grafena v visoko absorptivnih premazih zbiralnikov sončne energije : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [E. Šest], 2017. XVII, 63 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 6431770]
667. MILETIĆ, Aleksandar, ŠKORIĆ, Branko, PANJAN, Peter, KOVAČEVIĆ, Lazar, TEREK, Pal, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Nanolayered CrAlN/TiSiN coating designed for tribological application. V: MATOVIĆ, Branko (ur.). Program and the book of abstracts. 4th Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society, 4CSCS 2017, June 14-16, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, 2017. Str. 114. ISBN 978-86-80109-20-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 30818599]
668. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara. Naslovna slika. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. mar. 2017, št. 180, 1 str. ISSN 1581-2707. [COBISS.SI-ID 30347047]
669. GUALTIERI, Alessandro F., GANDOLFI, Nicola Bursi, POLLASTRI, Simone, BURGHAMMER, Manfred, TIBALDI, Eva, BELPOGGI, Fiorella, POLLOK, Kilian, LANGENHORST, Falko, VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. New insights into the toxicity of mineral fibres : a combined in situ synchrotron ▫$\mu-XRD$▫ and HR-TEM study of chrysotile, crocidolite, and erionite fibres found in the tissues of Sprague-Dawley rats. Toxicology letters. [Print ed.]. 15 May 2017, vol. 274, str. 20-30, ilustr. ISSN 0378-4274., DOI: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2017.04.004. [COBISS.SI-ID 6164506]
670. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, EL-ROZ, Mohamad, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. New insights on mechanical stability of ▫$TiO_2/SiO_2$▫ photocatalytic films. V: A bridge to the future. Florence: [s. n.], 2017. Str. [385-386]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6219802]
671. PIRKER, Luka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., KOVAČ, Janez, REMŠKAR, Maja. New two-dimensional tungsten oxide : presented at International WE-Heraeus Physics School "Exciting nanostructures: probing and tuning the electronic properties of confined systems", July 16 - 21, 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany. [COBISS.SI-ID 31085863]
672. BELEC, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo, PODMILJŠAK, Benjamin, GORŠAK, Tanja, KOMELJ, Matej, NOGUÉS, Julio J., MAKOVEC, Darko. Novel Ba-hexaferrite structural variations stabilized on the nanoscale as building blocks for epitaxial bi-magnetic hard/soft sandwiched maghemite/hexaferrite/maghemite nanoplatelets with out-of-plane easy axis and enhanced magnetization. Nanoscale. 2017, vol. 9, no. 44, str. 17551-17560. ISSN 2040-3372. DOI: 10.1039/C7NR05894B. [COBISS.SI-ID 30880551]
673. DANEU, Nina, STANKOVIĆ, Nadežda, KAWASAKI, Masahiro, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. Oriented rutile exsolutions from ilmenite under controlled oxidation conditions : electron microscopy study. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. 500-502. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 30812711]
674. DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, ERJAVEC, Boštjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin. Peroxo and gold modified titanium nanotubes for effective removal of methyl orange with CWPO under ambient conditions. V: Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes - EAAOP4, Athens, Greece, 21 to 24 October 2015. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2017. Vol. 280, pt. 1, str. 155-164, ilustr. Catalysis today (Print), Vol. 280, Pt. 1 (2017). ISSN 0920-5861., DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2016.06.038. [COBISS.SI-ID 5964826]
675. BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Razlaga električne prevodnosti domenskih sten bizmutovega ferita : predavanje 8. dec. 2017. : exchange ideas & share knowledge. [COBISS.SI-ID 31112999]
676. GOLJA, Viviana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LORENZETTI, Martina, VIDMAR, Janja, ŠČANČAR, Janez, ZALAZNIK, Maša, KALIN, Mitjan, NOVAK, Saša. Release of nano TiO2 from quasi - ceramic coatings. V: 5th meeting of the FCM Network : Parma, Italy,10th July. 2017. Parma: European Food Safety Authority, 2017. Str. 1-14. [COBISS.SI-ID 3983845]
677. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Role of charged defects on conduction and dynamics of domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2017 : short programme : Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), 19. -24. March 2017, Dresden, Germany. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 30387495]
678. CERC KOROŠEC, Romana, FELICIJAN, Matej, ŽENER, Boštjan, POMPE, Matevž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PADEŽNIK GOMILŠEK, Jana, PIHLAR, Boris, BUKOVEC, Peter. The role of thermal analysis in optimization of electrochromic effect of nickel oxide thin films, prepared by the sol-gel method : Part 3. Thermochimica acta. [Print ed.]. Sep. 2017, vol. 655, str. 344-350, ilustr. ISSN 0040-6031. DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2017.07.010. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537483971]
679. MAUČEC, Darja, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Silica supported photocatalysts for wastewater treatment from textile industry. V: A bridge to the future. Florence: [s. n.], 2017. Str. [499]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6220826]
680. MARKOVIĆ, Smilja, STANKOVIĆ, Ana, DOSTANIĆ, Jasmina, VESELINOVIĆ, Ljiljana, MANČIĆ, Lidija T., ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JANKOVIĆ - ČASTVAN, Ivona, USKOKOVIĆ, Dragan. Simultaneous enhancement of natural sunlight- and artificial UV-driven photocatalytic activity of a mechanically activated ▫$ZnO/SnO_2$▫ composite. RSC advances. 2017, vol. 7, iss. 68, str. 42725-42737. ISSN 2046-2069., DOI: 10.1039/C7RA06895F. [COBISS.SI-ID 6225434]
681. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Study of activation and degradation of Pt skin ▫$Cu_3Pt$▫ and ▫$Cu3Pt:Au$▫ fuel cell catalyst nanoparticles using transmission electron microscopy. V: ZAVAŠNIK, Janez (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 2. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 11. in 12. maj 2017, Piran, Slovenija. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2017. Str. 65. ISBN 978-961-285-685-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6148634]
682. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, JANČAR, Boštjan, TAVČAR, Gašper, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, WALKER, Julian, MALIČ, Barbara, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Study of domain walls in bulk bismuth ferrite at atomic level. V: Book of abstracts. International Workshop on Topological Structures in Ferroic Materials,10 August 2017, Leeds, UK. London: IOP =Institute of Physics, 2017. Str. 6. [COBISS.SI-ID 30719015]
683. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, MAZAJ, Matjaž, ARČON, Iztok, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Study on surface modification of titanium dioxide selected transition matals for visible light photocatalysis. V: NPM-2 : abstracts. [S. l.: s. n., 2017]. Str. 98. [COBISS.SI-ID 6192922]
684. HASHEMIZADEH, Sina, OVEISI, Emad, DE ZANET, Sandro, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Symmetry breaking and direct evidence of polar regions in paraelectric phase of ▫$BaTiO_3$▫-based ferroelectrics. V: 2017 joint IEEE ISAF-IWATMD-PFM. [S. l.: s. n.], 2017.,%20Sina.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 30540839]
685. ABRAM, Anže. Synthesis and characterization of hydrothermally treated and functionalised zinc and aluminium surfaces : doctoral dissertation = Sinteza in karakterizacija hidrotermalno obdelanih in funkcionaliziranih površin cinka in aluminija : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [A. Abram], 2017. XXIII, 91 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 289126400]
686. GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Synthesis of commercially viable ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ ORR electocatalyst. V: KLJUN, Jakob (ur.), GABER, Aljaž (ur.). Book of abstracts. Scientific Conference for Young Researchers, 19. 9. 2017. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2017. Str. 25, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-83-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 6236954]
687. GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Synthesis of commercially viable ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ ORR electrocatalyst. V: KAUČIČ, Venčeslav (ur.). Zbornik referatov in povzetkov. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2017, 20.-22. september 2017, Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2017. Str. [1]. ISBN 978-961-93849-3-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 6229786]
688. ŠARIĆ, Ankica, GOTIĆ, Marijan, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Synthesis of ZnO particles using water molecules generated in esterification reaction. Journal of molecular structure. [Print ed.]. 15 Jul. 2017, vol. 1140, str. 12-18. ISSN 0022-2860., DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2016.10.057. [COBISS.SI-ID 6027802]
689. RIBIĆ, Vesna, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOMELJ, Matej, KOKALJ, Anton, PODLOGAR, Matejka, DANEU, Nina, RADOŠEVIĆ, Tina, LUKOVIĆ GOLIĆ, Danijela, BRANKOVIĆ, Zorica, BERNIK, Slavko, BRANKOVIĆ, Goran. TEM study of basal-plane inversion boundaries in Sn-doped ZnO. V: GAJOVIĆ, Andreja (ur.). Book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Zagreb: Ruđer Bošković Institute: Croatian Microscopy Society, 2017. Str. 471-472. ISBN 978-953-7941-19-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 30810663]
690. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, KRIVEC, Matic, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ČEH, Miran. A ▫$TiO_2$▫-nanotubes-based coil-type microreactor for highly efficient photoelectrocatalytic degradation of organic compounds. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. 2017, vol. 47, str. 384-390. ISSN 1226-086X. DOI: 10.1016/j.jiec.2016.12.009. [COBISS.SI-ID 30193703]
691. FEIZPOUR, Darja, FERČEC, Janko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUDOLF, Rebeka. Transmission electron microscopy of un-deformed and plastically deformed NiTi orthodontic wires : vabljeno predavanje, 13.3.2017, na Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, Nemčija. [COBISS.SI-ID 1294250]
692. ARPAIA, Riccardo, GOLUBEV, Dmitri, BAGHDADI, Reza, CIANCIO, Regina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ORGIANI, Pasquale, MONTEMURRO, Domenico, BAUCH, Thilo, LOMBARDI, Floriana. Transport properties of ultrathin ▫$YBa_2Cu_3O_{7 - \delta}$▫ nanowires : a route to single-photon detection. Physical review. B. 1 Aug. 2017, vol. 96, iss. 6, str. 064525-1-064525-11, ilustr. ISSN 2469-9950., DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.064525. [COBISS.SI-ID 6211610]
693. HAJDUK, Špela, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERGLUND, Sean P., ABDI, Fatwa F. Abdi, SHALOM, Menny. ZnO nanostructured films using carbon nitride for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting : lecture at the EuroNanoForum 2017, Valetta, Malta, 21st June - 23rd June 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 6185498]


694. DA SILVA, Eliana S., MOURA, Nuno M. M., COUTINHO, Ana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TEIXEIRA, Bruno M. S., SOBOLEV, Nikolai A., SILVA, Cláudia G., NEVES, M. Graça P. M. S., PRIETO, Manuel, FARIA, Joaquim Luís. ▫$\beta$▫ cyclodextrin as a precursor to holey C-doped ▫$g-C_3N_4$▫ nanosheets for photocatalytic hydrogen generation. ChemSusChem. Online izd. 22 Aug. 2018, vol. 11, iss. 16, str. 2681-2694. ISSN 1864-564X., DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201801003. [COBISS.SI-ID 6429722]
695. DREV, Sandra, REČNIK, Aleksander, KOMELJ, Matej, GSPAN, Christian, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠROT, Vesna, ČEH, Miran, HOFER, Ferdinand, AKEN, Peter van, DANEU, Nina. ABF-STEM investigation of taaffeite ▫$Be_xMg_yAl_{2(x+y)}O_{4(x+y)}$▫ structures. V: RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Vuk (ur.). Program & book of abstracts. First International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures, ELMINA 2018, August 27-29, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia = Prva međunarodna konferencija o elektronskoj mikroskopiji nanostruktura, 27-29 avgust, 2018, Beograd, Srbija. Belgrade: SASA = Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2018. Str. 113-114. ISBN 978-86-7025-785-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 31645991]
696. CHOI, Chang Hyuck, LIM, Hyung-Kyu, CHUNG, Min Wook, CHON, Gajeon, SAHRAIE, Nastaran Ranjbar, ALTIN, Abdulrahman, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, STIEVANO, Lorenzo, OH, Hyun Seok, PARK, Eun Soo, LUO, Fang, STRASSER, Peter, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAYRHOFER, Karl, KIM, Hyungjun, JAOUEN, Frédéric. The Achilles' heel of iron-based catalysts during oxygen reduction in an acidic medium. Energy & environmental science. 1. Nov. 2018, vol. 11, iss. 11, str. 3176-3182. ISSN 1754-5706., DOI: 10.1039/C8EE01855C. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517530]
697. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, MORIAU, Leonard, BELE, Marjan, ARČON, Iztok, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Atomic level STEM of TiON supported Ir catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. V: Programme, lecture notes & poster abstracts. International School of Crystallography, 51st Course: Electron Crystallography, Erice, Italy, 1-10 June 2018. Erice: [s. n.], 2018. Str. 214. [COBISS.SI-ID 6580506]
698. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LIU, Lisha, DANIELS, John E., DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. An atomic, nano-, micro- and macro-scale look at charged point defects and domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ceramics. V: Electroceramics XVI, July 9th-12th, 2018, Hasselt, Belgium : program & abstracts. Hasselt: Hasselt University, 2018. Str. 423. [COBISS.SI-ID 31551015]
699. DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, HASHEMIZADEH, Sina, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomic-scale investigations and electro-mechanical properties of ferroelectric ceramics with polar nano-regions. V: Electroceramics XVI, July 9th-12th, 2018, Hasselt, Belgium : program & abstracts. Hasselt: Hasselt University, 2018. Str. 9. [COBISS.SI-ID 31550759]
700. ŠADL, Matej. Bismuth ferrite in the from of thick films and its integration into a resonant pressure sensor : master thesis = Bizmutov ferit v obliki debelih plasti in njegova integracija v resonanca senzor tlaka : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [M. Šadl], 2018. XXII, 63 str., ilustr., načrti. [COBISS.SI-ID 31615783]
701. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MORIAU, Leonard, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Catalyst nanomaterials studied by in situ heating and identical location transmission electron microscopy. V: 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, 9-14 September 2018. Sydney: [s. n.]. 2018, str. [1-2]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6500634]
702. DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of water dissolved organic pollutants under mild conditions : doctoral dissertation = Katalitska mokra peroksidna oksidacija v vodi topnih organskih onesnažil pri blagih pogojih : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [N. Drašinac Pajić], 2018. XXV, 93 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 298759936]
703. BOHINC, Klemen, ŠPADINA, Mario, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François. Charge properties of TiO▫$_2$▫ nanotubes. V: Book of abstracts. 15th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, NN18, 3-6 July 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece. [S. l.: s. n.], 2018. Str. 198. [COBISS.SI-ID 5458795]
704. ŠPADINA, Mario, GOURDIN-BERTIN, Simon, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SELMANI, Atiđa, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François, BOHINC, Klemen. Charge properties of TiO▫$_2$▫ nanotubes in NaNO▫$_3$▫ aqueous solution. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2018, vol. 10, iss. 15, str. 13130-13142, ilustr. ISSN 1944-8244. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b18737. [COBISS.SI-ID 5418859]
705. ŠPADINA, Mario, SELMANI, Atiđa, GOURDIN-BERTIN, Simon, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François, BOHINC, Klemen. Charge properties of TiO▫$_2$▫ nanotubular structures in low salt aqueous solutions. V: BEŠTER-ROGAČ, Marija (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts. 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2nd-7th September 2018. Ljubljana: Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2018. Str. 310, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6756-90-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5477739]
706. OJEDA, Manuel, OSTERMAN, Nika, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FELE ŽILNIK, Ljudmila, MEDEN, Anton, KWAPINSKI, Witold, BALU, Alina M., LIKOZAR, Blaž, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Conversion of palmitic acid over Bi-functional Ni/ZSM-5 catalyst : effect of stoichiometric Ni/Al molar ratio. Topics in catalysis. Oct. 2018, vol. 61, iss. 15/17, str. 1757-1768. ISSN 1022-5528., DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-1046-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6466330]
707. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst by ruthenium surface decoration. ACS applied energy materials. 12. Jun. 2018, vol. 1, iss. 7, str. 3190-3197, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0962., DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b00405. [COBISS.SI-ID 39550981]
708. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Corrosion protection of platinum-based electrocatalyst byruthenium surface decoration. V: SKORODUMOVA, Natalia V. (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.), ŠLJUKIĆ PAUNKOVIĆ, Biljana (ur.). Book of abstracts. 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, [within] Phyisical Chemistry 2018, 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, September 25-26, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2018. Str. 79. ISBN 978-86-82139-72-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 6506266]
709. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, SAGHI, Zineb, MIDGLEY, Paul A., OTONIČAR, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. Diketopyrrolopyrrole pigment core@multi-layer ▫$SiO_2$▫ shell with improved photochemical stability. Dyes and pigments. [Print ed.]. Sep. 2018, vol. 156, str. 108-115. ISSN 0143-7208., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.03.064. [COBISS.SI-ID 2357351]
710. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Direct observation of crystal structure and defects using Cs corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. V: KRAJNC, Andraž (ur.), ČENDAK, Tomaž (ur.), MALI, Gregor (ur.). Book of abstracts. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2018. Str. 13. ISBN 978-961-6104-39-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 6543386]
711. MAKOVEC, Darko, BELEC, Blaž, GORŠAK, Tanja, LISJAK, Darja, KOMELJ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Discrete evolution of the crystal structure during the growth of Ba-hexaferrite nanoplatelets. Nanoscale. 2018, vol. 10, iss. 30, str. 14480-14491, ilustr. ISSN 2040-3364. Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1039/C8NR03815E. [COBISS.SI-ID 31549735]
712. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, JANČAR, Boštjan, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LIU, Lisha, DANIELS, John E., DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Domain walls in polycrystalline BiFeO[sub]3 : dynamics and interactions with charged point defects. V: 2018 Workshop Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics, Washington, DC, 28-31 January 2018 : program and abstracts. [S. l.: s. n.], 2018. Str. 15-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 31190567]
713. PIRKER, Luka, VIŠIĆ, Bojana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., KOVAČ, Janez, REMŠKAR, Maja. Dvodimenzionalni volframovi suboksidi. V: OSTERMAN, Natan (ur.), ŠKARABOT, Miha (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov. 11. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Dobrna, 23. november 2018. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, 2018. ISBN 978-961-6619-21-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 31994663]
714. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, JANČAR, Boštjan, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, MALIČ, Barbara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LIU, Lisha, DANIELS, John E., DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Dynamics of conducting domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ and its effect on macroscopic electrical and electromechanical properties. V: Abstract book. 2018 Conference on Electronic and Advanced Materials (EAM 2018), January 1719, 2018, Orlando, Florida. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2018. Str. 82. [COBISS.SI-ID 31120167]
715. STRAUSS, Florian Alexander, ROUSSE, Gwenaelle, BATUK, Dmitry, TANG, Mingxue, SALAGER, Elodie, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOMINKO, Robert, TARASCON, Jean-Marie. Electrochemical behavior of ▫$Bi_4B_2O_9$▫ towards lithium-reversible conversion reactions without nanosizing. PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics : a journal of European Chemical Societies. 28 Jan. 2018, vol. 20, iss. 4, str. 2330-2338. ISSN 1463-9076.!divAbstract, DOI: 10.1039/C7CP07693B. [COBISS.SI-ID 6332442]
716. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Electron microscopy of NPs : lecture at the ISO-FOOD Spring School and Workshop on nanoparticles and food, April 9 - 13, 2018, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [COBISS.SI-ID 6431002]
717. Fotokataliza : preboj pri razumevanju delovanja modificiranega titanovega dioksida na sončni svetlobi. Eko dežela : svetuje, povezuje, navdihuje. sep./okt. 2018, str. 6. ISSN 2335-3066. [COBISS.SI-ID 6566170]
718. ŠEST, Ervin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GENORIO, Boštjan, JERMAN, Ivan. Graphene nanoplatelets as an anticorrosion additive for solar absorber coatings. Solar energy materials and solar cells. [Print ed.]. Mar. 2018, vol. 176, str. 19-29. ISSN 0927-0248., DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.11.016. [COBISS.SI-ID 6294810]
719. RIBIĆ, Vesna, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BRANKOVIĆ, Zorica, BRANKOVIĆ, Zoran, DANEU, Nina. HRTEM and HAADF-STEM study of translation states and cation ordering on basal plane inversion boundaries in ZnO with III+, VI+ and V+ dopants. V: RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Vuk (ur.). Program & book of abstracts. First International Conference on Electron Microscopy of Nanostructures, ELMINA 2018, August 27-29, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia = Prva međunarodna konferencija o elektronskoj mikroskopiji nanostruktura, 27-29 avgust, 2018, Beograd, Srbija. Belgrade: SASA = Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2018. Str. 122-124. ISBN 978-86-7025-785-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 31669031]
720. LEŠNIK, Maja, VERHOVŠEK, Dejan, VERONOVSKI, Nika, GRAČNER, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽAGAR, Kristina, DROFENIK, Mihael. Hydrothermal synthesis of Mn-doped TiO[sub]2 with a strongly suppressed photocatalytic activity = Hidrotermalno sintentiziran z Mn dopiran TiO[spodaj]2 z močno inhibirano fotokatalitsko aktivnostjo. Materiali in tehnologije. [Tiskana izd.]. jul.-avg. 2018, letn. 52, št. 4, str. 411-416, ilustr. ISSN 1580-2949., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.17222/mit.2017.012. [COBISS.SI-ID 1418922]
721. RODRÍGUEZ RIPOLL, Manel, TOMALA, Agnieszka Maria, GABLER, Christoph, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PIRKER, Luka, REMŠKAR, Maja. In-situ tribochemical sulfurization of molybdenum oxide nanotubes. Nanoscale. 7 Feb. 2018, vol. 10, iss. 7, str. 3281-3290. ISSN 2040-3364. DOI: 10.1039/C7NR05830F. [COBISS.SI-ID 31070759]
722. GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ROBBA, Ana, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Insights into electrochemical dealloying of Cu out of Au-doped Pt-alloy nanoparticles at the sub-nano-scale. Journal of electrochemical science and engineering. 2018, vol. 8, iss. 1, str. 87-100. ISSN 1847-9286., DOI: 10.5599/jese.487. [COBISS.SI-ID 6327834]
723. GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Insights into thermal annealing of highly-active ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst : an in-situ annealing transmission electron. V: Electrochemistry from knowledge to innovation. The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2 to 7 September 2018, Bologna, Italy. Lausanne: International Society of Electrochemistry, 2018. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6467610]
724. TOMINC, Sara, REČNIK, Aleksander, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERNIK, Slavko, DANEU, Nina. Microstructure development and twinning in Nb[sub]2O[sub]5-doped ▫$SnO_2$▫-CoO ceramics exhibiting promising varistor characteristics. V: Electroceramics XVI, July 9th-12th, 2018, Hasselt, Belgium : program & abstracts. Hasselt: Hasselt University, 2018. Str. 264. [COBISS.SI-ID 31616807]
725. RODRIGUES, Raquel O., BALDI, Giovanni, DOUMETT, Saer, GARCIA-HEVIA, Lorena, GALLO, Juan, BAÑOBRE-LÓPEZ, Manuel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CALHELHA, Ricardo C., FERREIRA, Isabel C. F. R., LIMA, Rui, GOMES, Helder T., SILVA, Adrián M. T. Multifunctional graphene-based magnetic nanocarriers for combined hyperthermia and dual stimuli-responsive drug delivery. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. Print ed. 1 Dec. 2018, vol. 93, str. 206-217. ISSN 0928-4931., DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2018.07.060. [COBISS.SI-ID 6445082]
726. MAKOVEC, Darko, BELEC, Blaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Novel Ba-hexaferrite structural variations stabilized on the nanoscale as building blocks for epitaxial bi-magnetic hard/soft sandwiched maghemite/hexaferrite/maghemite nanoplatelets. V: 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, April 2-6, Phoenix, Arizona. [S. l.]: Materials Research Society, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 32037927]
727. MIHELČIČ, Mohor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SURCA, Angelja Kjara. Pigmented electrochromic vanadium oxide thin films. V: 8th International Symposium on Energy, 6-9 August 2018, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom. Aberdeen: [s. n.]. 2018, str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6449178]
728. GAČNIK, Darja, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, JEZERŠEK, David, LESKOVEC, Janez, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Pojav in mehanizem mehkega feromagnetizma v visokoentropijski zlitini FeCoNiPdCu. V: OSTERMAN, Natan (ur.), ŠKARABOT, Miha (ur.). Zbornik povzetkov. 11. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Dobrna, 23. november 2018. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, 2018. ISBN 978-961-6619-21-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 31890983]
729. BRKLJAČA, Zlatko, LEŠIĆ, Nikolina, BERTOVIĆ, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BOHINC, Klemen, KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor. Polyelectrolyte-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles : insights into adsorption process. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 122, no. 48, str. 27323-27330, ilustr. ISSN 1932-7447. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b07115. [COBISS.SI-ID 5550699]
730. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Quantitative Cs corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy of crystal structures and defects. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 26. Mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 3.-5. oktober 2018, Portorož, Slovenija = 26th International Conference on Materials and Technology, 3-5 October 2018, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2018. Str. 41. ISBN 978-961-94088-2-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6541594]
731. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, GAČNIK, Darja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, WENCKA, Magdalena, JEZERŠEK, David, LESKOVEC, Janez, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Remarkably soft magnetic behaviour in a FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy and the mechanism behind it. V: ŚNIADECKI, Z. (ur.). Book of abstracts. ECMetAC Days 2018, European Integrated Centre for the Development of Metallic Alloys and Compounds, December 3-5, 2018, Poznań, Poland. Poznań: Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018. Str. 6-7. ISBN 978-83-933663-7-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 31934759]
732. HODNIK, Nejc, GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Revealing the PGM electrocatalysts degradation at the atomic scale. V: NOVAKOVIĆ, Nikola B. (ur.). Programme and the book of abstracts. 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - mESC-IS 2018, [September 10th-12th, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia]. Belgrade: Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade; Belgrade; Hydrogen Economy Initiative Serbia, cop. 2018. Str. 44. ISBN 978-86-7306-140-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 6476314]
733. PICHT, G., HINTERSTEIN, Manuel, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HOFFMANN, Michael J. The role of domain structure and domain switching on properties of small grained donor doped PZT ceramics. V: 2018 ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM. ISAF International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, FMA Meeting on Ferroelectric Materials and Their Applications, AMF The Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity, AMEC 11th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, PFM Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, May 27 - June 1, 2018, Hiroshima, Japan. Danvers: IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 31507239]
734. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Scanning transmission electron microscopy of polar nano-regions and atomic scale chemical composition fluctuations study in paraelectric ▫$(Ba, Sr)TiO_3$▫ ceramics. V: Book of abstracts. 69th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, June 25th-28th, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen: [s. n.], 2018. Str. a-i1. [COBISS.SI-ID 6430490]
735. LIMA, Maria J., PASTRANA-MARTINEZ, Luisa M., SAMPAIO, Marija J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SILVA, Adrián M. T., FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Cláudia G. Selective production of benzaldehyde using metal-free reduced graphene oxide/carbon nitride hybrid photocatalysts. ChemistrySelect. 31 Jul. 2018, vol. 3, iss. 28, str. 8070-8081. ISSN 2365-6549., DOI: 10.1002/slct.201800962. [COBISS.SI-ID 6429978]
736. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, TOMŠIČ, Matija, JAMNIK, Andrej, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Structural and morphological properties of SiO2 mesoporous materials with a range of pore diameters and volumes. V: BEŠTER-ROGAČ, Marija (ur.), et al. Book of abstracts. 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2nd-7th September 2018. Ljubljana: Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2018. Str. 309. ISBN 978-961-6756-90-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 2401383]
737. RIBIĆ, Vesna, REČNIK, Aleksander, KOKALJ, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, DANEU, Nina, KOMELJ, Matej, LUKOVIĆ GOLIĆ, Danijela, BRANKOVIĆ, Zorica, BRANKOVIĆ, Goran. Structural characterization of inversion boundaries in doped ZnO. V: NOVAKOVIĆ, Nikola B. (ur.). Programme and the book of abstracts. 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - mESC-IS 2018, [September 10th-12th, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia]. Belgrade: Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade; Belgrade; Hydrogen Economy Initiative Serbia, cop. 2018. Str. 72. ISBN 978-86-7306-140-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 31784487]
738. DRAŠINAC PAJIĆ, Nina, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRDADOLNIK, Jože, ŠKET, Primož, CERKOVNIK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin. Structural stabilization and characterization of active peroxo species on ▫$TiO_ 2-nanotube$▫ based materials in mild catalytic wet peroxide oxidation process. Applied catalysis. A, General. [Print ed.]. 25 Jul. 2018, vol. 562, str. 276-283. ISSN 0926-860X. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2018.06.013. [COBISS.SI-ID 6412314]
739. KOKLIČ, Tilen, URBANČIČ, Iztok, ZDOVC, Irena, GOLOB, Majda, UMEK, Polona, ARSOV, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTARIČ, Štefan, DOBEIC, Martin, ŠTRANCAR, Janez. Surface deposited one-dimensional copper-doped TiO(2) nanomaterials for prevention of health care acquired infections. PloS one. 2018, vol. 13, issue 7, str. e0201490 (1-20). ISSN 1932-6203., DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201490. [COBISS.SI-ID 4613498]
740. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, ARČON, Iztok, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ARČON, Denis, COOL, Pegie, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Surface modified titanium dioxide using transition metals : nickel as a winning transition metal for solar light photocatalysis. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability. [Print ed.]. 7. Jun. 2018, vol. 6, iss. 21, str. 9882-9892, ilustr. ISSN 2050-7488., Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1039/C7TA07176K. [COBISS.SI-ID 6369818]
741. DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, HASHEMIZADEH, Sina, OVEISI, Emad, DE ZANET, Sandro, HOSHINA, Takuya, BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Symmetry breaking in bulk ceramics and crystals. V: MS & T18, Materials Science & Technology : Conference tools for Materials Science & Technology, (MS&T) 2018 combined with ACerS 120th Annual Meeting, 14-18 October 2018, Columbus OH, United States. [S. l.: s. n.], 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 31841063]
742. HANŽIĆ, Nikolina, HORVAT, Anđela, BIBIĆ, Juraj, UNFRIED, Klaus, JURKIN, Tanja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARIJANOVIĆ, Inga, SLADE, Neda, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Syntheses of gold nanoparticles and their impact on the cell cycle in breast cancer cells subjected to megavoltage X-ray irradiation. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. Print ed. 1 Oct. 2018, vol. 91, str. 486-495. ISSN 0928-4931., DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2018.05.066. [COBISS.SI-ID 6404890]
743. PIRKER, Luka, BORZDA, Tetiana, VIŠIĆ, Bojana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., KOVAČ, Janko. Synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional ▫$WO_{3-x}$▫ nanotiles. V: Flatlands beyond graphene 2018 : Leipzig, Germany, September 3-7 : book of abstracts. [S. l.: s. n.], 2018. Str. 60. [COBISS.SI-ID 31665447]
744. BELE, Marjan, HODNIK, Nejc, GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HOČEVAR, Samo B. Synthesis of high performance Pt-SKIN PtCu3/C intermetallic shell PEM-FC electrocatalyst. V: SKORODUMOVA, Natalia V. (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.), ŠLJUKIĆ PAUNKOVIĆ, Biljana (ur.). Book of abstracts. 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, [within] Phyisical Chemistry 2018, 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, September 25-26, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2018. Str. 43-44. ISBN 978-86-82139-72-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 6505754]
745. RODRIGUES, Raquel O., BALDI, Giovanni, DOUMETT, Saer, GALLO, Juan, BAÑOBRE-LÓPEZ, Manuel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CALHELHA, Ricardo C., FERREIRA, Isabel C. F. R., LIMA, Rui, SILVA, Adrián M. T., GOMES, Helder T. A tailor-made protocol to synthesize yolk-shell graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles for nanomedicine. C. Dec. 2018, vol. 4, iss. 4, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 2311-5629., DOI: 10.3390/c4040055. [COBISS.SI-ID 6517786]
746. MAUČEC, Darja, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Titania versus zinc oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous silica supports as photocatalysts for removal of dyes from wastewater at neutral pH. Catalysis today. [Print ed.]. 15. Jul. 2018, vol. 310, str. 32-41, ilustr. ISSN 0920-5861., DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2017.05.061. [COBISS.SI-ID 6195994]
747. TOMINC, Sara, PODLOGAR, Matejka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNIK, Slavko, DANEU, Nina, REČNIK, Aleksander. Twinning and charge compen sation in ▫$Nb_2O_5/Ta2O_5$▫-doped ▫$SnO_2-CoO$▫ varistor ceramics. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Program in knjiga povzetkov = Program and book of abstracts. 26. Mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 3.-5. oktober 2018, Portorož, Slovenija = 26th International Conference on Materials and Technology, 3-5 October 2018, Portorož, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2018. Str. 130. ISBN 978-961-94088-2-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 31793959]
748. TOMINC, Sara, REČNIK, Aleksander, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BERNIK, Slavko, DANEU, Nina. Twinning and charge compensation in Nb[sub]2O[sub]5-doped SnO[sub]2-CoO ceramics exhibiting promising varistor characteristics. Ceramics international. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 44, no. 2, str. 1603-1613. ISSN 0272-8842. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.10.081. [COBISS.SI-ID 30844711]
749. PIRKER, Luka, VIŠIĆ, Bojana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., KOVAČ, Janez, REMŠKAR, Maja. Two-dimensional tungsten suboxides. V: Molecular nanostructures : program. XXXIInd International Winterschool Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, IWEPNM 2018, 17-24 March 2018, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria. [S. l.: s. n.], 2018. Str. 51-52. [COBISS.SI-ID 31297319]
750. POPOVA, Margarita, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, LAZAROVA, Hristina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, BALU, Alina M., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Vapor-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid to ▫$\gamma-valerolactone$▫ over bi-functional Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst. Frontiers in chemistry. [Online ed.]. 2018, vol. 6, str. 285-1-285-12. ISSN 2296-2646., DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00285. [COBISS.SI-ID 6428698]
751. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Visualisation of polar nano-regions and chemical composition fluctuations in ▫$BaTiO_3$▫ and ▫$(Ba, Sr)TiO_3$▫ ceramics above Curie temperature. V: 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney, 9-14 September 2018. Sydney: [s. n.]. 2018, str. [1-2]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6500890]
752. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, TOMŠIČ, Matija, JAMNIK, Andrej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Water sorption capabilities of mesoporous SiO2 materials with a range of pore diamteres. V: Molecular frontiers and global challenges. 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 26-30 August 2018, Liverpool, UK. Liverpool: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018. Pm 66. [COBISS.SI-ID 2401895]


753. ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša (intervjuvanec), MAZAJ, Matjaž (intervjuvanec), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (intervjuvanec), MEDEN, Anton (intervjuvanec), LEŽAIČ, Luka (intervjuvanec), LIPOGLAVŠEK, Matej (intervjuvanec), KUZMAN, Uroš (intervjuvanec). 150 let najpomembnejšega kemijskega pripomočka : oddaja Ugriznimo znanost, TV Slovenija 1, 14. 3. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 6799130]
754. REČNIK, Aleksander, JORDAN, Vanja, TOMINC, Sara, STANKOVIĆ, Nadežda, DREV, Sandra, JIN, Li, KOMELJ, Matej, RIBIĆ, Vesna, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠROT, Vesna, KLEEBE, Hans-Joachim, PÓSFAI, Mihály, DANEU, Nina. Atomic-scale aspects of twinning in minerals. V: MC 2019, Microscopy Conference, 01-05 September 2019, Berlin, Germany : program and exhibition catalog. [ S. l.]: German Society for Electron Microscopy e. V., 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 32697895]
755. DANEU, Nina, KAWASAKI, Masahiro, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELL, David C., REČNIK, Aleksander. Atomic-scale investigations of diffusion processes during oxidation of ilmenite. V: Fifth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy, Kasteel Vaalsbroek, 6-10 May 2019. Kasteel Vaalsbroek: [s. n.], 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 32447015]
756. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Atomically resolved anisotropic electrochemical shaping of nano-electrocatalyst. Nano letters. 14 Aug. 2019, vol. 19, iss. 8, str. 4919-4927, ilustr. ISSN 1530-6984.,, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b00918. [COBISS.SI-ID 6623002]
757. KRANJC, Katja, NIPIČ, Damijan, GODIČ TORKAR, Karmen, ODER, Martina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABRAM, Anže, ŽIBERT, Janez, RASPOR, Peter, BOHINC, Klemen. Biofouling of stainless steel surfaces by four common pathogens : the effects of glucose concentration, temperature and surface roughness. Biofouling. 2019, vol. 35, iss. 3, str. 273-282, ilustr. ISSN 0892-7014., DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2019.1575959. [COBISS.SI-ID 5614699]
758. LI, Jingkun, JIA, Qingying, MUKERJEE, Sanjeev, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZITOLO, Andrea, JAOUEN, Frédéric. The challenge of achieving a high density of Fe-based active sites in a highly graphitic carbon matrix. Catalysts. [Online ed.]. Feb. 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, str. 144-1-144-16. ISSN 2073-4344., DOI: 10.3390/catal9020144. [COBISS.SI-ID 6567706]
759. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Comparison of crystalline ▫$V_2O_5$▫ and low-temperature V-oxide pigmented films. V: 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science Conference information, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy. Pisa: [s. n.]. 2019, str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6675738]
760. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, OTONIČAR, Mojca, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, KOS, Tomaž, FULANOVIĆ, Lovro, JACOB, J. L., URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, MALIČ, Barbara. Complex interactions between domain walls and pinning centers : implications to piezoelectric nonlinearity and hysteresis. V: Book of abstracts. XVI. Conference of the European Ceramic Society, ECerS 2019, 16-20 June, 2019, Torino, Italy. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2019. ISBN 978-963-454-094-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 32487719]
761. CONDURACHE, Oana, RADAN, Kristian, KMET, Brigita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Compositional study of lead-free sodium potassium niobate based piezoelectric ceramics. V: TOPOLE, Martin (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov : science of the future how to stay up-to-date with your research! = Book of abstracts. 11. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana in 13. dneva mladih raziskovalcev (Konferenca KMBO), 15. in 16. april 2019, Planica, Slovenija = 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference and 13th Young Researchers' Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana: = Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Inštitut Jožef Stefan: = Jožef Stefan Institute, 2019. Str. 85. [COBISS.SI-ID 32371495]
762. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, ROJAC, Tadej. Crafting properties of domain walls in bismuth ferrite ferroelectric material. V: NANOAPP 2019, Nanomaterials & Application : 3-6 June 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenija. [S. l.: s. n.], 2019. Str. 31. [COBISS.SI-ID 32416807]
763. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, KOMELJ, Matej, ROJAC, Tadej. Designing domain walls in bismuth ferrite by controlling the type and concentration of defects. V: Book of abstracts. 9th International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress & Exhibition, APMAS 2019, October 22-28, 2019, Mugla, Turkey. [COBISS.SI-ID 32940583]
764. GAČNIK, Darja, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, WENCKA, Magdalena, JEZERŠEK, David (z enoto povezano ime), LESKOVEC, Janez, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Determination of physical properties of a FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy and comparison to electrical steel. V: VRTNIK, Stanislav (ur.), KOŽELJ, Primož (ur.), DOLINŠEK, Janez (ur.). Book of abstracts. 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals - ICQ14, 26th - 31st May 2019, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2019. Str. 136. ISBN 978-961-264-151-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 32429095]
765. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Direct observation of mild degradation in PtCu3 nanoparticles by high resolution identical location transmission electron microscopy. V: MC 2019, Microscopy Conference, 01-05 September 2019, Berlin, Germany : program and exhibition catalog. [ S. l.]: German Society for Electron Microscopy e. V., 2019. Str. 137. [COBISS.SI-ID 90247939]
766. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Direct visualisation of polar nanoregions in ▫$BaTiO_3$▫-based ferroelectric materials above Curie temperature. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. Str. 51. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 32364839]
767. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Direct visualization of polar nanoregions in ▫$BaTiO_3$▫-based ferroelectrics above Curie temperature : [presenetd at Microscopy & Microanalisis, August 4-8, Portland, Oregon]. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. 2019, vol. 25, suppl. 2, str. 1910-1911. ISSN 1431-9276. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927619010286. [COBISS.SI-ID 32589095]
768. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, GAČNIK, Darja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, WENCKA, Magdalena, JEZERŠEK, David, LESKOVEC, Janez, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Discovery of a FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy with excellent magnetic softness. Advanced engineering materials. 2019, vol. 21, iss. 5, 9 str. ISSN 1438-1656. DOI: 10.1002/adem.201801055. [COBISS.SI-ID 32146727]
769. DANEU, Nina, PADRÓN NAVARTA, José Alberto, BAROU, Fabrice, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TOMINC, Sara, REČNIK, Aleksander. EBSD and STEM analysis of cyclic twins in SnO[sub]2 ceramics doped with CoO and ▫$Nb_2O_5$▫. V: GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina D. (ur.), NESTOROVIĆ, Nataša (ur.), RAJNOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). MCM2019 : proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of Republic of Serbia: Serbian Society for Microscopy, 2019. Str. 422-424, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-80335-11-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 32716327]
770. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HODNIK, Nejc, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, GABERŠČEK, Miran, KOKALJ, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. The effect of iridium nanoparticles on the stability of titanium oxynitride supports during the oxygen evolution reaction. V: Abstract book. European Congress on Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 1-5 September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden. [S. l.]: FEMS = Federation of European Materials Society, 2019. Str. 1570. [COBISS.SI-ID 6723098]
771. ANDERLUH, Gregor (avtor razstave), GABERŠČEK, Miran (avtor razstave), ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša (avtor razstave), DOMINKO, Robert (avtor razstave), HUŠ, Matej (avtor razstave), PODOBNIK, Marjetka (avtor razstave), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (avtor razstave), STARE, Jernej (avtor razstave), JAGER RADIN, Nataša (avtor razstave), PIRC, Brigita (avtor razstave), PEJOVNIK, Stane (avtor razstave), URBANIJA, Barbara (avtor razstave), SVETE, Jurij (avtor razstave), LOZINŠEK, Matic (avtor razstave), KLJUN, Jakob (avtor razstave), TUREL, Iztok (avtor razstave), HRAST, Špela (avtor razstave), DEVETAK, Iztok (avtor razstave), SLAPNIČAR, Miha (avtor razstave), URANKAR, Bernarda (avtor razstave), VINKO, Luka (avtor razstave), ZUPANC, Nina (avtor razstave), FERK SAVEC, Vesna (avtor razstave), PINTAR, Albin (avtor razstave), KOS, Miha (avtor razstave), PAJIĆ, Vesna (avtor razstave). Elementi vsepovsod okoli nas : Krakovski nasip ob Ljubljanici, 18. 7. 2019 - 19. 8. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 6674714]
772. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Ex situ infrared and Raman spectroscopy of electrochromic vanadium-alkoxide-based films. V: Book of abstracts. 20th International Sol-Gel Conference, Next Generation, St Petersburg, Russia, August 25-30, 2019. [S. l.: s. n., 2019]. Str. 153. [COBISS.SI-ID 6709018]
773. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, GAČNIK, Darja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, WENCKA, Magdalena, JEZERŠEK, David, LESKOVEC, Janez, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Excellent magnetic softness in the FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy and its nanostructural origin. V: VRTNIK, Stanislav (ur.), KOŽELJ, Primož (ur.), DOLINŠEK, Janez (ur.). Book of abstracts. 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals - ICQ14, 26th - 31st May 2019, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2019. Str. 97. ISBN 978-961-264-151-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 32415783]
774. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, POLLASTRI, Simone, GIERÉ, Reto, GUALTIERI, Alessandro F., DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Experimental quantification of the Fe-valence state at amosite-asbestos boundaries using acSTEM dual-electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The American mineralogist. Dec. 2019, vol. 104, no. 12, str. 1820-1828. ISSN 0003-004X., DOI: 10.2138/am-2019-7218. [COBISS.SI-ID 6750234]
775. GOLJA, Viviana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Exposure to nano ▫$TiO_2$▫ particles from food contact quasi-ceramic coatings. V: HEATH, David John (ur.), HORVAT, Milena (ur.), OGRINC, Nives (ur.). Programme and book of abstracts. 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2019. Str. 46. ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability. [COBISS.SI-ID 32285735]
776. ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, OTONIČAR, Mojca, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, KOS, Tomaž, FULANOVIĆ, Lovro, JONES, Jacob L., URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, MALIČ, Barbara. Ferroelectric domain walls and their dynamic interactions with pinning centers. V: Joint ISAF-ICE-EMF-IWPM-PFM meeting. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), July 14-19, 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne: IEEE Advancing Technology fir Humanity: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2019. Str. 484. [COBISS.SI-ID 32534567]
777. ERMAN, Andreja, KAPUN, Gregor, NOVAK, Sara, PAVLIN, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DROBNE, Damjana, VERANIČ, Peter. From in vitro to in vivo studies of a urinary bladder tumor model by different microscopic techniques. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. Str. 17. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 5073999]
778. CONDURACHE, Oana, RADAN, Kristian, PRAH, Uroš, OTONIČAR, Mojca, KMET, Brigita, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Heterogeneity challenges in multiple-element-modified lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. Materials. 2019, vol. 12, no. 24, str. 4049-1-4049-12. ISSN 1996-1944. DOI: 10.3390/ma12244049. [COBISS.SI-ID 32977959]
779. ERMAN, Andreja, KAPUN, Gregor, NOVAK, Sara, PAVLIN, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DROBNE, Damjana, VERANIČ, Peter. How cancer cells attach to urinary bladder epithelium in vivo : study of the early stages of tumorigenesis in an orthotopic mouse bladder tumor model. Histochemistry and cell biology. Mar. 2019, vol. 151, iss. 3, str. 263-273, ilustr. ISSN 0948-6143., DOI: 10.1007/s00418-018-1738-x. [COBISS.SI-ID 33976025]
projekt: J3-7494; financer: Slovenian Research Agency
780. ROZMAN, Nejc, NADRAH, Peter, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JOUSSELME, Bruno, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. Hybrid catalysts based on TiO2 for CO2 reduction, water splitting and VOC degradation. V: Book of abstracts. SP7, 7th International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry, Milano, 11-14 September 2019. Milano: Università degli Studi di Milano, 2019. Str. 163. [COBISS.SI-ID 17573379]
781. LAZAROVA, Hristina, POPOVA, Margarita, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, BALU, Alina M., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Hydrogenation of levulinic acid to ▫$\gamma$▫-valerolactone on Ni-modified zeolite. V: RAKIĆ, Vesna (ur.), HRENOVIĆ, Jasna (ur.), RISTIĆ, Alenka (ur.). Proceedings of the 8th Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Symposium on Zeolites : proceedings of the 8th Croatian-Slovenian-Serbian Symposium on Zeolites : proceedings of the 8th Slovenian-Serbian-Croatian Symposium on Zeolites : [3 - 5 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia]. Belgrade: Serbian Zeolite Association (SZA), 2019. Str. 15-18, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-916637-2-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 40273669]
782. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HODNIK, Nejc, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, GABERŠČEK, Miran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Identical location STEM for ex-situ characterisation electrochemical processes of TiON-Ir. V: Fifth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy, Kasteel Vaalsbroek, 6-10 May 2019. Kasteel Vaalsbroek: [s. n.], 2019. Str. [100]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6627354]
783. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MENGA, Davide, FELLINGER, Tim-Patrick, MORIAU, Leonard, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, HODNIK, Nejc, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Identical location TEM for the study of catalyst materials : from single atoms to nanoparticles. V: GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina D. (ur.), NESTOROVIĆ, Nataša (ur.), RAJNOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). MCM2019 : proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of Republic of Serbia: Serbian Society for Microscopy, 2019. Str. 477, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-80335-11-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6734618]
784. MARIĆ, Ivan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, IVANDA, Mile, JURKIN, Tanja, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Impact of Fe(III) ions on the structural and optical properties of anatase-type solid solutions. Journal of molecular structure. [Print ed.]. 5 Mar. 2019, vol. 1179, str. 354-365. ISSN 0022-2860., DOI: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2018.11.015. [COBISS.SI-ID 6541338]
785. KNEZ, Daniel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CHALUVADI, Sandeep Kumar, ORGIANI, Pasquale, CIANCIO, Regina. Impact of oxygen vacancies on electronic properties of anatase thin films. V: GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina D. (ur.), NESTOROVIĆ, Nataša (ur.), RAJNOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). MCM2019 : proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of Republic of Serbia: Serbian Society for Microscopy, 2019. Str. 386, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-80335-11-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 6734362]
786. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, KOMELJ, Matej, ROJAC, Tadej. Implications of point defects on the atomic structure of domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ : [presenetd at Microscopy & Microanalisis, August 4-8, Portland, Oregon]. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. 2019, vol. 25, suppl. 2, str. 2346-2347. ISSN 1431-9276. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927619012467. [COBISS.SI-ID 32588839]
787. MAKOVEC, Darko, KOMELJ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELEC, Blaž, GORŠAK, Tanja, GYERGYEK, Sašo, LISJAK, Darja. Incorporation of Sc into the structure of barium-hexaferrite nanoplatelets and its extraordinary finite-size effect on the magnetic properties. Acta materialia. [Print ed.]. Jun. 2019, vol. 172, str. 84-91, ilustr. ISSN 1359-6454. Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2019.04.050. [COBISS.SI-ID 5377531]
788. RAY, Nirat, GUPTA, Nikita, ADHIKARY, Meghadeepa, NEKIĆ, Nikolina, BASIOLI, Lovro, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, MIČETIĆ, Maja. Influence of structure on electronic charge transport in 3D Ge nanowire networks in an alumina matrix. Scientific reports. 1 Apr. 2019, vol. 9, str. 5432-1-5432-9. ISSN 2045-2322., DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-41942-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 6611738]
789. GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Insights into thermal annealing of highly-active ▫$PtCu_3/C$▫ oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst : an in-situ heating transmission electron microscopy study. Nano energy. Sep. 2019, vol. 63, str. 103892-1-103892-12, ilustr. ISSN 2211-2855., DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.103892. [COBISS.SI-ID 6670618]
790. PETEK, Urša. Katalizatorji s posamičnimi atomi kovin na ogljikovih substratih : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [U. Petek], 2019. XVIII, 149 str., ilustr., preglednice. [COBISS.SI-ID 300370688]
791. SALAMON, Krešimir, DUBČEK, Pavo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, RADIĆ, Njegomir. Lateral inhomogeneities in W/C multilayer mirrors. Thin solid films. [Print ed.]. 1 Dec. 2019, vol. 691, str. 137611 [1-9], ilustr. ISSN 0040-6090., DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137611. [COBISS.SI-ID 40259845]
792. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Low-temperature V-oxide film for a flexible electrochromic device : comparison of its electrochromic, IR and Raman properties to those of a crystalline ▫$V_2O_5$▫ film. Solar energy materials and solar cells. [Print ed.]. 1 Jul. 2019, vol. 196, str. 185-199. ISSN 0927-0248., DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.03.017. [COBISS.SI-ID 6614554]
793. VRANKIĆ, Martina, ŠARIĆ, Ankica, BOSNAR, Sanja, PAJIĆ, Damir, DRAGOVIĆ, Jure, ALTOMARE, Angela, FALCICCHIO, Aurelia, POPOVIĆ, Jasminka, JURIĆ, Marijana, PETRAVIĆ, Mladen, JELOVICA BADOVINAC, Ivana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Magnetic oxygen stored in quasi-1D form within ▫$BaAl_2O_4$▫ lattice. Scientific reports. 22 Oct. 2019, vol. 9, 15158, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2045-2322., DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51653-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 40260101]
794. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, NADRAH, Peter, AJDOVEC, Anja, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Mesoporous SiO2 particles with chromophoric system and their use in indication of relative humidity. V: VIDOVIĆ, Senka (ur.). Book of abstracts. 1st International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing, 10th-11th October 2019, Novi Sad, Serbia. Novi Sad: Faculty of Technology, 2019. Str. 170. ISBN 978-86-6253-102-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 2488935]
795. PEDROSA, Marta, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAVARES, Pedro B., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, SILVA, Adrián M. T. Metal-free graphene-based catalytic membrane for degradation of organic contaminants by persulfate activation. Chemical engineering journal. 1 Aug. 2019, vol. 369, str. 223-232. ISSN 1385-8947., DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.02.211. [COBISS.SI-ID 6603546]
796. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Methodology for investigating electrochemical gas evolution reactions : floating electrode as a means for effective gas bubble removal. Analytical chemistry. [Print ed.]. 2019, vol. 91, no. 16, str. 10353-10356. ISSN 0003-2700.,, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01317. [COBISS.SI-ID 32578343]
797. CONDURACHE, Oana, RADAN, Kristian, OTONIČAR, Mojca, KMET, Brigita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PRAH, Uroš, KAPUN, Gregor, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Micro-, nano- and atomic structure investigation of alkaline niobate based solid solutions. V: Book of abstracts. XVI. Conference of the European Ceramic Society, ECerS 2019, 16-20 June, 2019, Torino, Italy. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2019. Str. 844. ISBN 978-963-454-094-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 32530983]
798. OTONIČAR, Mojca, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, CABRAL, M., RIEMER, Lukas, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JONES, Arthur I., DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, MALIČ, Barbara, ROJAC, Tadej. Multiscale characterization of lead-based relaxor ferroelectrics. V: Abstract book. 2020 Conference on Electronic Materials and Applications, (EMA 2020), January 22-24, 2020, Orlando, Florida. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2020. Str. 53. [COBISS.SI-ID 33119271]
799. CONDURACHE, Oana, RADAN, Kristian, KMET, Brigita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PRAH, Uroš, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Multiscale investigation of the role of manganese oxide addition in lead-free sodium potasium niobate based piezoelectrics. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. Str. 49. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 32364583]
800. DROBNE, Damjana, NOVAK, Sara, ERMAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. New opportunities for FIB/SEM EDX in nanomedicine : cancerogenesis research. V: FLECK, Roland A. (ur.), HUMBEL, Bruno M. (ur.). Biological field emission scanning electron microscopy. 1st ed. Hoboken (New Jersey): Wiley, cop. 2019. Str. 533-543, ilustr. RMS - Royal Microscopical Society. ISBN 9781118663264, ISBN 1118663268., DOI: 10.1002/9781118663233.ch25. [COBISS.SI-ID 5001807]
801. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, BELE, Marjan, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Novel methodology for investigating electrochemical gas evolution reactions : a case study of oxygen evolution reaction using floating electrode for effective oxygen bubble removal. V: HORVAT-RADOŠEVIĆ, Višnja (ur.), KVASTEK, Krešimir (ur.), MANDIĆ, Zoran (ur.). Book of abstracts. 7th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe & 8th Kurt Schwabe Symposium Split, Croatia, May 27-30, 2019. [S. l.]: International Association of Physical Chemists, 2019. Str. 75. ISBN 978-953-56942-7-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6648090]
802. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, BELE, Marjan, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Novel methodology for investigating electrochemical gas evolution reactions : a case study of oxygen evolution reaction using floating electrode for effective oxygen bubble removal : lecture at the 7th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry for South-East Europe, May 27-30, 2019, Split, Croatia. [COBISS.SI-ID 6658842]
803. NASRETDINOVA, Venera, GERASIMENKO, Yaroslav, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DREV, Sandra, ŠUTAR, Petra, MRAVLJE, Jernej, MERTELJ, Tomaž, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan. Photoinduced electronic textured phase in the correlated oxide ▫$Mo_8O_{23}$▫. V: MERTELJ, Tomaž (ur.), et al. Nonequilibrium dynamics in correlated systems and quantum materials, December 15-18, 2019, Ambrož, Krvavec, Slovenia : book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2019. Str. 46. [COBISS.SI-ID 33087783]
804. NASRETDINOVA, Venera, GERASIMENKO, Yaroslav, GATTI, G., GRIONI, M., KUNTSEVITCH, A. Yu., MRAVLJE, Jernej, DREV, Sandra, ŠUTAR, Petra, KABANOV, Viktor V., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan. Photoinduced long-lived metastability in the correlated transitional metal oxide ▫$Mo_8O_{23}$▫. V: 10th edition NGSCES 2019, New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems : 2nd Sempember - 6th September 2019, Pescara, Italy. [S. l.: s. n.], 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 32635175]
805. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Presevna elektronska mikroskopija (TEM) : predstavljeno na "Sodobne tehnike karakterizacije materialov", 18. aprila 2019, Institut Jožef Stefan, 18. april 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenija. [COBISS.SI-ID 32313383]
806. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, KOMELJ, Matej, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Quantitative Cs corrested STEM of local structures in lead-free ferroelectrics : plenary talk. V: GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina D. (ur.), NESTOROVIĆ, Nataša (ur.), RAJNOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). MCM2019 : proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of Republic of Serbia: Serbian Society for Microscopy, 2019. Str. 31-32, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-80335-11-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 32719911]
807. GOLJA, Viviana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NOVAK, Saša. Safety of food contact material containing nanoparticles. V: Book of abstracts. 4th International Conference NANOAPP 2019, Nanomaterials & Application, 3-6 June, [2019], Ljubljana, Slovenia. Maribor: IOS - Institute for Environmental Protection and Sensors, 2019. Str. [46]. [COBISS.SI-ID 4626149]
808. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, ROJAC, Tadej. Scanning transmision electron microscopy of point defects : domain wall interactions in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. Str. 26. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 32364327]
809. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, ROJAC, Tadej. Scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis of domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. V: Conference programme. E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, 16th-19th September, Warsaw. Warsaw: Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 32695335]
810. RIBIĆ, Vesna, REČNIK, Aleksander, KOMELJ, Matej, KOKALJ, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROGAN, Jelena, BRANKOVIĆ, Zorica, BRANKOVIĆ, Goran. Structural investigation of inversion boundaries in Sb-doped ZnO. V: MATOVIĆ, Branko (ur.). Program and the book of abstracts. 5th Conference of the Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, June 11-13, 2019, Belgarde, Serbia. Belgrade: Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, 2018. Str. 111. ISBN 978-86-80109-22-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 33051687]
811. CONDURACHE, Oana, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, ŠADL, Matej, RADAN, Kristian, PRAH, Uroš, OTONIČAR, Mojca, KMET, Brigita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Studies of different ceramic systems by means of electron microscopy techniques : invited talk, Laboratory for Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics Faculty of Physics, University "A.I. Cuza", 7. Dec. 2019, Iasi, Romunia. [COBISS.SI-ID 33067815]
812. TOMINC, Sara, REČNIK, Aleksander, SAMARDŽIJA, Zoran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina. Study of microstructure development and (101) twinning in ▫$Nb_2O_5/Ta_2O_5$▫ doped ▫$SnO_2$▫ ceramics with CoO additions using electron microscopy. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. Str. 78. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 32455207]
813. PORI, Maja, ARČON, Iztok, LAŠIČ JURKOVIĆ, Damjan, MARINŠEK, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LIKOZAR, Blaž, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica. Synthesis of a Cu/ZnO nanocomposite by electroless plating for the catalytic conversion of ▫$CO_2$▫ to methanol. Catalysis letters. May 2019, vol. 149, iss. 5, str. 1427-1439, ilustr. ISSN 1011-372X., Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1007/s10562-019-02717-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5371899]
814. DREV, Sandra, REČNIK, Aleksander, KOMELJ, Matej, GSPAN, Christian, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠROT, Vesna, ČEH, Miran, HOFER, Ferdinand, AKEN, Peter van, DANEU, Nina. Taaffeite ▫$Be_xMg_yAl_{2(x+y)}O_{4_(x+y)}$▫ structures investigations. V: PIRKER, Luka (ur.), et al. Knjiga povzetkov. 3. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov, 16. in 17. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2019. ISBN 978-961-94264-1-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 32447271]
815. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, EL-ROZ, Mohamed, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LAVRENČIČ ŠTANGAR, Urška, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Titania-silica photocatalytic films for air treatment : new findings on stability of the films. V: Book of abstracts. 14th EuropaCat - European Congress on Catalysis, Aachen, Germany, 18-23 August 2019. Aachen: [s. n.], 2019. Str. 1424-1425. [COBISS.SI-ID 6748954]
816. MORIAU, Leonard, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, MOŠKON, Jože, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Titanium oxi-nitrate as a new high surface area support for ir- catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction in acidic media. V: New electrochemical processes for energy and the environment : 25th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 12-15 May 2019, Toledo, Spain. Toledo: [s. n.], 2019. Str. [253]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6645018]
817. BELE, Marjan, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MORIAU, Leonard, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, MOŠKON, Jože, UMEK, Polona, SLUBAN, Melita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Towards stable and conductive titanium oxynitride high-surface-area support for iridium nanoparticles as oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalyst. ChemCatChem. 18 Oct. 2019, vol. 11, iss. 20, str. 5038-5044. ISSN 1867-3899., DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201901487. [COBISS.SI-ID 6711834]
818. JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, STOJANOVSKI, Kevin, MORIAU, Leonard, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, MOŠKON, Jože, UMEK, Polona, SLUBAN, Melita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Towards stable and conductive titanium oxynitride high-surface-area support for iridium nanoparticles as oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalyst. V: Book of abstracts. International Workshop Materials for Todayʼs Energy Challenges, Padova, 3-4 June 2019. Padova: [s. n.], 2019. Str. [93]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6658330]
819. HODNIK, Nejc, GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Tracking and modeling of PtCu nanoalloy dealloying at the atomic- scale : spot the difference ʺgameʺ at the atomic level. V: New electrochemical processes for energy and the environment : 25th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 12-15 May 2019, Toledo, Spain. Toledo: [s. n.], 2019. Str. [131]. [COBISS.SI-ID 6644506]
820. HODNIK, Nejc, GATALO, Matija, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Tracking and modeling of PtCu nanoalloy dealloying at the atomic-scale : spot the difference ʺgameʺ at the atomic level. V: HORVAT-RADOŠEVIĆ, Višnja (ur.), KVASTEK, Krešimir (ur.), MANDIĆ, Zoran (ur.). Book of abstracts. 7th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe & 8th Kurt Schwabe Symposium Split, Croatia, May 27-30, 2019. [S. l.]: International Association of Physical Chemists, 2019. Str. 39. ISBN 978-953-56942-7-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 6647578]
821. GENORIO, Boštjan, HARRISON, Katharine L., CONNELL, Justin Grant, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZAVADIL, Kevin R., MARKOVIC, Nenad M., STRMČNIK, Dušan. Tuning the selectivity and activity of electrochemical interfaces with defective graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 18 Sep. 2019, vol. 11, iss. 37, str. 34517-34525, ilustr. ISSN 1944-8244., DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b13391. [COBISS.SI-ID 1538365891]
822. ARPAIA, Riccardo, ANDERSSON, Eric, KALABOUKHOV, Alexei, SCHRÖDER, Elsebeth, TRABALDO, Edoardo, CIANCIO, Regina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ORGIANI, Pasquale, BAUCH, Thilo, LOMBARDI, Floriana. Untwinned ▫$YBa_2Cu_3O_{ 7-\delta}$▫ thin films on MgO substrates : a platform to study strain effects on the local orders in cuprates. Physical review materials. Nov. 2019, vol. 3, iss. 11, str. 114804-1-114804 -10. ISSN 2475-9953. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.114804. [COBISS.SI-ID 6747930]
