COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS

Damjan Fujs

Personal bibliography for the period 2020-2024


1.01 Original scientific article

1. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, ŽVANUT, Boštjan, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Improving the efficiency of remote conference tool use for distance learning in higher education : a kano based approach. Computers & Education : an international journal. [Print ed.]. May 2022, vol. 181, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 0360-1315., DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104448. [COBISS.SI-ID 94955267], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 9. 7. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 13, without self-citations (CI): 13, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 3.25, Scopus up to 19. 7. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 14, without self-citations (CI): 14, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 3.50]
2. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Balancing software and training requirements for information security. Computers & security. [Print ed.]. Nov. 2023, vol. 134, [article no. 103467], str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 0167-4048., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2023.103467. [COBISS.SI-ID 163668739], [JCR, SNIP, WoS, Scopus]
3. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Know your enemy : user segmentation based on human aspects of information security. IEEE access. 2021, vol. 9, str. 157306-157315, ilustr. ISSN 2169-3536., DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130013. [COBISS.SI-ID 86508803], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 7. 4. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 4, without self-citations (CI): 3, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 1.00, Scopus up to 1. 7. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 7, without self-citations (CI): 6, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 2.00]
4. MIHELIČ, Anže, VRHOVEC, Simon, BERNIK, Igor, DOMEJ, Andrej, FUJS, Damjan, HOVELJA, Tomaž, KERZNAR OSOLNIK, Sanja, PUCER, Patrik, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan, ŽVANUT, Boštjan, PRISLAN MIHELIČ, Kaja. Use of smart devices by the elderly : nursing home residents in Slovenia. Journal of wireless mobile networks, ubiquitous computing and dependable applications : JOWUA. Sep. 2022, vol. 13, no. 3, str. 68-80, ilustr. ISSN 2093-5374. DOI: 10.22667/JOWUA.2022.09.30.068. [COBISS.SI-ID 126033667], [SNIP, Scopus up to 4. 7. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 0, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.00]
5. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Towards personalized user training for secure use of information systems. The international Arab journal of information technology. 2022, vol. 19, no. 3, str. 307-313, ilustr. ISSN 2309-4524. [COBISS.SI-ID 107426563], [JCR, SNIP]
6. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Bibliometric mapping of research on user training for secure use of information systems. Journal of universal computer science. 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, str. 764-782, ilustr. ISSN 0948-695X. [COBISS.SI-ID 27639043], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 14. 12. 2023: no. of citations (TC): 6, without self-citations (CI): 3, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 1.00, Scopus up to 17. 1. 2024: no. of citations (TC): 7, without self-citations (CI): 4, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 1.33]
7. VRHOVEC, Simon, FUJS, Damjan, JELOVČAN, Luka, MIHELIČ, Anže. Evaluating case study and action research reports : real-world research in cybersecurity. Journal of universal computer science. 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, str. 827-853, ilustr. ISSN 0948-695X. [COBISS.SI-ID 27659779], [JCR, SNIP, WoS up to 22. 2. 2022: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 0, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.00]
8. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon. Use of social networking services among Slovenes around the world. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, [št.] 52, str. 61-79, tabele. ISSN 0353-6777., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.3986/dd.2020.2.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 24524547], [SNIP, Scopus up to 16. 3. 2021: no. of citations (TC): 1, without self-citations (CI): 0, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.00]
9. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Inovativni model za obvladovanje informacijskovarnostnih groženj pri uporabi informacijskih sistemov. Elektrotehniški vestnik. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 87, št. 3, str. 109-116, ilustr. ISSN 0013-5852., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 21262083], [SNIP, WoS up to 17. 10. 2022: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 2, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.67]
10. VRHOVEC, Simon, FUJS, Damjan. Are perceptions about government and social media providers related to protection motivation online?. International journal of cyber behavior, psychology, and learning : (IJCBPL). 2023, vol. 13, iss. 1, article no. 85, str. 1-19, ilustr. ISSN 2155-7144., DOI: 10.4018/IJCBPL.324085. [COBISS.SI-ID 155220483], [SNIP, Scopus]
11. FUJS, Damjan, BERNIK, Igor. Characterization of selected security-related standards in the field of security requirements engineering. Elektrotehniški vestnik. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. 2022, letn. 89, št. 3, str. 73-80, ilustr. ISSN 0013-5852., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 116719363], [SNIP]

