COBISS Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi COBISS

dr. Hojka Kraigher [07127]

Reprezentativne bibliografske enote


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

1. ŽELEZNIK, Peter, WESTERGREN, Marjana, BOŽIČ, Gregor, ELER, Klemen, BAJC, Marko, HELMISAARI, Heljä-Sisko, HORVATH, Aniko, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Root growth dynamics of three beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. Forest Ecology and Management. [Print ed.]. 1. Jan. 2019, vol. 431, str. 35-43, graf. prikazi, tabele. ISSN 0378-1127., DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.06.024. [COBISS.SI-ID 5146278]
2. MRAK, Tanja, ŠTRAUS, Ines, GREBENC, Tine, GRIČAR, Jožica, HOSHIKA, Yasutomo, CARRIERO, Giulia, PAOLETTI, Elena, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Different belowground responses to elevated ozone and soil water deficit in three European oak species (Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens and Q. robur). Science of the total environment. 15. Feb. 2019, vol. 651, part 1, str. 1310-1320, ilustr. ISSN 0048-9697.,,,, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.246. [COBISS.SI-ID 5189798], [Odprti dostop]
projekt: 315982 European Forest Research and Innovation [EUFORINNO]; financer: European Commission
projekt: LIFE ENV/SI/000148 LifeGenMon
projekt: P4-0107-2020 Gozdna biologija, ekologija in tehnologija; financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
3. WESTERGREN, Marjana, BOŽIČ, Gregor, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Genetic diversity of core vs. peripheral Norway spruce native populations at a local scale in Slovenia. IForest. 31. Jan. 2018, vol. 11, str. 104-110, ilustr. ISSN 1971-7458.,,,, DOI: 10.3832/ifor2444-011. [COBISS.SI-ID 4994982], [Odprti dostop]
projekt: V4-1438-2014 Zagotavljanje gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala za potrebe obnove gozdov ob naravnih ujmah večjega obsega ter ob pričakovanih spremembah pravnih zahtev; financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
projekt: V4-1614-2016 Obvladovanje tveganja pri gospodarjenju s smreko v gozdovih Slovenije; financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
4. ROBSON, T. Matthew, BENITO GARZÓN, Marta, BOŽIČ, Gregor, KRAIGHER, Hojka, et al. Phenotypic trait variation measured on European genetic trials of Fagus sylvatica L. Scientific data. 31. Jul. 2018, vol. 5, str. 1-7, zvd., tabele. ISSN 2052-4463., DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.149. [COBISS.SI-ID 5157798]
5. WESTERGREN, Marjana, BOŽIČ, Gregor, FERREIRA, Andreja, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Insignificant effect of management using irregular shelterwood system on the genetic diversity of European beech (Fagussylvatica L.) : a case study of managed stand and old growth forest in Slovenia. Forest Ecology and Management. [Print ed.]. 2015, vol. 335, str. 51-59. ISSN 0378-1127.,,, DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.09.026. [COBISS.SI-ID 3946918]
6. SCHUELER, Silvio, FALK, Wolfgang, KOSKELA, Jarkko, LEFÈVRE, François, BOZZANO, Michele, HUBERT, Jason, KRAIGHER, Hojka, LONGAUER, Roman, OLRIK, Ditte C. Vulnerability of dynamic genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe to climate change. Global change biology. Print ed. 2014, vol. 20, no. 5, str. 1498-1511, ilustr. ISSN 1354-1013., DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12476. [COBISS.SI-ID 3780006]
7. LEFÉVRE, François, KRAIGHER, Hojka, WESTERGREN, Marjana, et al. Dynamic conservation of forest genetic resources in 33 European countries. Conservation biology. [Tiskana izd.]. 2013, vol. 27, no. 2, str. 373-384, ilustr. ISSN 0888-8892., DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01961.x. [COBISS.SI-ID 3506854]
8. BAJC, Marko, ČAS, Miran, BALLIAN, Dalibor, KUNOVAC, S., ZUBIĆ, Goran, GRUBEŠIĆ, Marijan, ZHELEV, Petr, PAULE, Ladislav, GREBENC, Tine, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Genetic differentiation of the Western Capercaillie highlights the importance of South-Eastern Europe for understanding the species phylogeography. PloS one. 2011, vol. 6, iss. 8, 15 str., ilustr. ISSN 1932-6203.,,,, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023602. [COBISS.SI-ID 3186342], [Odprti dostop]
projekt: P4-0107-2009 Gozdna biologija, ekologija in tehnologija; financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
projekt: 315982 European Forest Research and Innovation [EUFORINNO]; financer: European Commission
9. MATYSSEK, Rainer, KRAIGHER, Hojka, GREBENC, Tine, et al. Enhanced ozone strongly reduces carbon sink strength of adult beech (Fagus sylvatica) - resume from the free-air fumigation study at Kranzberg Forest. Environmental pollution. [Print ed.]. 2010, vol. 158, no. 8, str. 2527-2532, ilustr. ISSN 0269-7491., DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.05.009. [COBISS.SI-ID 2963878]
10. KRAIGHER, Hojka, AL SAYEGH-PETKOVŠEK, Samar, GREBENC, Tine, SIMONČIČ, Primož. Types of ectomycorrhiza as pollution stress indicators : case studies in Slovenia. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2007, vol. 128, no. 1, str. 31-45, ilustr. ISSN 0167-6369. [COBISS.SI-ID 1729190]
11. AGERER, Reinhard, KRAIGHER, Hojka, JAVORNIK, Branka. Identification of ectomycorrhizae of Hydnum rufescens on Norway spruce and the variability of the ITS region of H. rufescens and H. repandum (Basidiomycetes). Nova Hedwigia : Zeitschrift für Kryptogamenkunde. 1996, 63, 1/2, str. 183-194. ISSN 0029-5035. [COBISS.SI-ID 141734]
12. KRAIGHER, Hojka, JAVORNIK, Branka, AGERER, Reinhard. Ectomycorrhizae of Lactarius lignyotus on Norway spruce, characterized by anatomical and molecular tools. Mycorrhiza. 1995, 5, no. 3, str. 175-180. ISSN 0940-6360. [COBISS.SI-ID 26534]
13. KRAIGHER, Hojka, STRNAD, Mirek, HANKE, David E., BATIČ, Franc. Cytokiningehalte von Fichtennadeln (Picea abies [L.] Karst) nach Inokulation mit zwei Stämmen des Mykorrhizapilzes Thelephora terrestris (Ehrh.) Fr. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt. 1993, 112, h. 1/2, str. 107-111. ISSN 0015-8003. [COBISS.SI-ID 76966]
14. KRAIGHER, Hojka, GRAYLING, Antony, WANG, Trevor L., HANKE, David E. Cytokinin production by two ectomycorrhizal fungi in liquid culture. Phytochemistry. [Print ed.]. 1991, vol. 30, no. 7, str. 2249-2254. ISSN 0031-9422. [COBISS.SI-ID 181926]

