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PhD Tine Stanovnik [03927]

Representative bibliographic units


1.01 Original scientific article

1. STANOVNIK, Tine. Prerazdeljevanje dohodka v pokojninskem sistemu Slovenije. IB revija : za strokovna in metodološka vprašanja gospodarskega, prostorskega in socialnega razvoja Slovenije. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. 1998, let. 32, št. 1/2/3, str. 3-15. ISSN 1318-2803. [COBISS.SI-ID 420306]
2. STANOVNIK, Tine. The returns to education in Slovenia. Economics of Education Review. [Print ed.]. 1997, let. 16, št. 4, str. 443-450. ISSN 0272-7757. [COBISS.SI-ID 312974]
3. STANOVNIK, Tine. The sale of the social housing stock in Slovenia : what happened and why. Urban studies. 1994, let. 31, št. 9, str. 1559-1570. ISSN 0042-0980. [COBISS.SI-ID 393102]
4. STANOVNIK, Tine. Perception of poverty and income satisfaction. Journal of economic psychology. [Print ed.]. 1992, let. , št. 13, str. 57-69. ISSN 0167-4870. [COBISS.SI-ID 408530]
5. STANOVNIK, Tine. The Direct Measurement of Welfare Levels in Slovene Households. Ekonomska analiza. 23, 1, str. 43-54. ISSN 0013-3213. [COBISS.SI-ID 6430210]
6. STANOVNIK, Tine. Appliance - specific electricity consumption in Slovene households. Energy economics. [Print ed.]. 1987, let. 9, št. 1, str. 31-36, tabele. ISSN 0140-9883. [COBISS.SI-ID 405458]
7. STANOVNIK, Tine. Household energy consumption in Slovenia : ten years after the first oil shock. Energy policy. [Print ed.]. 1986, let. , št. 3, str. 272-280, tabele. ISSN 0301-4215. [COBISS.SI-ID 405202]

1.02 Review article

8. STANOVNIK, Tine, KUKAR, Stanka. The pension system in Slovenia : past developments and future prospects. International Social security review. 48, 1, 48 (1995) no. 1 str. 35-44. ISSN 0020-871X. [COBISS.SI-ID 76942]
9. STANOVNIK, Tine. Automobile ownership in Yugoslavia. Transportation research. Part A, General. 1990, let. 24a, št. 2, str. 113-119. ISSN 0191-2607. [COBISS.SI-ID 407762]

Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690
Sorting of bibliographic units: Typology, year - descending, title

A source of bibliographic data: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 27. 2. 2024