1.02 Review article

12. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, MIHELIČ, Anže. Vloga čustvenčkov in čustvenih simbolov pri socialnem inženiringu = The role of emojis and emoticons in social engineering. Psihološka obzorja : slovenska znanstveno-strokovna psihološka revija. [Spletna izd.]. 2020, letn. 29, str. 134-142, ilustr. ISSN 2350-5141., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije -, DOI: 10.20419/2020.29.521. [COBISS.SI-ID 25249539], [SNIP, Scopus up to 7. 11. 2021: no. of citations (TC): 1, without self-citations (CI): 1, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.33]
13. FUJS, Damjan, BERNIK, Igor. Analyzing cybersecurity strategies of the European Union : challenges and opportunities for public administration. Elektrotehniški vestnik. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. 2024, letn. 91, št. 1/2, str. 8-20, ilustr. ISSN 0013-5852. [COBISS.SI-ID 191003139], [SNIP]

1.03 Other scientific articles

14. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Kategorizacija uporabnikov na podlagi njihovega z informacijsko varnostjo povezanega znanja, stališč in vedenja : pilotna študija. Uporabna informatika. [Tiskana izd.]. 2021, letn. 29, št. 3, str. 163-169, ilustr. ISSN 1318-1882., Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 81005315]

1.04 Professional article

15. VRHOVEC, Simon, BERNIK, Igor, FUJS, Damjan, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Cybersecurity competence of older adult users of mobile devices. 4 Mar. 2024, 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka pdf (3 str.)), tabele. ISSN 2331-8422. [COBISS.SI-ID 187824131]
16. JELOVČAN, Luka, VRHOVEC, Simon, FUJS, Damjan. Survey about protection motivation on social networking sites : University of Maribor students, 2018. 15 Apr. 2021, 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka pdf (8 str.)), tabele. ISSN 2331-8422. [COBISS.SI-ID 60177411]

1.08 Published scientific conference contribution

17. VRHOVEC, Simon, BERNIK, Igor, FUJS, Damjan, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Cybersecurity competence of older adult users of mobile devices. In: Proceedings of the 2024 European interdisciplinary cybersecurity conference : EICC 2024 : Xanthi, Greece. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2024. Str. 221-223. ISBN 979-8-4007-1651-5., DOI: 10.1145/3655693.3656551. [COBISS.SI-ID 197879043], [Scopus]
18. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. A novel approach for acquiring training and software security requirements. In: CAVIGLIONE, Luca (ed.), MILEVA, Aleksandra (ed.), WENDZEL, Steffen (ed.). EICC 2020 : proceedings of the European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference : Rennes, France, November, 2020. New York (NY): Association for Computing Machinery, cop. 2020. Str. 1-2, ilustr. ACM proceedings. ISBN 978-1-4503-7599-3. ISSN 2168-4081., DOI: 10.1145/3424954.3424964. [COBISS.SI-ID 47650819], [WoS up to 16. 10. 2022: no. of citations (TC): 2, without self-citations (CI): 1, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.33, Scopus]
19. JELOVČAN, Luka, FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon, MIHELIČ, Anže. The role of information sensitivity in adoption of E2EE communication software. In: CAVIGLIONE, Luca (ed.), MILEVA, Aleksandra (ed.), WENDZEL, Steffen (ed.). EICC 2020 : proceedings of the European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference : Rennes, France, November, 2020. New York (NY): Association for Computing Machinery, cop. 2020. Str. 1-2, ilustr. ACM proceedings. ISBN 978-1-4503-7599-3. ISSN 2168-4081., DOI: 10.1145/3424954.3424967. [COBISS.SI-ID 47660803], [WoS up to 1. 11. 2021: no. of citations (TC): 1, without self-citations (CI): 1, without self-citations per author (CIAu): 0.25, Scopus]