823. ERMAN, Andreja, KAPUN, Gregor, NOVAK, Sara, PAVLIN, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DROBNE, Damjana, VERANIČ, Peter. Various microscopic tehniques for tracing cancer urothelial cells in mouse bladder tumor model. V: GRBOVIĆ NOVAKOVIĆ, Jasmina D. (ur.), NESTOROVIĆ, Nataša (ur.), RAJNOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). MCM2019 : proceedings from the 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", National Institute of Republic of Serbia: Serbian Society for Microscopy, 2019. Str. 257-258, ilustr. ISBN 978-86-80335-11-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 34489817]
824. PEDROSA, Marta, SAMPAIO, Marija J., HORVAT, Tajana, NUNES, Olga C., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RODRIGUES, Alírio E., FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, SILVA, Cláudia G., SILVA, Adrián M. T., FARIA, Joaquim Luís. Visible-light-induced self-cleaning functional fabrics using graphene oxide/carbon nitride materials. Applied Surface Science. [Print ed.]. 15 Dec. 2019, vol. 497, str. 143757-1-143757-9. ISSN 0169-4332., DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143757. [COBISS.SI-ID 6707738]
825. PORI, Maja. Vpliv sinteznih parametrov na učinkovitost katalizatorjev na osnovi bakra in cinkovega oksida za reakcije tvorbe metanola : doktorska disertacija = Influence of the synthesis parameters on the performance of copper and zinc oxide-based catalysts for methanol synthesis reactions. Ljubljana: [M. Pori], 2019. XI, 131 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 300777472]
826. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, TOMŠIČ, Matija, JAMNIK, Andrej, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran. The water sorption capabilities of mesoporous SiO2 particles with chromophoric system and potential use in humidity indication. V: Abstract book. 14th International conference on materials chemistry (MC14), 8-11 July 2019, Birmingham, UK. Birmingham: RSC, 2019. Str. 324, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2474599]


827. BASIOLI, Lovro, TKALČEVIĆ, Marija, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NADAZDY, Peter, SIFFALOVIC, Peter, SALAMON, Krešimir, MIČETIĆ, Maja. 3D networks of Ge quantum wires in amorphous alumina matrix. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. Jul. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 7, str. 1363-1-1363-11, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano10071363. [COBISS.SI-ID 23302659]
828. OTONIČAR, Mojca, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, CABRAL, M., RIEMER, Lukas, HENRIQUES, Alexandra, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JONES, Jacob L., DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, MALIČ, Barbara, ROJAC, Tadej. Adding a piece to the understanding of polycrystalline relaxor ferroelectrics. V: Electroceramics XVII, International Conference : virtual Darmstadt : book of abstracts. 2020. Str. 205. [COBISS.SI-ID 30665987]
829. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, GATALO, Matija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran, ČOPAR, Simon. Automated image analysis for supported nanoparticulate electrocatalyst characterization : lecture at the 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry held Online, 31 August to 4 September 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 30491651]
830. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PINTAR, Albin, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Bimetal Cu-Mn porous silica-supported catalyst for Fenton-like degradation of organic dyes in wastewater at neutral pH. Catalysis today. [Print ed.]. Dec. 2020, vol. 358, str. 270-277, ilustr. ISSN 0920-5861., DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.03.047. [COBISS.SI-ID 6808602]
831. GRM, Vinko, ZAVEC PAVLINIČ, Daniela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. A carbon-nanotubes-based heating fabric composite for automotive applications = Tkanina s kompozitno prevleko na osnovi ogljikovih nanocevk za segrevanje avtomobilskih sedežev. Materiali in tehnologije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 54, št. 6, str. 761-768, ilustr. ISSN 1580-2949., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.17222/mit.2019.238. [COBISS.SI-ID 45290499]
832. MARIĆ, Ivan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, ZADRO, Krešo, GOTIĆ, Marijan, JURKIN, Tanja. Characterization of radiolytically synthesized feroxyhyte and oxidized magnetite nanoparticles. Materials characterization. [Print ed.]. Jan. 2020, vol. 159, str. 110038-1-110038-13. ISSN 1044-5803. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.110038. [COBISS.SI-ID 6750490]
833. BRANDIELE, Riccardo, GUADAGNINI, Andrea, GIRARDI, Leonardo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DALCONI, Maria Chiara, RIZZI, Gian Andrea, AMENDOLA, Vincenzo, DURANTE, Christian. Climbing the oxygen reduction reaction volcano plot with laser ablation synthesis of PtxY nanoalloys. Catalysis science & technology. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 14, str. 4503–4508, ilustr. ISSN 2044-4761., DOI: 10.1039/d0cy00983k. [COBISS.SI-ID 120778755]
834. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, AJDOVEC, Anja, TOMŠIČ, Matija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAZAJ, Matjaž, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. Colorimetric cutoff indication of relative humidity based on selectively functionalized mesoporous silica. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical. [Print ed.]. 1 Aug. 2020, vol. 316, [article no.] 128138, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 0925-4005., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2020.128138. [COBISS.SI-ID 2570599]
835. KURAJICA, Stanislav, MUŽINA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MATIJAŠIĆ, Gordana, DUPLANČIĆ, Marina, MANDIĆ, Vilko, ŽUPANČIĆ, Martina, MUNDA, Ivana Katarina. A comparative study of hydrothermally derived Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn doped ceria nanocatalysts. Materials chemistry and physics. [Print ed.]. 1 Apr. 2020, vol. 244, str. 122689-1-122689-9. ISSN 0254-0584., DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.122689. [COBISS.SI-ID 6781210]
836. OTONIČAR, Mojca, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, FULANOVIĆ, Lovro, KOS, Tomaž, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, CABRAL, Matthew, HENRIQUES, Alexandra, JONES, Jacob L., RIEMER, Lukas, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, ROJAC, Tadej. Connecting the multiscale structure with macroscopic response of relaxor ferroelectrics. Advanced functional materials. 22 Dec. 2020, vol. 30, iss. 52, 2006823-1-2006823-13. ISSN 1616-301X., DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202006823. [COBISS.SI-ID 32051715]
837. TKALČEVIĆ, Marija, GOTIĆ, Marijan, BASIOLI, Lovro, LIHTER, Martina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, VULETIĆ, Tomislav, MIČETIĆ, Maja. Deposition of thin alumina films containing 3D ordered network of nanopores on porous substrates. Materials. 1 Jul. 2020, vol. 13, iss. 13, str. 2883-1-2883-11, ilustr. ISSN 1996-1944., DOI: 10.3390/ma13132883. [COBISS.SI-ID 23036931]
838. BIGI, Chiara, TANG, Zhenkun, PIERANTOZZI, Gian Marco, ORGIANI, Pasquale, DAS, Pranab Kumar, FUJII, Jun, VOBORNIK, Ivana, PINCELLI, Tommaso, TROGLIA, Alessandro, LEE, Tien-Lin, CIANCIO, Regina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VERDINI, Alberto, REGOUTZ, Anna, KING, Phil D. C., BISWAS, Deepnarayan, ROSSI, Giorgio, PANACCIONE, Giancarlo, SELLONI, Annabella. Distinct behavior of localized and delocalized carriers in anatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ (001) during reaction with ▫$O_2$▫. Physical review materials. Feb. 2020, vol. 4, iss. 2, str. 025801-1-025801-9. ISSN 2475-9953., DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.025801. [COBISS.SI-ID 6795802]
839. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, KOMELJ, Matej, ROJAC, Tadej. Domain-wall pinning and defect ordering in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ probed on the atomic and nanoscale. Nature communications. 2020, vol. 11, str. 1762-1-1762-8. ISSN 2041-1723. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15595-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 33296423]
840. FERNANDES, Raquel A., SAMPAIO, Marija J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, SILVA, Cláudia G. Efficient removal of parabens from real water matrices by a metal-free carbon nitride photocatalyst. Science of the total environment. 10 May 2020, vol. 716, str. 135346-1-135346-12. ISSN 0048-9697., DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135346. [COBISS.SI-ID 6748186]
841. CONDURACHE, Oana, RADAN, Kristian, PRAH, Uroš, OTONIČAR, Mojca, KMET, Brigita, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALIČ, Barbara, BENČAN, Andreja. Electron Microscopy study of lead-free piezoelectrics at different length scales. V: Electroceramics XVII, International Conference : virtual Darmstadt : book of abstracts. 2020. Str. 119. [COBISS.SI-ID 30774019]
842. TRENDAFILOVA, Ivalina, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, RISTIĆ, Alenka, VAN DE VELDE, Nigel Willy, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OPRESNIK, Mojca, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, PINTAR, Albin, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Evolution of surface catalytic sites on bimetal silica-based fenton-like catalysts for degradation of dyes with different molecular charges. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. Dec. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 12, str. 2419-1-2419-19, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano10122419. [COBISS.SI-ID 42597379]
843. BASIOLI, Lovro, SANCHO-PARRAMON, Jordi, DESPOJA, Vito, FAZINIĆ, Stjepko, BOGDANOVIĆ-RADOVIĆ, Iva, BOŽIČEVIĆ MIHALIĆ, Iva, SALAMON, Krešimir, NEKIĆ, Nikolina, IVANDA, Mile, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BERNSTORFF, Sigrid, AQUILANTI, Giuliana, MIČETIĆ, Maja. Ge quantum dots coated with metal shells (Al, Ta, and Ti) embedded in alumina thin films for solar energy conversion. ACS applied nano materials. 25 Sep. 2020, vol. 3, iss. 9, str. 8640-8650. ISSN 2574-0970., DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c01333. [COBISS.SI-ID 29280515]
844. PEDROSA, Marta, DA SILVA, Eliana S., PASTRANA-MARTINEZ, Luisa M., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FALARASE, Polycarpos, FARIA, Joaquim Luís, FIGUEIREDO, José Luís, SILVA, Adrián M. T. Hummersʼ and Brodieʼs graphene oxides as photocatalysts for phenol degradation. Journal of colloid and interface science. 1 May 2020, vol. 567, str. 243-255, ilustr. ISSN 0021-9797.!, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.01.093. [COBISS.SI-ID 20286979]
845. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MORIAU, Leonard, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MENGA, Davide, KOYUTÜRK, Burak, FELLINGER, Tim-Patrick, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Identical location and in situ heating (S)TEM for the study of catalysts nanomaterials and single atoms. V: European Microscopy Congress 2020 : abstract database : 24 – 26 November 2020, Online. [S. l.: s. n.], 2020. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 90341635]
846. MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, APJOK, Robert, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAMGANG NZEKOUE, Franks, HUANG, Xiaohui, SILVI, Stefania, SAGRATINI, Gianni, PEÑAS, Antonio, CALAHORRO, Antonio Jesus, CANO-GALEY, Manuela, HODEK, Ondřej. Impact of packaging properties on the physical-chemical-microbiological-sensory characteristics of Ricotta cheese during storage. Packaging technology & science. Jan. 2020, vol. 33, iss. 1, str. 27-37, ilustr. ISSN 0894-3214., DOI: 10.1002/pts.2482. [COBISS.SI-ID 6714138]
847. AMBROŽIČ, Bojan. In situ synthesis and growth of nanoparticles using a liquid cell transmission electron microscopy : doctoral dissertation = In situ sinteza in rast nanodelcev v tekočinski celici presevenga elektronskega mikroskopa : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [B. Ambrožič], 2020. XX, 101, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 33240323]
848. BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MARINKO, Živa, DREV, Sandra, ŠELIH, Vid Simon, KOVAČ, Janez, GABERŠČEK, Miran, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, KOKALJ, Anton, SUHADOLNIK, Luka. Increasing the oxygen-evolution reaction performance of nanotubular titanium oxynitride-supported Ir nanoparticles by a strong metal - support Interaction. ACS catalysis. 20 Nov. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 22, str. 13688-13700. ISSN 2155-5435.,, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c03688. [COBISS.SI-ID 36706819]
849. ŽUMBAR, Tadej, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, POPOVA, Margarita, PINTAR, Albin, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Influence of alumina support properties on Cu-Fe bimetal catalyst for total toluene oxidation as modal volatile organic air pollutant. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša (ur.), RUPPRECHTER, Günther (ur.). Engineering materials for catalysis : book of abstracts : 15-19 September 2020, Portorož - Portorose, Slovenia : [EFCATS Summer School 2020]. Ljubljana: Slovenian Chemical Society, 2020. Str. 95. ISBN 978-961-93849-8-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 31135491]
850. HUANG, Xiaohui, KAMGANG NZEKOUE, Franks, COMAN, Maria Magdalena, PETER, Anca, TALAŞMAN, Cǎtǎlina Mihaela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania, et al. Lactobacillus strains treatment on commercial packaging paper as preliminary study for extending the shelf-life of chicken meat. HSOA journal of biotech research & biochemistry. 2020, vol. 3, iss. 1, str. 1-9, ilustr., [COBISS.SI-ID 21048579]
851. KURAJICA, Stanislav, MUNDA, Ivana Katarina, BRLEKOVIĆ, F., MUŽINA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠIPUŠIĆ, Juraj, MIHALJEVIĆ, M. Manganese-doped ceria nanoparticles grain growth kinetics. Journal of solid state chemistry. Nov. 2020, vol. 291, str. 121600-1-121600-9. ISSN 0022-4596.!, DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121600. [COBISS.SI-ID 25823235]
852. KURAJICA, Stanislav, MUNDA, Ivana Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MANDIĆ, Vilko, MUŽINA, Katarina, BAUER, Lubos, MATIJAŠIĆ, G. Manganese-doped, hydrothermally-derived ceria : the occurrence of birnessite and the distribution of manganese. Ceramics international. [Print ed.]. 15 Dec. 2020, vol. 46, iss. 18, pt. b, str. 29451-29458, ilustr. ISSN 0272-8842., DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.05.025. [COBISS.SI-ID 18360323]
853. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, MARENGONI, Alessandra, BITTARELLO, Erica, PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Ileana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GIERÉ, Reto. Micro- and nano-scale mineralogical characterization of Fe(II)- oxidizing bacterial stalks. Geobiology. Sep. 2020, vol. 18, iss. 5, str. 606-618, ilustr. ISSN 1472-4677. DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12398. [COBISS.SI-ID 18262275]
854. KHALID, Omeir, WEBER, Tim, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DJERDJ, Igor, OVER, Herbert. Mixed ▫$Ru_xIr_{1-x}O_2$▫ oxide catalyst with well-defined and Varying composition applied to CO oxidation. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces. [Print ed.]. 27 Aug. 2020, vol. 124, iss. 34, str. 18670-18683, ilustr. ISSN 1932-7447., DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c06392. [COBISS.SI-ID 27918083]
855. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DKHIL, Brahim, BENČAN, Andreja. Morphology and dynamics of ferroelectric domain walls in bismuth ferrite. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts : Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2020 = 26th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : 16.-18. september 2020, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2020. Str. 102. ISBN 978-961-93849-7-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 29466627]
856. PIRKER, Luka, VIŠIĆ, Bojana, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, REMŠKAR, Maja. Multi-stoichiometric quasi-two-dimensional ▫$\it {W_n}O_{3n-1}$▫ tungsten oxides. Nanoscale. 2020, vol. 12, no. 28, str. 15102-15114. ISSN 2040-3364. DOI: 10.1039/d0nr02014a. [COBISS.SI-ID 24706563]
857. MAKOVEC, Darko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo, LISJAK, Darja. A new polymorph of strontium hexaferrite stabilized at the nanoscale. CrystEngComm. 2020, vol. 22, no. 42, str. 7113-7122. ISSN 1466-8033. DOI: 10.1039/D0CE01111H. [COBISS.SI-ID 48586243]
858. BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, MAKAROVIČ, Maja, CONDURACHE, Oana, KOMELJ, Matej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy of lead-free piezoelectrics. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts : Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2020 = 26th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : 16.-18. september 2020, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2020. Str. 130. ISBN 978-961-93849-7-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 29024771]
859. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy of local structures in lead-free piezoelectrics. V: QUORUM-2, the on-line conference on oxide electronics : 12th November 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 37228803]
860. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, AJDOVEC, Anja, TOMŠIČ, Matija, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAZAJ, Matjaž, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, LEGAT, Andraž. Razvoj indikatorjev na osnovi poroznih materialov : spletna predstavitev dosežka na nacionalnem dogodku Dan ARRS: Podpiramo odličnost, Odlični v znanosti 2020, tematski sklop "Naravoslovje in tehnika", on line, 16. dec. 2020., [COBISS.SI-ID 48144643]
861. GRM, Vinko. Razvoj pametnega tekstila za segrevanje na osnovi kompozita z ogljikovimi nanocevkami : doktorska disertacija = Development of smart textile for heating application based on carbon nanotubes composite material : doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana: [V. Grm], 2020. XXV, 92 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 35475971]
862. MARIĆ, Ivan, ŠIJAKOVIĆ VUJIČIĆ, Nataša, PUSTAK, Anđela, GOTIĆ, Marijan, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, GRENÈCHE, Jean-Marc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JURKIN, Tanja. Rheological, microstructural and thermal properties of magnetic poly(ethylene oxide)/iron oxide nanocomposite hydrogels synthesized using a one- step gamma-irradiation method. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. 12. Sep. 2020, [iss.] 1, [article] 1823, 1-25, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano10091823. [COBISS.SI-ID 29304835]
863. JELEN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Should nanostructure determination in high-entropy alloys be a new standard?. V: ECMetAC on-line dedicated workshop on High-Entropy Alloys: from basic studies to industrial applications, March 18th, 2021 ; abstracts. 2021. Str. o-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 41740803]
864. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Spectroelectrochemistry in the investigation of sol-gel electrochromic ▫$V_2O_5$▫ films. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. Sep. 2020, vol. 95, iss. 3, str. 587-598. ISSN 0928-0707., DOI: 10.1007/s10971-020-05337-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 27086339]
865. KOSMALA, Tomasz, BIBENT, Nicolas, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, AGNOLI, Stefano, JAOUEN, Frédéric, GRANOZZI, G. Stable, active, and methanol-tolerant PGM-free surfaces in an acidic medium : electron tunneling at play in Pt/FeNC hybrid catalysts for direct methanol fuel cell cathodes. ACS catalysis. Jun. 10, 2020, vol. 10, iss. 14, str. 7475-7485, ilustr. ISSN 2155-5435., DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01288. [COBISS.SI-ID 21161987]
866. DJINOVIĆ, Petar, RISTIĆ, Alenka, ŽUMBAR, Tadej, DASIREDDY, Venkata D. B. C., RANGUS, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, POPOVA, Margarita, LIKOZAR, Blaž, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Synergistic effect of CuO nanocrystals and Cu-oxo-Fe clusters on silica support in promotion of total catalytic oxidation of toluene as a model volatile organic air pollutant. Applied catalysis. B, Environmental. [Print ed.]. 5 Jul. 2020, vol. 268, str. 118749-1-118749-10. ISSN 0926-3373. [COBISS.SI-ID 40413445]
867. KNEZ, Daniel, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CHALUVADI, Sandeep Kumar, ORGIANI, Pasquale, FABRIS, Stefano, PANACCIONE, Giancarlo, ROSSI, Giorgio, CIANCIO, Regina. Unveiling oxygen vacancy superstructures in reduced anatase thin films. Nano letters. 9 Sep. 2020, vol. 20, iss. 9, str. 6444-6451, ilustr. ISSN 1530-6984., DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02125. [COBISS.SI-ID 27003395]


868. TKALČEVIĆ, Marija, SANCHO-PARRAMON, Jordi, BASIOLI, Lovro, BUBAŠ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NADAZDY, Peter, SIFFALOVICA, Peter, MIČETIĆ, Maja. 3D networks of nanopores in alumina : structural and optical properties. Microporous and mesoporous materials : zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials. [Print ed.]. Oct. 2021, vol. 325, [article no.] 111306, str. 1-8. ISSN 1387-1811., DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2021.111306. [COBISS.SI-ID 72698371]
869. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Advanced identical location electron microscopy for the study of electrocatalytic effects of Pt-based nanoparticles. V: MC 2021 goes digital : proceedings. Microscopy Conference, Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 22-26 August 2021, Online. [Wien?: s. n., 2021]. Str. 58, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 90318595]
870. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka. Algoritmi za obdelavo slik elektronske mikroskopije pri atomski ločljivosti : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [A. R. Kamšek], 2021. 59 str., ilustr. Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL. [COBISS.SI-ID 75421955]
871. KURAJICA, Stanislav, MUŽINA, Katarina, KESER, S., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MUNDA, Ivana Katarina. Assessment of cell toxicity and oxidation catalytic activity of nanosized zinc-doped ceria UV filter. Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 35, iss. 2, str. 157-164, ilustr. ISSN 0352-9568., DOI: 10.15255/CABEQ.2020.1905. [COBISS.SI-ID 72727555]
872. BENČAN, Andreja, OVEISI, Emad, HASHEMIZADEH, Sina, VEERAPANDIYAN, Vignaswaran K., HOSHINA, Takuya, ROJAC, Tadej, DELUCA, Marco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Atomic scale symmetry and polar nanoclusters in the paraelectric phase of ferroelectric materials. Nature communications. 2021, vol. 12, no. 1, str. 3509-1-3509-9, ilustr. ISSN 2041-1723., DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23600-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 65810179]
873. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, ROJAC, Tadej. Atomic-level-structural analysis of different crystal entities in lead-free Piezoelectrics. V: IEEE ISAF 2021 joint ISAF ISIF-PMF virtual Conference. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Feeroelectric, (ISAF) [and] International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, (ISIF) [and] Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, (PFM), M ay 16-21, 2021. Danvers: IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 64225027]
874. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, ROJAC, Tadej, DKHIL, Brahim, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Atomically resolved properties of domain walls in ferroelectric ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ bulk. V: [1st] Crossnano Crossborder Workshop in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 23-25 February 2021, Trieste. Trieste: University of Trieste, 2021. Str. 8. [COBISS.SI-ID 55104003]
875. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, ROJAC, Tadej, BENČAN, Andreja. Atomically resolved structure of step-like uncharged and charged domain walls in polycrystalline ▫$BiFeO_3$▫. Journal of applied physics. 2021, vol. 129, iss. 5, str. 1-8. ISSN 0021-8979., DOI: 10.1063/5.0034699. [COBISS.SI-ID 49236995]
876. PETER, Anica, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, TALAŞMAN, Cǎtǎlina Mihaela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, CALAHORRO, Antonio Jesus, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania. Chemical and organoleptic changes of curd cheese stored in new and reused active packaging systems made of Ag-graphene-▫$TiO_2$▫-PLA. Food chemistry. [Print ed.]. 30 Nov. 2021, vol. 363, [article no.] 130341, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 0308-8146., DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130341. [COBISS.SI-ID 67828483]
