COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS

PhD Jelka Zabavnik Piano [08506]

Representative bibliographic units


1.01 Original scientific article

1. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka. Slikanje sproščanja Ca2+ ionov po stimulaciji receptorjev za tiroliberin v oocitih krastač s konfokalnim mikroskopom = Ca2+ imaging after the stimulation of thyrotrophin releasing hormone receptors in toad Xenopus laevis oocytes using confocal microscope. Veterinarske novice. [Tiskana izd.]. 1999, letn. 25, št. 7/8, str. 283-287. ISSN 0351-5842. [COBISS.SI-ID 639098]
2. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, URŠIČ, Matjaž. A simple method for isolation of DNA from various samples = Preprosta metoda za izolacijo DNK iz različnih vzorcev. Zbornik Veterinarske fakultete. [Slovenska izd.]. 1996, let. 33, št. 2, str. 185-189. ISSN 0353-8044. [COBISS.SI-ID 382074]
3. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka. Proučevanje razlik v primarni strukturi dopaminskega receptorja D2 pri različnih živalskih vrstah. Zbornik Veterinarske fakultete. [Slovenska izd.]. 1995, 32, št. 2, str. 245-256. ISSN 0353-8044. [COBISS.SI-ID 74568448]
4. KIM, Gun - Do, CARR, I. Craig, ANDERSON, Lorraine A., ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, EIDNE, Karin A., MILLIGAN, Graeme. The long isoform of the rat thyrotropin - releasing hormone receptor down - regulates Gq proteins. The Journal of biological chemistry. 1994, let. 269, št. 31, str. 19933-19940. ISSN 0021-9258. [COBISS.SI-ID 406650]
5. EIDNE, Karin A., ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, GORDON ALLAN, W. T., TREWAVAS, Anthony J., READ, Nick D., ANDERSON, Lorraine. Calcium waves and dynamics visualized by confocal microscopy in Xenopus oocytes expressing cloned TRH receptors. Journal of neuroendocrinology. 1994, let. 6, str. 173-178. ISSN 0953-8194. [COBISS.SI-ID 409210]
6. SELLAR, R. E., TAYLOR, P. L., LAMB, R. L., ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, EIDNE, Karin A. Functional expression and molecular characterization of the thyrotrophin - releasing hormone receptor from the rat anterior pituitary gland. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 1993, let. 10, str. 199-206. ISSN 0952-5041. [COBISS.SI-ID 408186]
7. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, WU, W. X., EIDNE, Karin A., MCNEILLY, A. S. Dopamine D2 receptor mRNA in the pituitary during the oestrous cycle, pregnancy and lactation in the rat. Molecular and cellular endocrinology. [Print ed.]. 1993, let. 95, str. 121-128. ISSN 0303-7207. [COBISS.SI-ID 406394]
8. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka, ARBUTHNOTT, G., EIDNE, Karin A. Distribution of thyrotrophin - releasing hormone receptor messenger RNA in rat pituitary and brain. Neuroscience. [Print ed.]. 1993, let. 53, str. 877-887. ISSN 0306-4522. [COBISS.SI-ID 408698]


2.02 Professional monograph

9. KALIŠNIK, Miroslav, ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka. Uvod v znanstvenoraziskovalno metodologijo na področju veterinarstva. Ljubljana: Veterinarska fakulteta, 1999. 93 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6199-18-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 97525504]

2.08 Doctoral dissertation

10. ZABAVNIK PIANO, Jelka. Molekularne lastnosti hipofiznih receptorjev za tiroliberin in dopamin = Molecular characterisation of pituitary receptors for thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine : doktorska disertacija : dissertation thesis. Ljubljana: [J. Zabavnik Piano], 1994. 263 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 388986]

Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690
Sorting of bibliographic units: Typology, year - descending, title

A source of bibliographic data: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 24. 5. 2024