COBISS Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi COBISS

dr. Barbara Čeh [18132]

Reprezentativne bibliografske enote


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

1. ČEH, Barbara, KAČ, Milica, KOŠIR, Iztok Jože, ABRAM, Veronika. Relationships between xanthohumol and polyphenol content in hop leaves and hop cones with regard to water supply and cultivar. International journal of molecular sciences. 2007, vol. 8, str. 989-1000. ISSN 1422-0067. [COBISS.SI-ID 580983]
2. TAJNŠEK, Anton, ŠANTAVEC, Igor, ČEH, Barbara. Using "the third approximation of the yield law" for the determination of maximum yield and nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat. Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde. october 2005, vol. 51, no. 5, str. 501-512, tabele, graf. prikazi. ISSN 0365-0340. [COBISS.SI-ID 4441977]
3. JANŽA, Robert, TAJNŠEK, Anton, ČEH, Barbara, ŠANTAVEC, Igor. Nitrogen uptake by maize and nitrogen balance in three-course crop rotation. Fragmenta Agronomica. 2005, vol. 22, nr. 1(85), str. [406]-418. ISSN 0860-4088. [COBISS.SI-ID 4366457]
4. ČEH, Barbara, TAJNŠEK, Anton. Distribution of nitrogen in wheat plant in its late growth stages with regard to organic fertilisation and mineral nitrogen rate. Plant, soil and environment. 2005, vol. 51, no. 12, str. 553-561. ISSN 1214-1178. [COBISS.SI-ID 4293753]
5. BAVEC, Franc, ČEH, Barbara, BREŽNIK, Mitja. Hop yield evaluation depending on experimental plot area under different nitrogen management. Rostlinná výroba. 2003, 49, no. 4, str. 163-167. ISSN 0370-663X. [COBISS.SI-ID 1953836]
6. ČEH, Barbara, ŠANTAVEC, Igor, TAJNŠEK, Anton. Management system and mineral nitrogen rate impact on the barley grain composition and its nutritional value for ruminants. Rostlinná výroba. 2002, ročník 48, 10, str. 463-470. ISSN 0370-663X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3477881]
7. TAJNŠEK, Anton, ŠANTAVEC, Igor, ČEH, Barbara. The influence of a production system and nitrogen fertilization rate on economical parameters of arable crops in a three-year crop rotation. Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde. 2001, vol. 47, str. 409-422, tabele, graf. prikazi. ISSN 0365-0340. [COBISS.SI-ID 3183481]
8. ČEH, Barbara, TAJNŠEK, Anton. Yield and malting characteristics of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depending on agrotechnical arrangements and mineral nitrogen rates. Rostlinná výroba. 2001, ročník 47, 7, str. 314-318. ISSN 0370-663X. [COBISS.SI-ID 3083641]

Izbrani format bibliografske enote: ISO 690
Razvrščanje bibliografskih enot: tipologija, leto - padajoče, naslov

Vir bibliografskih zapisov: vzajemna baza podatkov COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 19. 5. 2024