877. JELEN, Andreja, KOŽELJ, Primož, GAČNIK, Darja, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KRNEL, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, WENCKA, Magdalena, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Collective magnetism of a single-crystalline nanocomposite FeCoCrMnAl high-entropy alloy. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. vol. 864, str. 158115-1-158115-10. ISSN 0925-8388. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.158115. [COBISS.SI-ID 47327747]
878. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ČOPAR, Simon, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Computer vision algorithms for electrocatalyst stability assessment. V: HORVAT ZAGOREC, Monika (ur.), et al. Cutting Edge 2021 : scientific conference for young researchers : independent in science : Thursday, 16. 09. 21, virtual conference : book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2021. Str. 13, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-7078-21-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 82935299]
879. BENČAN, Andreja, OVEISI, Emad, HASHEMI ZADEH, Sina, VEERAPANDIYAN, Vignaswaran K., HOSHINA, Takuya, ROJAC, Tadej, DELUCA, Marco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Direct visualization of polar nanoclusters in the paraelectric phase of ▫$BaTiO_3$▫ based ceramics. V: Abstract book : virtual only event. [S. l.]: The American Ceramic Society, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 48577027]
880. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Electrocatalytic effects of Pt-based nanoparticles studied with advanced identical location electron microscopy. Microscopy and microanalysis, M&M, Microscopy and Microanalysis, virtual meeting, August 1-5, 2021. [Print ed.]. Aug. 2021, vol. 27, iss. s1, str. 2458. ISSN 1431-9276., DOI: 10.1017/S1431927621008783. [COBISS.SI-ID 84089091]
881. ŠOBAK, Matic. Encapsulation of isophorone diisocyanate as a self-healing component in poyurethane microcapsules for use in anti-corrosion : master thesis = Kapsulacija izoforon diizocianata kot samoobnovitvene komponente v poliuretanskih mikrokapsulah za uporabo v protikorozijskih premazih : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [M. Šobak], 2021. XIX, 81 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 100125955]
882. SCHENK, Tony, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CONDURACHE, Oana, VALLE, Nathalie, EL ADIB, Brahime, ARUCHAMY, Naveen, GRANZOW, Torsten, DEFAY, Emmanuel, GLINŠEK, Sebastjan. Enhancement of ferroelectricity and orientation in solution-derived hafnia thin films through heterogeneous grain nucleation. Applied physics letters. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 118, no. 16, str. 162902-1-162902-8. ISSN 0003-6951. DOI: 10.1063/5.0045966. [COBISS.SI-ID 60919811]
883. KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, MEDEN, Anton, GAČNIK, Darja, JEZERŠEK, David, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOLINŠEK, Janez, LESKOVEC, Janez, WENCKA, Magdalena, KRNEL, Mitja, VRTNIK, Stanislav, MAITI, Suomyadipta, STEURER, Walter. Exceptional soft-magnetic properties in a FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy. V: EUROMAT 2021 : European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes : 13-17 September 2021, virtual. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 13-17 September 2021, Virtual. [S. l.]: ASMET, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 76899331]
884. BOHINC, Klemen, KORADE, Karla, JERIN, Katarina, LEŠIĆ, Nikolina, ĐAKOVIĆ, Marijana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François, KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor. Experimental and theoretical study of morphological and charging properties of truncated octahedron and cubic ceria nanoparticles : implications for biomedical applications. ACS applied nano materials. Feb. 2021, vol. 4, iss. 2, str. 1434-1444. ISSN 2574-0970., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c02960. [COBISS.SI-ID 53345539]
projekt: J7- 2595; financer: ARRS
projekt: IPS-2020-01-6126; financer: Croatian Science Foundation
885. WENCKA, Magdalena, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, JEZERŠEK, David, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOLINŠEK, Janez, LESKOVEC, Janez, KRNEL, Mitja, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, MAITI, Suomyadipta, STEURER, Walter. High-entropy alloys as soft ferromagnets. V: EUROMAT 2021 : European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes : 13-17 September 2021, virtual. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 13-17 September 2021, Virtual. [S. l.]: ASMET, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 76900355]
886. MA, Bing, BLANCO, Matías, CALVILLO, Laura, CHEN, Lingjing, CHEN, Gui, LAU, Tai-Chu, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BONIN, Julien, ROBERT, Marc, GRANOZZI, G. Hybridization of molecular and graphene materials for ▫$CO_2$▫ photocatalytic reduction with selectivity control. Journal of the American Chemical Society : JACS. 9 Jun. 2021, vol. 143, iss. 22, str. 8414-8425. ISSN 0002-7863., DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c02250. [COBISS.SI-ID 65576963]
887. LI, Jingkun, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, ZITOLO, Andrea, ABLETT, James M., OĞUZ, Ismail Can, MINEVA, Tzonka, MATANOVIC, Ivana, ATANASSOV, Plamen, HUANG, Ying, ZENYUK, Iryna, CICCO, Andrea Di, KUMAR, Kavita, DUBAU, Laetitia, MAILLARD, Frédéric, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JAOUEN, Frédéric. Identification of durable and non-durable ▫$FeN_x$▫ sites in Fe-N-C materials for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Nature Catalysis. Jan. 2021, vol. 4, iss. 1, str. 10-19, ilustr. ISSN 2520-1158., DOI: 10.1038/s41929-020-00545-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 42880515]
888. KOBLAR, Maja. In-situ LC-TEM studies of nickel electrodeposition from aqueous solutions : master's thesis = In-situ LC-TEM študija elektrodepozicije niklja iz vodnih raztopin : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [M. Koblar], 2021. str. XXXIII, 73 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 98571011]
889. ŽUMBAR, Tadej, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LAZAROVA, Hristina, VOLAVŠEK, Janez, PINTAR, Albin, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Influence of alumina precursor properties on Cu-Fe alumina supported catalysts for total toluene oxidation as a model volatile organic air pollutant. Catalysts. [Online ed.]. Feb. 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, str. 252-1-252-7. ISSN 2073-4344., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije. [COBISS.SI-ID 52278787]
890. PANJAN, Peter, DRNOVŠEK, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Influence of growth defects on the oxidation resistance of sputter-deposited TiAlN hard coatings. Coatings. 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, str. 123-1-123-22. ISSN 2079-6412. DOI: 10.3390/coatings11020123. [COBISS.SI-ID 48260611]
891. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, ROJAC, Tadej, DKHIL, Brahim, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Investigation of domain walls in ferroelectric bismuth ferrite at the atomic scale. V: ŽAGAR, Klara (ur.), et al. Throughout knowledge towards a green new world : 13. Študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana in 15. dan mladih raziskovalcev (Konferenca KMBO), 27-28 maj 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenija : knjiga povzetkov = 13th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference and 15th Young Researchers' Day of Chemistry, material science, biochemistry and environment, (CMBE day), 27th-28th May 2021, online : book of abstracts. 13. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana in 15. dan mladih raziskovalcev (Konferenca KMBO), 27-28 maj 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenija = 13th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference and 15th Young Researchers' Day, 27th-28th May 2021. Ljubljana: Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana: = Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Inštitut Jožef Stefan: = Jožef Stefan Institute, 2021. Str. 79-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 65623043]
892. KHALID, Omeir, SPRIEWALD LUCIANO, Alexander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, OVER, Herbert. Mixed ▫$Ru_xIr_{1-x}O_2$▫ supported on rutile ▫$TiO_2$▫ : catalytic methane combustion, a model study. ChemCatChem. 17 Sep. 2021, vol. 13, iss. 18, str. 3983-3994. ISSN 1867-3899., DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202100858. [COBISS.SI-ID 72741123]
893. PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, TALAŞMAN, Cǎtǎlina Mihaela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan, VIŽINTIN, Alen, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, PEÑAS, Antonio, CALAHORRO, Antonio Jesus, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania. Modifying the silver-titania nanocomposites with carbonaceous materials to remove the pollutants from domestic waste water. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Oct. 2021, vol. 21, no. 4, str. 2278-2291, ilustr. ISSN 1533-4880.;jsessionid=c50hdi5ea6pef.x-ic-live-03. [COBISS.SI-ID 58698755]
894. PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, APJOK, Robert, TALAŞMAN, Cǎtǎlina Mihaela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, CALAHORRO, Antonio Jesus, KAMGANG NZEKOUE, Franks, HUANG, Xiaohui, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania. Morpho-structural and chemical characterization of paper based materials with functionalized surface. Materials chemistry and physics. [Print ed.]. 15 Jul. 2021, vol. 267, [article no.] 124693, str. 1-11. ISSN 0254-0584., DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2021.124693. [COBISS.SI-ID 62636291]
895. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, ROJAC, Tadej, DKHIL, Brahim, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Morphology, structure and dynamics of domain walls in ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ bulk systems. V: IEEE ISAF 2021 joint ISAF ISIF-PMF virtual Conference. IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Feeroelectric, (ISAF) [and] International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, (ISIF) [and] Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, (PFM), M ay 16-21, 2021. Danvers: IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. [COBISS.SI-ID 65715715]
896. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, ELKASSAS, Sabrina M., DELLA VENTURA, Giancarlo, REDHAMMER, Günther, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, O'SHEA, Michael J., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GIERÉ, Reto. Multi-scale characterization of glaucophane from Chiavolino (Biella, Italy) : implications for international regulations on elongate mineral particles. European journal of mineralogy. 2021, vol. 33, iss. 1, str. 77-112., DOI: 10.5194/ejm-33-77-2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 50955011]
897. MILETIĆ, Aleksandar, PANJAN, Peter, ČEKADA, Miha, KOVAČEVIĆ, Lazar, TEREK, Pal, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠKORIĆ, Branko. Nanolayer CrAlN/TiSiN coating designed for tribological applications. Ceramics international. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 47, no. 2, str. 2022-2033. ISSN 0272-8842. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2020.09.034. [COBISS.SI-ID 41522947]
898. JELEN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOLINŠEK, Janez, FEUERBACHER, Michael, KRNEL, Mitja, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav. The nature of the magnetic state of a FeCoCrMnAl nanocomposite high-entropy alloy. V: EUROMAT 2021 : European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes : 13-17 September 2021, virtual. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 13-17 September 2021, Virtual. [S. l.]: ASMET, Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 76376579]
899. MAKOVEC, Darko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, KOSI KRIŽAJ, Nina, LISJAK, Darja, GYERGYEK, Sašo. New polymorphs of compounds with a complex, layered crystal structure stabilized at the nanoscale : magnetic strontium-hexaferrite nanoplatelets and ferroelectric bismuth-titanate nanowires. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts : Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2021 = 27th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : 22.-24. september 2021, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2021. Str. 39. ISBN 978-961-93849-9-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 79133955]
900. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Raman measurements of vanadium oxide electrochromic films. V: 17th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium : International Conference for Chemical Characterization & Imaging : September 27th - October 1st, 2021. Ulm: [s. n.], 2021. Str. 15. [COBISS.SI-ID 81433347]
901. RADIN, Edi, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARIĆ, Ivan, JURKIN, Tanja, PUSTAK, Anđela, BARAN, Nikola, RAIĆ, Matea, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Solid-state dispersions of platinum in the ▫$SnO_2$▫ and ▫$Fe_2O_3$▫ nanomaterials. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. 10 Dec.. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 12, str. 1-16, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano11123349. [COBISS.SI-ID 90041091]
902. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KRNEL, Mitja, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, WENCKA, Magdalena, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, MEDEN, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANOIX, F., LEDIEU, Julian, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Spin-glass magnetism of the non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 523, str. 167579-1-167579-10. ISSN 0304-8853. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167579. [COBISS.SI-ID 41301507]
903. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SAKAMOTO, Naonori, ROJAC, Tadej, DKHIL, Brahim, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Static and dynamic study of domain walls in lead-free ferroelectrics. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov = Book of abstracts : Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2021 = 27th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : 22.-24. september 2021, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2021. Str. 124. ISBN 978-961-93849-9-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 78498307]
904. ABRAM, Anže, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structural and photocatalytic properties of hydrothermally-prepared boehmite/▫$TiO_2$▫ coatings. Open ceramics. 2021, vol. 7, str. 100153-1-100153-7. ISSN 2666-5395. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2021.100153. [COBISS.SI-ID 69028099]
905. RIBIĆ, Vesna, REČNIK, Aleksander, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODLOGAR, Matejka, BRANKOVIĆ, Zorica, BRANKOVIĆ, Goran. TEM and DFT study of basal-plane Inversion boundaries in ▫$SnO_2$▫-doped ZnO. Science of sintering : the periodical of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering. 2021, vol. 53, no. 2, str. 237-252. ISSN 0350-820X. DOI: 10.2298/SOS2102237R. [COBISS.SI-ID 66827779]
906. ROZMAN, Nejc, NADRAH, Peter, CORNUT, Renaud, JOUSSELME, Bruno, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, KUNEJ, Špela, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana. ▫$TiO_2$▫ photocatalyst with single and dual noble metal co-catalysts for efficient water splitting and organic compound removal. International journal of hydrogen energy. [Online ed.]. 21 Sep. 2021, vol. 46, iss. 65, str. 32871-32881. ISSN 1879-3487., DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.07.129. [COBISS.SI-ID 73787139]
907. PAVKO, Luka, GATALO, Matija, KRIŽAN, Gregor, KRIŽAN, Janez, EHELEBE, Konrad, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GEUSS, Moritz, KAISER, Pascal, BELE, Marjan, KOSTELEC, Mitja, ĐUKIĆ, Tina, VAN DE VELDE, Nigel Willy, JERMAN, Ivan, CHEREVKO, Serhiy, HODNIK, Nejc, GENORIO, Boštjan, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Toward the continuous production of multigram quantities of highly uniform supported metallic nanoparticles and their application for synthesis of superior intermetallic Pt-alloy ORR electrocatalysts. ACS applied energy materials. 2021, vol. 4, iss. 12, str. 13819–13829, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0962., DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.1c02570. [COBISS.SI-ID 87825155]
908. MUŽINA, Katarina, KURAJICA, Stanislav, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GUGGENBERGER, Patrick, MATIJAŠIĆ, Gordana. True doping levels in hydrothermally derived copper-doped ceria. Journal of nanoparticle research. Aug. 2021, vol. 23, iss. 8, [article no.] 149, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 1388-0764. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-021-05274-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 72760835]
909. DANEU, Nina, PADRÓN NAVARTA, José Alberto, BAROU, F., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. Twinning in minerals with the rutile - type structure : insights from TEM and EBSD. V: MC 2021 goes digital : proceedings. Microscopy Conference, Joint Meeting of Dreiländertagung & Multinational Congress on Microscopy, 22-26 August 2021, Online. [Wien?: s. n., 2021]. Str. 196-197. [COBISS.SI-ID 74261251]
910. BAJT, Saša, FERLIGOJ, Anuška, KRISTL, Julijana, GOBEC, Stanislav, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVÁCS, István, ZWITTER, Tomaž, POŠTUVAN, Vita, ANDERLUH, Marko, KANDUČ, Matej, et al. Vrhunci slovenske znanosti skozi dosežke nagrajencev za izjemne dosežke 2021 : dokumentarni film. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje znanost in šport, 2021. 1 spletni vir (1 videodatoteka (49 min, 20 sek)), barve, zvok. [COBISS.SI-ID 93173507]


911. LUZAR, Jože, PRIPUTEN, Pavol, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, WENCKA, Magdalena, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DOLINŠEK, Janez. ▫$AlCoFeNiCu_x$▫ (x = 0.6 3.0) zero-magnetostriction magnetically soft high-entropy alloys. V: Workshop on "High-Entropy Alloys: from basic studies to industrial applications", ECMetAC Days 2022, Split, Croatia, Novermber 21st : schedule & abstracts : the workshop is dedicated to honour scientific achievements of Prof. Janez Dolinšek the Head of JSI High-Entropy Alloys Group (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) for his 65th Birthday Anniversary. Str. 8. [COBISS.SI-ID 131565571]
912. JOVIČEVIĆ KLUG, Patricia, LIPOVŠEK, Nataša, KLUG JOVIČEVIĆ, Matic, MRAK, Maruša, EKAR, Jernej, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, PODGORNIK, Bojan. Assessment of deep cryogenic heat-treatment impact on the microstructure and surface chemistry of austenitic stainless steel. Surfaces and interfaces. 2022, vol. 35, article 102456, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 2468-0230., DOI: 10.1016/j.surfin.2022.102456. [COBISS.SI-ID 128391939]
913. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina. Atomic-scale characterization of polytypic defects in ▫$Li_{0.33}La_{0.56}TiO_3$▫. V: KRZYŽÁNEK, Vladislav (ur.). 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy,16MCM, 04-09, September 2022, Brno Czech Republic : book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Brno: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2022. Str. 373-374. ISBN 978-80-11-02253-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 120985859]
914. PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, APJOK, Robert, TALAŞMAN, Cǎtǎlina Mihaela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, CALAHORRO, Antonio Jesus, KAMGANG NZEKOUE, Franks, HUANG, Xiaohui, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania. Barrier properties, migration into the food simulants and antimicrobial activity of paper-based materials with functionalized surface. Polymers and polymer composites. 2 Jun. 2022, vol. 30, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 1478-2391., DOI: 10.1177/09673911221106347. [COBISS.SI-ID 112073475]
915. MUŽINA, Katarina, KURAJICA, Stanislav, GUGGENBERGER, Patrick, DUPLANČIĆ, Marina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Catalytic activity and properties of copper-doped ceria nanocatalyst for VOCs oxidation. Journal of materials research. 31 May 2022, vol. 37, iss. 11, str. 1929-1940, ilustr. ISSN 0884-2914., DOI: 10.1557/s43578-022-00606-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 111854851]
916. MRAZ, Anže, VENTURINI, Rok, SVETIN, Damjan, SEVER, Vitomir, MIHAILOVIĆ, Ian, VASKIVSKYI, Igor, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAZAZIS, Dimitrios, RAVNIK, Jan, EKINCI, Yasin, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan, et al. Charge configuration memory devices : energy efficiency and switching speed. Nano letters. 2022, vol. 22, no. 12, str. 4814-4821, ilustr. ISSN 1530-6992. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01116. [COBISS.SI-ID 113726211]
917. KMET, Brigita. Chemically modified potasssium niobate thick films on platinized alumina substrates : master's theshis = Debele plasti kemijsko modificiranega kalijevega natrijevega niobata na platiniziranih podlagah aluminijevega oksida : magistrska naloga. Ljubljana: [B. Kmet], 2022. XIX, 55 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 143676419]
918. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Data-driven structural analysis of metallic alloy electrocatalysts. V: Experimental and modelling tools for electrochemical energy devices : program of the 32nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry : 19-22 June 2022 Stockholm, Sweden. Toledo: International Society of Electrochemistry, cop. 2019. Str. 39. [COBISS.SI-ID 114879747]
919. TAJNŠEK, Tia Kristian, SVENSSON GRAPE, Erik, WILLHAMMAR, Tom, ANTONIĆ JELIĆ, Tatjana, JAVORNIK, Uroš, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, MAZAJ, Matjaž. Design and degradation of permanently porous vitamin C and zinc-based metal-organic framework. Communications chemistry. 25. Feb. 2022, vol. 5, str. 1-9, ilustr. ISSN 2399-3669., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1038/s42004-022-00639-x. [COBISS.SI-ID 99932419]
920. ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika, NADRAH, Peter, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, ŠIFRER, Klara, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MARTINEZ MANEZ, Ramon. Development of colorimetric sensors and indicators based on mesoporous particles = Razvoj kolorimetričnih senzorjev in indikatorjev na osnovi mezoporoznih delcev. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2022 = 28th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : zbornik povzetkov = book of abstracts : 21.-23. september 2022, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2022. Str. 69. ISBN 978-961-95922-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 126419715]
921. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DKHIL, Brahim, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, BENČAN, Andreja. Dynamics of ferroelectric domain walls in bismuth ferrite observed by in-situ voltage biasing transmission electron microscopy. V: CIMTEC 2022, Perugia, June 20-29, 2022. [S. l.]: CIMTEC = Centre for Imaging Technology Commercialization, 2022. [COBISS.SI-ID 112811523]
922. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Effect of sample mistilt on atomic column position measurements. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 12.-13. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2022. Str. 36. ISBN 978-961-94264-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 107795459]
923. RAN, Jiajia, GIRARDI, Leonardo, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, WANG, Zhanhua, AGNOLI, Stefano, XIA, Hesheng, GRANOZZI, G. The effect of the 3D nanoarchitecture and ni-promotion on the hydrogen evolution reaction in ▫$MoS_2$▫/reduced GO aerogel hybrid microspheres produced by a simple one-pot electrospraying procedure. Small. 7 Apr. 2022, vol. 18, iss. 14, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 1613-6829., DOI: 10.1002/smll.202105694. [COBISS.SI-ID 102002179]
924. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd. Electron microscopy of titanium oxynitride supported iridium based electrocatalysts : doctoral dissertation = Elektronska mikroskopija iridijevih elektrokatalizatorjev s podlago iz titanovega oksinitrida : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [G. Koderman Podboršek], 2022. XIX, 95 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 133233667]
