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PhD Davorin Tome [10796]

Representative bibliographic units


1.01 Original scientific article

1. TOME, Davorin. Ali je populacija pribe Vanellus vanellus na Ljubljanskem barju pred zlomom? = Is the population of the Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus at Ljubljansko barje on the verge of a total collapse?. Acrocephalus : glasilo Društva za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. 1998, let. 19, št. 90/91, str. 130-133, ilustr. ISSN 0351-2851. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 5436209]
2. TOME, Davorin. Ornitogeografija jugozahodne Slovenije. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia naturalis. [Tiskana izd.]. 1998, let. 8, št. 13, str. 75-80, ilustr. ISSN 1408-533X. Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije - [COBISS.SI-ID 5395505]
3. TOME, Davorin. Activity of incubating female long-eared owls as measured by fluctuations in nest temperatures. The Journal of raptor research. 1998, let. 32, št. 2, str. 170-174. ISSN 0892-1016. [COBISS.SI-ID 7260889]
4. TOME, Davorin. Timing of territorial vocal activity of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in Slovenia. Ardeola : revista iberica de ornitologia. 1997, let. 44, št. 2, str. 227-228. ISSN 0570-7358. [COBISS.SI-ID 6952665]
5. TOME, Davorin. Breeding biology of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in central Slovenia. Folia Zoologica. 1997, let. 46, št. 1, str. 43-48. ISSN 0139-7893. [COBISS.SI-ID 7156185]
6. TOME, Davorin. Diet composition of the long-eared owl in central Slovenia : seasonal variation in prey use. The Journal of raptor research. 1994, let. 28, št. 4, str. 253-258. ISSN 0892-1016. [COBISS.SI-ID 7681753]

Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690
Sorting of bibliographic units: Typology, year - descending, title

A source of bibliographic data: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 24. 5. 2024