1.22 Interview

20. FUJS, Damjan (interviewee). Intervju! : z asistentom Damjanom Fujsom. Frik++. sep. 2023, št. 1, str. 9-11, fotogr. ISSN 3023-9206. [COBISS.SI-ID 186248707]


2.08 Doctoral dissertation

21. FUJS, Damjan. Tailoring security-related software and training requirements to users based on their categorization. Ljubljana: [D. Fujs], 2024. XXI, 163 str., ilustr. Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL. [COBISS.SI-ID 188845059]

2.13 Treatise, preliminary study, study

22. FUJS, Damjan (author, project manager), HOVELJA, Tomaž (research coworker), MAJETIČ, Miha (research coworker), HORVAT, Žan (research coworker), VUČINA, Tim (research coworker), ERŽEN, Tjaž (research coworker), GOMBOC, Janža (research coworker). Analiza izbranih vidikov onesnaženosti okolja zaradi prometnih obremenitev. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko: Zerodays, 2024. 38 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 197326083]
23. FUJS, Damjan (author, project manager), ROŽANC, Igor, MASTNAK, Enej, PIČMAN, Žan. Identifikacija in analiza izbranih vidikov pri kurikulih s področja programskega inženirstva. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2024. 93 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 184020739]
24. MASTNAK, Enej, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan, PIČMAN, Žan, FUJS, Damjan (author, project manager). S študijami primera podprto poučevanje študijskih predmetov s področja informatike. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2024. 48 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 184019715]
25. FUJS, Damjan. World Federation of Scientists scholarship 1. 4. 2023 - 31. 3. 2024 : research report for scholarship awarded to dr. Damjan Fujs. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2024. 39 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 197326851]
26. FUJS, Damjan (author, project manager), HOVELJA, Tomaž (research coworker), MAJETIČ, Miha (research coworker), HORVAT, Žan (research coworker), VUČINA, Tim (research coworker), MARINKO, Matej (research coworker), KOLŠEK, Gaj (research coworker), KOŠČAK, Domen (research coworker). Analiza izbranih vidikov podnebnih sprememb lokalnega okolja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko: Zerodays, 2023. 36 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 171384323]
27. AJDOVEC, Tjaš, PETROVA, Ana, SEKULOVIĆ, Una, VAVPOTIČ, Manca, FUJS, Damjan. Pregled stanja ERP na področju gradbene dejavnosti. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2023. 20 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 171419395]
28. FUJS, Damjan, HOVELJA, Tomaž, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Trendi pri zagotavljanju kibernetske varnosti. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, 2023. 17 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 171386115]
29. FUJS, Damjan (author, project manager), HOVELJA, Tomaž (research coworker), MAJETIČ, Miha (research coworker), HORVAT, Žan (research coworker), MARINKO, Miha (research coworker), DROBNIČ, Vid (research coworker), MARINKO, Matej (research coworker). Učinkovitost in dostopnost zelenega transporta : analiza različnih vidikov uporabe javnega železniškega prometa. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko: Zerodays, 2023. 25 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 171383555]

2.20 Complete scientific database of research data

30. FUJS, Damjan, VRHOVEC, Simon. Anketa o motivaciji za varovanje na spletnih socialnih omrežjih, 2019 : študenti Univerze v Mariboru. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov, 2022. 1 spletni vir., DOI: 10.17898/ADP_VARSO19_V1. [COBISS.SI-ID 103822083]
project: Finančna podpora: Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede
31. FUJS, Damjan, MIHELIČ, Anže, VRHOVEC, Simon. Anketa o motivaciji za varovanje na spletnih socialnih omrežjih, 2018 : skupine na spletnem socialnem omrežju Facebook. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov, 2021., DOI: 10.17898/ADP_VARFB18_V1. [COBISS.SI-ID 71082755]
project: Finančna podpora: Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede


3.15 Unpublished conference contribution

32. FUJS, Damjan, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Know your enemy : user segmentation based on human aspects of information security questionnaire (HAIS-Q) : seminar IV paper : lecture at PICACSA 2021, 12th Postgraduate International Conference on Advancements in Computer Science and Applications, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, 25th May 2021, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 155979267]
33. FUJS, Damjan, VAVPOTIČ, Damjan. Personalized user training for secure use of information systems : seminar II paper : lecture at PICACSA 2020, 11th Postgraduate International Conference on Advancements in Computer Science and Applications, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, 25th May 2020, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 155979011]



34. International journal on advances in security. FUJS, Damjan (member of editorial board 2024-). [S. l.]: IARIA, 2008-. ISSN 1942-2636. [COBISS.SI-ID 23319847]

Co-Mentor for Undergraduate Theses (1st cycle Bologna study programme)

35. AŠIČ, Sergej. Avtomatizacija prodajnega procesa s Petrijevimi mrežami : diplomsko delo : visokošolski strokovni študijski program prve stopnje Računalništvo in informatika. Ljubljana: [S. Ašič], 2023. 61 str., ilustr. Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL. [COBISS.SI-ID 166213891]


36. Applied soft computing. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2024). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001-. ISSN 1568-4946. [COBISS.SI-ID 16080679]
37. Computers & security. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2021-2023, 2024). [Print ed.]. New York: Elsevier, 1982-. ISSN 0167-4048. [COBISS.SI-ID 5878279]
38. Computers in human behavior. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2024). [Print ed.]. New York: Elsevier Science, 1985-. ISSN 0747-5632. [COBISS.SI-ID 14588182]
39. Heliyon. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2024). London: Elsevier, 2015-. ISSN 2405-8440.,, Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici - RUNG. [COBISS.SI-ID 21607432]
40. Interactive learning environments. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2023-2024). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Pub. Corp. ISSN 1049-4820. [COBISS.SI-ID 676373]
41. International journal of information security. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2024). [Print ed.]. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2001-. ISSN 1615-5262. [COBISS.SI-ID 512224793]
42. Journal of network and computer applications. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2024). London; New York: Academic Press, 1996-. ISSN 1084-8045. [COBISS.SI-ID 1554260]
43. Uporabna informatika. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2022-). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo Informatika, 1993-. ISSN 1318-1882.,, Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 36338688]
44. Information and software technology. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2022-2023). [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 1987-. ISSN 0950-5849. [COBISS.SI-ID 25611520]
45. Information sciences. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2022-2023). [Print ed.]. New York: North-Holland, 1968-. ISSN 0020-0255. [COBISS.SI-ID 25613056]
46. Information technology & people. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2021, 2023). West Linn, OR: Northwind Publications, Ltd. ISSN 0959-3845. [COBISS.SI-ID 16847877]
47. Journal of advanced research in applied sciences and engineering technology. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2023). Skudai: Penerbit Akademia Baru, 2015-. ISSN 2462-1943. [COBISS.SI-ID 178504195]
48. The Journal of Systems and Software. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2022-2023). [Print ed.]. New York: Elsevier North Holland, 1979-. ISSN 0164-1212. [COBISS.SI-ID 2622247]
49. Knowledge and information systems. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2023). London: Springer. ISSN 0219-3116. [COBISS.SI-ID 512481305]
50. IEEE security & privacy. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2021). New York, NY: IEEE Computer Society. ISSN 1558-4046.,,,,,, [COBISS.SI-ID 68888323]
51. Journal of wireless mobile networks, ubiquitous computing and dependable applications = : JOWUA. FUJS, Damjan (reviewer 2021). Seoul: JoWUA. ISSN 2093-5382. [COBISS.SI-ID 523898905]

Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690
Sorting of bibliographic units: Typology, journal impact factor, year ‒ descending, title

A source of bibliographic data: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 19. 7. 2024
Links between COBIB.SI and WoS records and number of citations updated on (daily): 19. 7. 2024
Links between COBIB.SI and Scopus records and number of citations updated on (daily): 19. 7. 2024
JCR database updated on (yearly): 6. 2. 2024
SNIP database updated on (yearly): 5. 10. 2023