1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek

15. KAVALIAUSKAS, Darius, FUSSI, Barbara, WESTERGREN, Marjana, ARAVANOPOULOS, Filipos, FINŽGAR, Domen, BAIER, Roland, ALIZOTI, Paraskevi, BOŽIČ, Gregor, AVRAMIDOU, Evangelia V., KONNERT, Monika, KRAIGHER, Hojka. The interplay between forest management practices, genetic monitoring, and other long-term monitoring systems. Forests. [Online ed.]. 10. Mar. 2018, vol. 9, iss. 3, str. 1-22. ISSN 1999-4907.,,,, DOI: 10.3390/f9030133. [COBISS.SI-ID 5027750], [Odprti dostop]
projekt: LIFE ENV/SI/000148 LifeGenMon
16. FUSSI, Barbara, WESTERGREN, Marjana, ARAVANOPOULOS, Filipos, BAIER, Roland, KAVALIAUSKAS, Darius, FINŽGAR, Domen, ALIZOTI, Paraskevi, BOŽIČ, Gregor, AVRAMIDOU, Evangelia V., KONNERT, Monika, KRAIGHER, Hojka. Forest genetic monitoring : an overview of concepts and definitions. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2016, vol. 188, iss. 8, article 493, ilustr. ISSN 0167-6369., DOI: 10.1007/s10661-016-5489-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 4487334]
17. KOSKELA, Jarkko, KRAIGHER, Hojka, et al. Translating conservation genetics into management : Pan-European minimum requirements for dynamic conservation units of forest tree genetic diversity. Biological Conservation. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 157, str. 39-49, ilustr. ISSN 0006-3207., DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.07.023. [COBISS.SI-ID 3490982]
18. EKBLAD, A., KRAIGHER, Hojka, et al. The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling. Plant and soil. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 366, no. 1/2, str. 1-27, ilustr. ISSN 0032-079X.,,,, DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1630-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 3568294], [Odprti dostop]
projekt: 315982 European Forest Research and Innovation [EUFORINNO]; financer: European Commission
19. WALLANDER, H., KRAIGHER, Hojka, et al. Evaluation of methods to estimate production, biomass and turnover of ectomycorrhizal mycelium in forests soils - a review. Soil biology & biochemistry. [Print ed.]. 2013, vol. 57, str. 1034-1047. ISSN 0038-0717., DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.08.027. [COBISS.SI-ID 3432102]

1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

20. KRAIGHER, Hojka, BAJC, Marko, GREBENC, Tine. Mycorrhizosphere complexity. V: MATYSSEK, Rainer (ur.). Climate change, air pollution and global challenges : understanding and perspectives from forest research. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, cop. 2013. Str. 151-177, ilustr. Developments in environmental science, 13. ISBN 978-0-08-098349-3. ISSN 1474-8177. DOI: a10.1016/B978-0-08-098349-3.00008-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 3751846]



21. KRAIGHER, Hojka (urednik), BATIČ, Franc (urednik), GUTTENBERGER, H... (urednik), GRILL, Dieter (urednik), AGERER, Reinhard (urednik), HANKE, David E. (urednik). Bioindication of stress in forest trees and forest ecosystems. [Graz]: Horn, 1996. 188 str., ilustr. Phyton, Vol. 36, fasc. 3. ISBN 3-85028-135-3. ISSN 0079-2047. [COBISS.SI-ID 152486]

Izbrani format bibliografske enote: ISO 690
Razvrščanje bibliografskih enot: tipologija, leto - padajoče, naslov

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