925. TROGLIA, Alessandro, BIGI, Chiara, VOBORNIK, Ivana, FUJII, Jun, KNEZ, Daniel, CIANCIO, Regina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, FUCHS, Marius, DI SANTE, Domenico, SANGIOVANNI, Giorgio, ROSSI, Giorgio, ORGIANI, Pasquale, PANACCIONE, Giancarlo. Evidence of a 2D electron gas in a single-unit-cell of anatase ▫$TiO_2$▫ (001). Advanced science. June 3, 2022, vol. 9, iss. 16, str. 1-7, ilustr. ISSN 2198-3844., DOI: 10.1002/advs.202105114. [COBISS.SI-ID 105753091]
926. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KRNEL, Mitja, GAČNIK, Darja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, WENCKA, Magdalena, JEZERŠEK, David, LESKOVEC, Jurij, MAITI, Soummyadipta, STEURER, Walter, DOLINŠEK, Janez. The FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy : excellent magnetic softness arising from a nanocomposite structure. V: JEMS 2022, The Joint European Magnetic Symposia : book of abstracts : hybrid Conference, July 24-29, 2022, Warsaw, Poland. Str. 213. [COBISS.SI-ID 117159683]
927. MAKOVEC, Darko, KOSI KRIŽAJ, Nina, MEDEN, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, ŠALA, Martin, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Ferroelectric bismuth-titanate nanoplatelets and nanowires with a new crystal structure. Nanoscale. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 9, str. 3537-3544. ISSN 2040-3364. DOI: 10.1039/d2nr00307d. [COBISS.SI-ID 101065219]
928. DANEU, Nina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAZAJ, Matjaž, BAROU, Fabrice, PADRÓN NAVARTA, José Alberto. Formation of contact and multiple cyclic cassiterite twins in SnO[sub]2 -based ceramics co-doped with cobalt and niobium oxides. Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, crystal engineering and materials. 2022, vol. b78, str. 1-15. ISSN 2052-5206. DOI: 10.1107/S2052520622006758. [COBISS.SI-ID 116668675]
929. BENČAN, Andreja (fotograf), DRAŽIĆ, Goran (fotograf). Fotografija znanstveno-raziskovalne dejavnosti. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. mar. 2022, št. 200, 1 str. ISSN 1581-2707. [COBISS.SI-ID 101370371]
930. ISLAM, Mahabul, RAJAK, Piu, KNEZ, Daniel, CHALUVADI, Sandeep Kumar, ORGIANI, Pasquale, ROSSI, Giorgio, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CIANCIO, Regina. HAADF STEM and Ab initio calculations investigation of anatase ▫$TiO_2/LaAlO_3$▫ heterointerface. Applied sciences. 29 Jan. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 3, str. 1-9, ilustr. ISSN 2076-3417., DOI: 10.3390/app12031489. [COBISS.SI-ID 98021891]
931. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina. HAADF-STEM analysis of Ruddlesden-Popper-type defects in nonstoichiometric ▫$Li_{0.33}La_{0.56}\square_{0.11}TiO_3$▫. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 12.-13. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2022. Str. 34. ISBN 978-961-94264-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 108931843]
932. MEHMOOD, Asad, GONG, Mengjun, JAOUEN, Frédéric, ROY, Aaron, ZITOLO, Andrea, KHAN, Anastassiya, SOUGRATI, Moulay Tahar, PRIMBS, Mathias, MARTINEZ BONASTRE, Alex, FONGALLAND, Dash, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, STRASSER, Peter, KUCERNAK, Anthony. High loading of single atomic iron sites in Fe–NC oxygen reduction catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Nature Catalysis. Apr. 2022, vol. 5, iss. 4, str. 311-323, ilustr. ISSN 2520-1158., DOI: 10.1038/s41929-022-00772-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 106718723]
933. ĐUKIĆ, Tina, MORIAU, Leonard, PAVKO, Luka, KOSTELEC, Mitja, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc. The importance of operational conditions in stability studies of Pt-based alloy ORR nanoelectrocatalysts. V: 15th International Ficher symposium : a meeting on na noscale electrochemistry : June 12-16, 2022 : Kloster Seeon, Germany. Kiel: Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics: Christian-Albrechts-University, [2022]. Str. 70. [COBISS.SI-ID 115610115]
934. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. In situ scanning transmission electron microscopy of lead-free ferroelectrics with atomic resolution. V: KRZYŽÁNEK, Vladislav (ur.). 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy,16MCM, 04-09, September 2022, Brno Czech Republic : book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Brno: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2022. Str. 486. ISBN 978-80-11-02253-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 120977155]
935. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DKHIL, Brahim, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, BENČAN, Andreja. In-situ scanning transmission electron microscopy study of ferroelectric domain walls. V: Ceramics in Europe 2022, 10th-14th July, 2022, Kraków, Poland : abstract book. Str. 354. ISBN 978-83-942760-9-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 115510019]
936. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Influence of sample tilt on measurement of atomic column position. V: KRZYŽÁNEK, Vladislav (ur.). 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy,16MCM, 04-09, September 2022, Brno Czech Republic : book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Brno: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2022. Str. 498. ISBN 978-80-11-02253-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 120983299]
937. ŠARIĆ, Ankica, VRANKIĆ, Martina, LÜTZENKIRCHEN-HECHT, Dirk, DESPOTOVIĆ, Ines, PETROVIĆ, Željka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ECKELT, Franz. Insight into the growth mechanism and photocatalytic behavior of tubular hierarchical ZnO structures : an integrated experimental and theoretical approach. Inorganic chemistry. 1 Feb. 2022, [vol.] 61, [no.] 6, str. 2962–2979, ilustr. ISSN 1520-510X., DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03905. [COBISS.SI-ID 98037251]
938. VU, Hue-Tong, ARČON, Iztok, OLIVEIRA DE SOUZA, Danilo, POLLASTRI, Simone, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VOLAVŠEK, Janez, MALI, Gregor, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Insight into the interdependence of Ni and Al in bifunctional Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts at the nanoscale. Nanoscale advances. 2022, vol. 4, iss. 10, str. 2321-2331, ilustr. ISSN 2516-0230., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1039/d2na00102k. [COBISS.SI-ID 107406339]
939. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, SMILJANIĆ, Milutin, LOGAR, Anja, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Investigating electrochemical degradation in nanocatalysts using identical location electron microscopy. V: IMRC2022 : XXX International Materials Research Congress, August 14-19, 2022, Cancún, México : abstracts e-book. Cancún: XXX International Materials Research Congress, 2022. Str. 1.,,%20Francisco&id_simp=8&t=0&pr=2, [COBISS.SI-ID 145146627]
940. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, SUHADOLNIK, Luka, LOGAR, Anja, BELE, Marjan, HRNJIĆ, Armin, MARINKO, Živa, KOVAČ, Janez, KOKALJ, Anton, GAŠPARIČ, Lea, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc, JOVANOVIČ, Primož. Iridium stabilizes ceramic titanium oxynitride support for oxygen evolution reaction. ACS catalysis. Nov. 28, 2022, vol. 12, iss. 24, str. 15135–15145, ilustr. ISSN 2155-5435., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c04160. [COBISS.SI-ID 135522051]
941. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, ROJAC, Tadej, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Lead-free ferroelectrics at atomic scale. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 12.-13. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2022. Str. 30. ISBN 978-961-94264-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 107778307]
942. KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KRNEL, Mitja, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, WENCKA, Magdalena, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, MEDEN, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANOIX, F., LEDIEU, Julian, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Magnetism of the Co-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni high-entropy alloy – a concentrated solid solution composed of five types of magnetic moments. V: SCTE 2022, 23rd International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transitin Elements, Bordeaux, June 14-17, 2022, Bordeaux, France. Str. 86. [COBISS.SI-ID 116583939]
943. LUZAR, Jože, PRIPUTEN, Pavol, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, WENCKA, Magdalena, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Magnetno mehke visokoentropijske zlitine ▫$AlCoFeNiCu_x$▫ (x = 0,6 - 3,0) z ničelno magnetostrikcijo. V: OSTERMAN, Natan (ur.), LENGAR, Igor (ur.). 12. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah : zbornik povzetkov : Terme Čatež, 11. november 2022. V Ljubljani: Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, 2022. Str. [51]. ISBN 978-961-6619-34-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 131369987]
944. KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, ZUPANČIČ, Špela, KAUFMAN, Rok, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, MARSEL, Aleš, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BELE, Marjan. Microstructure and electrical conductivity of electrospun titanium oxynitride carbon composite nanofibers. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. 24 Jun. 2022, vol. 12, no. 13, str. 1-17, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano12132177. [COBISS.SI-ID 114169091]
945. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, DKHIL, Brahim, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Monitoring bismuth ferrite domain walls behavior under electric field with atomic resolution by in situ scanning transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy and microanalysis. [Print ed.]. 2022, vol. 28, suppl. s1, str. 2272-2274, ilustr. ISSN 1431-9276. DOI: 10.1017/S143192762200873X. [COBISS.SI-ID 116795395]
946. KLUG JOVIČEVIĆ, Matic, TEGG, Levi, JOVIČEVIĆ KLUG, Patricia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ALMÁSY, László, LIM, Bryan, CAIRNEY, Julie M., PODGORNIK, Bojan. Multiscale modification of aluminum alloys with deep cryogenic treatment for advanced properties. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, vol. 21, str. 3062-3073. ISSN 2238-7854., DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.10.089. [COBISS.SI-ID 127673603]
947. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, JAMNIK, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, DELLA VENTURA, Giancarlo, REDHAMMER, Günther, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Nada, CASERMAN, Simon, GIERÉ, Reto. Nanoscale transformations of amphiboles within human alveolar epithelial cells. Scientific reports. 2022, vol. 12, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 2045-2322., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05802-x. [COBISS.SI-ID 96630275]
948. MAKOVEC, Darko, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, KOSI KRIŽAJ, Nina, LISJAK, Darja, GYERGYEK, Sašo. New polymorphs of compounds with a complex layered crystal structure stabilized at the nanoscale : interaction mechanisms and consequences for magnetic properties. V: 3d-ICOMAS Conference, 3-day International Conference on Materials Science, 26-28 October 2022, Verona, Italy : abstract book. [S. l.: s. n.], 2022. Str. 56. [COBISS.SI-ID 128017155]
949. LUKACS, Vlad Alexandru, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Phase coexistence and grain size effects on the functional properties of BaTiO[sub]3 ceramics. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. 2022, vol. 42, iss. 5, str. 2230-2247, ilustr. ISSN 0955-2219. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2021.12.024. [COBISS.SI-ID 89315075]
950. KURAJICA, Stanislav, IVKOVIĆ, I. K., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SHVALYA, Vasyl, DUPLANČIĆ, Marina, MATIJAŠIĆ, G., CVELBAR, Uroš, MUŽINA, Katarina. Phase composition, morphology, properties and improved catalytic activity of hydrothermally-derived manganese-doped ceria nanoparticles. Nanotechnology. 7 Jan. 2022, vol. 33, no. 13, str. 1-13. ISSN 1361-6528., DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac44ed. [COBISS.SI-ID 91469827]
951. ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, DROLC, Andreja, VIDMAR, Beti, ZDOVC, Blaž, MAKUC, Damjan, PAVC, Daša, VICENTE, Filipa A., DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SNOJ, Jaka, MAVRI, Janez, STARE, Jernej, LORBER, Kristijan, VIDOVIĆ, Kristijan, COTMAN, Magda, ADAMEK, Maksimiljan, KISOVEC, Matic, ŠKRJANC, Monika, KRAŠEVEC, Nada, MEDVED, Nataša, PEČAN, Peter, JERIČ, Petra, ŠKET, Primož, JERALA, Roman, PERIC, Tanja, KRAŠEVEC, Nada (urednik), JAGER RADIN, Nataša (urednik). Poletna raziskovalna šola : Kemijski inštitut : Ljubljana, 1. – 12. avgust 2022. Ljubljana: Kemijski inštitut, 2022. II, 35 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 120341251]
952. VRANKIĆ, Martina, ŠARIĆ, Ankica, NAKAGAWA, Takeshi, DING, Yang, DESPOTOVIĆ, Ines, KANIŽAJ, Lidija, ISHII, Hirofumi, HIRAOKA, Nozomu, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, LÜTZENKIRCHEN-HECHT, Dirk, PETER, Robert, PETRAVIĆ, Mladen. Pressure-induced and flaring photocatalytic diversity of ZnO particles hallmarked by finely tuned pathways. Journal of alloys and compounds. [Print ed.]. 15 Feb. 2022, vol. 894, [article no.] 162444, str. 1-14. ISSN 0925-8388., DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.162444. [COBISS.SI-ID 83762691]
953. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy of advanced functional materials at the atomic level. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2022 = 28th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : zbornik povzetkov = book of abstracts : 21.-23. september 2022, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2022. Str. 26. ISBN 978-961-95922-1-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 124440067]
954. KLUG JOVIČEVIĆ, Matic, VERBOVŠEK, Tim, JOVIČEVIĆ KLUG, Patricia, ŠETINA, Barbara, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODGORNIK, Bojan. Revealing the Pb whisker growth mechanism from Al-alloy surface and morphological dependency on material stress and growth environment. Materials. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 7, str. 1-23, ilustr. ISSN 1996-1944., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3390/ma15072574. [COBISS.SI-ID 103036419]
955. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Structural analysis of twinned metallic alloy nanoparticulate electrocatalysts. V: Postgraduate chemical sciences 2022 : international conference : PRECISE2022 : book of abstracts : May 31, 2022. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2022. Str. 17. [COBISS.SI-ID 112325379]
956. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Structural analysis of twinned metallic alloy nanoparticulate electrocatalysts. V: HACKER, Viktor (ur.), GOLLAS, Bernhard (ur.). 8th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe together with the 9th Kurt Schwabe Symposium : Graz University of Technology, 11-15 July 2022 : [book of abstracts]. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität, 2022. Str. 66, ilustr. ISBN 978-3-85125-907-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 117083139]
957. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, SMILJANIĆ, Milutin, LOGAR, Anja, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Studying electrochemical degradation in nanocatalysts with identical location STEM. V: KRZYŽÁNEK, Vladislav (ur.). 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy,16MCM, 04-09, September 2022, Brno Czech Republic : book of abstracts. 13th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, September 24-29, 2017, Rovinj, Croatia. Brno: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2022. Str. 503. ISBN 978-80-11-02253-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 145152771]
958. CHERNOLEVSKA, Yelyzaveta, MRAZ, Anže, VENTURINI, Rok, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, MERTELJ, Tomaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SVETIN, Damjan, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan. Superconductivity in epitaxial MBE-grown ▫$1T-TaS_2$▫ thin films. V: KIROVA, Natacha (ur.). International Research School and Workshop on Electronic Crystals, ECRYS 2022, August 8 - Avgust 20, 2022, Cargése, France. Orsay: University Paris-Saclay, 2022. Str. 38. [COBISS.SI-ID 119308547]
959. CHERNOLEVSKA, Yelyzaveta, MRAZ, Anže, VENTURINI, Rok, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, MERTELJ, Tomaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SVETIN, Damjan, VENGUST, Damjan, HO, Hsin-Chia, SPREITZER, Matjaž, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan. Superconductivity in giant poisson-effect strained ▫$1T-TaS_2$▫ thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. V: NQW : Nonequilibrium Quantum Workshop : book of abstracts : Ambrož, Krvavec, December 11-15, 2022. [S. l.: s. n., 2022]. Str. 37, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 134251011]
960. PERGAL, Marija V., DOJČINOVIĆ, Biljana, NIKODINOVIĆ-RUNIĆ, Jasmina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, OSTOJIĆ, Sanja, ANTIĆ, Bratislav. Synthesis, physicochemical, and antimicrobial characteristics of novel poly(urethane-siloxane) network/silver ferrite nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Science. 18 Apr. 2022, vol. 57, str. 7827–7848, ilustr. ISSN 0022-2461., DOI: 10.1007/s10853-022-07178-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 106137091]
961. ECKSTEIN, Udo, BENČAN, Andreja, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, et al. Temperature-dependent dielectric anomalies in powder aerosol deposited ferroelectric ceramic films. Journal of materiomics. 2022, vol. 8, iss. 6, str. 1239-1250. ISSN 2352-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmat.2022.05.001. [COBISS.SI-ID 107830019]
962. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Tracking degradation effects in catalyst nanoparticles with electron microscopy. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 4. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 12.-13. maj, Ankaran. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo, 2022. Str. 20, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-94264-2-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 108869379]
963. ĐUKIĆ, Tina, MORIAU, Leonard, PAVKO, Luka, KOSTELEC, Mitja, PROKOP, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, ŠALA, Martin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GATALO, Matija, HODNIK, Nejc. Understanding the crucial significance of the temperature and potential window on the stability of carbon supported Pt-alloy nanoparticles as oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts. ACS catalysis. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 1, str. 101–115, ilustr. ISSN 2155-5435., DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c04205. [COBISS.SI-ID 94150403]
964. STANKOVIĆ, Mia, POPOVA, Margarita, MAZAJ, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, VAN DE VELDE, Nigel Willy, OPRESNIK, Mojca, JAĆIMOVIĆ, Željko, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša. Utilisation of waste Cu-, Mn- and Fe-loaded zeolites generated after wastewater treatment as catalysts for air treatment. Frontiers in chemistry. [Online ed.]. 2022, vol. 10, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2296-2646., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.1039716. [COBISS.SI-ID 133462275]
965. BENČAN, Andreja, ROJAC, Tadej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Vpogled v naravo “prepovedanega” polarnega reda v nepolarnih paraelektričnih fazah feroelektričnih materialov. Novice IJS. [Tiskana izd.]. mar. 2022, št. 200, str. 14-16, ilustr. ISSN 1581-2707. [COBISS.SI-ID 101362435]
966. LUZAR, Jože, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DOLINŠEK, Janez, et al. Zero-magnetostriction magnetically soft high-entropy alloys in the ▫$AlCoFeNiCu_x$▫ (x = 0.6-3.0) system for supersilent applications. Advanced materials interfaces. 2022, vol. 9, no. 32, str. 2201535-1-2201535-13. ISSN 2196-7350. DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201535. [COBISS.SI-ID 123917315]


967. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. 4D STEM of ▫$Pb(Mg_{1/3}, Nb_{2/3})O_3–PbTiO_3$▫ thick films on stainless-steel substrate : questions in need of answers : dSTEM3 - European School on 4D STEM Imaging, Piran, May 14-18, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 152561923]
968. KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, VRTNIK, Stanislav, PRIPUTEN, Pavol, DRIENOVSKÝ, Marián, JELEN, Andreja, WENCKA, Magdalena, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DOLINŠEK, Janez. ▫$AlCoFeNiCu_x$▫ (x = 0.63.0) high-entropy alloys ecombining soft magnetism with zero-magnetostriction. V: 13th joint European Magnetic Symposium, 27th August to 1st September, 2023, Madrid : book of abstracts. [S. l.]: The European Magnetism Association, 2023. Str. 70. [COBISS.SI-ID 162776067]
969. BENČAN, Andreja, OTONIČAR, Mojca, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, CONDURACHE, Oana, KOBLAR, Maja, ŠTURM, Sašo, ČEH, Miran, KOMELJ, Matej, SEMSARI PARPARI, Sorour, SRŠAN, Vinko, KOKALJ, Anton, DLOUHY, Matjaž, POBERŽNIK, Matic, GAŠPARIČ, Lea, DŽEROSKI, Sašo, STEVANOSKA, Sintija, STOIMCHEV, Marjan, KOCEV, Dragi, PANOV, Panče, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, BADAR ABBASI, Rabail, REMS, Ervin, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, HRNJIĆ, Armin, BIJELIĆ, Lazar. Annual progress project report : 4D STEM of energy related materials down to quantum level ‐ J7‐4637 (D 3.1.1.) : period : 1. 10. 2022 – 1.10. 2023. [Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2023]. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (17 str.)), ilustr. IJS delovno poročilo, 14518. [COBISS.SI-ID 177108995]
970. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ROJAC, Tadej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DKHIL, Brahim, BRADEŠKO, Andraž, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan, BENČAN, Andreja. Atomic-level response of the domain walls in bismuth ferrite in a subcoercive-field regime. Nano letters. Jan. 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, str. 750-756, ilustr. ISSN 1530-6992. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02857. [COBISS.SI-ID 133050115]
971. CONDURACHE, Oana. Atomically resolved transmission electron microscopy and in-situ voltage driven dynamic response of domain walls in lead-free ferroelectrics : doctoral dissertation = Presevna elektronska mikroskopija domenskih sten na atomski ravni in njihov in situ dinamični odziv na električno polje v feroelektrikih brez svinca : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [O.-A. Condurache], 2023. XIX, 106 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 165021443]
972. KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VRTNIK, Stanislav, LUZAR, Jože, WENCKA, Magdalena, MEDEN, Anton, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Bulk magnetic studies of a single-crystalline nanocomposite ▫$Al_{28}Co_{20}Cr_{11}Fe_{15}Ni_{26}HE$▫. V: FEMS EUROMAT23 : materials science and technology in Europe : 3-7 September 2023, Frankfurt am Main & online. [S. l.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde. 2023, str. 395. [COBISS.SI-ID 164506371]
973. SELMANI, Atiđa, SIBOULET, Bertrand, ŠPADINA, Mario, FOUCAUD, Yann, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RADATOVIĆ, Borna, KORADE, Karla, NEMET, Ivan, KOVAČEVIĆ, Davor, DUFRÊCHE, Jean-François, BOHINC, Klemen. Cation adsorption in ▫$TiO_2$▫ nanotubes : implication for water decontamination. ACS applied nano materials. Jul. 11, 2023, vol. 6, iss. 14, str. 12711-12725, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0970., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.3c00916. [COBISS.SI-ID 159591171]
974. KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VRTNIK, Stanislav, LUZAR, Jože, WENCKA, Magdalena, MEDEN, Anton, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Complex magnetism of single-crystalline AlCoCrFeNi nanostructured high-entropy alloy. iScience. [Online ed.]. 16 Jun. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 6, [article no.] 106894, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 2589-0042., DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106894. [COBISS.SI-ID 153712387]
975. GEAIRON, Anya, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Creating 4D STEM dataset from simulated images : AdSTEM3 - European School on 4D STEM Imaging, Piran, May 14-18, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 153377539]
