COBISS Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem in servisi COBISS

dr. Karl Salobir [00396]

Reprezentativne bibliografske enote


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

1. SALOBIR, Karl. Papierelektrophoretische Untersuchungen der Muskeleiweißkörper von Schweinen nach biologisch hochwertiger Kost und Eiweißmangelernährung. Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Tierzucht und Tierernährung. 1958, heft 4, str. 1-57. ISSN 0076-5686. [COBISS.SI-ID 841096]

1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

2. SALOBIR, Janez, SALOBIR, Karl, ŠTRUKLEC, Miroslav, KOSTANJEVEC, B. The influence of tannins on phytase efficiency in growing pigs. V: JANSMAN, A... J... M... (ur.), et al. Recent advances of research in antinutritional factors in lagume seeds and rapeseeds. Wageningen: Wageningen Pers, 1998. Str. 259-262. EAAP Publication, No. 93, 1998. ISBN 90-74134-57-2. ISSN 0071-2477. [COBISS.SI-ID 628360]
3. SALOBIR, Karl, GAJSTER, Mihael, ČEPIN, Slavko, ŽLENDER, Božidar, MARTINČIČ, Marjan, ŠKORJANC, Dejan. Kälbermast ohne Milchaustauscher : (Vorläufige Mitteilung). V: OBORNIK, András (ur.). Grading of animal products and possibilities for quality improvement. Scientific days on animal husbandry, Kaposvár '93, 1st-2nd September. Kaposvár, Hungary: Pannon University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, [1993]. Str. 123-128, tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 224136]

1.12 Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

4. SALOBIR, Karl, SALOBIR, Janez, KOTNIK, V., MALOVRH, T., MEHLE, J., KLOBASA, F., KRT, B., SALOBIR, G. The effect of excess dietary lysine on nitrogen utilisation, blood parameters, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in growing pigs. V: Proceedings. IXth International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, [Berlin], September 11-14, 1995. Suttgart: Enke, 1997. Str. 399. ISBN 3-432-29871-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 161160]
5. SALOBIR, Karl, HABE, Franc, KLOBASA, F., BAJT, G., STOPAR, Jože, MEHLE, Janez. Influence of deficient energy supply on some metabolic, immunological and fertility parameters of boars. V: ARENDONK, J. A. M. van (ur.). Book of abstracts of the 47th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, Lillehammer, Norway, 25-29 August 1996. Wageningen: Wageningen Pers, 1996. Str. 336. Annual Meeting of the EAAP, No. 2. ISBN 90-74134-33-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 138618]
6. SALOBIR, Karl, HABE, Franc, MARTINČIČ, Marjan. Acceptability and suitability of a complete pelleted feed for horses with corncobs as sole source of structural fibre. V: ARENDONK, J. A. M. van (ur.). Book of abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-7 September, 1995. Wageningen: Wageningen Pers, 1995. Annual Meeting of the EAAP, No. 1. ISBN 90-74134-24-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 526472]

Izbrani format bibliografske enote: ISO 690
Razvrščanje bibliografskih enot: tipologija, leto - padajoče, naslov

Vir bibliografskih zapisov: vzajemna baza podatkov COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 14. 4. 2024