976. GEAIRON, Anya, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Creating 4D STEM dataset from simulated images : internship report. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, Odsek za nanostrukturne materiale, 2023. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (28 str.)), ilustr. IJS delovno poročilo, 14421, zaupno. [COBISS.SI-ID 157347331]
977. JELEN, Andreja, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, FEUERBACHER, Michael, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Decoding the microstructure and magnetic properties of a two-phase single-crystalline FeCoCrMnAl high-entropy alloy : AdSTEM3 - European School on 4D STEM Imaging, Piran, May 14-18, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 154553603]
978. OVEISI, Emad, BENČAN, Andreja, HASHEMIZADEH, Sina, ROJAC, Tadej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DAMJANOVIĆ, Dragan. Direct visualization of symmetry breaking in bulk ceramics. V: IMC20 : the 20th International Microscopy Congress : "Scientific innovation and convergergence through microscopy platform" : abstract book : 10-15 September 2023, Bexco, Busan, Republic of Korea. Str. 379. [COBISS.SI-ID 174652163]
979. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CONDURACHE, Oana, BENČAN, Andreja. Domain walls properties of lead-free ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ ferroelectrics under static and dynamic conditions. V: SCANDEM 2023 : book of abstracts : June 12-15, Uppsala, Sweden. [S. l.: s. n., 2023]. Str. 72-73. [COBISS.SI-ID 156351235]
980. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, CONDURACHE, Oana, BENČAN, Andreja. Dynamic properties of domain walls in ▫$BiFO_3$▫ and ▫$K,NaNbO_3$▫ lead-free ferroelectrics. V: IMC20 : the 20th International Microscopy Congress : "Scientific innovation and convergergence through microscopy platform" : abstract book : 10-15 September 2023, Bexco, Busan, Republic of Korea. Str. 374. [COBISS.SI-ID 174648067]
981. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, ŠADL, Matej, DRNOVŠEK, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Effect of heat-treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of thick films prepared by aerosol deposition. V: CrossNano 2023 : Crossborder Workshop in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology : 21-23 February 2023, Trieste and online. [Trst: s. n., 2023]. Str. 37. [COBISS.SI-ID 143217923]
982. ALI, Aya, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HASSANIEN, Abdou, et al. Engineering of molybdenum sulfide nanobunches on MWCNTs : modulation of active sites and electronic conductivity via controllable solvothermal deposition. ACS applied nano materials. Mar. 2023, vol. 6, iss. 5, str. 3627-3636, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0970., DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c05311. [COBISS.SI-ID 142045699]
983. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, ŽUNTAR, Jan, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DANEU, Nina. Exaggerated grain growth and the development of coarse-grained microstructures in lithium lanthanum titanate perovskite ceramics. Journal of the European ceramic society. [Print ed.]. Mar. 2023, vol. 43, iss. 3, str. 1017-1027, ilustr. ISSN 0955-2219. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2022.11.004. [COBISS.SI-ID 128039939]
984. SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MIHELČIČ, Mohor. Extensive ex-situ infrared and Raman studies of low-temperature electrochromic vanadium oxide films in different states : D. Advanced sustainable materials for energy applications. V: E-MRS, European Materials Research Society, 2023 Spring Meeting : May 29 - June 2, Strasbourg, France. Strasbourg: EMRS. 2023, str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 164639235]
985. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, HRNJIĆ, Armin, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, BIJELIĆ, Lazar, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Identical location STEM for the study of degradation and stability in catalyticnanoparticles. V: IMC20 : the 20th International Microscopy Congress : "Scientific innovation and convergergence through microscopy platform" : abstract book : 10-15 September 2023, Bexco, Busan, Republic of Korea. Str. 644. [COBISS.SI-ID 174678787]
986. MARIĆ, Ivan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RADIN, Edi, PETER, Robert, ŠKRABIĆ, Marko, JURKIN, Tanja, PUSTAK, Anđela, BARAN, Nikola, MIKAC, Lara, IVANDA, Mile, PETRAVIĆ, Mladen, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Impact of platinum loading and dispersion on the catalytic activity of ▫$Pt/SnO_2$▫ and ▫$Pt/\alpha-Fe_2O_3$▫. Applied Surface Science. [Print ed.]. 1 Jan. 2023, vol. 607, str. 1-16. ISSN 0169-4332., DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155073. [COBISS.SI-ID 124941571]
987. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, ŠADL, Matej, DRNOVŠEK, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Impact of thermal treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aerosol-deposited ▫$Pb(Mg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3−PbTiO_3$▫ thick films. V: Beyond imperfections : new structure-property relationships in ceramics and glasses : 788. WE-Heraeus-Seminar : 22 - 24 May 2023, Bad Honnef. [S. l.: Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 2023]. Str. [70]. [COBISS.SI-ID 153441027]
988. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, GATALO, Matija, NAZRULLA, Mohammed Azeezulla, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. An in situ heating STEM study of Cu related catalysts. V: MC 2023 Darmstadt Microscopy Conference : 26 February-2 March 2023, Darmstadt, Germany : proceedings. Jena: Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing, 2023. Str. 693. ISBN 978-3-948023-29-4., [COBISS.SI-ID 150120963]
989. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, ŠADL, Matej, DRNOVŠEK, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Influence of thermal treatment on the cross-sectional properties of aerosol-deposited ▫$Pb(Mg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3−PbTiO_3$▫ thick films. Crystals. Mar. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 3, [article no.] 536, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 2073-4352., DOI: 10.3390/cryst13030536. [COBISS.SI-ID 146071811]
990. ARČON, Iztok, VU, Hue-Tong, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VOLAVŠEK, Janez, MALI, Gregor, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Insight into the interdependence of Ni and Al in bifunctional Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts by Ni K-edge XAS analysis. V: ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša (ur.), RAKIĆ, Vesna (ur.), BRONIĆ, Josip (ur.). FEZA 2023 : 9th Conference of the Federation of the European Zeolite Associations, portorž-Portorose Slovenija, 2-6 July 2023 : book of abstracts. [S. l.: Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian Zeolite Associations], 2023. 1 str., Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG. [COBISS.SI-ID 164972291]
991. SMILJANIĆ, Milutin, BELE, Marjan, VÉLEZ, John Fredy, MENART, Svit, HRNJIĆ, Armin, PANIĆ, Stefan R., PAVKO, Luka, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, JOVANOVSKI, Vasko, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, MORIAU, Leonard, LOGAR, Anja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, HODNIK, Nejc. Interakcije između metala i nosača - put ka naprednim elektrokataličkim kompozitima za vodoničnu energiju : prispevek na dogodku Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u procesu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100-godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O’M. Bokrisa, 5. jun 2023, Beograd, Srbija. [COBISS.SI-ID 156340227]
992. PÓSA, László, HORNUNG, Péter, TÖRÖK, Tímea Nóra, SCHMID, Sebastian Werner, ARJMANDABASI, Sadaf, MOLNÁR, György, BAJI, Zsófia, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HALBRITTER, András, VOLK, János. Interplay of thermal and electronic effects in the mott transition of nanosized ▫$VO_2$▫ phase change memory devices. ACS applied nano materials. Jun. 9, 2023, vol. 6, iss. 11, str. 9137-9147, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0970., DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.3c00150. [COBISS.SI-ID 160473603]
993. PETROVIĆ, Julia, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, MIHOR, Peter, HU, Qiang, WENCKA, Magdalena, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, MEDEN, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GUO, Sheng, DOLINŠEK, Janez. The Kondo effect in ▫$Ce_xLaLuScY (\it {x} = 0.051.0)$▫ high-entropy alloys. Materials. 2023, vol. 16, iss. 24, [article no.] 7575, str. 1-25. ISSN 1996-1944., DOI: 10.3390/ma16247575. [COBISS.SI-ID 176830467]
994. MARIĆ, Ivan, GOTIĆ, Marijan, PUSTAK, Anđela, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRENÈCHE, Jean-Marc, JURKIN, Tanja. Magnetic δ-FeOOH/Au nanostructures synthesized using γ-irradiation method and their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. Applied surface science. [Online ed.]. Jun. 2023, vol. 611, [article no.] 155653, pt a, str. 1-19, ilustr. ISSN 1873-5584., DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155653. [COBISS.SI-ID 149554947]
995. KOŽELJ, Primož, JELEN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VRTNIK, Stanislav, LUZAR, Jože, WENCKA, Magdalena, MEDEN, Anton, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Magnetism in a nanostructured single-crystalline ▫$Al_{28}Co_{20}Cr_{11)}Fe_{15}Ni_{26}$▫ high-entropy alloy. V: European C-MetAC Days 2023, 27th-30th November, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia : program. [S. l.: s. n., 2023]. Str. 60. [COBISS.SI-ID 176607747]
996. KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, KRNEL, Mitja, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, PRIPUTEN, Pavol, DRIENOVSKÝ, Marián, WENCKA, Magdalena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DANOIX, F., LEDIEU, Julian, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, FEUERBACHER, Michael, DOLINŠEK, Janez. Magnetism in CoFeNi-based high-entropy alloys: from basic scientific questions to applications. V: ICQ15, The 15th International Conference on Quasicrystals, Tel Aviv University, 18-23 June, 2023 : program booklet. Str. 15-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 162759427]
997. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, BAH, Micka, LEVASSORT, Franck, DRNOVŠEK, Aljaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Mechanical probing of ferroelectric bulk materials using nanoscale techniques. V: XVIIIth ECerS conference : Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society : Lyon-France, 2/6 July 2023. Lyon: ECerS. 2023, 1 spletni vir. [COBISS.SI-ID 158605059]
998. ŠPARLEK, Klara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, ŠVARA FABJAN, Erika. Mesoporous Al2O3 materials with various pore sizes. V: PINTAR, Albin (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2023 = 29th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society : zbornik povzetkov = book of abstracts : 13.-15. september 2023, Portorož, Portorose, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2023. Str. 183. ISBN 978-961-95922-2-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 172317187]
999. ŠESTAN, Andreja. Microstructural analysis and evaluation OF W and W/W[sub]2C composites for fusion application : doctoral dissertation = Mikrostrukturna analiza in ocena kompozitov W IN W/W[sub]2C za uporabo v fuziji : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [A. Šestan Zavašnik], 2023. XXIII, 87 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 157538051]
1000. ĐURASOVIĆ, Izabela, ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PETER, Robert, KLENCSÁR, Zoltan, MARCIUŠ, Marijan, JURKIN, Tanja, IVANDA, Mile, STICHLEUTNER, Sándor, GOTIĆ, Marijan. Microwave-assisted synthesis of ▫$Pt/SnO_2$▫ for the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol. Nanomaterials. [Online ed.]. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 17, [article no.] 2481, str. 1-23, ilustr. ISSN 2079-4991., DOI: 10.3390/nano13172481. [COBISS.SI-ID 167635203]
1001. ŠULIGOJ, Andraž, TRENDAFILOVA, Ivalina, MAVER, Ksenija, PINTAR, Albin, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ABDELRAHEEM, Wael H. M., JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, ARČON, Iztok, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, DIONYSIOU, Dionysios D., NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Multicomponent Cu-Mn-Fe silica supported catalysts to stimulate photo-Fenton-like water treatment under sunlight. Journal of environmental chemical engineering. [Online ed.]. Oct. 2023, vol. 11, iss 5, [article no.] 110369, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2213-3437., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2023.110369. [COBISS.SI-ID 157430787]
1002. LUŽANIN, Olivera, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MOŠKON, Jože, DOMINKO, Robert, BITENC, Jan. Multivalent ion transport in organic electrodes : a microscopic study. V: Organic Battery Days : Donostia-San Sebastian, June 7th-8th 2023. [S. l.: Universidad del País Vasco, 2023. Str. 47. [COBISS.SI-ID 157780995]
1003. BELE, Marjan, KODERMAN PODBORŠEK, Gorazd, LOGAR, Anja, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, HRNJIĆ, Armin, MARINKO, Živa, KOVAČ, Janez, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc, SUHADOLNIK, Luka. “Nano Lab” advanced characterization platform for studying electrocatalytic iridium nanoparticles dispersed on ▫$TiO_xN_y$▫ supports prepared on ti transmission electron microscopy grids. ACS applied nano materials. Jun. 23, 2023, vol. 6, iss. 12, str. 10421–10430, ilustr. ISSN 2574-0970., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.3c01368. [COBISS.SI-ID 158882563]
1004. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, BELE, Marjan, ČEKADA, Miha, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, MASELJ, Nik, LOGAR, Anja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠALA, Martin, HODNIK, Nejc, KOVAČ, Janez, et al. Nanotubular ▫$TiO_xN_y$▫-supported Ir single atoms and clusters as thin-film electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution in acid media. Chemistry of materials. 2023, vol. 35, iss. 6, str. 2612–2623, ilustr. ISSN 1520-5002., DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00125. [COBISS.SI-ID 147589123]
1005. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, MEDEN, Anton, ARČON, Iztok, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, ŠALA, Martin, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GABERŠČEK, Miran, BELE, Marjan, HODNIK, Nejc. Periodic anti-phase boundaries and crystal superstructures in ▫$PtCu_3$▫ nanoparticles as fuel cell electrocatalysts. Materials today nano. Aug. 2023, vol. 23, [article no.] 100377, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2588-8420., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtnano.2023.100377. [COBISS.SI-ID 162423299]
1006. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, MEDEN, Anton, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Planar defects in supported ▫$PtCu_3$▫ nanoparticulate electrocatalysts. V: Postgraduate chemical sciences 2023 : international conference : PRECISE2023 : book of abstracts : June 2, 2023. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, 2023. Str. 2. [COBISS.SI-ID 156253187]
1007. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, MEDEN, Anton, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Platinum-copper nanoparticulate oxygen reduction electrocatalyst with anti-phase boundaries. V: MATSUS : The Materials for Sustainable Development Conference : MATSUS Fall 2023 : Torremolinos, Spain, 16th - 20th October, 2023. [S. l.: s. n.]: cop. 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 173185283]
1008. PETER, Anca, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, SILVI, Stefania, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard. Polylactic acid-based film modified with nano-ag-graphene-▫$TiO_2$▫ : new film versus recycled film. Advances in polymer technology. [Online ed.]. 2023, vol. 2023, article id 9937270, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 1098-2329., DOI: 10.1155/2023/9937270. [COBISS.SI-ID 176850691]
1009. REGIS DE MORAES, Victor, ŠADL, Matej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana. Preparation of lead magnesium niobate-based multicaloric composites using the aerosol deposition method. V: Conference and exibition of the European Ceramic Society : When ceramists meet in the city of lights : 18th ECERS, Lyon, France, 2-6 Jul. 2023 : program book. Lyon: ECERS, 2023. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 163726595]
1010. PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, KAMGANG NZEKOUE, Franks, HUANG, Xiaohui, SAGRATINI, Gianni, SILVI, Stefania. Storage of chicken breast meat in paper coated with different types of hydrophobic agents. Packaging technology & science. [Online ed.]. Feb. 2023, vol. 36, iss. 2, str. 97-110, ilustr. ISSN 1099-1522., DOI: 10.1002/pts.2694. [COBISS.SI-ID 129273347]
1011. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Structure and dynamics of ferroelectric domain walls down to the atomic level. V: XVIIIth ECerS conference : Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society : Lyon-France, 2/6 July 2023. Lyon: ECerS. 2023, 1 spletni vir. [COBISS.SI-ID 158598915]
1012. CHERNOLEVSKA, Yelyzaveta, MRAZ, Anže, VENTURINI, Rok, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, MERTELJ, Tomaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SVETIN, Damjan, VENGUST, Damjan, HO, Hsin-Chia, SPREITZER, Matjaž, MIHAILOVIĆ, Dragan. Superconductivity in the epitaxially grown ▫$1T-TaS_2$▫ : the effect of strain and substrate ion diffusion. V: NQW : Nonequilibrium Quantum Workshop : book of abstracts : December 10-14, 2023 Ambrož, Krvavec, Slovenia. [S. l.: s. n., 2023]. Str. 62. [COBISS.SI-ID 186155779]
1013. HODNIK, Nejc, MORIAU, Leonard, LOGAR, Anja, VODEB, Ožbej, HRNJIĆ, Armin, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, BELE, Marjan. Supporting iridium nanoparticles with TiON for oxygen evolution reaction. V: The 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry : [program] : bridging scientific disciplines to address the world's challenges : 3-8 September 2023, Lyon. Lausanne: International Society of Electrochemistry, cop. 2023. Str. [1]. [COBISS.SI-ID 167531523]
1014. BENKO, Iulia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PETER, Anca. The influence of heat treatment conditions on the water vapor barrier properties of polyvinyl alcohol-based films. Journal of Agroalimentary Process and Technologies. 2023, vol. 29, iss. 3, str. 191-202, ilustr. ISSN 2068-9551., [COBISS.SI-ID 186533891]
1015. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, HRNJIĆ, Armin, BELE, Marjan, PAVKO, Luka, HODNIK, Nejc, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Using dimensionality reduction to denoise and analyze 4D-STEM data of a Ru/TiON/C electrocatalyst : prispevek na AdSTEM 2023 - European School on 4D STEM imaging Piran, Slovenia, May 14 - May 18, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 156365827]
1016. BAJI, Zsófia, PÓSA, László, MOLNÁR, Györgyi, SZABÓ, Zoltán, VOLOM, Mátyás, SURCA, Angelja Kjara, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VOLK, János. ▫$VO_2$▫ layers with high resistive switching ratio by atomic layer deposition. Materials science in semiconductor processing. [Print ed.]. Aug. 2023, vol. 162, [article no. 107483], str. 1-9, ilustr. ISSN 1369-8001., DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2023.107483. [COBISS.SI-ID 156333827]
1017. CONDURACHE, Oana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Voltage-driven ferroelectric domain dynamics in ▫$(K,Na)NbO_3$▫ investigated by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Applied physics letters. [Spletna izd.]. 15 May 2023, vol. 122, iss. 20, [article no.] 202902, str. 202902-1-202902-7, ilustr. ISSN 1077-3118., DOI: 10.1063/5.0149949. [COBISS.SI-ID 152240643]
1018. ŽUMBAR, Tadej, ARČON, Iztok, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, AQUILANTI, Giuliana, ŽERJAV, Gregor, PINTAR, Albin, RISTIĆ, Alenka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VOLAVŠEK, Janez, MALI, Gregor, POPOVA, Margarita, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Winning combination of Cu and Fe oxide clusters with an alumina support for low-temperature catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2023, vol. 15, issue 23, str. 28747-28762. ISSN 1944-8244. DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c02705. [COBISS.SI-ID 156450051]


1019. BIJELIĆ, Lazar, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Advanced methodology for charge density mapping of supported nanoparticle electrocatalysts using 4D STEM. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. 29. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah : 2.-4. oktober 2024, Portorož, Slovenija : program in knjiga povzetkov = 29th International Conference on Materials and Technology : 2-4 October 2024, Portorož, Slovenia : program and book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2024. Str. 24. ISBN 978-961-94088-6-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 214020355]
1020. BENČAN, Andreja, OTONIČAR, Mojca, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, LACHHAB, Meryem, KOBLAR, Maja, ŠTURM, Sašo, ČEH, Miran, KOMELJ, Matej, SEMSARI PARPARI, Sorour, SRŠAN, Vinko, RAŽNJEVIĆ, Sergej, KOKALJ, Anton, DLOUHY, Matjaž, POBERŽNIK, Matic, GAŠPARIČ, Lea, DŽEROSKI, Sašo, STEVANOSKA, Sintija, STOIMCHEV, Marjan, KOCEV, Dragi, PANOV, Panče, TCHERNYCHOVA, Elena, BADAR ABBASI, Rabail, REMS, Ervin, KOPAČ LAUTAR, Anja, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, BIJELIĆ, Lazar. Annual progress project report : 4D STEM of energy related materials down to quantum level ‐ J7‐4637 (D 3.1.2.) : period : 1. 10. 2023 – 1.10. 2024. [Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2024]. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (22 str.)), ilustr. IJS delovno poročilo, 14924. [COBISS.SI-ID 218151171]
1021. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Atomic‐scale structure and defect dynamics in lead‐free perovskite ferroelectrics using STEM. V: IEEE UFFC-JS 2024 : September 22 - 26, 2024, Taipei, Taiwan. [S. l.: s. n. 2024, 1 spletni vir. [COBISS.SI-ID 210025219]
1022. PETER, Anca, POP, Lucica Maria, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MAGYARI, Klara, MURESAN-POP, Marieta, TODEA, Milica, BAIA, Lucian. Beeswax-poly(vinyl alcohol) composite films for bread packaging. Food chemistry. X. 30 Dec. 2024, vol. 24, [article no.] 102053, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2590-1575., DOI: 10.1016/j.fochx.2024.102053. [COBISS.SI-ID 220022787]
1023. REGIS DE MORAES, Victor, ŠADL, Matej, GORIČAN, Ivana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo, CERAR, Jan, TUŠEK, Jaka, TOMC, Urban, KITANOVSKI, Andrej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, et al. Characterization of multicaloric composites prepared via the aerosol deposition method. V: LIPOVŠEK, Benjamin (ur.), JANKOVEC, Marko (ur.). 59th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials & Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility: From Theory to Practice : conference 2024 : proceedings : October 2-October 4, Rimske Toplice, Slovenia. Ljubljana: MIDEM, Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2024. Str. 78-79. ISBN 978-961-95495-3-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 211132675]
1024. BIJELIĆ, Lazar, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Charge density mapping of supported nanoparticle electrocatalysts by 4D STEM. V: EMC 2024 : abstract book : [European Microscopy Congress 2024 : Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 - 30 August 2024]. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 1714. [COBISS.SI-ID 208195075]
1025. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, MEDEN, Anton, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Crystal structure of Pt-Cu nanoparticulate oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts. V: GRGUR, Branimir (ur.), PAŠTI, Igor A. (ur.), DEKANSKI, Aleksandar (ur.). Book of abstracts : 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe : RSE-SEE : Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024. Belgrade: Serbian Chemical Society, 2024. Str. 45. ISBN 978-86-7132-085-6., [COBISS.SI-ID 199371011]
1026. KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, LOGAR, Anja, BELE, Marjan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Defects and alloy ordering in Pt-Cu nanoparticulate electrocatalysts. V: EMC 2024 : abstract book : [European Microscopy Congress 2024 : Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 - 30 August 2024]. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 915-916. [COBISS.SI-ID 208189955]
1027. JOVIČEVIĆ KLUG, Patricia, KLUG JOVIČEVIĆ, Matic, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, et al. Designing advanced high-Cr ferrous alloys for next-generation energy applications through cryogenic processing. Applied Surface Science. [Print ed.]. Aug. 2024, vol. 665, art. no. 160290, 10 str., ilustr. ISSN 0169-4332. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160290. [COBISS.SI-ID 196083971]
1028. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DANEU, Nina. Effect of amorphous layer on HAADF-STEM image contras. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 209083395]
1029. OTONIČAR, Mojca, LACHHAB, Meryem, KOBLAR, Maja, SALMANOV, Samir, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Electron-microscopy study of pressure-dissolution process in perovskites. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 82. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 196138243]
1030. SUHADOLNIK, Luka, BELE, Marjan, SMILJANIĆ, Milutin, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, RAFAILOVIĆ, Lidija D., NEUMÜLLER, Daniela, ŠALA, Martin, LOGAR, Anja, HODNIK, Nejc, GABERŠČEK, Miran, KOVAČ, Janez, TRSTENJAK, Urška, MONTINI, Tiziano, MELCHIONNA, Michele, FORNASIERO, Paolo. Enhancing oxygen evolution functionality through anodization and nitridation of compositionally complex alloy. Materials today chemistry : Elektronski vir. Jan. 2024, vol. 35, [article no.] 101835, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2468-5194., DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2023.101835. [COBISS.SI-ID 177597699]
1031. UMEK, Polona, PREGELJ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITTENCOURT, Carla. Enhancing the thermal stability of ▫$TiO_2-B$▫ nanoribbons. V: Abstract booklet : NanoSpace 2[sup](nd) Joint Scientific Meeting & MC Meeting : BAU, Istanbul, Turkey, April 16-19, 2024. [S. l.: s. n., 2024]. Str. [51]. [COBISS.SI-ID 193703683]
1032. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, CONDURACHE, Oana, BENČAN, Andreja. Exploring polar ordering in lead-free ▫$K_{0.5}Na_{0.5}NbO_3$▫ ferroelectrics using in situ biasing and 4D STEM techniques. V: EMC 2024 : abstract book : [European Microscopy Congress 2024 : Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 - 30 August 2024]. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 2360-2361. [COBISS.SI-ID 208364803]
1033. DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, CONDURACHE, Oana, BENČAN, Andreja. Exploring polar ordering in lead-free K0.5Na0.5NbO3 ferroelectrics using in situ biasing and 4D STEM techniques. V: KIERCZAK, Jakub (ur.). European Microscopy Congress 2024 : abstract book : EMC 2024 : 25th August to Friday 30th August 2024 in Copenhagen. Copehagen: [s. n.], 2024. Str. 95-96. [COBISS.SI-ID 206337027]
1034. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Exploring structure in lead-free ferroelectrics at the atomic level. V: Electroceramics XIX Conference. [S. l.: s. n. 2024, 1 spletni vir. [COBISS.SI-ID 204830979]
1035. DOAN, Thanh Trung, FISHER, John Gerard, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KO, Jae-Hyeon, et al. Growth of ▫$KNbO_3$▫ single crystals by the flux method using ▫$KBO_2$▫ as a flux. Inorganics. Jun. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 6, [article no.] 151, str. 1-17, ilustr. ISSN 2304-6740., DOI: 10.3390/inorganics12060151. [COBISS.SI-ID 198008835]
1036. ŠOLTIĆ, Monika, KLENCSÁR, Zoltan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GOTIĆ, Marijan, IVANDA, Mile, BARAN, Nikola. Hydrogen gas sensing properties of mechanochemically dispersed platinum on ▫$\alpha-Fe_2O_3$▫ support. Sensors and actuators. A, Physical. [Online ed.]. 1 Oct. 2024, vol. 376, [article no.] 115539, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 1873-3069. DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2024.115539. [COBISS.SI-ID 199157507]
1037. RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, BIJELIĆ, Lazar, HRNJIĆ, Armin, PAVLIŠIČ, Andraž, ŠETKA, Milena, GATALO, Matija, BELE, Marjan, JOVANOVIČ, Primož, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. An identical location STEM approach for the study of degradation in electrocatalytic nanoparticles. V: 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit : December 1-6, 2024, Boston, Massachusetts. Warrendale: Materials Research Society. [COBISS.SI-ID 222228483]
1038. ZHAO, Changhao, BENČAN, Andreja, BOHNEN, Matthias, ZHUO, Fangping, MA, Xiaoyong, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MÜLLER, Ralf, LI, Shengtao, KORUZA, Jurij, RÖDEL, Jürgen. Impact of stress-induced precipitate variant selection on anisotropic electrical properties of piezoceramics. Nature communications. 2024, vol. 15, iss. 1, article no. 10327, str. 1-10. ISSN 2041-1723. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-54230-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 218615811]
1039. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOKALJ, Anton, POBERŽNIK, Matic, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. In situ STEM investigation of perovskite ferroelectrics : structural defect dynamics down to the atomic level. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 14. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 196134915]
1040. KAPUN, Gregor, JAKLIČ, Blaž, ŽUNTAR, Jan, BORŠTNAR, Petruša, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOMINKO, Robert. In situ TEM investigation of NMC/LLTO/LTO thin film solid state battery. V: RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Vuk (ur.). ELMINA 2024 : Third International Conference On Electron Microscopy Of Nanostructures : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia September 9th -13th, 2024 : program & book of abstracts. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2024. Str. 162-163. ISBN 978-86-6184-056-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 212883203]
1041. SERRA-PÉREZ, Estrella, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TAKASHIMA, Mai, OHTANI, Bunsho, KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, ŽERJAV, Gregor, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Influence of the surface structure of the ▫$TiO_2$▫ support on the properties of the ▫$Au/TiO_2$▫ photocatalyst for water treatment under visible light. Catalysis today. [Online ed.]. Jul. 2024, vol. 437, [article no.] 114764, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 1873-4308., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2024.114764. [COBISS.SI-ID 195646723]
1042. VU, Hue-Tong, LAVRIČ, Žan, KOSTYNIUK, Andrii, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GRILC, Miha, LIKOZAR, Blaž, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, DJINOVIĆ, Petar, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. Innovative microkinetic modelling-supported structure–activity analysis of Ni/ZSM-5 during vapor-phase hydrogenation of levulinic acid. Chemical engineering journal. [Online ed.]. 1 Sep. 2024, vol. 495, [article no.] 153456, str. [1-14], ilustr. ISSN 1873-3212., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.153456. [COBISS.SI-ID 202339587]
1043. ROSSETTI, Nicolò, UGOLOTTI, Aldo, COMETTO, Claudio, CELORRIO, Verónica, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DI VALENTIN, Cristiana, CALVILLO, Laura. Insights into the active nickel centers embedded in graphitic carbon nitride for the oxygen evolution reaction. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability. [Online ed.]. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 11, str. 6652-6662, ilustr. ISSN 2050-7496. [COBISS.SI-ID 188856323]
1044. LUŽANIN, Olivera, MOŠKON, Jože, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITENC, Jan, DOMINKO, Robert, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Insights into the limitations of organic polymers in Mg batteries : a combined microscopic and impedance approach. V: Abstract book : OBD 2024 : Organic battery days 2024 : June 19 - 21, 2024, Suwon, Republic of Korea. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 96, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 202447619]
projekt: Financial support of European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovative training program under Marie Sklodowska Curie actions Grant Agreement No. 860403 and Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (P2-0423 and N2-0279) is gratefully acknowledged.
1045. UMEK, Polona, PREGELJ, Matej, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITTENCOURT, Carla. Izboljšana temperaturna obstojnost nanopasov ▫$TiO_2-B$▫. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 97, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 211201795]
1046. KAPUN, Gregor, JAKLIČ, Blaž, ŽUNTAR, Jan, BORŠTNAR, Petruša, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOMINKO, Robert. Karakterizacija litij ionskih akumulatorjev s trdnim elektrolitom z uporabo in situ TEM tehnike. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 69. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 222298627]
1047. REGIS DE MORAES, Victor, ŠADL, Matej, GORIČAN, Ivana, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, TOMC, Urban, KITANOVSKI, Andrej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, et al. Lead magnesium niobate-based multicaloric thick-film composites. V: LOBATO, Alnilan Cristina Barros (ur.), et al. 16th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference, 29th – 31st May, Piran, Slovenia : Book of abstracts : Two decades of discovery: advancing science and solutions. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, 2024. Str. 75, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 200827651]
1048. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, BAH, Micka, LEVASSORT, Franck, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Local mechanical properties of BiFeO[sub]3 ceramics. V: Nanobrücken 2024 : A Nanomechanical testing conference and Bruker user meeting, March 19-21, 2024, Valpre-Lyon. [COBISS.SI-ID 190935043]
1049. VIGLIATURO, Ruggero, JAMNIK, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PODOBNIK, Marjetka, TUŠEK-ŽNIDARIČ, Magda, DELLA VENTURA, Giancarlo, REDHAMMER, Günther, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Nada, CASERMAN, Simon, GIERÉ, Reto. Localization and dimensional range of amphibole particles retrieved from human alveolar epithelial cells. Minerals. [Online ed.]. Jan. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 1, [article no.] 14010101, str. 1-18, ilustr. ISSN 2075-163X., DOI: 10.3390/min14010101. [COBISS.SI-ID 187028995]
1050. KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, VRTNIK, Stanislav, JELEN, Andreja, GAČNIK, Darja, MIHOR, Peter, KRNEL, Mitja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOLINŠEK, Janez, et al. Magnetically soft CoFeNi-based high-entropy alloys – Towards potential applications. V: 21ˢᵗ International Conference on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC XXI) : Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur December 14 - 17, 2024. Str. 57, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 220645891]
1051. DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Measuring the charge density distribution in single-atom-on-substrate catalysts : Are we already there?. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 35. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 222280451]
1052. LUŽANIN, Olivera, MOŠKON, Jože, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BITENC, Jan, DOMINKO, Robert, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Mechanistic insights into organic electrode performance in lithium and magnesium batteries. V: Electrochemistry of Batteries and Energy Storage Technologies – ElectROBatt 2024 Conference : October 31st to November 1st 2024, Bucharest, Romania : book of abstracts. Vol. 1. Râmnicu Vâlcea: National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies, 2024. Str. 29. Book of Abstracts (ElectRoBatt ... Conference). ISSN 3061-4295. [COBISS.SI-ID 216953603]
1053. JELEN, Andreja, KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Gregor, VRTNIK, Stanislav. Microstructure evolution in iron-based high-entropy alloys. V: The edge of new EM and microanalysis technology : EMAS 2024 : 14th Regional Workshop : 12 to 15 May 2024 at the Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic. Zürich: European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS), cop. 2024. Str. 217, fotograf. [COBISS.SI-ID 196197891]
1054. JELEN, Andreja, VRTNIK, Stanislav, KOŽELJ, Primož, LUZAR, Jože, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Gregor. Microstrucutre evolution in magnetic high-entropy alloys. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 68. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 222297091]
1055. RIBIĆ, Vesna, JORDAN, Vanja, DREV, Sandra, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. Mnemonic rutile–rutile interfaces triggering spontaneous dissociation of water. Advanced materials. [Online ed.]. Jan. 25, 2024, vol. 36, iss. 4, [article no.] 2308027, str. 1-16, ilustr. ISSN 1521-4095., DOI: 10.1002/adma.202308027. [COBISS.SI-ID 171295747]
1056. REGIS DE MORAES, Victor, ŠADL, Matej, BENČAN, Andreja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, GYERGYEK, Sašo, CERAR, Jan, TUŠEK, Jaka, TOMC, Urban, KITANOVSKI, Andrej, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, et al. Multicaloric composites prepared via the powder aerosol deposition method. V: OTONIČAR, Mojca (ur.), KUŠČER, Danjela (ur.), MALIČ, Barbara (ur.). FerroSchool 2024 : November 18th - 21st, 2024, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia : [book of abstracts]. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2024. Str. 41, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-264-312-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 222461955]
1057. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, BAH, Micka, LEVASSORT, Franck, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja. Nanomechanical characterization of BiFeO[sub]3 ferroelectric ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. [Online ed.]. 2024, vol. 44, iss. 12, 7 str. ISSN 1873-619X. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.05.011. [COBISS.SI-ID 195382275]
1058. LUZAR, Jože, JELEN, Andreja, NÁLEPKA, Juraj, SALARI, Saeid, KOŽELJ, Primož, VRTNIK, Stanislav, MIHOR, Peter, PETROVIĆ, Julia, WENCKA, Magdalena, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MEDEN, Anton, DOLINŠEK, Janez, et al. Nanostructure-induced functional combination of vanishing magnetostriction and magnetic softness in ferromagnetic ▫$(GaNi)_xCoCrFe (x = 0.4–1.6)$▫ high-entropy alloys. Materials & design. Nov. 2024, vol. 247, [article no.] 113396, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 1873-4197., DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113396. [COBISS.SI-ID 212648707]
1059. NADEEM, Irfan, FINŠGAR, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KALIN, Mitjan. Origin of superlubricity provided by graphene quantum dots in lubricated steel contacts. V: SLOTRIB 2024 : Posvetovanje o tribologiji, mazivih in zelenih tehnologijah : 10. junij 2024, Portorož. [Ljubljana]: Slovensko društvo za tribologijo, [2024]. Str. 1. [COBISS.SI-ID 202033923]
1060. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, BENČAN, Andreja, et al. Plastic deformation of ▫$BiFeO_3$▫ under a cube-corner indentation probe. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), et al. 29. mednarodna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah : 2.-4. oktober 2024, Portorož, Slovenija : program in knjiga povzetkov = 29th International Conference on Materials and Technology : 2-4 October 2024, Portorož, Slovenia : program and book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2024. Str. 96. ISBN 978-961-94088-6-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 210448899]
1061. BIJELIĆ, Lazar, KAMŠEK, Ana Rebeka, RUIZ-ZEPEDA, Francisco, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, HODNIK, Nejc. Probing the charge density distribution at nanocatalyst-support interfaces by 4D STEM. V: RADMILOVIĆ, Velimir (ur.), RADMILOVIĆ, Vuk (ur.). ELMINA 2024 : Third International Conference On Electron Microscopy Of Nanostructures : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia September 9th -13th, 2024 : program & book of abstracts. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2024. Str. 72-73. ISBN 978-86-6184-056-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 212878595]
1062. PETER, Anca, MIHALY COZMUTA, Leonard, NICULA, Camelia, MIHALY COZMUTA, Anca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, PEÑAS, Antonio, SILVI, Stefania. Recovery and characterization of nano-ag-graphene-▫$TiO_2$▫ : active compound from polylactic acid (PLA)-based film. Journal of polymers and the environment. 2024, vol. 32, iss. 1, str. 133–149, ilustr. ISSN 1572-8919., DOI: 10.1007/s10924-023-02995-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 160487427]
1063. NADEEM, Irfan, FINŠGAR, Matjaž, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, MALOK, Matjaž, MORINA, Ardian, KALIN, Mitjan. Robust and durable superlubricity enabled by carboxylated graphene quantum dots in lubricated steel contacts. Carbon. Jun. 2024, vol. 226, [article no.] 119226, str. 1-16, ilustr. ISSN 1873-3891., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119226. [COBISS.SI-ID 196343811]
1064. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Scanning transmission electron microscopy study of mechacanially deformed lead-free ferroelectrics : Solid State Studies in Ceramics, Gordon Research Conference, South Hadley (Mass.), August 4 - 9, 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 204556547]
1065. BENČAN, Andreja, CONDURACHE, Oana, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran. Static and dynamic structural characteristics of defects in perovskite ferroelectrics through scanning transmission electron microscopy. V: ECAPD 2024 : European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics. [S. l.: s. n. 2024, 1 spletni vir. [COBISS.SI-ID 199777283]
1066. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, POBERŽNIK, Matic, KOKALJ, Anton, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. STEM study of spontaneous polarization direction and point defects in ▫$(K_{0.5}Na_{0.5})NbO_3$▫. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 104. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 196136451]
1067. ŽIBERNA, Katarina, KOBLAR, Maja, BAH, Micka, LEVASSORT, Franck, URŠIČ NEMEVŠEK, Hana, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. Structural and microstructural defects in mechanically deformed lead-free ferroelectrics. Microscopy and microanalysis, Microscopy & Analysis 2024 Meeting, July 28 - August 1, 2024, Cleveland, USA. [Online ed.]. Jul. 2024, vol. 30, iss. suppl. 1, str. 1135-1136, ilustr. ISSN 1435-8115., DOI: 10.1093/mam/ozae044.564. [COBISS.SI-ID 203802371]
1068. NADEEM, Irfan, AMBROŽIČ, Bojan, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KOVAČ, Janez, CAVALEIRO, Albano, KALIN, Mitjan. Super-low friction and wear in steel contacts enabled by tribo-induced structural degradation of graphene quantum dots. Materials & design. Aug. 2024, vol. 244, [article no.] 113111, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 0264-1275., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113111. [COBISS.SI-ID 200420867]
1069. PICEK, Igor, MATKOVIĆ ČALOGOVIĆ, Dubravka, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, KAPUN, Gregor, ŠKET, Primož, POPOVIĆ, Jasminka, FORETIĆ, Blaženka. Supramolecular solid complexes between bis-pyridinium-4-oxime and distinctive cyanoiron platforms. Molecules. 2024, vol. 29, iss. 8, [article no.] 1698, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 1420-3049., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3390/molecules29081698. [COBISS.SI-ID 193492995]
1070. MARIĆ, Ivan, ŠOLTIĆ, Monika, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VAN SPRONSEN, Matthijs A. (avtor, korespondenčni avtor), ŠTEFANIĆ, Goran, IVANDA, Mile, HELD, Georg, JURKIN, Tanja, BOHINC, Klemen, GOTIĆ, Marijan (avtor, korespondenčni avtor). Synthesis of Pt decorated manganese oxide (▫${\rm MnO}_2/{\rm Mn}_5{\rm O}_8$▫) nanorods and their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol. Applied surface science. [Online ed.]. Mar. 2024, vol. 649, [article no.] 159091, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 1873-5584., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.159091. [COBISS.SI-ID 180932611]
1071. ROZMAN, Nejc, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, TOBALDI, David Maria, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, NADRAH, Peter. Tailoring the crystalline and amorphous phase ratios of TiO2 through the use of organic additives during hydrothermal synthesis. Ceramics International. [Online ed.]. Oct. 2024, issue 19, part b, str. 37033-37040, ilustr. ISSN 1873-3956., DiRROS - Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.07.092. [COBISS.SI-ID 202832387]
1072. KOBLAR, Maja, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, SALMANOV, Samir, OTONIČAR, Mojca, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, BENČAN, Andreja. TEM sample preparation of perovskite ferroelectrics using a combination of ion-beam-milling techniques. V: BELEC, Blaž (ur.), et al. 5. slovensko posvetovanje mikroskopistov : knjiga povzetkov : 16.-17. maj 2024, Rogla. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mikroskopijo: = Slovene Society for Microscopy, 2024. Str. 70. ISBN 978-961-94264-3-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 196138755]
1073. BORŠTNAR, Petruša, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, ŠALA, Martin, LIN, Che-an, LIN, Shih-kang, SPREITZER, Matjaž, DANEU, Nina. Transient ruddlesden–popper-type defects and their influence on grain growth and properties of lithium lanthanum titanate solid electrolyte. ACS nano. 2024, vol. 18, iss. 16, str. 10850 - 10862, ilustr. ISSN 1936-086X., DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c00706. [COBISS.SI-ID 192637443]
1074. LUŽANIN, Olivera, MOŠKON, Jože, BITENC, Jan, KAPUN, Gregor, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, DOMINKO, Robert, GABERŠČEK, Miran. Understanding the low capacity utilization of organic cathode materials in Mg batteries. V: MagBatt V : The Conference for Multivalent Batteries : The 5th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries (MagBatt V), 18 - 20 Sep., [2024], Ulm, Germany : book of abstracts. Ulm: [s. n.], 2024. Str. 29. [COBISS.SI-ID 211215363]
1075. LACHHAB, Meryem, KOBLAR, Maja, SALMANOV, Samir, ŽIBERNA, Katarina, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VALLET, Maxime, DKHIL, Brahim, OTONIČAR, Mojca. Unraveling crystal lattice of cold sintered lead-free perovskite. V: OTONIČAR, Mojca (ur.), KUŠČER, Danjela (ur.), MALIČ, Barbara (ur.). FerroSchool 2024 : November 18th - 21st, 2024, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia : [book of abstracts]. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2024. 1 usb-ključ (1 pdf datoteka (str. 30)). ISBN 978-961-264-312-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 217172227]
1076. ARČON, Iztok, VU, Hue-Tong, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, VOLAVŠEK, Janez, MALI, Gregor, ZABUKOVEC LOGAR, Nataša, NOVAK TUŠAR, Nataša. XAS analysis of bifunctional Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts. V: European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry 2024, EXRS 2024 : 24-28 June 2024, Athens, Greece : book of abstracts. [Agia Paraskevi]: Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, National Centre For Scientific Research "Demokritos", 2024. Str. 35., Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG. [COBISS.SI-ID 200920067]
1077. RIBIĆ, Vesna, DREV, Sandra, KOVAČ, Janez, DRAŽIĆ, Goran, REČNIK, Aleksander. XPS, TEM and DFT characterization of mnemonic TiO2 rutile–rutile interfaces triggering spontaneous dissociation of water. V: ECASIA 24 : abstract book for European Conference on Applications of Surafce and Interface Analysis, 9-14 June 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. European Conference on Applications of Surafce and Interface Analysis, 9-14 June 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 249. [COBISS.SI-ID 208361987]


1078. Nanomaterials. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (član uredniškega odbora 2019-). [Online ed.]. Basel: MDPI AG, 2011-. ISSN 2079-4991. [COBISS.SI-ID 523286297]
1079. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. DRAŽIĆ, Goran (član uredniškega odbora 2016-). Rijeka: Intech, 2011-. ISSN 1847-9804. [COBISS.SI-ID 10746964]